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Dia dбr gcumhdach! 1 страница

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  2. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens 2 страница
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  5. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens 5 страница
  6. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens 6 страница
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God protect us!

(birthday) Go maire tъ an cйad!

May you live to be a hundred!

(death) Go bhfaighe sй/ sн an ghlуir shнoraн!

May he/ she find eternal peace!

(eating) Go mbeannaн Dia an bia seo!

May God bless this food!

Nбr laga Dia do ghoile!

May God give you a good appetite!

(gratitude) Nбr laga Dia do lбmh!

May God keep you strong!

Buнochas le Dia!

Thanks be to God!

(hope) Mбs toil le Dia й!, Trн dheonъ Dй!

God willing!

(illness) Go dtuga Dia an tslбinte duit!

May God give you health!

(irritation) Go bhfуire Dia orainn!

God help us!

(marriage) Go raibh sнol an tsuбilcis ort!

May your offspring be virtuous!

Sliocht sleachta ar shliocht bhur sleachta

May your children’s children have children!

(prosperity) Go mйadaн Dia thъ!

May God prosper you!

(sneezing) Go mbeannaн Dia thъ!

God bless us!

(toasts) Go maire muid beo ag an am seo arнs!

May we all be alive this time next year!

(travelling) Go n-йirн an bуthar leat!

Bon voyage!

Go dtй tъ slбn!

Safe journey!


paimflйad m pamphlet

bileog leaflet, hand-out (cf. scaipeadh bileog leaflet drop), bileog eolais factsheet, information-sheet, brуisiъr brochure, leabhrбn booklet, leabhrбn treorach guide, guide booklet.

painйal m panel

bord board, clбr board, panel, clбr plocуidн jack panel, clбr ionstraimн instrument panel, coiste committee, consуl console, daisphainйal dashboard, foireann f team, grъpa group.

pбipйar m paper

aiste essay, anailнs analysis, alt article, bileog sheet; leaflet, cбipйis document, cбrtaн aitheantais (pl) identification papers, ceirt rag, comhad file, cuntas account, doicimйad document, iris journal, litir f(litreach; litreacha) letter, monograph monagraf, nуta note, nuachtбn newspaper, pбr parchment, pas passport, pнosa cumadуireachta composition, script script, staidйar study, stбiseanуireacht stationery, taifead record, teastas certificate, tйis thesis, tionscnamh assignment, project, trбchtas dissertation, treatise, tuairisc report, ъdarбs authorisation.

pбirc f park, field

achadh large field, airйine arena, бrmhб battlefield, bбn lea, banrach f paddock, blбr open space, field, branar broken lea, fallows, buaile f small field for grazing; milking yard, ceantar area, ceapach f tillage plot; flower-bed, cluain f(cluana; ~ te) meadow, faiche f green; playing field, pitch, fйarach pasture, fearann grounds, lands, fearann branair fallow land, fialann deer-park, gairdнn garden, garraн vegetable garden, gort field, lбthair (an chogaidh) theatre (of war), plain, machaire plain, wide open field, machaire an бir field of battle, plбsуg green.

pбirt f part

бit place, aonad unit, module, ball component part, organ, beagбn little amount, blogh fragment, blъire bit, canta slice, ceantar area, cion share, contribution, comhбbhar ingredient, comhaontas alliance, comhar combined work, mutual assistance, partnership, comhdhamhna constituent part, comhghuaillнocht alliance, comhphбirt component, crнoch f(crнche; ~ a, ~) territory, cuid f(coda; codanna) part, share, dualgas duty, freagracht responsibility, giota bit, goin bit, scrap, jab job, mйid m(~) бirithe certain amount, mнonphбirt minor role; bit part, mнr particle, modъl module, pнosa piece, rannphбirtнocht participation, rйigiъn region, roinn f(ranna) part, portion, roinnt some, rуl role, ruainne scrap, thread, scar share, portion, screaball shred, tiny bit, smut chunk, tasc task, tбthchuid f(- choda; - chodanna) (geol.) ingredient, taobh side, toisc factor. (see also: cuid)

paiste m patch; part, place

бit place, ball spot, mark, clъdach m cover, crнoch f( crнche; ~a, ~ ) cuid f( coda; codanna ) part, gabhбltas holding (i.e. of land), pнosa piece, preabбn patch, giota bit, pнosa piece, sciar m(~; ~ tha) share, stiall f(stйille; ~ acha) strip, slice, strбice talъn strip of land, tamall while (cf. paiste den drochaimsir patch of bad weather). (see also: cuid, йadach, pбirt, pнosa)

