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plбmбsach adj. flattering

adhmholtach eulogistic, bladrach cajoling, sweet-talking, bladaireachta cajoling, blaindйise blandishing, brйagach beguilingly flattering, lъitйiseach fawning, lъstrach obsequious, lъtбla back-scratching, уn bhйal amach from the teeth out, plбibistйireachta wheedling, plбsaнochta smooth-talking, plбsбnta plausible, unctuous, slнocaнochta blandishing, slнtheбnta ingratiating, sъdaireachta toadying, cajoling.


planda m plant

blбth flower, braichlis wort, cactas cactus, caschoill brushwood, crann tree, fбl hedge, fбsra vegetation, feamainn seaweed, fiaile f weed, luibh herb, luifearnach f weeds, lus plant, herb, rosбn shrubbery, salachar weed infestation, sceach f(sceiche; ~ a, ~) thorn bush, tom shrub, bush, tor bush. (see also: blбth, crann, glasra, toradh)

bairr crops: arbhar corn, beacбin mpl mushrooms, biatas beet, biatas siъcra sugar-beet, caora fpl fнniъna i bhfнonghort grapes in a vineyard, coirce oats, cruithneacht wheat, eorna barley, min bhuн maize, muilйad millet, pуnairн mpl beans, prбtaн potatoes, ruбn buckwheat, rнs rice, seagal rye, tornapaн turnips, ъlla in ъllord apples in an orchard. (see also: glasra)



plandaн luibheacha & fiailн herbaceous plants & weeds:

aipsint absinth, ainglice angelica, bуchoinneal f Jack-by-the-hedge, buachalбn buн ragweed, ceanna dubha knapweed, cnбib hemp, eidhneбn (nimhe) (poison) ivy, fйar grass, feochadбn thistle, glasair f (- srach) choille bugleweed, lile f na ngleanntбn lily-of-the-valley, lus an easpaig goutweed, mнnscoth knapweed, ruachбn rocket, seamair f(seimre; seamra, seamar) clover, seamrуg shamrock.




rosбn & caschoill shrubbery & brushwood

labhandar lavender lнolуg lilac magnolia f magnolia rуslabhras rhododendron seasmainjasmine  

aiteann gorse

cuileann holly

fiъise f fuchsia

fraoch m heather

fйithleann honeysuckle

hiodrainsia hydrangea



caora inite edible berries (see also: crann, toradh):

monуgcranberry smйara dubhablackberries spнonбngooseberry, sъ craobhraspberry, sъ talъn strawberry,

Caora fpl fнniъna grapes

cuirнnн dubha black currents

fraochбn bilberry,

fraochбn gorm blueberry

maoildearg f mulberry



bliantуga & dйbhliantуga annuals & biennials:

lus mуrfoxglove lus na gile sweet william lus na grйine nуinнndaisy pitiъinia f petunia poipнnpoppy scrubh f na laoch snapdragon  

balsaimнn busy lizzie



dбilia f dahlia

goirmнn pansy

lus mнonla forget-me-not



bleibeanna bulbs:

lile f na ngleanntбn lily of the valley feileastramiris, plъirнn sneachtasnowdrop tiъiliptulip

beagуinia f begonia

cloigнnн gorma bluebells

crуch crocus

lus an chromchinn daffodil

frнse f freesia

hiasaint hyacinth,


fйitheacha fpl veins

duilleog leaf

gas stem

bachlуga buds

bachlaigh v bud

pйacбn shoot

sciot v prune

craobhуg twig gearrthуg cutting

luibhghairdнn & Spнosraн herb-garden & spices:

lus an tsiocaire chicory lus sъgachasparagus lus na tine willow-herb mбirtнn fiбin wild marjoram mandrбcmandrake mбsmace meacan an leonta fennel meacan ragaim horse-radish miontasmint mustardmustard neantуgnettle noitmig nutmeg oragбn oregano paipricepaprika peirsilparsley, piobarpepper rуs Mhuirerosemary ros lнnlinseed sбiste sage samhadhsorrel  

airne sloe

aiteal juniper

borrбiste borage

biolar watercress

cainйal cinnamon

caisearbhбn dandelion

camбn gall chervil

caor f troim elderberry

caorthann rowan

cardamam cardamom

cartlainn gharraн spearmint

capras caper

cйin cayenne

cearbhas caraway

clуibh cloves

crуch saffron

cillн chilli

duille labhrais bay leaf

fanaile vanilla

finйal fennel

feochadбn thistle

gairleog garlic

labhras bay laurel

lus an choire coriander

lus an leanna hop

lus mic rн basil

lus mнn dill

lus mуr na coille belladonna

lus na meala balm

lus an phiobair peppermint


lъipнnlupin, sahaircнnprimrose, sailchuach f(-chuaiche; ~a,~) violet (see also: blбth)  
ilbhliantуga perennials:

cleimйatas clematis

colaimbнn columbine

crobh f dearg crane’s bill

Dearnaf Mhuire

lady’s mantle

plбndaigh v plant

bunaigh establish, found, cuir sow, cuir sa talamh put in the ground, fбs grow, frйamhaigh root, inseamhnaigh inseminate, ionchlannaigh (med) implant, ionphlandaigh (tech) implant, lonnaigh settle, pobalaigh populate, saothraigh cultivate, scaip scatter, trasphlandaigh (med) transplant.

plandбil f plantation

bunъ establishment, founding, cur sowing, eastбt estate, feirm mhуr big farm, frйamhъ putting down roots, lonnъ settling, pobalъ populating, saothrъ cultivating.

plбta m plate

babhla bowl, clбr flat surface, board, cuid portion, leac f(leice) slab, mias f(mйise; ~ a, ~) dish, platter, painйal panel, plaic plaque, plбtбil plating, sraith f layer, trбidire tray, trinsiъr platter.

plй m discussion

agallamh argument, disputation, aighneas dispute, argument, caibidil discussion, cnбmh na spairne the bone of contention, dнospуireacht debate, poileimic polemic, scйal atб idir camбin a matter at issue, suaitheadh ceiste discussion of an issue.

plean m plan

acra m contrivance, beart plan, cairt chart, clбr programme, cleas trick, cnбmha an scйil scenario, cуras system, creatlach f framework, dearadh design, fнor figure, glйas device, gnбthamh (medical) procedure, gormchlу blueprint diagram diagram, leagan amach lay-out, lйarбid illustration, lнniъ delineation, mapa map, modh method, modh oibre modus operandi, moladh suggestion, nуs imeachta procedure, oirbheartaнocht tactics, plota plot, sceideal schedule, seift expedient ploy, straitйis strategy, tairiscint proposition, tionscnamh project, treoirphlean blueprint.

pleanбil v plan

beartaigh plan, propose, ceap devise, cinn fix, determine, drйachtaigh draft, eagraigh arrange, imlнnigh outline, mapбil map out, oibrigh amach work out, plean a dhйanamh to make a plan, rianaigh chart, sceidealaigh schedule, scйim a cheapadh to scheme, sceitseбil sketch, seiftigh contrive, procure, socraigh decide, resolve, ullmhaigh prepare.

plйasc 1 f explosion, blast

bladhm sudden flare-up, flash, bleaist blast, blosc (gun) report, blosc toirnн peal of thunder, briseadh bursting, briseadh amach outbreak, brъchtadh eruption, buama bomb, buamбil bombing, buille blow, cnag knock; crunch, cnagadh knocking, cnagaide rap, blow, cniogaide cnagaide tap-tap, cnagaireacht, knocking, cnagarnach f crackling, crunching, maidhm thuile flash-flood, madhmadh detonation, mнthaom paroxysm, plab (e.g. door) bang, plйascadh explosion, plйascбn explosive, bomb, plйascуg firework cracker, plimp thoirnн clap of thunder, racht outburst, scaoileadh discharge, tailm thud, thump, taom fit, tritheamh paroxysm.

plйasc 2 v explode

bladhm flare-up, flash, bleaisteбil blast, blosc crack, explode, bris burst, bris amach break out, brъcht erupt, buamбil bomb, buamбil bombing, cnag knock, strike; crunch, dйan smidirнnн de smash (into bits), dйan smionagar de shatter, maidhm detonate.

plйigh m discuss

бitigh argue, persuade, argуint a dhйanamh faoi to argue about, ceistigh question, ceisteanna a chur to ask questions, ceist a chur trн chйile to discuss an issue, cнor comb, dнospуireacht a dhйanamh faoi to debate about, fiosraigh inquire, iniъch scrutinize, iomluaigh mention, discuss, luaigh mention, machnamh a dhйanamh ar to deliberate over, mнnigh explain, rбcбil rake, rйitigh put in order, disentangle, comb, rud йigin a chur faoi chaibidil to consider together, to confer about something, rud йigin a chaibidil to debate, deliberate together about something, suaith discuss, debate, scrъdaigh examine.

