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bean rialta nun Papal Nuncio

brбthair m(- thar; brбithre) parуiste parish

(religious) brother reiligire sexton

Dйan m(Dйin) Dean siъr f(~ ach; ~ acha) sister

Canуnach m Canon Suн Naofa Holy See

clйireach m sexton


1. adj. sort, kind

branda brand, cineбl type, kind; genus, dйanamh make, dйantъs manufacture, make, genre genre, grъpa group, marc mark, sуrt sort, kind,type, sainchreideamh (religion) denomination, samhail f(samhla; samhlacha) semblance, repreaentation, speiceas species, stнl style, tнopa type |(see also: sуrt)

2. adv. sort of, kind of

бbhar somewhat, beagбn a little, cineбl kind of, dуthanach enough, go leor enough, rud beag a liile bit, rather, scoth- rather, somewhat, sуrt sort of, pas a bit. (see also: sбch)

saibhir adj. wealthy

acmhainneach affluent; resourceful, ag carnadh airgid making a mint, ag cur thar maoil overflowing, loaded, an airgid moneyed, ar maos le hairgead rolling in money, ar mhуrбn rich in (e.g. ar mhуrбn fuinnimh rich in energy), beathaithe well-fed, plump, beathъil nourishing, bisiъil fecund, blasta flavoursome, tasty, brabachъil well-to-do, breб fine, caipitlнoch capitalist, cluthar sheltered, snug, compordach comfortable, costasach costly, expensive, deisiъil well-circumstanced, domhain deep, fial generous, fнormhaith exquisite, flaithiъil lavish, flъirseach abounding, plentiful, fairsing ample, galбnta elegant, geireach fatty, go maith as well-off, greannmhar humorous, witty, gustalach well-off, well-to-do; iarmhaiseach affluent, iomadъil copious, lбidir strong, lбn full, lнonmhar abundant, lofa le hairgead rotten with money, luachmhar valuable, maisiъil decorative, maoineach propertied, wealthy, mйith (food) rich, mionsaothraithe elaborate, rбbach lavish, rachmasach wealthy, raidhsiъil abundant, profuse, ramhar fat, rн- rich (e.g. rнdhonn rich brown), sailleach fatty, sйanmhar prosperous, seascair comfortable, in comfortable circumstances, so-bhlasta delicious, sуmasach sumptuous, somhaoineach profitable, valuable, sуmhar luxurious, sуъil luscious, suaithinseach, showy, gorgeous, sъmhar juicy, succulent, taibhseach flamboyant, ostentatious, Tб sй ina shuн go te He is sitting pretty., tathagach full-bodied, teann well-filled, well-to-do, tlбithbhinn dulcet, toiciъil wealthy, prosperous, torthъil fruitful, fertile, trom heavy, substantial, uachtarъil creamy, uaibhreach luxuriant, rich.

saibhreas m wealth

airgead money, acmhainn affluence; recourses, means, carnadh airgid minting money, ag cur thar maoil overflowing, loaded, ar maos le hairgead rolling in money, ar mhуrбn rich in (e.g. ar mhуrбn fuinnimh rich in energy), beathaithe well-fed, plump, beathъ nourishing, biseach increase, bisiъlacht fecundity blastacht tastiness, breбthacht fineness, caipiteal capital, caipitleachas capitalism, cluthaireacht shelter, warmth, comfort, snugness, compord comfort, costas cost, expense, deisiъlacht affluence, doimhne depth, fйile generosity, fнormhaithe exquisiteness, flaithiъlacht lavishness, flъirse abundance, plenty, fairsinge ampleness, fortъn fortune, galбntacht elegance, geir fat, greann humour, gustal wealth, iomadъlacht copiousness, lбidreacht strength, lбine fullness, lнonmhaire abundance, luachmhaireacht preciousness; costliness, maisiъlacht decorativeness, maoin property, wealth, mйithe (food) richness, mionsaothrъ elaboration, rachmas wealth, abundance, raidhse abundance, profuseness, raimhre fatness, saill fat, sйad chattels; possessions, sйan prosperity, seascaireacht being in comfortable circumstances, so-bhlastacht deliciousness, sochar asset; profit, sуmas sumptuousness, luxury, somhaoin asset, profit, sуъlacht lusciousness, stуr store, suaithinseacht, gorgeousness, sъmhaireacht juiciness, succulence, taibhseacht flamboyance, ostentatiousness, taisce treasure, tathag fullness, solidity, fullness, teannas affluence, tlбithbhinne dulcetness, toice f wealth, prosperity, torthъlacht fruitfulness, fertility, troime weightiness, heaviness, uachtarъlacht creaminess, uabhar luxuriance, richness.

