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Cбrta(poist) (post-) card, ciorclбncircular (letter for general dispersal), comharthasign, comhfhreagrascorrespondence,cumarsбid communication, focal word, freagrareply, eipistil 5 страница

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mуrбn m much, many

a lбn a lot, a liacht so many, cuid mhaith / mhуr good/ great portion, bleachtanas abundance, fairsinge pervasiveness, foracan (уil) large quantity (of drink), forбil excess, flъirse plenty, profusion, go leor galore, iomad great quantity, iomadъlacht numerousness, profusion, iomarca excess, is iomaн it is many, lнon mуr large number, great quantity, lнonmhaireacht numerousness, plentifulness, mйid mуr large amount, mуrdhуthain more than enough, neart ample, raidhse abundance, scata go leor (de) umpteen, trйan plenty, abundance, uimhir mhуr large number.

mуrchuid f most, (also: don mhуrchuid for the most part)

an chuid is mу the most part, chomh minic lena athrach as often as not, don chuid is mу for the most part, mainly, formhуr majority (e.g. Is ceoltуirн iad dб bhformhуr. The majority of them are musicians.), de ghnбth usually, de rйir mar a tharlaнonn de ghnбth as a rule, don iomlбn onthe whole, go coitianta in general, go ginearбlta generally, go mуr agus go fada largely, nнos minice nб a chйile more often than not, trнd is trнd all in all, generally speaking.

mуrchъiseach adj. pompous, self-important

ardnуsach haughty, pompous, arduallach vain, haughty, baoth-ghalбnta snobby, bogбsach smug, complacent, brуdъil proud, curtha i gcйill affected, dнomasach conceited, dнomhaoin vain, gairйadach ostentatious, loud, showy, leitheadach conceited, mainglйiseach showy, ostentatious, maнteach boastful, mуr is fiъ bigheaded, pompous, mуrбlach boastful, vain, mуrtasach proud, boastful, postъil self-important, conceited, sotalach arrogant, taibhseach flamboyant, toirtйiseach haughty, uaibhreach arrogant,lofty; indignant. (see also: brуdъil)

mуrtasach adj. haughty, proud boastful

ardnуsach haughty, pompous, bogбsach smug, complacent, brуdъil proud, dнomasach conceited, gairйadach ostentatious, leitheadach conceited, mainglйiseach showy, ostentatious, maнteach boastful, mуrchъiseach pompous, mуrбlach boastful, vain, sotalach arrogant, toirtйiseach haughty, uaibhreach arrogant,lofty; indignant. (see also: mуrchъiseach, brуdъil)

mothaigh v feel

airigh perceive, sense, aithin discern, blais taste, clois hear, feic see, fulaing suffer, experience, sonraigh perceive, tabhair faoi deara notice, remark, taithн a fhбil (ar) to experience, tбstбil sample, try; degust.

mothбlach adj. sensitive, responsive

airitheach sensitive, perceptive, aireachtбlach perceptive, aithneach discerning, wise, atruach compassionate, bбъil sympathetic, bogchroнoch tender-hearted, cбsmhar considerate, feasach aware, gйarchъiseach perceptive, observant, goilliъnach sensitive, glacach receptive, grinn discerning, нogair touchy, sensitive, lйirsteanach perceptive, apprehensive, mothaitheach sentient,feeling, mothъchбnach emotional, having feelings, sobhogtha responsive, so-ghabhбlach susceptible, soilнosach obliging, truachroнoch compassionate.

mothъ m feeling, emotion

aerбid ambience, mood, aireachtбil perception, feeling, aithne recognition, discernment, aoibh mood, atmaisfйar atmosphere, atrua compassion, sympathy, blas flavour, cйadfa sensation, ciall f(cйille; ~ a, ~) sense, claonadh ginearбlta general feeling, feasacht awareness, frithfhreagairt response (to stimulus), fulaingt tolerance, gйarchъis perception, observance, goilliъnacht sensitivity, responsiveness, maoithe feeling of sentiment, maoithneachas sentimentality, maoithneas sentimentalism, mothъchбn emotion, feeling, paisean passion, seintimint sentiment, sobhogthacht responsiveness, sensitivity, teagmhбil touch, spйir atmosphere ton tone, trua pity, tuiscint understanding.