plйisiъr m pleasure

aeraнocht enjoyment, aiteas pleasantness, fun, aoibhneas m bliss, delight, ardъ meanman raised spirits, ardmheanma f high spirits, бthas hasppiness, breбthacht fineness, sympathy, caoine gentleness, tenderness, caoithiъlacht convenience, pleasantness, craic fun, craic, croнъlacht cheerfulness, gliondar gladness iontlas mirth, spree, lъchбir elation, meanma f mhaith (ag) good cheer, meidhir gaiety, sбsamh satisfaction, gratification, sclйip hilarity, having fun, sceitimнnн ecstasy, jubilation, sйan well-being, siamsa amusement, soilbhreas joviality, cheeriness, sonas happiness, joy,prosperity sуъlacht luxuriousness, suairceas pleasantness, cheerfulness, gaiety, spraoi fun, spree, sъgachas merriness, sult merriment, taitneamh pleasure, enjoyment.

plйisiъrtha m pleasant, agreeable

aoibhinn pleasant, delightful, breб fine, lovely, deas nice, draнochtach entrancing, geal bright, geanъil congenial, lбch affable, kind, maith good, mйanar happy, fortunate, sбsъil satisfying, sуghrбch lovable, soilbhir jovial, sуlбsach consoling, cheering, taitneamhach pleasing, amusing.


plуd m crowd

brъ crush, brъdбn throng, cнrйib riot, drong f body of people, gramaisc mob, lйirsiъ demonstration, lнon mуr daoine huge number of people, meall mуr daoine huge mass of people, ollchruinniъ mass meeting, paca pack, pobal populace, public, plуdъ crowding, crush, scroblach m riff-raff, rabble, slua crowd, host, tionуl assembly. (see also: slua)


plуdaithe adj. crowded

ag brъchtaнl le teeming with, ag cur thar maoil le daoine overflowing with people, ag snбmhaнocht le crawling with, ar snбmh le swarming with, amhail sairdнnн i mbosca beag like sardines in a small box, beo le swarming with, dubh le daoine black with people, lбn go doras jam-packed, pacбilte go dtн na doirse packed to the doors.


plъch v smother, asphyxiate,

bбigh drown, brъigh faoi stifle, suppress (e.g. do ghбire a bhrъ fъt to stifle your laughter), brъigh faoi chois suppress, repress, cloнgh defeat, cuir as put out, cuir srian le repress, curb, mъch quench, extinguish, sбraigh overwhelm, tacht choke, suffocate.


plъchta v asphyxiated, smothered

bбite drowned, brъite faoi stifled, suppressed, brъite faoi chois suppressed, repressed, cloнte defeated, curtha as put out, mъchta quenched, extinguished, sбraithe overwhelmed, srianta curbed, restrained, tachta choked, suffocated.


plъchtach v stuffy

brйan foul, dreoite musty, gan aer airless, gan bheith aerбilte unventilated, leamh unfresh, meirbh close, stiffling, mъisiъnta musty, stбlaithe stale, trom heavy, close.


pobal m people, public; (church) congregation

an phoiblнocht the public, an saol mуr the general public, aos people, folk, brбithreachas brotherhood, bratainn hoi polloi, mob, rabble, coilнneacht colony, coitiantacht populace, comhluadar company, gathering, corp body, cuideachta friendly get-together, company, cumann society, fellowship, daoine mpl people, daonra population, daoscarshlua rabble, gramaisc horde, rabble, mob, lucht people, lucht cathrach city people, lucht йisteachta audience, lucht fйachana spectators, lucht na pбirte (archaic) friends, luspairt dregs of society, masses, muintir people, extended family, muintir na hбite locals, local people, na pleibigh the plebs, na tъtaigh the mindless masses, plуd throng, crowd, scroblach m riff-raff, Seбinнn saorбnach na srбide mуire the ordinary Joe soaps, seathras sorority, sloigisc riff-raff, slua crowd, host, sochaн f society.

pуca m pocket

clъdach envelope, gabhdбn receptacle, mбla bag, pъitse pouch, rannбn (business) compartment, roinn (in container) compartment, sac sack, scipйad small receptacle, compartment, drawer, spaga purse, pouch, sparбn purse, urrann f(- ainne) compartment, chamber (e.g. croн ceithre urrann four-chamber heart, urrann uiscedhнonach watertight compartment).

