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Ban-abf(~a)abbessnuinteas an Phбpa 4 страница

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seanduine m old person

an seandream the old people; the old crowd, aostach m old person, athair m(athar; aithreacha) crнonna grandfather, crandailнn decrepit person, crнonбn old wizened person, crunca doubled-up decrepit old person, daideo grandpa, mamу granny, seanbhean f(-nmhnб; -nmhnб; -nbhan) old woman, seanchailleach f old hag, seanfhear m old man, seanleaid (sa bhaile) the old-fellow (at home), seanathair grandfather, seanfhondъir old-timer, sean-aintнn great-aunt, seanlбmh m(- lбimhe; ~ a, ~) old hand, seanmhadra old dog, old veteran, seanmhaighdean f(- dine; ~ a, ~) old maid, seanуir old-person; elder, senior, seanphlanda old-stager, seanriadaire one of the old brigade, old-stager, seansaighdiъir m(- ъra; ~ н) old soldier, sean-uncail m great-uncle, seargбn withered, shrivelled (old) person, sin-seanathair great-grandfather.


seang adj. slim

caol narrow; slender, caolaithe thinned, reduced; palatalized, cnбmhach bony, fнneбlta fine, subtle, folamh empty, gortach meagre, lom bare, rite sheer, sciotach scanty, snoite emaciated, tanaн thin, meagre, tarraingthe gaunt. (see also|: tanaн)


seans m chance, opportunity

бdh luck, cabhair Dй God’s help, caoi f(~; caнonna) window of opportunity, caolseans off chance, (cf. dul ann i muinнn an chaolseans to go there on the off chance), cinniъint destiny, cumas ability, dea-fhortъn good fortune, dealraithн likelihood, dealramh appearance, likelihood (cf. Tб dealramh air. It looks likely.), deis opportunity, dуchъlacht probability, йadбil serendipity, unexpected gain, faill opportunity, fйidearthacht possibility, foiche f act of God, ionchas prospect, уcбid shona happy opccasion, oscailt opening, rogha f option, choice, sciorta den бdh stroke of good luck, sйan prosperity, sonas good luck, tabhartas у Dhia Godsend, tarlъ бmharach lucky occurrence, toice fortune, chance.


searbh adj bitter

aiciseach rancorous, spiteful, aigйadach acidic, bearrtha sharp-tongued, binbeach venomous, biorach pointed, sharp, borb abrupt, cealgach wily; guileful, colgach bristling; waspish, colgnimhneach crua severe, harsh, deilgneach barbed, thorny, dian intense, domlasta acerbic, vitriolic; peevish, drisнneach prickly; waspish, feanntach cutting, finйagrach vinegary, gйar sharp, bitter, goilliъnach hurtful, loiscneach caustic, mailнseach malicious, nimhneach sharp, sore, poisonous, niogуideach testy, sarcastic mioscaiseach spiteful, polltach piercing, penetrating, rбsъir razor-edged, searbhasach sarcastic.

seas v stand, stop, remain firm

ardaigh erect, cosa a chur i dtaca to make a stand, cosa a chur i bhfeac sa mhйid sin to take a firm stand on that, cuir dнot get over, (storm) weather, cuir suas (le) put up (with); tolerate, йirigh suas ar do chosa get up onto your feet, fan remain, stay, fan socair stay still, fulaing suffer, experience, iompair sustain, support, lбimhseбil handle, lean continue, mair endure, last, stad stop, stop stop, tacaнocht a thabhairt to give support, tacaigh support, teacht slбn to prevail.

Sheas sн air go... She maintained that..

Sheas sн an fуd. She stood her ground.

Sheas sн an scrъdъ. She sat her exam.

Sheas sн an teas. She withstood the heat.

Sheas sн deoch. She stood a drink.

Sheas sн lena focal. She abided by her word.

Sheas sн liom. (a) She was my bridesmaid

(b) She stood by me.

Sheas sн suas dom. She stood up for me.


seasamh m standing, footing; endurance; support

buaine staying power, buanseasamh (acht) endurance, perseverance, cйim rank, station, cйimнocht status, clъ reputation, cosa i bhfeac (principle) firm stand cosa i dtaca (principle) stand, cur in aghaidh standing up against, opposition, diongbhбilteacht firmness, steadfastness, fulaingt endurance, gradam eminence, distinction, rang rank; class, stбdas status, suнomh position, taca prop, support, tacaнocht support,

seasmhach adj. steadfast, reliable

buan permanent, buanseasmhach enduring, unwavering, cinnte certain, daingean secure, steadfast, dнlis faithful, diongbhбilte unfaltering, steadfast, do-bhogtha immovable, feistithe fixed, fastened, fуdъil well-grounded, stable, fuaimintiъil sound, solid, gan stad gan staonadh persistent, iontaofa dependable, reliable, muinнneach reliable, neadaithe embedded, righin rigid, sбbhбilte safe, seasta steady, slбn sбbhбilte safe & sound, tiomanta committed, tiomnaithe dedicated, teann taut, tight, firm.

