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Ban-abf(~a)abbessnuinteas an Phбpa 3 страница

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scйal m story, matter, account

aithris recitation, bйaloideas folklore, lore, oral tradition, beathaisnйis biography, brйag f(brйige; ~ a, ~) lie, ceadal recital, croinic chronicle, cur sнos account, description, dнrbheathaisnйis autobiography, eipeasуid episode, fabhal fable, fabhalscйal fable, fбthscйal parable, ficsean fiction, finscйal legend, gearrscйal short story, gnу m(~; ~ thaн) business, insint narrative, leagan version, leithscйal excuse, miotas myth, nuacht f news, parabal parable, plota plot, scйala tidings, news, scйilнn anecdote, scъp scoop, sнscйal fairy-tale, soiscйal gospel, sraithscйal serial-story, stair history, tuairisc report, dispatch, tuarascбil report, account, ъrscйal novel.

~ grб love story, ~ fada long story, ~ fнor true story, ~ grinn funny story, ~ nua news, ~ rъin secret affair, ~ scйil hearsay, ~ta taibhsн ghost stories, ~ thairis red herring, ~ tubaisteach tragic story.


~ an ghamhna bhuн cock and bull story, ~ mhadra na n-ocht gcos a shaggy-dog story, ~ Shamhain go Bealtaine long drawn-out tale, scйal i mbarr bata tall story, le ~ gairid a dhйanamh de to make a long story short, Cйn ~ й? What’s new?, Sin scйal eile ar fad! That’s quite a different matter! fear inste scйil storyteller


scйalaн m storyteller, narrator

aithriseoir reciter, narrator, croinicн chronicler, eachtraн raconteur, lucht insint scйil storytellers, seanchaн traditional storyteller, sceithire telltale, tattler, teachtaire messenger, trбchaire narrator, tuairisceoir reporter.


scйalaнocht m storytelling

aithriseoireacht reciting, narrating, croiniceacht chronicling, eachtraнocht telling tales of adventure, finnaнocht storytelling about the Fianna, finscйalaнocht telling romantic legendary tales, insint telling, nuacht news, Rъraнocht telling tales from the Ulster epic cycle, seanchaнocht traditional storytelling, scйala news, scйal story, sceithireacht telling tales, divulging, tattling, teachtaireachtaн fpl messages, trбchaireacht commentary, tuairisceoireacht reporting.

scian f knife

beaignit bayonet, bonsach f javelin, clбrscian f(scine; sceana) daigйar dagger, lann f blade, miodуg dagger, sceanуg scalpel, smeach-scian f flick-knife.

~ arбin bread-knife, ~ chбise cheese-knife, ~ cham paring knife, ~ chistine kitchen-knife, ~ bhъistйara butcher’s cleaver, ~ dhйadach serrated knife, ~ dhruidte jack-knife, ~ йisc fish-knife, ~ feola carving knife, ~ folas lancet, ~ fonsa drawing-knife, ~ ime butter-knife, ~ mhбinliachta surgical knife, ~ mhaol blunt knife, ~ phбipйir paper knife, phуca pocket-knife, penknife, ~ scrнobtha scraping knife, ~ stйige steak-knife, ~ spуlta carving knife.


sciliъil adj. skilful, skilled

бbalta able, ag a bhfuil taithн experienced, ceardъil skilled, with a trade, cleachtaithe practised, cliste clever, adroit, cumasach capable, powerful, deaslбmhach dexterous, adroit, inniъil capable, competent, oilte skilled.