pбiste m child

aos m(~ a ) уg young people, bбb f( bбibe; ~ a, ~) babe, baby, babaн m baby, bбbбn small baby, bambнno bambino, clann f(clainne; ~ a, ~) children of a family, dailtнn m brat, dalta (foster) child, pupil, dйagуir teenager, dнleachta m(~;~ н) orphan, gearrbhodach m youngster, gearrcach m youngling, lapadбn toddler, leaid m(~; ~ eanna) lad, leaid m уg young lad, leanbh m(linbh; leanaн) child, leanbh m diъil suckling, mionaoiseach m minor, naн m(~; ~ onna) infant, naнonбn infant, уg m(уig; ~ a, ~) youth, уgбnach m juvenile, scalltбn fledgling, sliocht m(sleachta) descendants, offspring, progeny, wunderkind wunderkind. (see also: dalta)

pбistiъil adj. childlike, childlike

amaideach foolish, anabaн immature, baoth devoid of wisdom, dнchйillн witless, йaganta frivolous, йigiallta senseless, йigrнonna unwise due to inexperience; immature, gan chiall without sense, gan ( aon ) choinlнocht withoutbeing old enough to understand the world (cf. Nнl sй i gcoinlнocht fуs. He is still only a child), gan cur i gcйill without affectation, gan mуrбn cйille without much sense, gan smбl immaculate, gan sofaisticiъlacht unsophisticated, glan pure, ionraic guileless, artless, leanbaн childlike; infantile, macбnta candid, muinнneach trusting, nбdъrtha natural, neamh-amhrasach trusting, unquestioning, neamhurchуideach innocent; inoffensive, neoid timid, shy, nнonda babyish, childlike, уgбnta juvenile, уinsiъil (females only) silly, foolish, oscailte open, saonta credulous, naпve, simplн simple, soineanta guileless, naive, sуisearach junior.

pбlбs m palace

caisleбn castle, dъn fort, lios fort, mainteach m(- ; -tithe) mansion-house, teach m(; tithe) mуr great house, mansion.

parбid f parade

colъn column, mбirseбil march, marching, marcshlua cavalcade, mуrshiъl procession, promanбid promenade, seу show, taispeбntas srбide street display.

pardъn m pardon

aspalуid absolution, йigiontъ acquittal, grбsta grace, leithscйal excuse, loghadh remission, iomalairt reprieval, maithiъnas forgiveness, amnesty, saoradh у mhilleбn exoneration, scaoileadh release.

pas m pass; passport

cбrta aitheantais identity card, cead permission, permit, grбd sбsъil satisfactory grade, ъdarъ authorisation


pasбiste m passage

alt m article, bealach m way, channel, corridor (cf. Bealach na Polainne Polish Corridor), bуthar road, dorchla corridor, halla m hallway, paragraf paragraph, pнosa piece, sliocht m(sleachta; sleachta) tract, extract, tйacs text, trasdul m(~ a; ~ ta) transition.

patrъn m pattern

cruth shape, dearadh design, eiseamlбir example, gormchlу blueprint, grйas m(~ a; ~ a, ~) decorative design, pattern, grйasбn web, complicated network, imlнne f outline, treoir f(- orach; - oracha) guide, treoirphlean scheme, guiding-plan.


saghasanna patrъn types of pattern: ballach spotted, blбthbhreac flowery, breac speckled, dappled, cearnуgach in squares, gan phatrъn plain, lнneбilte lined, pбircнneach checkered,


peaca m sin

cion m offence, transgression, coir crime, dul amъ going astray, feileonacht felony, fiach m(fйich; ~ a, ~) debt, locht fault, mнcheart wrong, mнghnнomh misdeed, milleбn blame, oilghnнomh misdemeanour, smбl stain.

~ an dнomais sin of pride, ~ an tsinsir original sin, ~ gnнmh actual sin, ~ marfach mortal sin, ~н na colainne sins of the flesh, ~ na sainte sin of avarice, ~ solathach venial sin.


pearsanta adj. personal

faoi rъn confidential, i modh rъin off the record, indibhidiъil individual, nach bhfuil don saol mуr that is not for public consumption, nach mbaineann le daoine eile that is of no one else’s concern, prнobhбideach private, rъnda secret.

pearsantacht m personality

carachtar character, carasma m charisma, ceiliъrбn celebrity, indibhidiъlacht individuality, iompar behaviour,

mianach m qualities (cf. duine a bhfuil an mianach ceart ann a person who has the right qualities), modh iompair way of behaving, slн f way (cf. Tб slн dheas aige. He has a nice way about him.), tarraingt attractiveness, charm, trйithe fpl traits.


