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Dia dбr gcumhdach! 3 страница

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2. flaw

cбim blemish, fault, йalang f(- lainge; ~ a,~) flaw, earrбid error, йasc m(йisc) flaw, fault, easnamh inadequacy, easpa lack, shortcoming, fabht fault, flaw, faillн f(~) neglect, fallбs fallacy, laige weakness, weak point, locht fault, lъb ar lбr something (gone) awry, mбchail defect, smбl stain, tochailt excavation.


3. small or great expanse of water

farraige f sea, loch lake, lochбinнn puddle, lochбn pond, linn pool, muir f(mara) sea. (see also: loch, farraige)

~ aeir air-vent, ~ amhairc peep-hole, ~ coinнn rabbit-hole, ~ cluaise ear-hole, ~ cnaipe button-hole, ~ dallбin plug-hole, ~ dubh black hole, ~ eochrach keyhole, ~ faire spy-hole, ~ gainimh sand pit, ~ gaoithe ventilator, ~ guail coal-pit, ~ luiche mouse-hole, ~ mуna bog-hole, ~ pйiste worm-hole, ~ plocуide bung-hole, ~ tн the lower world, ~ prбtaн potato-pit, ~ snбmha swimming pool, ~ srуine nostril, ~ tуna arse-hole, ~ tуraнochta bore-hole.

poncъil m punctual

ar an bpointe on the dot, ar bhuille na huaire on the stroke of the hour, dнreach in am right on time, gan mhoill without delay, prompt(ly), luath early, in am on time, trбthъil timely.


port 1 m tune

amhrбn song, бiria aria, bailйad ballad, canadh singing, caoince cheoil strain of music, caoineadh lament, carъl carol, cuaichнn cheoil snatch of a song, fonn air, goltraн lament, iomann hymn, portaireacht lilting, sйis melody, streancбn strain of music, suantraн lullaby, tiъin tune. (see also: amhrбn, ceol)

port 2 m port

ancaireacht anchorage, baile home, caladh harbour, jetty, cuan harbour, haven, calafort harbour, wharf, calafort canбla canal wharf, quay, pier, ceannphointe endpoint, ceann scrнbe terminus, ceann sprice destination, dнdean refuge, duga tirim dry-dock, fothain f(- thana) shelter, na dugaн the docks, the dockyards, sprioc target, taobh na farraige water-front, tearmann asylum, sanctuary.

portach m bog

bogach m soft boggy ground, corcach f marshland, mуin bogland, mуinteach moor-land, moor, mуinteбn stretch of bogland, moing overgrown swamp, muireasc f marshy land near seashore, murlach m lagoon, riasc m(rйisc; ~ a, ~) bog-land.

pуs v marry

aontнos a dhйanamh le duine cohabit with a person, bainis a eagrъ to organise a wedding, an tsnaidhm a cheangal to tie the knot, cйile a fhбil to find a spouse, cleamhnas a dhйanamh to make a marriage-match, comhcheangail coalesce, combine, comhriachtain a dhйanamh to copulate, copulation, cуnaisc amalgamate, conjoin, cumann ghrб a dhйanamh le duine to enter into a loving companionship with a person, cumaisc merge, combine, nasc bind, tether, nascadh le duine to hitch up with a person, snaidhm na clйire a fhбil to have a church-wedding, teacht le chйile sa phуsadh naofa to come to gether in holy matrimony.


pуsadh m marriage, matrimony

aontнos cohabitation, bainis wedding, nuptials, ceangal tie, cйileachas cohabitation; copulation, cleamhnas match-making, alliance by marriage, comhcheangal association, cуnascadh amalgamation, coupling, comhriachtain coition, copulation, cumann association in love and companionship, cumasc merger, lбnъnas partnership in marriage, mating, nasc bond, tether, nascadh bonding, union, snaidhm na clйire church-marriage, teacht le chйile coming-together.


aoi m(~; aнonna) guest, athair na brнdeoige father of the bride, bainis wedding, wedding-reception, banchliamhain m(~; ~ eacha) daughter-in-law, bean mhic chйile daughter-in-law, brнdeog bride, bronntanas pуsta weeding present, cailнn blбthanna flower girl, cailнnн coimhdeachta bridesmaids, cбrta bainise wedding card, ceiliъr pуsta a chur ar chailнn to propose to a girl, clбrlann registry office, cliamhain m(~; ~ eacha) son-in-law, cuireadh invitation, deasghnбth an phуsta the marriage ceremony, deasghnбth eaglaise church ceremony, fбinne gealltanais engagement ring, fбinne pуsta wedding ring, fear an fhбinne best man, geallta engaged, grianghrafadуir photographer, grъm groom, idir dбil is pуsadh engaged to be married, lбnъin phуsta married couple, lбnъin nuaphуsta newly-weds, luaite engaged, mбirseбil na bainise the wedding march, mбthair chйile mother-in-law, mн na mealla honeymoon, muintir mo chйile my in-laws, уrбid a dhйanamh to make a speech, pуsadh bйil ghunna shot-gun marriage sagart priest, sнniъ an chlбir the signing of the registry, slбinte lбnъine a уl to drink to a couple’s health tуsta a dhйanamh to make a toast.