mothъchбnach adj. emotional

Airitheachsensitive, perceptive, aithneachdiscerning, wise, anamъilspirited, stirring, bogchroнochtender-hearted, brуn-mo-thуnach(slang)full of insincere emotions, corrachstirring, corraitheachemotionally moving, touching, exciting, croнъilfrom the heart, deoirfhliuchtearstained, teary, deoir-spreagthachtear-jerking, deorachtearful, eispriseach expressive, goilliъnachsensitive, goinbhlastapoignant, gontapoignant, maoithneachsentifmental, mothбlachsensitive, touchy-feely, paiseantapassionate, spleodrach

rousing, spreagtha impassioned, spreagъil exciting, inspiring, suaiteach disturbing.

mъch v extinguish, quench; switch off

bбigh drown, cuir deireadh le put an end to, fliuch drench, lasc as switch off, plъch stifle, smother, sбsaigh satisfy, sprйigh uisce ar douse, stop stop, tacht choke.

mъchta adj. extinguished, quenched; switched off

bбite drowned, fliuchta drenched, lasctha as switched off, plъchta stifled, smothered, sбsta satisfied, sprйite le huisce doused, stoptha stopped, tachta choked.

mъin v teach

ceacht a thabhairt to give a lesson, mнnigh explain, nocht reveal, oideachas a chur ar fбil do dhuine to provide an education for a person, lйacht a thabhairt to give a lecture, oil educate, oiliъint a thabhairt do dhuine to give a person training/ an education, soilйirigh clarify, solas a chaitheamh ar rud йigin to throw light on something, scolaнocht a thabhairt to give schooling/ education, tabhairt le fios to let it be known, teagasc instruct, tutor, teagasc a thabhairt to give instruction, teagasc prнobhбideach a thabhairt to give private tuition, traenбil train, coach, treoraigh guide, lead.

mъineadh m teaching

ceachtanna mpl lessons, deabhйas good manners, foghlaim f learning, oideachas education, lйacht lecture, lйann learning, oideas instruction, teaching, oideachas education, oiliъint training/ education, soilйiriъ clarification, scolaнocht schooling/ education, teagasc instruction, tutoring, teagasc prнobhбideach private tuition, tуgadh suas upbringing, traenбil training, coaching, treorъ guiding, leading,

mъinteoir m teacher

anamchara m(~ d, - chairde) spiritual adviser, armhбistir m (~; - trн) headmaster, ardmhбistreбs f(~ a; ~ ) headmistress, athair m (athar; aithreacha) (altrama) (foster-) father,

buime foster-mother, nurse, eolaн knowledgeable person, don, foinse f an uile eolais fount of all knowledge, gurъ guru, lйachtуir lecturer, mбistir m(~; - trн) master, mбistir m scoile school master, maistreбs f(~ a; ~ ) mistress, mбistreбs f scoile school mistress, mбthair f(- ar; mбithreacha) mother, oide tutor,teacher, oideachasуir educationalist, oideoir educator, oideolaн pedagogue, ollamh m(- aimh; ollъna) professor, prнomhoide principal, teagascуir tutor, traenбlaн trainer, coach, treoraн guide.