saighdiъir m soldier

amhas (historical) mercenary, comhraiceoir combatant, fear airm man of arms, fear comhraic combatant, fighter, fear troda fighting man, laoch hero, lucht airm men of arms, muirshaighdiъir (USA) marine, gaiscнoch m warrior, suaitreach m (historical) billeted soldier, trodaн fighter.

~ cabhlaigh marine, ~ coise foot-soldier, infantry soldier, ~ dearg redcoat, ~ mnб brave woman, ~ rialta regular soldier, ~ singil den chйad ghrбd private first class, ~ singil den dara grбd private second class, ~ seangбin soldier ant.



dul sna ~н to join the army, Is maith an ~ й! He soldiers on manfully.


Ranganna Coimisiъnta

Commissioned Ranks:

foleifteanant second lieutenant

leifteanant lieutenant

captaen m captain

ceannfort commandant

leifteanant coirnйal lieutenant colonel

coirnйal colonel

briogбidire ginearбl brigadier general

maorghinearбl major general

leifteanant ginearбl lieutenant general


Ranganna Neamchoimisiъnta

Non-Commissioned Ranks:

saighdiъir singil private

ceannaire (deichniъir) corporal

sбirsint m(~; ~ н) sergeant

ceathrъshбirsint m(~; ~ н) quartermaster sergeant

sбirsint m(~; ~ н) complachta company sergeant

ceathrъshбirsint m cathlбin battalion quartermaster sergeant

maorshбirsint cathlбin battalion sergeant major


sailleach adj. fatty

bealaithe oily, calrach calorific, geire pertaining to suet (cf. Tб barraнocht geire ann. He is too fat.), geireach suety, fatty, grйisceach greasy, tite chun feola having put on weight, lбn den tsaill full of fat, ramhar fat, ramhraithe fattened, ramhraitheach fattening. (see also: ramhar)

sain- adj. specialised, special; specific, distinctive

бirithe particular, ar leith specific, as an ghnбth out of the ordinary, beacht precise, faoi leith in particular, indibhidiъil individual, mionchruinn minutely detailed, neamhchoitianta uncommon, extraordinary, neamhghnбch extraordinary, saineolach expert, sainiъil specific, distinctive, speisialta special, sonrach particular, specific, tiomnaithe dedicated.


~aicme caste, ~aithin identify, ~aithint identification, ~cheardaнocht specialization, ~cheird speciality, ~cheist specific issue, point-in-question, ~chomhartha characteristic, ~chreideamh denomination, ~eolaн specialist, expert, ~eolaнocht specialization, ~eolas expertise, ~ghnй f special feature, ~mharc hallmark, ~mheбchan specific gravity, ~-mhнchumas foghlama specific learning disability, ~mhнnigh define, ~mhнniъ definition, ~-neamhord foghlama specific learning disorder, ~ordъ mandate, ~trйith f distinctive trait.


saineolaн m. specialist

comhairleach m consultant, eolaн expert; scientist, lucht an eolais people who know, lucht lйinn learned people, mбistir m master, ъdar expert,connoisseur, ъdarбs authority.