post 1 m mail, post

aerphost airmail, aschur output, beartбin parcels, bosca amach outbox, ceangaltбn (computer, e-mail) attachment, comhfhreagracht correspondence, litreacha fpl letters, rнomhphost e-mail, seachadadh delivery, seoladh sending, teachtaireacht message, tйacs text, tйacsбil text-messaging.


oifig an phoist post office: bean an phoist post-woman, bosca litreacha letter box, ceadъnas teilifнse television licence, fear an phoist postman, litir a sheoladh to send a letter, litir chlбraithe registered letter, liъntas leanaн children’s allowance, mбla poist post bag, oifig shуrtбla sorting office, pinsean pension, stampaн stamps.


post 2 m post, position, office

бit place, ceapachбn appointment, folъntas vacancy, fostaнocht employment, fostъ employment, engagement, ionad place, jab job, obair work, oifig office, seilbh beinifнse incumbency, stбisiъn station, suнomh position. (see also: obair)

pуsta adj. married

faoin snaidhm clйire married by a priest, i lбnъnas lena chйile in a marriage partnership with one another, le chйile together, nasctha ag an altуir hitched at the altar.

pуstaer m poster

bille bill, comhartha sign, fуgra notice, greamбn sticker, pictiъr picture, plaiceard placard.

pota m pot

babhla bowl, breogбn crucible, citeal kettle, coire cauldron, corcбn pot, croca crock, crъiscнn small jug, crъsca cruse; jug, dabhach f(daibhche; dabhcha) vat, tub, dъchбn inkpot, eascra m beaker, flaigнn small flask, fleasc m(~ a; ~ anna) flask, fleascбn flask, friochtбn frying pan, grйithe pl. only cocaireachta pots & pans, panna pan, panna bбcбla baking-pan, taephota tea-pot, searrуg jar, sнothlбn caife coffee percolator, soitheach m vessel, soitheach anraith soup tureen.

praghas m price

aisнoc repayment, ar an phingin is airde for the higest price, ar phingin mhaith for a tidy sum, bille bill, cбin f(cбnach; cбnacha) tax, caiteachas expenditure, caitheamh expense, cнos rent, costas cost, expense, cъiteamh compensation, damбiste damage, dochar debit, dola toll-charge; expense, fнneбil fine, fiъntas worth, нobairt sacrifice, нoc paying, нocaнocht payment, iarmhairtн consequences, leorghnнomh atonement, luach value, mйad (as in: cй/ cб mhйad? How much? How many?), measъnъ assessment, meastachбn, estimate, mйid m amount, pionуs penalty, rбta rate, sonrasc invoice, tбille fee; toll.

prбinneach adj. urgent; adv. go ~ urgently

a bhfuil deifir leis that is pressing, ag pointe criticiъil at a critical, ar an bpointe on the spot, immediately, chomh luath agus is fйidir as soon as possible, contъirteach dangerous, cruуgach urgent, pressing, deifreach in a hurry, hurried, den chйad riachtanas top priority, dian- intense, fнorphrбinneach imperative, gan mhoill (ar bith) without (any) delay, gйarchйimneach critical, gйibheannach extremely urgent, critical, i mbaol bбis (medical) in a critical condition, lбithreach instantly, lбithreach bonn straight away, right now, lom lбithreach right now, luais express, mйar- express (e.g. mearsheirbhнs express service), Nн trбth moille й. It’s no time to delay., rнthбbhachtach crucial.

praiseach f mess, fiasco

abach m botched job, amscaнocht untidiness, scruffiness, anaiste bad condition, anord chaos, bheith san fhaopach to be in the soup, bheith trнna chйile to be mixed up, brachбn mishmash, muddle, cнrйib riot, uproar, cнrйibeacha riots, clampar clamour,uproar, droch-aiste bad appearance, drochbhail bad, evil condition, drochghnу (thaн) bad business, fudar chaos, mess, gleo noise, tumult, in anchбs in a dreadful situation, in abar in a tight corner, i bponc in a spot, i gcruachбs in a sticky situation, in a bad way, i ndrocheagar in bad shape, ina chнor thuathail in a dreadful mess, i sбinn in a fix, manglam jumble, meancуg cock-up, mearbhall confusion, meascбn jumble, meascбn mearaн confusion, bewilderment, mнshlachtmhaire untidiness, disarray, prбcбs muddled mess, hotchpotch, rн-rб agus ruaille buaile uproar, seamlas shambles, sleaimiceбil messing, sleaimiceбil oibre shoddy work, work done by cowboys (c.f. sleaimiceбlaн poor workman, cowboy), sraimlнocht sloppiness, sraoilleachas slovenliness, tranglam clutter.

