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Ban-abf(~a)abbessnuinteas an Phбpa 5 страница

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siopadуireacht f shopping

ceannach f buying, purchasing, dul go dtн na siopaн going to the shops, teiripe miondнola retail therapy. (see also: siopa)

siъil v walk

coisigh walk, go by foot, crбgбil walk awkwardly, dul de shiъl cos to go by walking, falaireacht a dhйanamh to amble, fбlrуid a dhйanamh to trek, mбirseбil march, sнobshiъil hitchhike, siъlуid a dhйanamh to go for a walk, spaisteoireacht a dhйanamh to go for a stroll, tйigh de chois go by foot, turas de shiъl cos a dhйanamh to go on ahike.

siъl m walking

coisнocht travelling by foot, crбgбil walking awkwardly, falaireacht ambling, fбlrуid trekking, fбlrуid ar chapaillнnн pony-trekking, fбnaнocht wandering, vagrancy, mбirseбil marching, sнobshiъl hitchhiking, siъlуid walk, stroll spaisteoireacht strolling, turas de shiъl cos hike.

slбinte f health

bail mhaith good shape, good condition, beocht vitality, brн strength, vigour, cumas capability, corpacmhainn fitness, cruas toughness, dбil f fhisiceach physical condition, daingne firmness, feargacht virility, fйitheogacht brawniness, flosc gusto, follбine robustness, healthiness, fуrsa force, neart potency, power, fuinneamh energy, lбidreacht strength, lбn de cheol full of vigour, miotal mettle, scafбntacht vigorousness, йifeacht effect, significance, spiorad spirit, spionnadh vim, zest, spionntacht vigorousness, spleodar exuberance, sponc spunk, spirit, spreacъlacht vigour,

slбintiъil f healthy

beo alive, beoga vital, vivacious, brнomhar vigorous, cumasach capable, powerful, corpacmhainneach fit, crua tough, daingean firm, feargacht virility, fйitheogach brawny, follбin robust, healthy, i gcaoi go maith in good shape/ condition, i mbail go maith in good condition, i ndбil mhaith fhisiceach in good physical condition, neartmhar potent, vigorous, fuinniъil energetic, lбidir strong, lбn de cheol full of vigour, miotalach mettlesome, scafбnta hearty, vigorous, йifeachtach effective, spleodrach exuberant, sponcъil spunky, spirited, spreacъil forceful, spirited.


1. adv. farwell, good-bye

Bуthar gan mhasla romhat!May there be an easy road ahead of you!, Cosбn gan col agat!May your path be without impediment!, Dia romhat agus Dia i do dhiaidh!May God go before your and (protect you) from behind!, Go dнreach iad ialla do chonaireMay your path always be straight!, Go dtй tъ slбn!Safe journey! Go dtuga Dia go ceann cъrsa thъ!May God bring you safely to your journey’s end!, Go n-йirн leat!All the best! Go n-йirн an bуthar leat!Bon voyage!, Go raibh fothain уn bhfuacht agus fuarthan уn teas agat!May you have shelter from the cold and shade from the heat!, Go raibh tъ sa bhaile roimh

dhall-chiach na camhaoire! May you be home before the dark mist of dawn.

2. adj. safe, sound, healthy

as baol out of harm’s way, cosanta protected, diongbhбilte secure, steadfast, faoi chosaint under protection, fуdъil well-grounded, stable, follбin healty, robust, fuaimintiъil sound, solid, i gcaoi go maith in good shape/ condition, iontaofa trustworthy, muinнneach dependable, sбbhбilte safe, slбintiъil healthy, slбndбla (> slбndбil) security- (cf. fуrsaн slбndбla security forces), tбstбlaithe tested, triailte agus profa tried and tested.

slбndбil f security

cosaint protection, cumhdach m safe-keeping, dнdean f shelter, refuge, eagla na heagla precautionary measures, (ar eagla na heagla to be on the safe side), garda cosanta body guard, garda slбndбla security guard, rйamh-aire f precaution(s), sбbhбilteacht safety, scбth screen, protection, sciath f(scйithe; ~ a, ~) shield, tearmann sanctuary.

sleamhain adj. slippery, sleek

bealaithe oily, greasy; lubricated, cam devious, dishonest, corrach unsteady, unstable, cleasach shifty, tricky, glic cunning, grйisceach greasy, lъbach (person) slippery, crafty, luaineach fickle, vacillating, ramallach slimy, sciorrach easy to skid, slippy, seachantach evasive, sionnachъil foxy, slнoctha sleek, smeartha greasy.

slн f way

aidhm aim, bail condition, bуthar road, bealach m(- laigh; - laн) way; route, bealach m amach way out, bealach m isteach way in, bйas custom, cleachtadh practice, habit, conair path, passage, cуras system, cosбn footpath, cur chuige approach, cъrsa course, dul going, dul chun cinn progress, fairsinge oibre elbow room, gluaiseacht movement, gnбs custom, usage, gnй f aspect, iarnrуd railroad, lбna lane, lorg track, trail, modh method, manner, nуs custom, pasбiste passage, plean plan, prуiseas process, rбille (railway) rails, raon track, rбschъrsa race-course, riocht m(reachta) state, rochtain f(- tana) access, rуd road, scйim scheme, spбs space, room, srбid street, stбdas status, staid state, stнl style, trasnъ crossing, trйith characteristic, treo direction, triall m(~ a) heading, journey, turas trip, uaillmhian f(- mhйine; ~ ta) ambition, ъsбid usage, use. (see also: bealach & bуthar)