muintir f kin, people, family

aicme class, бl brood, cine m(~; cinнocha) race, cineбl kind, family, clann kin, children, family, cъram dependants, folaнocht blood-line, fuil f(fola; fola) blood, gaolta relations, ginealach m genealogy, giorracht nearness, closeness, grйasбn network, grъpa group, lнne line, lineage, lнon tн members of a household, lucht m group of people, people, oidhre m heir, oidhreacht heredity, heritage, pуr off-spring, breed, seed, sinsear ancestor, sliocht m(sg & pl sleachta) progeny, descendants, speiceas species, teach m(; tithe) house, teaghlach m household, treabhchas tribe, people, treibh tribe, family, trйithchineбl strain, tuismitheoirн parents. (see also: clann, grъpa, & lucht)

mo mhuintir my folks, my family, my people:

athair m(athar; aithreacha) father

bean f(mnб; mnб, ban) wife

clann f(clainne; ~a, ~) one’s children, family

(cf. mo chlann mhac my sons,

mo chlann inнonacha my daughters)

dearthбir m(- бr; ~ eacha) brother

deirfiъr f(deirfйar; ~ acha) sister

gaolta mpl relations

inнon f(inнne; ~ acha) daughter, mac son

mбthair f(mбthar; mбithreacha) mother.

(see also: gaol)


nбdъr m nature

aitreabъidн attributes, amuigh faoin spйir out in the open, amuigh faoin tuath our in the country, catagуir f(~ e; ~ н) category, carachtar character, cineбl variety, type, comhdhйanamh constitution, comhshaol environment, comhshuнomh composition, cosmas cosmos, cruinne f(~; - nnн) universe, cruthъ creating, creation, cruthъchбn creation, cur sнos description, dealramh complexion, dйantъs (handiwork) creation, domhan earth, world, dъchas natural/ native state, dъiche native place; country-side, dъlra nature, eisint essence, fiadhъlra wildlife, genre genre, gnй f (~; ~ ithe) aspect, feature, iompar behaviour, meon temperament, saintrйith characteristic, speiceas species, sуrt sort, stнl style, timpeallacht (surroundings) environment, tнopa type, trйith trait, tuath f(- aithe; ~ a; ~) country-side.

nбdъrtha adj. natural

dбirнre sincere, dнreach straight, plain, dъchais native, inherent, dъchasach innate, indigenous; hereditary, йasca easy, fiбin wild, fнor- pure, gan chor plain, gan aon chur i gcйill without any affectation, gan foghlaim unlearned, gan gheбitsн unaffected, gan oiliъint untrained, gan scagadh unrefined, gan snas unpolished, gan sofaisticiъlacht ar bith completely unsophisticated, gan tuaradh unbleached, garbh rough, glan pure, gnбth- ordinary, inbheirthe inborn, macбnta plain, honest, neamhbhalbh frank, forthright, neamh-mhуirйiseach unpretentious, neamhphrуiseбilte unprocessed, у chroн from the heart, unforced, orgбnach organic, oscailte open, rialta regular, saorбideach unlaboured, simplн simple, slбn- whole, spontбineach spontaneous, tнopъil typical.

naн m infant, baby

bбb f(bбibe,~ a, ~) baby, babaн baby, bбbбn small baby, naнonбn infant, leanbбn little child.


~chуiste pram, ~-oideachas nursery education, ~olann children’s nursery, naнonra preschool play-group.


naimhdeach adj. hostile

aighneasach confrontational, bagrach intimidating, binbeach virulent, venomous bruнonach trouble-making, dнobhбlach pernicious, noxious, dнoltasach vindictive, caismirteach seeking contention, cogaнoch belligerent, colgach truculent, comhraiceach combatant, eascairdiъil hostile, antagonistic, faltanasach spiteful, gangaideach virulent, gйar bitter, grбnna nasty, ionsaнoch aggressive, marfach fatal, deadly, mailнseach malicious, mioscaiseach nasty, spiteful, millteach baneful, neamhbhбъil unsympathetic, neamhchairdiъil unfriendly, nimhiъil toxic, nimhneach nasty, venomous, oilc evil, plбъil pestilential, tocsaineach toxic, truaillitheach corruptive, defiling.