pйint f paint

aoldath whitewash, ballabhat wall-coating, bratъ coating, cruan enamel, dath colour, dathъ colouring, eibleacht emulsion, fo-chуta undercoat, glуnra glaze, glуnrъ glazing, imir tint, laicear lacquer, leachtbhrat wash, f(~; ~ ocha) pigment, prнmeбlach primer, ruaim dye; stain, ruaimniъ dyeing, scairdhathъ layer colouring, smideadh make-up, snas polish, uiscedhath watercolour, vearnais varnish.


pйinteбil v paint

aoldathaigh whitewash, brataigh coat, brataigh le laicear coat with lacquer, cruan enamel, dathaigh colour, paint, eibligh emulsify, fo-chуta a chur ar to put on an undercoat, glуnraigh glaze, leachtbhrataigh (art) wash, leachtdathaigh (art) wash, pйintйireacht a dhйanamh to do painting, prнmeбil prime, ruaimnigh dye red; stain, ruaimniъ scairdhathaigh layer-colour, smid make-up, put make-up on, smideadh a chur ar d’aghaidh to put make-up on your face, snasaigh polish, gloss, uiscedhathaigh watercolour, vearnais a chur ar adhmad to varnish wood.

pian f pain

ainnise misery, wretchedness, anacair f (anacra) distress, anagal dull pain, anbhroid burdened sorrow, distress, angar distress, anу discomfort, arraing stabbing pain, arraing sa leataobh stitch in the side, arraingeacha an bhбis the throes of death, bearrбn annoyance, briseadh croн heartbreak, broidearnach f throbbing, throb, buaireamh bother, buairt vexation, cealg f(ceilge; ~ a, ~) (insect) sting, cйasadh torture, crucifixion, ciapadh annoyance,torment, crб torment, aggravation, crб croн heartache, crampa cramp, crбphian f(- phйine; ~ ta) ache, creach f(creiche; ~ a,~) ruin, woe, crйacht f oscailte open wound, daigh f(~ e; daitheacha) darting pain, dуcъl distress; discomfort, dуiteacht bitterness, annoyance, dуiteacht croн heart-scalding, dуlбs dolour, freanga f spasm, fulaingt suffering, goilliъnacht tenderness, goimh virulent pain, goin pang, wound, goineog prick, sting, ~ choinsiasa twinge of conscience, goin ghrйine sun-stroke, goin ocrais pang of hunger, gortъ hurt, нona fбis growing pains, leadrбn tedium, lйan tribulation, mнchompord discomfort, nimhnн soreness, pianphбis anguish, sciъirse affliction, tinneas ache, sickness, tinneas cinn headache, tinneas cluaise earache, tinneas fiacaile toothache. (see also: tinneas)

pianmhar adj. painful

ainnis miserable, wretched, anacrach distressful, angarach distressed, anуiteach uncomfortable, arraingeach sharp, twitching, bearrбnach annoying, broidearnъil throbbing, buartha vexed, cealgach stinging, treacherous, cйasta tortured, crucified, ciaptha annoyed,tormented, crбite aggravated, tormented, daigheachбnach aching, severe, daigheartha stabbing, severely painful, dуcъlach painful, dуiteach burning, dуlбsach dolourous, freangach contorted in pain; given to spasms, fulangach suffering, goilliъnach tender, goimhiъil virulent goineach piercingly painful, gortaithe hurt, leadrбnach tedious, boring, lйanmhar agonizing, grievous, mнchompordach uncomfortable, nimhneach sore, pianach full of aches and pains, sciъrsach afflicting, scourging tinn aching, sick. (see also: tinn)

pictiъr m picture

aircitнopa archetype, athchruthъ re-creation, cуip copy, cуip charbуin carbon copy, cosъlacht likeness, similitude, cur sнos description, account, deilbhнn (religious) icon, diagram diagram, dъblach m duplicate, fнor figure, likeness, outward form, fбiscealaнn clip art, fуtagraf photograph, fуtaighreanadуireacht photo-engraving, graf graph, grafaнocht graphics, greanadуireacht engraving, grianghraf photograph, imprisean impression, нocуn icon, нomhб image, ionchollъ embodiment, incarnation, lйarбid diagram, lйiriъ illustration, lйiriъchбn representation, lнnнocht drawing, lнnнocht phionsail pencil drawing, leathchъpla twin, lнniъ delineation, lorg trace, lorg coise foot-print, macasamhail f(- shamhla; - shamhlacha) likeness, duplicate, doppelganger, look-alike, replica, macasamhail ina steillbheatha dead-ringer, mйarlorg finger-print, mъrach m mural, patrъn pattern, pearsantъ personification, portrбid portrait, pуstaer poster, prionta print, radharc view, scene, radharc tнre landscape, rнomhghrafaic computer graphics, samhail f(samhla; samhlacha) effigy; simile, samhlaoid figurative illustration, saothar pйintйireachta (art) painting, painting-work, scannбn film, sceitse sketch, siombail symbol, sleamhnбn slide, spбrбlaн scбileбin screen-saver, tбbla table, tarraingt drawing, delineation, tнrdhreach m landscape, tuarascбil report, uiscedhath watercolour.