sбinn f predicament, trap

arбn crua dire straits (cf. bheith in arбn crua to be in dire straits), cruachбs difficult situation, faopach m difficult situation (cf. bheith san fhaopach to be in a sticky situation), ponc spot, teannta strait, difficulty.

saint f greed

airc voracity, ampla gluttony, cupidity, andъil addiction, cнocras avarice, craos rapacity, voracity, dнocas avidity, dнograiseach fervent, zealous, doshбsaitheacht insatiability, dъil desire, goile appetite, gorta famine, ocras hunger, sбile self-indulgence, tart thirst, tnъth longing tnъthбn yearning.


salach adj.

1. dirty, disordered

ablбilte botched, messed up, amscaн untidy, bedraggled, bealaithe oily, greasy, beo (e.g. beo le dreancaidн) crawling (e.g. alive with fleas), brйan foul, putrid, brocach filthy, broctha spoiled, messed up, clabach murky, clбbarach muddy, deannachъil dusty, draoibeach muddy, faoi chaonach liath mouldy, gan chнoradh unkempt, gan slacht untidy, messy, gioblach ragged, scruffy, glaeъil sticky, gluey, slimey, grabasta grubby, grбnna ugly, grйisceach greasy, in aimhrйidh in a mess, lбbбnach grimy, mucky, lбibe miry, muddy, liath (food) mouldy, lodartha mucky, base, lofa rotten, mнofar nasty, mнshlachtmhar untidy, modartha dark, muddy, moirtiъil muddy dreggy, neamhaimrid non-sterile, otair gross, filthy, plъchtach stuffy, stifling, ramallach slimy, ruaimneach discoloured, muddy, salaithe soiled, scrбbach dishevelled, untidy, smeadrбilte smeared, smeartha grubby, smudged, smъitiъil murky; overcast, smъrach grimy, snбfa (le mнolta) crawling (with lice), sraoilleach scruffy, tattered, suarach mean, base, sъicheach sooty, toiteach smoky, tбir shabby, vile, trн chйile messed up, untidy, truaillithe polluted.


2. impure, morally reprehensible

ainnis miserable, brйan foul, brocach filthy, calaoiseach fraudulent, cam crooked, corrupt, cealgach treacherous, claon- underhand, (cf. claonbheart underhand trick), claonach deceitful, comуnta common, dйistineach disgusting, drъisiъil salacious, lewd, fealltach treacherous, gan scrupall unscrupulous, gбirsiъil lewd, obscene, garg crude, rough, gairgeach (person) crude, gorm blue, obscene, grбnna ugly, nasty, graosta obscene, filthy, grйisceach greasy, lбbбnta vulgar, low, lodartha base; (person) flabby, lofa rotten, mнchothrom unfair, mнnуsach in bad taste, vulgar, mнofar nasty, modartha dark, morose, moirtiъil turbid, murky, nбireach disgraceful, shameful, neamhghlan unclean, neamh-spуrtъil unsporting, otair gross, filthy,

vulgar, pornagrafaнoch pornographic, ramallach slimy, scleoidiъil slovenly, slatternly, smeadrбilte smeared, smeartha grubby, smudged, smъitiъil murky, smutty smъrach grimy, sraoilleach slatternly, sluttish, suarach mean, base, contemptible, toiteach smoky, tбir contemptible, vile, truaillithe polluted, truaillitheach corrupting, polluting, tъtach rude, ignorant, crude.