nбire f shame, disgrace

aifйaltas embarrassment, aithis slur, reproach, bйim sнos humiliation, cйim sнos humiliation, cotadh embarrassment, coir crime, deargnбire crying shame, dйistin disgust, dнghrбdъ degradation, drochainm bad name, droch-chбil infamy, drochmheas contempt, disdain, drochtheist discredit, easonуir f disgrace, feachtas clъmhillte smear campaign, feall foul deed, fonуid derision, grбiniъlacht frightfulness, нsliъ abasement, mбchail stigma, blemish, mнbheart villainy, mнchlъ disrepute, mнchuibheas indecency, mнfholбine unwholesomeness, mнgheanъlacht unseemliness, nбiriъ disgracing, peaca sin, scannal scandal, smбl stain, blot, suarachas sordidness, baseness, tarcaisne obloquy, affront, uirнsliъ utter humiliation.

nбireach adj. shameful

aifйalach shamefaced, aimhleasta unwholesome, aithiseach defamartory, cotъil shy, bashful, dйistineach disgusting, droch-chбiliъil infamous, drochmheasъil contemptuous, disdainful, drochtheiste of ill-repute, fealltach foul, fнorghrбnna atrocious, fonуideach derisive, mocking, grбiniъil abominable, inchбinte reprehensible, нseal low, mбchaileach defective, blemished, mнbheartach villainous, mнchlъiteach disreputable, mнchuн improper, mнchuibhiъil indecent, unbecoming, mнchumhra unwholesome, mнfhiъntach unworthy, mнfhollбin unwholesome, neamhfhiъntach unworthy, mнgheanmnaн unchaste, easonуrach disgraceful, scannalach scandalous, smбlaithe stained, blotted, suarach mean, base, vile, tarcaisneach scornful; comtemptible, uirнslitheach humiliating.

namhaid m enemy

бibhirseoir adversary, am time, An Fear Thнos The Man Below, cйile comhraic antagonist; opponent, cйile iomaнochta rival, cйile imeartha (sport) opponent, coimhlinteoir rival; contestant, diabhal devil, duine ar an taobh eile person on the other side, fear freasъra / bean fhreasъra opponent, opposer, fear neamhphбirte foeman, Filistнneach Philistine, iomaitheoir competitor, lucht freasъra opposition, people in opposition. (see also: Diabhal)

naofa adj. holy, sacred

ainglн angelic, beannaithe blessed, coisricthe consecrated; sacred, crбbhaidh pertaining to religious practice, crбifeach God-fearing, pious, creidimh religious, pertaining to religion, creidmheach faithful, religious, of God, pertaining to God, dea- good, deabhуideach devout, diaga divine, diaganta godly, dнlis faithful, fнorchoisricthe sacrosanct, fнrйanta righteous, foirfe perfect, gan smбl immaculate, geanmnaн pure, chaste, glan pure, maighdeanъil virginal, maighdine virgin, maith good, naoimh pertaining to a saint, уgh chaste, pure, oirirc sublime, reiligiъnach religious,

rialta in religious orders, religious, soiscйalach evangelical, spioradбlta spiritual, uasal noble, urramach venerable.

naomh m saint (also used figuratively)

aingeal angel, bean f(mnб; mnб, ban), naofa holy woman, fear naofa holy man, duine crбifeach Godly, God-fearing person, laoch an tsolais warrior of light, lucht crбbhaidh people of piety, mairtнreach m martyr, rйalta f star, saighdiъir m soldier of God.

nath m expression, turn of phrase

abairtнn phrase, bйarlagair jargon, caint talk, cor cainte idiomatic expression, focal word, remark, frбsa phrase, rбiteas statement, remark, seanfhocal proverb, seanrб old saying, teilgean cainte turn of phrase, expression, urlabhra utterance.


neamh f heaven

aoibhneas sнoraн eternal bliss, an saol atб le teacht the next world, an saol eile the other world, an saol thall life beyond, an tsнoraнocht eternity, Йidin Eden, na Flaithis the heavens, Mб Meall The Elysian Fields, nнrbheбna nirvana, pбlбs Dй God’s palace, parthas paradise, rнocht Dй God’s Kingdom, sonas sнoraн eternal happiness, slн na fнrinne the way all flesh must go, suaimhneas sнoraн eternal peace, Tнr na nУg the Land of (Eternal) Youth, Shangri-La.