scoil f school

acadamh academy, бiteamh (lit.) persuasion, alma mater alma mater, bunscoil primary school, ceacht lesson, colбiste college, ciorcal circle, cliarscoil seminary, crй f creed, creideamh faith; belief, creis crиche, daltaн pupils, dбmh f(dбimhe; ~a, ~) faculty, dearcadh view, deascabail mpl disciples, dogma m dogma, faicsean faction, foghlaim f(- ghlama) learning foirceadal doctrine; teaching, gairmscoil vocational school, giomnбisiam (foreign) gymnasium, grъpa group, institiъid institute, lйann learning, education, lucht leanъna followers, lycйe lycйe, meбnscoil secondary school, mic lйinn students. mуidнnн mpl devotees, mъineadh teaching, naнolann children’s nursery, naнscoil nursery school, oideas instruction; teaching, oideachas education, oideolaнocht pedagogy, oiliъint coaching, training, ollscoil university, pobalscoil community school, pollytech polaiteic, rang class, ranganna oнche evening classes, sainchreideamh denomination, scolaнocht schooling, seict sect, seiminбr seminar, sraith set, teagasc tuition, teaching; doctrine, traenбil training, ullmhъ preparation. (see also: бbhar, mъinteoir)

~ bhuachaillн all-boys’ school, ~ chailнnн all-girls’ school, ~ cheartъchбin reformatory school, ~ cheoil school of music, ~ chуnaithe boarding-school, ~ chreidimh faith school, ~ chuimsitheach comprehensive school, ~ Domhnaigh Sunday school, ~ ealaнne art school, ~ ghramadaн grammar school, ~ ilchreidmheach multi-denominational school, ~ imeasctha integrated school, ~ idirchreidmheach interdenominational school, ~ mheasctha mixed school, ~ naнonбn infant school, ~ nбisiъnta national school,~ oнche night school, ~ phobail community school, ~ prнobhбideach private school, ~ rince / damhsa dance school, ~ scairte (hist.) hedge-school.


■ ar scoil at school: biorуir sharpener, cбs piosailн pencil case, cailc chalk, clбr bбn white board, criбn crayon, deasc f (deisce; ~ a, ~) desk, mбla scoile school-bag, peann pen, peann aibhsithe highlighter, peann luaidhe pencil, rialуir ruler, rнomhaire computer, rubar rubber, scriosбn eraser, sos break, prнomhoide principal. (see also: бbhar, mъinteoir & leabhar)


scoilt 1 f fissure, split, crack

bearna f gap, briseadh breaking, briseadh suas break-up, colscaradh divorce, forba gash, gбg crevice, chink, gearradh cut, oscailt opening, poll hole, roinnt division, roiseadh rip, scбineadh split, crack, scaradh separation, scoilteadh splitting, scoitheadh severing, breaking apart, scoradh slash, gash, cut, sracadh уna chйile rending apart, strуiceadh tearing, rending.

scoilt 2 v split, crack

bearnaigh breach, bris break, bris ina dhб leath break into two halves, bris suas break up, forba a dhйanamh to make agash, gбg crack, oscail open, poll pierce, bore, perforate, roinn divide, rois rip, rend, scбin split, crack, sever, scar separate, srac уna chйile split apart, strуic tear, rend.

scoite adj. detached; remote

ar leithlis isolated, coimhthнoch distant, aloof, removed, coimhthite alienated, deoranta aloof, dнnasctha (machinery) disconnected, dнscortha (maths) disconnected, iargъlta remote, lбnscartha totally disconnected, leithlisithe isolated, neamhspleбch independent, saorsheasaimh stand-alone, scartha separated, suite amach уna chйile situated apart from one another. (see also: iargъlta)


scolбire m scholar; pupil

1. scholar

acadamhaн academician, aos eagna intelligentsia, duine lйannta learned person, intleachtach m intellectual, lucht an eolais people who knows, the experts, lucht lйinn people of learning, intellectuals, taighdeoir researcher.

