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Ban-abf(~a)abbessnuinteas an Phбpa 2 страница

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saol m life, world

an lб atб inniu ann in today’s world, anбil breath, an pobal the community, the public, aois age, beatha f(~) life, living, beathaisnйis biography, beo being alive, life, beochan animation, beocht f animation, vitality, life, beogacht liveliness, bith m(beatha) world, existence, cъrsa course, daoine people, dнrbheathaisnйis autobiography, domhan world, fad duration, gairm (bheatha) career, profession, inniu today, iompar behaviour, leanъint continuance, leanъnachas continuity, na laethanta seo these days, spraoi fun, enjoyment. (see also: beatha)

ar feadh mo shaoil all my life, an saol seo this life, saol eile a different life, an saol eile the next life, teacht ar an ~ to come into the world, Cuirfidh tъ den ~ mй! You’ll be the death of me!, Nach agatsa atб an ~! Haven’t you got a great time of it!, tar йis an tsaoil when all is said and done, Bhн an ~ is a mhбthair ann. Every Tom, Dick and harry was there., ar уr an tsaoil for all the tea in china, Tб a fhios sin ag an ~. Everyone knows that.


saolta adj. worldly, mundane; secular

бbharaнoch materialistic, бbhartha material, domhanda worldly, talmhaн earthly, terrestrial, tuata secular.

saonta adj. naпve, credulous

anabaн immature, baoth devoid of wisdom, dall ar an saol ignorant of life, dнchйillн witless, gan (aon) choinlнocht withoutbeing old enough to understand the ways of the world (cf. Nнl sй i gcoinlнocht fуs. He is still only a child), gan mуrбn cйille without much sense, pбistiъil childish, simplн simple, йigrнonna unwise, ionraic guileless, artless, leanbaн childlike; infantile, muinнneach trusting, neamh-amhrasach unquestioning, trusting, neamhurchуideach innocent, naнonda childlike, sochomhairleach biddable, easy to influence, soghluaiste gullible, credulous, soghonta vulnerable, soineanta naive, simple, somheallta easy to fool.

saor adj. free; cheap

ainrialta anarchical, ainrianta unbridled, unruly, ceadaithe permitted, allowed, ceannasach sovereign, daonlathach democratic, dea-mhйine complimentary (cf. cуip dhea-mhйine complimentary copy), deonach voluntary, dнomhaoin idle, unattached, йasca easy, laid back, fairsing spacious, roomy, fйinrialaithe self-ruled, self-regulated, fial generous, fuascailteach liberating, gan bhac unconstrained, gan breith (ar) at large gan choinnнoll casual, gan choinnнollacha without conditions attached, gan chostas without expense, gan cъram ar bith without a care in the world, gan srian unrestrained, gan pб unpaid, leathanaigeanta broad-minded, liberal, le cois spare, le spбrбil (to) spare, ligthe allowed, liobraнoch libertarian, liobrбlach liberal, mar bhronntanas as a present, nбdъrtha natural, neamhspleбch independent, oscailte open, pribhlйideach privileged, saor in aisce free of charge, gratis, saor у dhleacht duty-free, saorбideach easy, facile, saorбlach free, unconstrained, saortha freed, scaoilte lax, let loose, slбnaithe redeemed, solъbtha flexible, spбrбilte spare, uathrialach autonomous.

saothar m toil, exertion; labour, work

aiste essay, cruthъ creation, dбn poem, dйanamh making, fiontar venture, undertaking, fostaнocht employment, gnу business, iarracht effort, jab job, obair f(oibre; oibreacha) work, pнosa piece, pнosa cumadуireachta composition, post position, pulcadh (school) grind, sclбbhaнocht drudgery, tiarбil slogging, toiling, tionscnamh project. (see also: obair)

saothrach adj. industrious

coinsiasach conscientious, dнcheallach diligent, hard-working, dlъsъil assiduous, gnнomhach active, gnуthach busy, tбirgiъil productive, treallъsach industrious.

sбr- adj. prefix super-

amach is amach out and out, as an ghnбth out of the ordinary, ar fheabhas excellent, superb, ar leith exceptional, dearscnaitheach outstanding, pre-eminent, den chйad ghrбd first rate, den (chйad) scoth choicest, dochloнte indomitable, invincible, doshбraithe insuperable, unbeatable, йachtach sensational, glуrmhar glorious, iontach wonderful, amazing, millteanach smashing, niamhrach resplendent, ollбsach magnificent, suntasach remarkable, taibhseach flamboyant, thar barr tip top, thar barr ar fad OTT, superlative, thar cionn terrific, thar insint scйil wicked, beyond words, tofa choice, rн- exceeding(ly). (see also: iontach)