pioc 1 v pick

bailigh collect, cruinnigh gather, duine a thуgбil as measc cбich to single a person out, gearr cut, glac le accept, rogha a dhйanamh to make a choice, roghnaigh choose, select, socraigh ar rud йigin decide on something, togh elect, select.

pioc 2 m bit, jot, iota

beagбinнn tiny little bit, beagбn little bit, blaisнn flavour, tiny taste, blъire bit, scrap, blъirнn snippet, bolgam beag small mouthful, braon drop, buille beag touch, deoir dash, drop, dъradбn speck, giobуg morsel, giota piece, bit, fragment, giota beag small bit, tad, goblach m mouthful, goin bit, scrap, grabhrуg crumb, grбinne grain, fнorbheagбn pinch, scrap, really very little amount, luid shred, mнr fragment, oiread na frнde tittle, hardly anything, pнosa beag small piece, a little bit, ruainne m jot, (with negative) rud ar bith nothing whatsoever, smid puff, breath, sъimнn sip.


pionуs m punishment, penalty

a bhfuil tuillte go maith aige/aici his/ her just deserts, aithrн f penance, ceartъ correction, cъiteamh retribution, damnъ damnation, fнneбil fine, lйasadh beating, leigheas medicine, praghas price, smachtъ discipling, chastisement, tuarastal an pheaca the wages of sin.

pнosa m piece; bailing vessel

ailp lump, alt article, aonad unit, module, ball item, beagбn little amount, bia food, blogh fragment, blъire bit, bolgam mouthful, bonn coin, piece, braon drop, canta slice, cion contribution, part, codбn fraction, comhбbhar ingredient, comhdhamhna constituent part, comhphбirt component, cruthъ creation, cuid f(coda; codanna) share, dabбn little daub, drйacht piece, drйacht ceoil piece of music, drйacht filнochta piece of poetry, eilimint element, fad length, gabhбltas (talъn)(land) holding, galъn taosctha bailing-can, gamba dollop, good-sized portion, giota bit, goblach morsel, goin bit, scrap, iarmharбn remnant, scrap, lуn lunch, mнr item, bit, modъl module, oiread бirithe certain amount, pбirt part, paiste patch, roinn f(ranna) part, portion, roinnt some, rуl role, ruainne scrap, thread, sampla example, saothar ealaнne work of art, scar share, portion, sciar m(~; ~ tha) share, portion, screaball shred, tiny bit, slios marginal strip, slis shaving, chip, sliseog small shaving, chip, slisne cut, section, smut short piece, stub, smutбn chunk, spуla (meat) joint, chunk, stiall f(stйille; ~ acha) strip, slice, taomбn (vessel) bailer, tascobair f(~ oibre) piece-work, toisc factor (see also: pбirt)

plб f plague

aicнd disease, bior m sa bheo thorn in the flesh, brйantas foulness, odiousness, breoiteacht illness, briseadh amach outbreak, crб torment, pest, crб croн irritating nuisance (e.g. Is mуr an crб croн dom iad! They’re the bane of my life.), eipidйim epidemic, galar infection, affliction, galar tуgбlach contagion, ionfhabhtъ infection, lofacht rot, mallacht f curse, paindйim pandemic, paiteolaнocht pathology, sciъirse f scourge.


plбmбs m flattery, cajolery

adhmholadh eulogy, bladar sweet talk, flannel, chat-up, bladaireacht cajoling, blairnis blarney, bйal bбn lip-service; buttering-up blaindйis blandishment, brйagadh alluring flattery, caint mhilis honeyed words, sweet talk, lъitйis fawning, lъstar obsequiousness, lъtбil back-scratching, plбibistйireacht wheedling, plбsaнocht smooth-talking, cajolery, plбsбntacht blandness, unctuousness, slнocaнocht blandishing, soft-soaping, slнtheбntacht ingratiation, sъdaireacht toadyism, cajoling.

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