2. pupil, student

dalta pupil, dalta scoile school pupil, fochйimн under-graduate, foghlaimeoir learner, iarchйimн postgraduate, neach lйinn student, mac lйinn student, printнseach m apprentice.

scrнbhneoir m writer

aistн essayist, athscrнobhaн copyist, beathaisnйisн biographer, breacaire pбipйir (pej.) hack, callagrafaн calligrapher, cуipeбlaн copyist, colъnaн columnist, dialannaн diarist, dнrbheathaisnйisн, drбmadуir dramatist, file poet, iriseoir journalist, lбmhscrнbhneoir hand-writer; manuscript-writer, lйirmheastуir critic, rannaire versifier, scrнoblбlaн scribbler, scrнobhaн scribe, tuairisceoir reporter, ъdar author, ъrscйalaн novelist.

scrнbhneoireacht f writing

athscrнobh transcription, beathaisnйis biography, callagrafaнocht calligraphy, cumadуireacht composition, dialann diary, dнrbheathaisnйisн autobiographer, filнocht poetry, iriseoireacht journalism, lбmhscrнbhinn manuscript, lбmhscrнbhneoireacht handwriting; manuscript-writing, leabhar book, litir f(-treach; -treacha) letter, litrнocht literature, lorg lбimhe handwriting, prуs prose, rannaнocht versification, rannaireacht composing verses, scrнbhinn writing, written document, scrнobadach scrawling, scrawl, scrнobh writing, scrнoblбil scribbling, tuairisceoireacht reporting, vйarsaнocht versifying, ъrscйalaнocht novel-writing.

scrнobh v write

athscrнobh transcribe, breac sнos jot down, clуscrнobh type, cуipeбil cope, comhfhreagair correspond, cruthaigh create, cuir le chйile put together, compile, cuir sнos describe, cum compose, drйachtaigh draft, draw up, grean engrave, inis tell, inscrнobh inscribe, marcбil mark, scrнob scratch, scrioblбil scribble, taifead record.


scrios v destroy

бr a dhйanamh (de) to slaughter, bбsaigh slay, kill; execute, basc crush; bash, bonn a bhaint (у ъdarбs duine) to undermine (the authority of a person), bris break, wreck, brъigh crush, creach plunder, destroy. cuir ar neamhnн annul; undo cuir chun bбis put to death, execute, cuir go tуin poill scuttle, cuir у chйile dismantle, cuir у chrнch/ у mhaith banjax, deireadh a chur le to put an end to, dнlбithrigh displace, put to rout, dнobh eliminate, obliterate, dнothaigh exterminate; eradicate, dъnmharaigh murder, cloнgh defeat, eirleach a dhйanamh (ar) to massacre, gal a dhйanamh (de) to vaporize, нdigh expend, destroy, leag demolish, leag go talamh raze to the ground, lйirscrios devastate, loit spoil, ruin, maraigh kill, slay, meil grind, destroy; (time) kill, mill ruin, destroy, mъch extinguish, neamhnigh annihilate, quash, neodraigh neutralize; neuter, plъch stifle, choke, sabaitйireacht a dhйanamh to sabotage, sбraigh thwart, slйacht a dhйanamh (ar) to slaughter, smidirнnн a dhйanamh (de) to smash to smithereens, smionagar a dhйanamh (de) to shatter, stoith у na frйamhacha root out, eradicate, toirpйad a scaoileadh (le) to torpedo, treascair vanquish, prostrate, tuairteбil (computer) crash, zaipeбil zap. (see also: maraigh)


scriosach adj. destructive

бibhirseach adverse, бir slaughtering, anacrach crushing, calamitous, catastrуife (> catastrуf) catastrophic, cataclysmic, (cf. hipitйis na catastrуife cataclysmic hypothesis), creachta ruinous, damбisteach damaging,, dнobhбlach detrimental, harmful, dochrach baneful, deleterious, drochmheasъil contemptuous, disparaging, loiteach pernicious, marfach deadly, leathal, millteach devastating, millteach pernicious, baleful, nimhneach poisonous, mуrchorraнola (> mуrchorraнl ) cataclysmic, naimhdeach hostile, neamh-chъntach unhelpful, oidhiъil ill-fated, tragic, plбъil pestilential, tarcaisniъil disparaging, treascrach (argument) devastation, crushing; subversive, tubaisteach calamitous, disastrous, urchуideach malignant.