Tб an gort go ~. The field is full of weeds., Thбinig siad ~ ar a chйile. They clashed., They ran foul of one another, Nнorbh бil liom teacht ~ uirthi. I wouldn’t like to rub her up the wrong way., I wouldn’t like to get on the wrong side of her.



aimsir shalach drizzly weather, gairdнn ~ garden full of weeds, farraige shalach choppy sea.


salachar m

1. dirt, disorder

ablбil botching, mess-up, cock-up, amscaнocht untidiness, bealaнocht greasiness, brйanуg refuse heap, brйantas stench, broc refuse, brocais dirty smelly place, brocamas refuse, dirt, clabaн murkiness, clбbar mud, deannach m dust, gioblacht raggedness, dйistin disgust, draoib mud, caonach m liath mould, raggedness, scruffiness, grбnnacht ugliness, nastiness, grйisceacht greasiness, aimhrйidh disarray, disorder, lбbбnacht griminess, muckiness, lбib mire, mud, liath m(lйith; ~ a, ~) (food) mould, lodarthacht muckiness, baseness, lofacht rottenness, mнofaireacht nastiness, mнshlachtmhaire untidiness, modarthacht darkness, muddiness, moirtiъlacht muddiness neamh-aimride non-sterility, otra grossness, obesity, plъchtacht stuffiness, stiflingness, ramallae m slime, ruaimnн discoloured-ness, muddiness, scrбbбil scrawl, smeadrбil smearing, smearthacht grubbiness, greasiness, smъit dust, grime, smъitiъlacht murkiness; smъr ash, dust, dross, sraoilleachas scruffiness, suarachas meanness, baseness,

sъiche f soot, toit smoke, tбire shabbiness, vileness, truailliъ pollution, contamination.


2. impurity, moral reprehensibility

ainnise misery, calaois fraud, caimilйireacht crookedness, corruption, cealg f(ceilge) treachery, guile, claonachas underhandedness, comуnta common, dйistineach disgusting, drъis lust, lewdness, feall treachery, gбirsiъlacht lewdness, obscenity, gairge crudeness, roughness, gairgн (person) crudeness, goirme blueness, obscenity, grбnnacht ugliness, nastiness, graostacht obscenity, filthiness, grйisceacht greasiness, lбbбntacht vulgarity, lowness, lodarthacht baseness; (person) flabbiness, lofacht rottenness, mнchothroime unfairness, mнnуs bad taste, vulgarity, mнofaireacht nastiness, modarthacht darkness, moroseness, moirtiъlacht turbidity, nбire disgrace, shame, neamhghlaine uncleanness, neamhspуrtъlacht unsporting attitude, behaviour, otra grossness, vulgarity, obesity, pornagrafaнocht pornography, ramallae m slime, smeadrбil smearing, smearthacht grubbiness, greasiness, smъit (colloquial) smut; grime, smъitiъlacht murkiness; smuttiness, smъr ash, dust, dross, sraoilleachas slattern-ness, sluttish-ness, suarachas meanness, baseness, toit smoke, tбire vileness, truailliъ pollution, contamination, truaillнocht corruption, depravity, tъtachas rudeness, ignorance, crudeness, uisce faoi thalamh conspiracy.

samhlaigh v imagine

aisling a fheiceбil to see a vision, abair say, coincheap conceive, creid believe, cruthaigh create, cuimhnigh consider, cuir i gcбs suppose, cum compose, dйaduchtaigh deduct, dealraigh liken to, judge, fionn invent, mъscail i d’aigne conjure up in your mind, smaoinigh think, smaoinigh suas (slang) think up, pictiъr a dhйanamh de rud йigin to picture something, to visualise something, pleanбil plan, sнl think, tionscain contrive, establish, tuairim a chaitheamh conjecture.

samhlaнoch adj. imaginative

aislingeach visionary, dreamy, coincheapъil conceptual, cruthaitheach creative, fantaiseach fantastic, ficseanъil fictional, fileata poetic, fiontrach enterprising, fнseach visionary, lйirsteanach insightful, smaointeach reflective, pictiъrtha picturesque, pleanбilte planned, samhlaнochta (> samhlaнocht) seiftiъil ingenius, spreagtha inspired.