~ aeir air pocket, ~ brнste trouser pocket,, ~ lйine shirt pocket, ~ sciorta skirt pocket, ~ seaicйid jacket pocket ~ tуna hip-pocket; бireamhбn ~ pocket calculator, airgead ~ pocket money, ciarsъr ~ pocket handkerchief, eagrбn ~ pocket edition, eolaн ~ pocket guide, fуn ~ mobile phone, leabhar ~ pocket-book, mбla ~ pocket bag, scian f phуca pocket knife.


bheith ar phуcaн folmha to be skint,stoney-broke, Is beag as a ~ й. She can well afford it., Tбim as ~ leis. I’m out of pocket because of it., Chuir sн a lбmh ina ~. She paid out of her own pocket., She forked up., le ~ teann rich, well healed.

pуg f kiss; act of intimicy

barrуg hug, bualadh beol kissing, kissing-game, diurnъ embrace, fбimйad French-kiss, fliuchуg (slang) wet, sloppy kiss, i mbйala a chйile kissing one another; thick as thieves, (BБC) iomrascбil teanga tongue-wrestling, lбmhaнocht touching with one’s hands, (often by offering unsolicited physical assistance), lapadaнl (suirн) pawing; snogging, snog, muirmiъ fondling; caressing, pуigнn peck, smъrthacht snogging, smooching; sniffing around, mйarnбil feeling-up, groping, lбmhchleasaнocht roaming hands, lбmhchur (jocular) laying on of hands, pуgaireacht kissing, surfбil teanga (BБC) serious, well-excecuted kissing.

poiblн adj. public

ag dul timpeall going round, circulating, aitheanta aclnowledged, recognized, ar eolas known, ar eolas ag an saol mуr of common-knowledge, ar fбil available, ar fбil don phobal available to the public, cбiliъil famous, clъiteach renowned, coiteann common, coitianta common-place, comhchoiteann communal, common, foilsithe published, forleathan widespread, ginearбlta general, i mbйal an phobail on everybody’s lips, inaimsithe accessible, infhaighte available, iomrбiteach high-profile, mнchlъiteach notorious, mуrйilimh popular, neamhshrianta unrestricted, nocht (a)exposed, nуtбilte notable, oscailte open, overt, pobail community-, pobalda communal, rochtana neamhshrianta ofunrestricted access sibhialta civil, sуisialta social, stat- state-, suntasach prominent, uileghabhбlach universal

poilнn m police officer; cop

an dlн m the law, constбbla m constable, constбblacht f constabulary, garda guard; Garda, garda cosanta body-guard, garda slбndбla security guard, (pejorative) na muca the pigs, na pнlir the fuzz, pнlear (historical) ‘Peeler’, (historical) fir an Rн King’s men. (see also: garda )

pointe m point, tip

бbhar topic, ag cloн le hбbhar keeping to the point, aidhm aim, airн attribute, property, бitiъ contention, argуint argument, ar tн (й a dhйanamh) at the point (of doing it), ball spot, specific location, barr tip, top, bunchъis motive, buntбiste advantage, ceann extreme point (e.g. ~ bуthair the end-point of a road, ~ tнre headland), cйim degree, stage, ceist question, issue, ciall f(cйille) sense, coinnнoll condition, croн core, croн an scйil the heart of the matter, cъis reason, cuspуir objective, object, dearcadh point (of view), eisint essence, feidhm function, foirceann extremity, grбd grade, gnй f aspect, i bhfad уn бbhar away off the point, ionad tosaithe starting point, i ngach aon bhall at all points, lбnstad full stop, maidir leis seo regarding this point, marc mark, mionphointe detail, mнr item, na ceithre airde the cardinal points, nуimйad moment, ponc dot, point, sonra particular, spota spota, tairbhe benefit, trйith characteristic, tuairim opinion, ъsбid use.

pointeбilte adj. spruced up, looking tidy/ smart

crнochnъil tidy and well-finished, dйanta suas done up, gafa glйasta ship-shape, glan clean, glйasta go barr na mйar dressed to kill, dressed up to the nines, glйasta suas dressed up, in ord agus in eagar in right order, pioctha bearrtha spick and span.

polasaн m policy

beart m straitйise stratagemm, cur chuige approach, forуgra manifesto, plean plan, plean oibre operation plan, scйim scheme, straitйis strategy.

poll m

1. hole, hollow

anas anus, anscoilt chasm, ballуg dump of a place, hole, bйal mouth, opening, bearna f gap; breach, bothбn brocach filthy joint, fleapit, briseadh break, brocais dirty hole, dive, coinicйar warren, corr f(coirre; ~ a, ~) hollow, pit, craos vent, cuas cavity, cuasбn chamber, gбg crevice, leaba f(leapa; leapacha) dhearg burrow, animal’s lair, log socket; hollow, log sъile eye socket, oscailt opening, aperture, pуca pocket, pуir pore, prochуg hovel, pъirнn dump, dive, scoilt crack, tobairнn dimple, tobar well.

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