seastбn m (for supporting items) stand

ardбn platform, bonn base, foundation, brac bracket, bun base, cos f(coise; ~ a, ~) leg, frбma frame, frapa prop, leabhragбn book-case, leabharthacaн mpl book-ends, raca rack, seilf shelf, stainnнn stall, stalla stall, taca prop, support, tacas easel, trнchosach m tripod.

sйasъr m season

rбithe f season, ceathrъ bliana yearly quarter, tйarma term, tamall while, trйimhse f period.

sйid v blow

adhain inflame, anбlaigh breathe, athlas (med) inflame, brъcht emit, surge, lig as let out, lнon fill, blow up, (cf. Lнon sн a pluca. She blew out her cheeks.), scaird jet, gush, scinn spurt, seol chun cinn waft, sнob blow, sprйigh spray, sruthaigh stream, tonn surge, gush, tuil flood.

seilf f shelf

dreapa ledge on cliff, fargбn deep slope with ledges, frapa ledge on cliff-face, laftбn rocky ledge, leabhragбn book-case, leac f ledge, scairbh (geog) shelf.

seilg f hunt

fiach m(fiaigh) hunt, fiach m sionnach fox-hunting, fiagaнocht foraging, hunting, sealgaireacht hunting, tуir f(tуra; ~ eacha) chase, hunt, tуraнocht pursuit, hunt.

seinn v (musical intrument) play; sing, warble

abair say, sing (cf. Abair amhrбn! Sing a song!; bain ceol as (uirlis cheoil) make music with (a musical instrument), can sing (cf. йan ag seinm bird singing), cas play (cf port a chasadh to play a tune), ceol a dhйanamh to make music.

seirbhнs f service

бis facility, cothabhбil maintenance, cъnamh assistance, deasghnбth m ceremony, rite, ritual, dualgas duty, feidhm function, fйinseirbhнs self-service, fуntas utility (cf. fуntas poiblн public utility), fostaнocht employment, freastal service, gnу business, saothar labour, effort, searmanas ceremony, stбtseirbhнs civil service.

seirbhнseach m servant

buachaill m aimsire (hist.) servant-boy, buitlйir butler, cailнn m aimsire (hist.) servant-girl, cъntуir assistant; helper, fostaн employee, freastalaн waiter; attendant, friothбlaн server, searbhуnta servant, sclбbhaн slave.

seу m show, spectacle

carnabhal carnival, ceoldrбma musical, clбr programme, show, deasghnбth ceremony, drбma play, feic (pejorative) sight, fйile f fete, festival, feis festival, carnival, lйiriъ production, mуrshiъl procession, parбid parade, searmanas ceremony, tуstal pageant, display, seуlйimneach f(- ) show-jumping, seуthriail f(- thrialach) show-trial, taispeбint show, taispeбntas exhibition, show. (see also: taispeбntas)

~ bуthair road-show, ~ cainte chat show, capall horse show, ~ eallaigh cattle show, ~ aonair one man/woman show, уstach m ~ cluichн game show host, ~ grinn ar do bhoinn stand-up comedy show, ~ mуr ceoil musical extravaganza, ~ mуrthaibhseach spectacular show.

seoid f jewel, gem

agбit agate, aimitis amethyst, coirйal coral, diamant diamond, grianchloch f(- chloiche; ~ a, ~) quartz, nйamhann precious stone; mother of pearl, уmra amber, pйarla pearl, rъibнn ruby, saifнr f sapphire, smaragaid emerald, tуpбs topaz, turcaid turquoise.


seol v send, dispatch

craobhscaoil broadcast, cuir amach put out, cuir ar ais send back, remit, cuir chuig send to, forward to, cuir i dtuiscint convey, cuir sa phost mail, cuir timpeall put around, foilsigh publish lainseбil launch, poibligh publicise, scaoil release, tarchuir transmit.


seoladh m address

бit chуnaithe abode, place of residence, baile home, Cб hбit? Whereabouts? rнomhphost e-mail, suнomh location, treoir f(treorach; treoracha) direction, treoracha fpl directions, treoshuнomh orientation.

seomra m room

aireagal chamber, oratory, бit place, бrasбn apartment, barda ward, cбbбn cabin, compartment, caibinйad cabinet, cistin kitchen, leithreas toilet, lialann surgery, lуistнn lodging, board, oifig office, parlъs parlour, proinnteach m(- ; - tithe) dining-hall, refectory, salуn salon, salъn saloon, stiъideo studio, suanlios m(-leasa; ~anna) dormitory.