samhlaнocht f imagination

aisling vision, dream, coincheap m(~ a;~ a, ~) conception, creideamh belief, cruthъ creation, cuimhneamh considering, cur i gcбs supposition, cumadуireacht composition, dйaduchtъ deduction, dealramh appearance, dearcadh view, йirim chruthaitheach creative intelligence, ficsean fiction, fionnachtain invention, fнs vision, lйargas insight, smaoineamh thought, pictiъr i d’aigne picture in your mind, plean plan, pleanбil planning, tinfeadh Dй inspiration, tionscnamh project, tuairim fancy, conjecture.

sampla m. sample, example

aircitнopa archetype, an cбs atб i dtreis the case in point, blaiseadh taste, taster, blas taste, cбs case, eiseamal specimen, eiseamlбir example, frйamhshamhail f(- shamhla) prototype, gйarъ goile appetizer, lйarбid illustration, mъnla model, paraidнm f paradigm, patrъn pattern, samhail f(samhla; samhlacha) mock-up, model, triail f(- alach) trial,

santach adj. greedy

airce of great voracity, amplach gluttonous, voracious, andъile craving, cнocrach avaricious; avid, rapacious, cnuasaitheach acquisitive, craosach gluttonous, dнocasach eagar, keen, dнograiseach fervent, zealous, doshбsta insatiable, dъilmhear eager, йadmhar jealous, fiosrach curious, fonnmhar desirous, formadach envious, imnнoch anxious, leithleach selfish, mнfhoighneach impatient, mucъil piggish, hoggish, ocrach hungry sciobthach grabby,

sprionlaithe money-grubbing, tartmhar thirsty, thirsting, tnъthбnach yearning, expecting; coveting.

santaigh v desire; covet

dъil mhуr bheith agat i rud йigin to have a desire for something, fonn bheith ort rud йigin a dhйanamh to have a desire to do something, mianaigh desire, long for, teastaigh у want, (cf. Theastaigh sй uaim. I wanted it), tnъth yearn for; covet, (cf. Nнor thnъth riamh dуibh й. I never begrudged it to them.), togair desire, choose, tothlaigh crave, ha appetite for.

saoire f holiday

bliain f(bliana) bhearna gap year, bliain f(bliana; blianta) shabуideach sabbatical year, cead amach leave, ceiliъradh m(- rtha) celebration, comуradh commemoration, festival, comуradh уcбide anniversary, cothrom lae anniversary (e.g. cothrom lae an phуsta wedding anniversary), cuimhneachбn commemoration, fйasta feast, fйile f festival, feis fкte; feis, fleб banquet, feast, fleбchas festivity, imeacht ar saoire leaving on vacation, lб faoin tor a day off, lб saor free day, laethanta saoire holidays, sabуideach m sabbatical, scнs rest, scнth respite, sos m(~ a; ~ anna) break.

saoirse f freedom, liberty

ainriail anarchy, ainrialachas anarchism, ainriantacht unruliness, cead m(~ a) licence, permission, cead do chinn freedom to do as you please, ceadъnas licence, daonlathas democracy, йascaнocht ease, easpa baic unconstraint, easpa smachta lack of controls, easpa srianta lack of restraint, fairsinge latitude, fairsinge chun oibre elbow-room, fйinrialtas self-government, fйinrialъ self-regulation, self-determination, fuascailt emancipation, ligean abandon, liobraнochas libertarianism, liobrбlachas liberalism, neamhspleбchas independence, oscailteacht openness, pribhlйid privilege, rialtas dъchais home rule, saol gan chъram carefree life, saoradh liberation, saorбid ease, facility, saorбidн easiness, facility, saorбil freedom, easiness, saorchead m(~ a) full permission, saorchumasc promiscuity, saoriomaнocht laissez-faire, free competition, scaoilteacht laxity, slackness, slбnъ salvation, redemption, solъbthacht flexibility, spбs space, room, uathriail f(- rialach) autonomy.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 120 | Нарушение авторских прав

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