scriosta adj. destroyed

basctha crushed; bashed, brъite crushed, buamбilte bombed, creachta ruined, curtha у chrнch/ у mhaith banjaxed, curtha ar neamhnн annulled, leagtha demolished, lйirscriosta devastated, loite spoilt, millte ruined, zaipeбilte zapped.


scrъdaigh v examine

cнor comb, cuir ceastуireacht (ar) interrogate, croscheistigh cross-examine, cuardaigh search, dйan anailнs ar analyse, dйan iniъchadh ar inspect, dйan staidйar ar study, dйan taighde do research, fйach ar look at, fiafraigh (de) ask (of), fiosraigh inquire, iniъch scrutinize, seiceбil check, taiscйal explore, tбstбil test. (see also: tбstбil)

scrъdъ m examination

anailнs analysis, An Ardteist The leaving Cert., An Ardteistimйireacht The Leaving Certificate, An Teastas Sуisearach The Junior Certificate, athbhreithniъ review, bйaltriail f(- ialach) oral test, breathnъ observing, breathnуireacht observation, caiticeasma catichism, ceistiъ questioning, ceistiъchбn interrogation; questionaire, cigireacht inspection, cluastuiscint f(- ceana) aural comprehension, critic f(~e; -tнcн) critique, croscheistiъ cross-

questioning, cъistiъnacht inquisition, faireachas surveillance, fiosrъ investigation, inquiring, fiosrъchбn inquiry, imscrъdъ investigation, iniъchadh investigating, iniъchуireacht auditing, ionchoisne m inquisition, lйirmheas critical assessment, luachбil evaluation, meastachбn estimate, meastуireacht valuing, measъnacht assessment, assay, measъnъ appraisal, mionscrъdъ close scrutiny, seiceбil checking, check-up, sъil siar glance-back, suirbhй survey, taighde research, taiscйalaнocht exploration, tбstбil test, trбth na gceist quiz, triail f(trialach) trial,

~ bйil oral examination, ~ coinsiasa examination of conscience, ~ cluastuisceana aural examination, ~ dochtъra medical examination, ~ iomaнochta competitive examination, ~ iontrбla entrance examination, ~ na hArdteistimйireachta Leaving Certificate Examination.


~ a sheasamh/ a dhйanamh to sit/ to do an exam, ~ a thуgбil to take an examination, pas a fhбil i scrъdъ to get a pass in an examination, onуracha a fhбil sa scrъdъ to get honours in the examination, teip a fhбil i scrъdъ to fail in an examination, D’йirigh liom sa scrъdъ. I passed the examination., Theip orm sa scrъdъ. I failed the examination., ullmhъ i gcomhair na scrъduithe/ an scrъdaithe to prepare for the examinations/ the examination, ag fanacht ar thorthaн an scrъdaithe waiting for the results of the examination.



scuab f brush

cнor f(cнre; ~ a, ~) comb, glantуir cleaner, inneall glanta srбide street sweeper, scuabadуir sweeper, scuaibнn little brush.

~ bhearrtha shaving brush, ~ bhrуg shoe-brush, ~ йadaigh clothes-brush, ~ fiacla tooth-brush, ~ ghruaige hair-brush, ~ ingne nail-brush, ~ mhъchбin flue-brush, ~ phйinteбla paint-brush, ~ sciъrtha scrubbing-brush, ~ shimlйir chimney-brush, ~ stionsail stencil brush, ~ svaeide suede-brush.

seachain v avoid, avert

йalaigh у elude, йirigh as refrain from, fбg gan freagairt leave unanswered, faillн a dhйanamh i ndualgas to shirk one’s duty, fan amach у keep away from, gabh thar bypass, gan aon bhaint agat le rud йigin to have nothing to do with something, gan dul ina ghaire nб ina ghaobhar not to go near him, imghabh evade (cf cбin a sheacaint to avoid tax; cбin a imghabhбil to evade tax), teacht as rud йigin to get out of something (cf. Thбinig sй as gan й a dhйana mh. He got out of doing it.).