preas-~ press-room, seirbhнs ~н room-service; ~ aclaнochta gym, ~ acmhainnн resources room, ~ acraн utility room, ~ adhlactha burial chamber, ~ agallaimh interview-room, ~ allais sauna, ~ amhairc viewing-room, ~ bia dining-room, ~ caidrimh common-room, ~ caidrimh na sуisear junior common-room, ~ ceoil music room, ~ cithfholctha shower-room, ~ comhairle consulting room, ~ comhdhбla conference room, ~ comhrб chat-room, ~ cуtaн cloak-room, ~ daingean strong room, ~ dhб leaba twin room, ~ dнbhrъchбin decompression chamber, ~ dorcha dark-room, ~ folctha bathroom, ~ folъis vacuum chamber, ~ fуtachуipeбla photocopying room, ~ fuaimdhнonach soundproofed room, ~ gaile steam-room, ~ glйasta dressing-room, ~ innill engine room, ~ lapadбn toddlers’ room, ~ leapa / codlata bedroom, ~ locar locker-room, ~ Mamaн agus Babaн Mother & Baby Room, ~ naнonбn babies’ room, ~ уcбide function room, ~ ranga classroom, ~ rialaithe control room, ~ scнthe rest-room, ~ scoile schoolroom, ~ teagmhas (Gardaн) incident room, ~ rнomhaireachta computer-room, ~ staidйir study-room, prep-room, ~ struis stress-room, sъgartha playroom, ~ suн sitting-room, ~ taosctha pump-room, ~ tйarnaimh (hospital) recovery room, ~ triomъchбin drying room, ~ urnaн prayer-room.

siamsa m amusement, entertainment

aeraнocht enjoyment, aiteas pleasantness, fun, aoibhneas bliss, ardъ meanman raised spirits, clubбil clubbing, craic fun, craic, croнъlacht cheerfulness, plйisiъr pleasure, rнmйad jubilance, sбstacht contentment, sclйip hilarity, having fun, sceitimнnн ecstasy, jubilation, siamsaнocht fun, spуrt fun, spraoi fun, spree, sult merriment, taitneamh enjoyment.

sibhialta adj civil, civilised; polite

bйasach polite, caoin gentle, refined, cathartha civil, civic, cъirtйiseach courteous, cultъrtha cultured, dea-bhйasach gallant, polite, dea-mhъinte well-mannered, well-bred, deismнneach refined, eagnaн enlightened, eolach informed, foghlamtha educated, galбnta elegant, mъinte mannerly, modhъil genteel, mannerly, oilte educated, saoithiъil learned, pleasant, agreeable, sibhialtachta (>sibhialtacht) civilised, sofaisticiъil sophisticated, urramach deferential.

sil v drip, trickle, shed

bheith ag braonaнl to be dripping, caith throw, shed, (cf. solas a chaitheamh ar to shed light on), deora a ghol to cry tears, doirt pour, goil go fras cry profusely, imeacht an bhainne ina bhraonta milk leaking away, sceith leak, disclose, tit fall, titeann an t-uisce braon ar bhraon the water drips away, the water falls in droplets.

simplн adj. simple

aosбideach easy, bog soft, facile, йasca easy, dнreach straightforward, gan dua effortless, gan strу ar bith without any hassle, neamhchasta uncomplicated, rйidh soft, easy, saonta simple, naive, so- easy. (see also: йasca)

singil adj. single; thin, tenuous

aon sole, single (e.g. eitleбn aon suнochбin single-seater plane), aon… amhбin single, only, (e.g. in aon lнne amhбin in single file), aonair lone, solitary, aonta single, unmarried, aontumha celibate, ar neamhcheangal unattached, caol narrow, tenuous, dнomhaoin unmarried, eisiach exclusive, gan bheith pуsta unmarried, in aontumha in an unmarried state (hist. inнon in aontumha a marriageable daughter), indibhidiъil individual, neamhphуsta unmarried, unwed, prнobhбideach private (cf. saighdiъir singil private soldier), sainiъil specific, unique, stoite detached, tanaн thin, uatha singular, uathъil unique, once off.

sinsireach adj. senior

ard- high, higher, archйimiъil high-ranking, ardoifige of high office, crнonna older-and-wiser, mуr senior (cf. Sйamas Mуr James Senior), sinseartha ancestral, sinsir (> sinsear) senior (cf. abhcуide sinsir senior counsel), uachtair (> uachtar) upper, superior, uachtarach upper, superior.