~bhliain f(bhliana) excellent year, ~chйim (gram) superlative, ~dhuine exceedingly good person, ~eolas mastery, ~mhaith excellent, ~obair excellent work.


sбraigh v

1. violate, harass

bris break, cuir isteach ar infringe, coill despoil; castrate, dъshlбn duine a thabhairt to defy a person, йignigh force with violence; rape, forйigean a dhйanamh ar to do violence to, forйignigh do violence to, tйigh in aghaidh go against,


2. overcome, overwhelm; (road) overtake

an lбmh in uachtar a fhбil ar to get the upper hand on, bбigh overwhelm; drown, bheith caithrйimeach to be victorious, bua a bhaint amach achieve victory, concas a fhбil to gain a conquest, buaigh win, ceansaigh subjugate; tame, bring to heal, cloнgh overpower, defeat, tйigh thar go past, treascair vanquish.

sбsaigh v satisfy

бthas a chur ar dhuine to make a perso happy, feil do suit, plйisiъr a thabhairt do to gratify, sбsamh a thabhairt do dhuine to give satisfaction to a person, taitin le please (cf. Thaitin an toradh liom. The result pleased me).

sбsamh m satisfaction

aoibhneas enjoyment, pleasure, бthas happiness, dea-mheas approval, faoiseamh relief, plйisiъr pleasure, sбstacht contentment, satisfaction, taitneamh liking, enjoyment, toiliъ approbation.

sбsta adj. satisfied, pleased, willing

бthasach happy, bogбsach complacent, self-satified, ceansaithe appeased; tamed, cinnte certain, dearfa positive, sure, dearfach affirming, positive, dуthanach satiated, lбn full, sбch sated, siъrбilte sure, sуch contented, satisfied sуmasach easy-going, laid-back, sуъil comfortable, content, suaimhnithe mollified, calmed, toilteanach willing.

sбsъil adj. satisfying

бititheach convincing, atб ina ъdar misnigh reassuring, йifeachtach effective, efficacious, йifeachtъil efficient, effectual, feidhmiъil functional, meanmnach cheering, misnigh encouraging, heartening, plйisiъrtha pleasurable, sochreidte credible, plausible, sуlбsach consoling, cheering, taitneamhach pleasing.

scбfar adj.


1. dreadful, appalling

grбiniъil loathsome, frightful, scannalach scandalous, shocking, scanrъil frightening, alarming, scйiniъil inspiring terror, uafбsach awful, uamhnach dreadful, terrifying.


2. timid

anbhбch anxious, anbhuaineach uneasy, cotaidh diffident, cъlбnta retiring, йadбna timid, reticent, eaglach fearful, cъthail shy, faiteach timid, shy, geiteach easily, scanraithe frightened.

scбil f shadow


1. reflection

amhlachas semblance, cosъlacht similarity,semblance, frithchaitheamh reflection, нomhб f image, samhail f(samhla; samhlach) likeness, scбth shadow.

2. shadow, shade

breacdhorchadas dusk, dorchacht dark, duifean gloom, fantaise phantom, imlнne f outline, samhail f(samhla; samhlacha) wraith, ghostly figure, scбth shade, phantom, scбthphictiъr silhouette, smearsholas dimness, taibhse f ghost, tais spectre. (see also: scбth)

scaip v scatter, spread

cuir amach put out, craobhscaoil broadcast, cuir timpeall put around, dбil distribute, eisigh issue, foilsigh publish, leath spread, leathnaigh broaden, measc mix, poibligh publicise, rad throw, cast, rith i ngach treo run in every direction, seol launch; send, sнolaigh disseminate, sнolraigh propagate, scaoil release, scoilt split, tarchuir transmit, teilg fling, cast, teith flee.

scaipthe adj.& pp scattered

ballach spotted, breac dotted, speckled, curtha amach put out, craobhscaoilte broadcast, curtha timpeall put around, dбilte distributed, eisithe issued, faoi bhrat strewn (cf. faoi bhrat blбthanna strewn qith flowers), foilsithe published, leata spread, leathnaithe broadened, measctha mixed, poiblithe publicised, radta showered, rite i ngach treo run in every direction, seolta launched; sent, sнolaithe disseminated, sнolraithe propagated, scaoilte released, scoilte split, sprйite sprinkled, sprayed, tarchurtha transmitted, teilgthe flung, cast, teite having fled.

scairt 1 v shout, bawl; call

bйic yell, bйicнl yelling, bъir bellow, bъireach f bellowing, gбir cry, shout, gбrtha fpl shouts, glam holler, glao call, glaoch calling screadach f screaming, liъ yell, liъireach f yelling, olagуn wailing, scrйach screech,shriek, scrйachach f screeching, shrieking, scread scream, uaill howl, uaillghol wailing sound.