praiticiъil adj. practical

бbalta able, capable, бbhartha material, achomair concise, a luнonn le ciall commonsense, caoithiъil expedient, opportune, ciallmhar sensible, cleachta experienced, crнochnъil methodical, thorough, crнonna hard-headed, dбirнre no-nonsense, serious, eimpнreach empirical, feidhme pro-active, feidhmeach applied, feidhmiъil functional, efficient, fнorasach factual, fуinteach utilitarian, gan aon chur i gcйill down-to-earth, pragmatic, gan mhуirйis unpretentious, business-like, gnбch ordinary, inchaite wearable, indйanta practicable, doable, infheidhme workable, iniarrtha attemptable, inrбsta feasible, attainable, laethъil daily, day-to-day, neamh-mhaoithneach unsentimental, nithiъil concrete, nuts-and-bolts, oilte skilled,accomplished, rйalaнoch realistic, saoithiъil accomplished, snoite expedient, hard-nosed, tomhaiste matter-of-factish, measured, ъsбideach useful.

preab adj. jolt, jump, sudden shock

bнog f(bнge, ~a, ~) twitch, boc bounce, cic kick (cf. cic san уl kick in the drink), croitheadh shudder, folйim skip, freanga twitch, spasm, geit startle, jump, ionadh surprise, lйim jump, ionsaн attack, lingeadh leap, spring; assault.

prйachta adj. freezing

an-fhuar very cold, faoi bhun nialais sub-zero, fuar fuar really cold, oighreach glacial, oighreata icy, reoite frozen, siocъil freezing.

priacal m risk

amhantar risk, amhantraнocht (business) speculation, bagairt threat, menace, baol peril, contъirt jeopardy, dainsйar danger, йiginnteacht uncertainty, fiontar venture, risk, guais hazard (cf. guais-soilse hazard lights), riosca risk, seans chance, gamble (cf. dul sa seans air to gamble on it).

priaclach adj. risky

amhantrach risky; (business) speculative, amhantraнochta (business) speculative, bagrach threatening, menacing, baolach perilous, contъirteach dangerous, dainsйarach dangerous, йiginnte uncertain, fiontrach venturesome, enterprising; risky, guaiseach hazardoous, guasach who enjoys taking risks, seansъil chancy.

pribhlйid f privilege

buntбiste advantage, cead m(~ a) licence, permission, ceadъnas licence, ceart right, dнolъine f exemption, dispeansбid (hist) dispensation, fairsinge latitude, lamhбltas concession, saoirse f freedom, saorбid ease, facility, saorбidн easiness, facility, saorchead m(~ a) full permission, seans opportunity, tairbhe f benefit.

pribhlйideach adj. privileged, gifted, self-assured

acmhainneach wealthy, well-to-do, бdhъil fortunate,lucky, ag a mbнonn gach sуcъl indulged upon, бmharach lucky, ar a bhfuil anam uasal honoured, beannaithe blessed, buntбisteach advantageous, cabhrach helpful, clъiteach honoured, held in great esteem, cumhachtaithe empowered, fabhraithe favoured, fйinmhuinнneach self-confident, sуcъlach easy, comfortable, tairbheach beneficial, teagmhasach fortuitous, trйitheach gifted.

prнobhбideach adj. private

Bailehome,ceilteconcealed, eisiachexclusive, faoi cheilt уn phobalconcealed from the public, faoi iontaoibhconfidential, faoi rъnin secret, fйinown (cf. mo theach fйin my own house), folaighhidden, concealed, folaitheach

clandestine, i bhfolach ar an phobal hidden from the public, indibhidiъil individual, neamhainmnithe unnamed, undisclosed, neamhluaite undisclosed, neamhspleбch independent, pearsanta personal, rъnda secret.

prнomha adj. primary, prime

bun- primary, bunaidh (> bunadh) essential, basic, is bunъsaн most basic, is tбbhachtaн most important, is tъisce first and foremost, prнomh- main, prнomhъil prime, thar aon rud eile above everything else, tosaigh foremost; initial.

prнomh- adj. main, principal, chief

an chйad the first, ard- main, premier, chief, head, ardcheannasach predominant; supreme, an domhain supreme (e.g. бthas an domhain supreme happiness) bun- fundamental, staple, primary, basic, (e.g. bunscoil primary school), bunaidh original, essential, bunбiteach basic, main, bunreachtъil constitutional, bunsiocrach of primary cause, bunъil substantial, bunъsach basic, ceann- head, ceannasach dominant, ruling, den chйad dul sнos first and foremost, eisintiъil essential, faoi leith particular, fнor-thбbhachtach paramount, forleathan extensive, is mу clъ leading, lбrnach central, mуr- major, mуr great, prнomha primary, principal, prнomhъil prime, riachtanach indispensable, rнthбbhachtach crucial, vital, sбr- ultra- exceeding, speisialta special, tosaigh foremost, leading, uachtarach upper, supreme.