seafуid f silliness

amadбntacht foolishness, amaidн folly, follishness, baois folly, bуmбntacht stupidity, bundъnacht silliness; arsing about, dнchiall senselessness, йigrнonnacht imprudence, йigiall f irrationality, fбnaнocht aimless behaviour, йidreoir cluelessness, faoiste fбiste nonsense, mнrйasъntacht unreasonableness, saontacht naivety, gullibility, simple-mindedness. (see also: amaidн)


seafуideach f avoid, avert

amaideach foolish, amadбnta fatuous, baoth giddy, foolish, baothбnta fatuous, bуmбnta stupid, dнchйillн irrational, senseless йigrнonna imprudent, йigiallta irrational, fбnach futile, vain, aimless, nйaltraithe demented, daft,, meargбnta reckless, mнchйillн senseless, neamhйirimiъil unintelligent, уinmhideach foolish, simple, уinsiъil (of female only) foolish, pleidhciъil silly. (see also: amaideach)


sealadach adj. temporary, provisional

ainm m makeshift (e.g. Tб ainm boird againn. We have a makeshift table), coinnнollach conditional, dнomuan transitory, drйacht- draft, eatramhach interim, gairid brief, gearr short, gearrshaolach short-lived, gearrthйarmach short-term, idir eatarthu (sail) transitional, idirthrйimhseach transitional, neamhbhuan impermanent, reatha fleeting (cf. cuairt reatha fleeting visit).

sean (-) adj. old

ag titim as a chйile crumbling, aibн mature, anallуd of yore, anonn i mblianta on in years, aosta old, ar an sean-nуs in the old way, in the old tradition, бrsa ancient, archaic, as dбta out of date, outdated, as feidhm obsolete, atб ann le fada an lб old-established, bundъchasach aboriginal, caite spent, worn out, cnagaosta advanced in years, crнonna old, wise, den seandйanamh of the old style, dulta i lйig over the hill, obsolete, dulta in aois gotten old, fбsta grown-up, gioblach tattered, giobach shaggy, in earr a rй in his/her/their extreme old age, locartha worn out, meбnaosta middle-aged, rйamhstairiъil prehistoric, sa sean-am in olden times, scothaosta fairly old, seanaimseartha antiquated, seanaoise senile, seanбrsa primitive, seanbhlastъil stale, mouldy, seanchaite worn-out; antiquated, seanchrнonna old and wise; (child) precocious, seanda ancient, seandбlaнoch archaeological, seandйanta old-fashioned, seanfhaiseanta old-fashioned, seanуrtha aged, elderly, seanrй period; veteran (e.g. scannбn seanrй period film; carr seanrй veteran car), seantriailte veteran, snoite emaciated, stairiъil historical, stбlaithe stale, tnбite worn down, weary, jaded, traidisiъnta traditional.


seanaimseartha adj. old-fashioned, antiquated

anallуd of yore, aosta old, ar an sean-nуs in the old way, in the old tradition, бrsa ancient, archaic, as dбta out of date, outdated, as feidhm obsolete, out-of-use, coinbhinseanach conventional, coimeбdach conservative, crнonna old, wise, den seandйanamh of the old style, den seanrй from the old times, dulta as faisean gone ot of fashion, mar a bhнodh fadу у shin as it used to be long ago, mar a bhн sa sean-aimsir / sna seanlaethanta as it was in olden times/ the old days, seanбrsa primitive, seanbhlastъil stale, seanchaite antiquated, seanda ancient, seandйanta of the old make, seanfhaiseanta old-fashioned, seanуrtha aged, elderly, seanrй veteran (e.g. scannбn seanrй period film; carr seanrй veteran car), stairiъil historical, stбlaithe stale, stнlithe stylilized traidisiъnta traditional.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 132 | Нарушение авторских прав

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