scairt 2 v shout, bawl; call

athghlaoigh recall, shout again, bйic yell, bйic a ligean to let out a yell, bheith ag bйicнl to be yelling, bheith ag glaoch (ar) to be calling (on), bheith ag gol os ard to be crying aloud, bheith ag scrйachach to be screeching, bheith ag screadach to be screaming, bъir bellow, bъir a ligean to bellow, caoin weep, gбir cry out, shout; laugh, gбire a dhйanamh to laugh, glam a ligean to holler, to howl, glao a ligean to let out a call, glaoigh (ar) call, goil weep, cry softly, liъ a ligean to let out a yell, liъigh yell shout, liъireach f a dhйanamh to yell, olagуn a dhйanamh to wail, to lament aloud, scrйach screech, shriek, scread scream, scread a ligean to let out a scream, uaill a ligean to let out a howl, uaillghol a dhйanamh to make a wailing sound.


scamall m cloud

ceo fog, ceobhrбn mist, ceocht f mistiness, cith m(ceatha) shower, dorchacht f darkness, dorchadas dark, duairceas gloominess, duifean cloudiness, darkness, gal f(gaile) vapour, gruaim gloom, inneoinscamall anvil cloud, maidhm bhбistн cloudburst, meбnscamaill medium clouds, nйal cloud, nйal ceatha nimbus, nйal coscartha heavy rain-cloud, nйal doininne storm-cloud, nйal sconna funnel cloud, nйal srathach stratus rйaltnйal (astronomy) nebula, rйaltnйalmhaireacht nebulosity, saithe f(~) swarm, scбil shadow, scaoth f(- oithe) swarm, scamallacht cloudiness, scбth shade, shadow, smъit murk, obscurity, smъitiъlacht murkiness.

Tб ~ йigin anuas uirthi inniu. She’s sort of down in the dumps today for some reason. Tб ~ ar an mbainne. There’s a film on the milk.

scamallach adj. cloudy

ceomhar foggy, ceobhrбnach misty, hazy, ceoch misty, ceathach showery, doilйir unclear, indistinct, dorcha dark, sombre, draoibeach mucky, muddy, dubhach depressing, faoi mharbhnйal in a haze, gruama gloomy, lбibe muddy, mairbh- dim, modartha (sky) overcast, nйaltach cloudy, rйaltnйalmhar nebulous, scбileach shadowy, scбthach shaded, sheltered, smъitiъil murky, overcast, teimhneach opaque.

scannalach adj. scandalous

ainspianta grotesque, coscrach shocking, йigneach distressing, outrageous,outrageous, (cf. focal ainspianta outrageous statement), maslach insulting, opprobrious, mнchlъiteach disreputable, mнgheanasach indecent, mнmhorбlta immoral, nбireach disgraceful,shameful, scбfar appalling, scanrъil alarming, scйineach frighteningly outrageous, trйasъil rebellious, outrageous, uafбsach awful.

scannбn adj. movie, film; membrane

an scбileбn airgid the silver screen, an scбileбn mуr the big screen, caipнn sonais caul, na pictiъir the pictures, the flicks, pictiъr picture, seicin f(seicne; seicnн) membrane, sceo (mist) film, veilleam m(veillim) vellum.

~ bнse cliffhanger, ~ bithiъnach gangster movie, ~ bleachtaireachta detective film, ~ buachaillн bу cowboy movie, buachaillн bу spaigitн spaghetti western, ~ cartlainne archive film, ~ ceoil musical, ~ cogaidh war film, ~ faisnйise documentary, ~ grinn comedy film, ~ eachtraнochta adventure film, ~ mуr-eachtraнochta blockbuster, ~ na mbбb chick-flick, ~ nuachta news film, ~ teagaisc educational film, ~ tostach / ~ gan focail silent movie, ~ uafбis horror movie.


scanradh m fright

alltacht wild fear, critheagla shaking fear, eagla fear, faitнos trepidation, fear, geit fright, scaoll panic, scaollmhaireacht panickiness, scйin wild terror, scйiniъlacht frightened state, scariness, sceimhle terror uafбs horror, terror, uamhan m (- ain; - mhna, ~) dread. (see also: eagla)

scanrъil m frightening, alarming

allta wild, coscrach shocking, scйiniъil terrifying, scбfar appalling, scannalach scandalous, outrageous, scйineach frighteningly outrageous, scйiniъlachta pertaining to scariness/ to a frightened state, uafбsach horrible, terrible, uamhnach dreadful. (see also: scannalach)

scaoil v release; shoot

astaigh emit, caith fire, shoot, (cf. urchar a a chaitheamh le to fire a shot at), cuir ar fбil provide, furnish, craobhscaoil broadcast, dбil distribute, dнluchtaigh (electricity) discharge, foilsigh publish, fuascail liberate, release, lбmhach shoot, lig let, allow, lig amach let out, lig saor let (go) free, saor free, enfranchise, seachaid deliver, sceith discharge, leak, solбthair supply, provide, tairg proffer, tender; produce, tarchuir transmit.