ar ~ in heaven, dul ar ~ to go to heaven, Rн neimhe king of heaven, у ~ go hБrainn wherever you go, wherever you look, everywhere, Nнl a fhios agam у ~ anuas. I haven’t the slightest idea, I wouldn’t know for the life of me.


neamh- prefix in-, un-, non- -less

Neamhбbharthairrelevant, neamhaibнimmature, unripe,neamh-бiseachunhandy, inconvenient, neamh-aistearachmischievous, neamhaistreachintransitive; untransferable,neamhbhailнinvalid, non-valid, neamhbhбъilunsympathetic, neamhbhlastainsipid, bland, tasteless, neamhbhrнoch

ineffectual; insignificant, neamhbhuartha carefree, neamh-bhuнoch ungrateful, neamhcharthanach uncharitable, uncaring, neamhchйadfach insensible, numb; non-sensory, neamhcheart incorrect, erroneous, neamhchinnte uncertain, neamhchiontach innocent, neamhchoitianta uncommon, neamhchosъil unlike(ly), neamhchothrom unfair, neamhchъiseach unconcerned, neamhchъramach careless, neamgdhнobhбlach harmless, neamheaglach fearless, neamhfhabhrach unfavourable, neamhfhoirmiъil informal, casual, neamhfhuaimintiъil unsound, unsubstantial, neamh-ghnбch unusual, neamhghnуthach idle, neamhinniъil incompetent, neamhionann unlike, neamh-mheisciъil non-alcoholic, non-intoxicating, neamhleor inadequate, neamh-mhothбlach insensitive, neamh-mhuinteartha unfriendly, neamhnбireach shameless, neamhoifigiъil unofficial, neamhphуsta unmarried, neamhphraiticiъil impractical, neamhrйireach inconsistent, discordant, neamhriachtanach unnecessary, neamhrialta irregular, neamhshuairc joyless, gloomy, namhshuan sleeplessness, insomnia, neamhshuim indifference, neamhspleбch independent, neamhspleбchas independence, neamhstaidйar thoughtlessness, neamh-staonach unremitting, neamhthбbhacht insignificance, neamhthoilteanach unwilling, neamhthorthъil fruitless, neamh-thrйscaoilteach impervious, neamhthrуcaireach merciless, unpitying, neamhthuisceanach inconsiderate, neamhurchуideach innocent.

neamhnн m nothing

dada nothing, dearbhnialas absolute zero, faic nothing, nil, faic na frнde nothing at all, foilmhe emptiness, nбid nought, zero, nialas zero, oiread na frнde practically nothing. (see also: dada)

neart m

1. strength

бititheacht cogency, airde loudness, volume, бitiъs conviction, resolution, arrachtas brawn, toughness, strength,

ar theann mo dhнchill with all my might, buaine durability, buanfas resilience, buanseasmhacht fortitude, robustness, buntбiste advantage, brн strength, vigour, cumas capability, capacity, cnбmh droma backbone, comhchruinniъ (geology) concentration, comhdhнriъ concentration, cruas toughness, cъl taca mainstay, cumhacht power, daingne staunchness, firmness, dйine intensity, dнgeantacht pertinacity, dianmhachnamh deep deliberation, concentration, diongbhбilteacht resoluteness, dнriъ focus, concentration, dochloнteacht invincibility, doscъiche toughness, hardness, dъthracht fervency, йifeacht potency, force, effect, йifeachtacht efficacy, competence, fйitheog sinew, muscle, fуrsa force, fuinneamh energy, gustal resources, lбidreacht strength, matбn muscle, miotal mettle, spirit, righne toughness, slбinte f health, stуinseacht staunchness, robustness, storrъlacht vigour, vehemence, tathag brawn, weightiness, teacht aniar stamina, staying power, tйagarthacht stoutness, tiъchan f(- ana) (cooking, chemistry, etc.) concentration, tiъs density, treise might, strength, troime weightiness, urrъs prowess.

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