~aidhm main aim, ~aird cardinal point of compass, ~aisteoir main actor, ~bhealach main way; main road, ~bhуthar main road, ~-bhreitheamh chief justice, ~chathair capital city, ~cheoltуir leading musician, ~chigire chief-inspector, ~chуcaire head cook, ~chъis primary cause, ~dhath primary colour, ~ghiъrуir foreman of the jury, ~lнonra (electric) mains, ~oifig head-office, ~ordъil primordial, ~phointe main point, ~ranna principal parts, ~rud main thing, ~scannбn feature film, ~shuim (finance) principal, ~ smaoineamh main idea, motif, ~thбirge staple product, ~ veidhlнn leading violin.


prionsabal m principled

aicsiom m(~; ~ ) axiom, caighdeбn standard, cуd code, coinsias m(~ a) conscience, sense of right and wrong, creideamh belief, dearbhphrionsabal tenet, dlн law, eitic f ethic(s), dogma m dogma, dualgas duty, foirmle f formula, meon attitude, morбltacht morality, riail f(rialach; rialacha) rule, seasamh morбlta moral stand, scrupaill mpl scruples, morбlta moral stand, teagasc doctrine, teaching, teoiric theory, tuairim f opinion.

prionsabбlta adj. principled

ag a bhfuil prionsabail who has principles, ceart right, cneasta sincere, honest, cуir just, cothrom fair, balanced, eiticiъil ethical, fнrйanta righteous, ionraic honest, upright, macбnta decent, honest, morбlta moral, scrupallach scrupulous, uasal noble, honourable.

priosъn m prison

carcair f(carcrach; carcracha) prison, jail, campaн mpl oibre gulag gulag archipelago, coinneбil detention, daorobair m(- oibre) hard labour, doinsiъn dungeon, gaibhniъ confinement (cf. gaibhniъ aonair solitary confinement), institiъid peannaide penitentiary, penal institution, ionad coinneбla detention centre, prнosъnacht imprisonment, sluachampa gйibhinn concentration camp.

priosъnach m prisoner

cime captive, cladhaire carcrach jail-bird, coinneбlaн detainee, coirpeach m criminal, daorбnach m convicted criminal, geimhleach m captive, giall m(gйill; ~ a, ~) hostage, lucht carcraithe incarcerated people, pianseirbhн convict.

prуca m jar

бrthach m vessel, container, breogбn crucible, canna can, corcбn pot, crъiscнn small jug, crъsca cruse; jug, eascra m beaker, flaigнn small flask, gabhdбn receptacle, muga mug, pota pot, searrуg jar, soitheach m vessel. (see also: pota)

proifisiъnta adj. professional

cбilithe qualified, cleachtaithe practised, crнochnъil well-finished, gairmiъil professional, mбistriъl masterly, oilte skilled, sain- specialized, saineolaнoch expert, snasta polished, teistithe certified, traenбilte trained.

prуiseбil f processing

athchуiriъ conversion, bainistнocht sonraн data management, lбimhseбil handling, tiontъ (chem.) conversion, rйaladh (photo) developing, ullmhъ preparation.

prуiseas m process

bealach m way, ealach oibre way of working, cйim step, stage, cleachtadh practice, cуras system, cъrsa course, dul chun cinn progression, йabhlуid evolution, forbairt development, forchйimniъ progression, gnбthamh (medical) procedure, modh m method, nуs imeachta procedure, oibriъ working, plean plan, prуis (legal) process, straitйis strategy, teicnнc technique.


pъca m ghost, bogeyman, ‘pooka’

ainspiorad evil spirit, ainsprid poltergeist, malevolent ghost, an slua sн the fairy host, aos sн fairy folk, bean f(mnб; mnб, ban) banshee, badhbh-badhbh the hobgoblin, the bogey-man, fantaise f spectre, phantom, ginid genie, sprite, gruagach m hairy goblin, leipreachбn leprechaun, malartбn changeling, scбl supernatural being, phantom, scбil shadow-being, scбth shade, shadow, scбthshlua phantom host, m(~;~ the) fairy, sйansaн wraith; doppel-ganger, sнofra sprite, elf, sнofrуg elf-woman, siуg fairy, sнogaн elf, spiorad spirit, sprid sprite, ghost, taibhse ghost, tais apparition, tбmhas phantom. (see also: diabhal, siуg)

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