scaoileadh m release; shooting

astъ emission, caitheamh firing, shooting, cur ar fбil provision, furnishing, craobhscaoileadh broadcasting, dбileadh distributing, dнluchtъ (electricity) discharging, foilsiъ publishing, fuascailt liberation, release, lбmhach m shooting, ligean allowing, lig amach letting out, ligean saor letting go free, saoirse f freedom, enfranchisement, seachadadh delivery, sceith discharge, overflow, solбthar supply, provision, tairgeadh proffering, tendering; producing, tarchur transmission.

scaoilte m released, loose

ar bogadh loose, woobly, bogtha slack, dнomhaoin slack, drabhlбsach loose-living, fairsing (clothes) loosely-fitting, imithe le scуd on the loose, ligthe amach let out, ligthe saor let free, oscailte open, unfastened, saor free.

scaoll m panic

alбram m alarm, alltacht wild fear, anbhuain dismay, anfais consternation, craiceann circe / goose-pimples, critheagla shaking fear, eagla fear, sceimhle terror, scйin wild terror, uamhan m (- ain; - mhna, ~) dread, uafбs horror. (see also: eagla)

scar v separate

bain cut, bearr shave, bris break, bris suas break up, cuir уna chйile take apart, dismantle, separate, dealaigh separate, fбg leave, gearr cut, gearr suas cut up, imigh depart, leave, pioc amach pick out, roinn divide, scбin sever, scaip scatter, scealp splinter, flake, scoilt split, scoir detach, disconnect, scoith sever, break apart, stoith pluck, extract, strуic tear, rend, trйig abandon.

scaradh m separation

baint cutting, briseadh breaking, briseadh suas breaking up, colscaradh divorce, cur уna chйile dismantling, separation, dealъ separation; subtraction, fбgбil leaving, gearradh cutting, gearrah amach cutting out, gearradh suas cutting up, imeacht departure, leaving, piocadh amach picking out, roinnt division, scбineadh severing, split, scaipeadh scattering, scealpadh splintering, scoilt split, scoilteadh splitting, scor disconnection; retirement, scoitheadh severing, breaking apart, strуiceadh tearing, rending, teitheadh fleeing, flight; escape, evasion, trйigean abandonment.


scartha adj & pp separated

bainte cut, bearrtha shaved, briste broken, briste suas broken up, colscartha divorced, curtha уna chйile taken apart, dismantled, separated, dealaithe separated, fбgtha left, gearrtha cut, gearrtha amach cut out, gearrtha suas cut up, imithe departed, disappeared, pioctha amach picked out, roinnte divided, scбinte severed, scaipthe scattered, scealptha splintered, flaked, scoilte split, scortha detached, disconnected, retired scoite severed, broken apart; detached strуicthe torn, trйigthe abandoned.

scata m crowd, drove, pack, sizable number

daorscarshlua horde, grъpa group, plуd throng, drove, lнon mуr large number, paca pack, saithe swarm, scuaine f queue; flock, slua crowd; bevy. (see also: grъpa)

scбth m

1. shade, shadow, covering

brat covering, mantle; curtain in theatre, brat an teampaill the veil of the temple, brat brуin pall, brat dнn protective covering, brat urlбir carpet, caille f veil, ceannbhrat canopy, clъdach m covering, cuirtнn curtain, dallуg blind, dorchacht dark, fial m veil, scбil shadow, shade, scбileбn screen, sciath f(scйithe) screen, taisйadach m shroud, tйastar canopy over bed.

2. shade, phantom

anam m(~ a; ~ acha) soul, anamacha na marbh the souls of the departed, baoththaibhse f phantasm, fantaise phantom, samhail f(samhla; samhlacha) wraith, ghostly figure, scбil shade, phantom, taibhse f ghost, tais spectre. (see also: pъca)

3. fear, dread

eagla fear, faitнos trepidation, fear, scбfaireacht timidity, scanradh fright, scйin wild terror, sceimhle terror, uafбs horror, terror, uamhan m (- ain; - mhna, ~) dread. (see also: eagla)

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