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Aisghafarecovered, gotten back, athshlбnaithe(computers) recovered, bailithe isteachcollected in, caomhnaithe

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  2. D Gotand gotten

preserved, carntha stashed, piled up, coigilte spared, saved, coimeбdta conserved, coinnithe retained, coiscthe prohibited, cosanta protected, cruinnithe gathered, curtha ar leataobh set to one side, curtha i dtaisce saved, stored, cumhdaithe safeguarded, protected, fuascailte redeemed, liberated, gearrtha siar cut back, leigheasta healed, cured, mнntнrithe (land) reclaimed, rйitithe sorted out, saortha freed, delivered, sciata shielded, slбnaithe made whole, redeemed; healed, spбrбilte husband; spare, taiscthe hoarded; stored up, tarrthбilte rescued; salvaged, tagtha i dtнr rescued, tйarnaithe recovered.

sбbhбilteacht f safety

бrachas insurance, cosaint protection, defence, cуirнocht dhнdeanach sheltered accommodation, criathrъ slбndбla security screening, dearbhъ assurance, dнdean f(dнdine) shelter, safe haven, diongbhбilteacht firmly secure state of affairs, foscadh shelter, protection from the elements, fothain f(fothana) shelter (cf. faoi fhothain sheltered), scagthбstбil (med) screening (cf. scagthбstбil cнoch breast screening), scбth screen, protection, scбthadh (med) screening scбthchуirнocht sheltered accommodation, sciath f(scйithe; ~a, ~) shield, seasmhacht firmness of position, siъrбilteacht sureness, slбn m(slбin; ~ a, ~) soundness, slбndбil security (cf. slбndбil shуisialta social security, cъrsaн slбndбla security matters, fуrsaн slбndбla security forces), slбnъ indemnity; salvation, tearmann sanctuary.

sбch adv. quite, enough

бbhairнn a little bit, бbhar beag somewhat, amach is amach out and out, ar fad entirely, beagбinнn a tad, beagбn a little, cineбl kind of, dуthanach enough, go hiomlбn totally, go leor enough, rud beag a liile bit, rather, san iomlбn in total, saghas rather, sбith enough, scoth- rather, somewhat, sуrt sort of, pas beag a tiny bit.

sagart m priest

anamchara m(~ d; - chairde, ~ d) confessor, an tAthair m(an Athar) (title) Father, asarlaн sorcerer, biocбire vicar, draoi druid, fear feasa witch-doctor, manach m monk, ministir minister, eaglaiseach m man/ woman of the cloth/ church, cleric, pearsa f(~ n; ~ na, ~ n) eaglaise clergy (wo)man.

Cliarlathas na hEaglaise Caitlicн:

The hierarchy of the Catholic Church:


an Pбpa (an tAthair Beannaithe) The Pope (The Holy Father)

na Cairdinйil The Cardinals

ardeaspag archbishop

na hEaspaig the bishops

an sagart parуiste the parish priest


teidil agus tйarmaн coitianta eile:

titles and other common terms:


ab m(~ a) abbot deoise diocese

abacht f abbacy moinsнneoir monsignor

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 207 | Нарушение авторских прав

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