sioc m frost

adhfhuaire extreme cold, Artach m Artic, dъgheimhreadh depths of winter, duibheaca f, bitter wintry cold, fuacht m cold, geimhreadh winter, geimhriъ becoming wintry, geimhriъlacht wintriness, oighear ice, oighreatacht iciness, prйachadh (le fuacht) perishing (with cold), reo frost, freezing, reoiche freezing, reoiteacht frostiness, sioc frost, siocбntacht frostiness, siocъlacht frostiness. (see also: fuacht)

sнochбin f peace

aontoil f(- tola) accord, aontъ agreement, athmhuintearas reconciliation, amity, sympathy, binne harmony, ceansъ appeasement, cairdeas friendship, amity, ceansъ pacification; ciъnas silence, ciъine silence, calm, comhaontъ concord, dйtente, agreement, comhrйir harmony, conradh m(- nartha; - narthaн) treaty, faoiseamh relief, respite, gйilleadh sнthe (pol.) appeasement (cf. beartas gйillte is sнthe appeasement policy), muintearas conciliation, kindly disposition to others, neamhchъiseacht composure, rйiteach m conciliation, sбimhe serenity, calmness, sбstacht contentment, sнochбnachas pacifism, sнochбntacht peacefulness, socracht stillness, calmness, sochmaнocht equanimity, placidity, scнth rest, relaxation, sos rest, pause, sos cogaidh truce, armistice, sos comhraic cease-fire, suaimhneas tranquillity, suaimhniъ pacification, tost silence, being quiet, tostaнl taciturnity. (see also: ciъnas, cairdeas)

sнochбnta adj. peaceful

ceansa meek, ciъin calm, quiet, dъnбrasach taciturn, gan bhuaireamh undisturbed, lбch gentle, sбmh serene, socair calm, serene, sochma, phlegmatic, composed, socrбnta placid, somhъinte docile, staidйartha sedate, suaimhneach tranquil, suaimhneasach soothing, tostach silent.

siocъil adj. frosty

adhfhuar extremely cold, amh raw, Artach Artic, doicheallach cold, unwelcoming, duibheacach wintry, bitterly cold, fuar cold, geimhridh winter-, geimhriъil wintry, nimheanta bitterly cold, nimhneach biting, oighreata icy, prйachta (leis an bhfuacht) perished (with the cold), reoch freezing, reoite frozen, seaca frosty; frost-bitten, siocбnta frosted, chilled, sioctha frozen solid, stiff from the cold. (see also: fuar)

siуg f fairy

an slua sн the fairy host, aos sн fairy folk, badhbh f(baidhbhe) hobgoblin, bogeyman, badhbh f chaointe wailing fairy-woman, banshee, bean f(mnб; mnб, ~) banshee, leipreachбn m leprechaun, pъca bogeyman, sнofra elf, sprite, sнogaн fay, fairy. (see also: pъca)

siombail f symbol

comhartha sign, token, deibhнn (comp.) icon, fнor f(~ ach; ~ acha) figure, нocуn (rel.) icon, lйiriъchбn representation, picteagram pictogram, samhail f(- mhla; - mhlacha) effigy, likeness, semblance, samhlaoid figurative illustration, suaitheantas emblem, badge.

siombalach f symbolic

athlбithritheach (literature) representational, comharthach emblematic, token, fбthchiallach allegorical, allusive, fнorach diagrammatical, figurative, fнortha figurative, fнorъil virtual, macasamhlach representational, meafarach metaphoric, samhailteach emblematic, samlaoideach figurative, full of imagery, trуpach (ling.) figurative.

siopa m shop

aonach m (- naigh) fair, bъitнc m(~) boutique, coimplйasc siopadуireachta shopping complex, dormhargadh hypermart, formhargadh hypermarket, ionad siopa-dуireachta shopping centre, ionad siopadуireachta fнorъla virtual shopping centre, lбrionad siopadуireachta shopping centre, lнomatбiste siopadуireachta shopping precinct, limistйar siopadуireachta shopping area, siopacheantar shopping catchment area, margadh market, saorбid siopadуireachta shopping facility, siopadуireacht ar an nGrйasбn Web-shopping, siopadуireacht fuinneoige window-shopping, siopalann shopping mall, slabhra chain, stуrtha Dunnes Dunnes Stores, ollmhargadh supermarket.

~ bбicйara bakery, ~ blбthanna flower shop, ~ brуg shoe shop, ~ bъistйara butchers’, ~ crua-earraн hardware store, ~ йadaн clothes shop, ~ grуsaera grocery shop, ~ ilranna department store, ~ leabhar bookshop, ~ milseogra confectioner’s, ~ nuachtбn newsagents, ~ poitigйara pharmacy, ~ seodуra jeweller’s, ~ spуirt sports shop.


amharclann theatre, banc bank, bйile amach take-away, both kiosk, cуgaslann pharmacy, club oнche night-club, dйilн deli, gnнomhaire eastбit estate agent, gnнomhaireacht taistil travel agency, gruagaire hairdresser, oifig an phoist post office, уstlann hotel, pictiъrlann cinema, radharceolaн optician, teach tбbhairne pub.

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