Nнl siъl na ~ ionam. I’m not able to walk around much., do shlн sa domhan a dhйanamh to make your way in the world, sa t~ seo in this way, as an tslн out of the way, ~ bheatha livelihood, ar gach ~ in every way, Nнl ~ sa mhбla dу. There’s no room in the bag for it., ar shlн na fнrinne passed away, dead.

sliabh m mountain

alp m(ailp; ~ a, ~) alp, ard height, hillock, ardбn elevation, platform, ardъ elevation, barr summit, beann f(~ e; beanna, beann) ben, horn, prong, berg (German) berg, binn f(~ e; beanna, beann) peak, blocshliabh m(- shlйibhe; - shlйibhte) block mountain, cnoc hill, fillslйibhte fold(ed) mountains, fuнollslйibhte relict mountains, mullach eminence, height, mullбn elevated ground, mullуg mound, sliabhraon mountain chain, tulach f(- ; ~ a, ~) low hill,mound. (see also: cnoc & talamh)

Na hAlpa The Alps, Na hAindйis The Andes, Na hAipinнnн The Appenines, Na Himilйithe The Himalayas, Na Slйibhte Apalбiseacha The Appalachian Mountains, Na Slйibhte Carraigeacha The Rocky Mountains, Slйibhte Cairp Carpathian Mountains, Slйibhte Cugais Caucasus Mountains, Slйibhte na hЪraile The Ural Mountains, Sliabh Everest Mount Everest, Na Pirйinн The Pyrenees.


slua m crowd, host

an choitiantacht the masses, the populace, an gleann is a bhfuil ann the whole caboodle, an saol agus a mhбthair the world and his mother, an tsloigisc the mob, arm army, baicle f bunch of people, bratainn hoi polloi, mob, rabble, brъ crush, ciorcal circle, cнrйib riot, comhluadar company, cuideachta f company, drong f body of people, gramaisc mob, plуd throng, crowd, lйirsiъ demonstration, lucht йisteachta audience, lucht fйachana viewers, audience, plуdъ crowding, crush, pobal (church) congregation; (gen.) populace, public, scroblach m riff-raff, rabble, tionуl assembly, trйad flock. (see also: pobal)

~champa gйibhinn concentration camp, ~mhallacht public opprobrium, ~ muirн naval force, ~ na marbh the host of the dead; cothъ an tslua the feeding of the multitude, ionghlacadh ~ crowd absorption, (see also: siуg)

smacht m control, discipline

ardcheannas high command, bheith i gceannas being in charge, ceannas sovereignty, headship, command, cigireacht inspection, control, coscбn brake, diansmacht strict control; rigid discipline, dlнnse f jurisdiction, faire watch, look-out, feitheoireacht superintendence, forlбmhas supremacy, maoirseacht supervision, riail f(rialach; rialacha) rule, rialachas governance, rialtas government, rialъ governing, rialъchбn regulation, seiceбil checking, check; control, srian m rein, restraint, srianadh restraining, control, sriantacht restraint, treoir f(treorach; treoracha) direction; guidance, teorainn f(teorann) limit, ъdarбs authority.

smachtaigh v control, discipline

ansmachtaigh bully, an tslat a thabhairt do to physically chastise, brъidigh brutalize, casaoid a thabhairt do reprove, ceartaigh correct, coimeбd / coinnigh faoi smacht keep under control, cos ar bolg a imirt ar to oppress, eagraigh organize, нde bйil a thabhairt do castigate, ordaigh order, pionуs a ghearradh ar to penalize, rialaigh rule, regulate, srian restrain, control, stiъir steer, control, treoraigh guide.

smachtaithe adj. & pp disciplined, repressed

ansmachtaithe tyrannically oppressed, bullied, briste broken, brъidithe brutalized, buaite defeated, ceansaithe tamed, subdued, cloнte subdued, defeated; overwhelmed, curtha faoi chois subjugated, curtha faoi smacht brought under control, curtha faoi umhlaнocht made to submit, maolaithe subdued, dampened, sбraithe overpowered, tugtha chun umhlaнochta brought to submission, umhlaithe made humble.

smachtъil adj. controlling, disciplinary; repressive, despotic

anfhorlannach violently oppressive, anlathach tyrannical, ansmachtъil tyrannical, oppressive, brъidiъil brutal, cadrбnta harsh, ceartaiseach strait-laced, cloнteach subduing; overwhelming, crapthach astringent, crosta fractious, cross, crua hard, dochraideach oppressive, dъr dour, йilitheach demanding mбistriъil domineering, piъratбnach puritanical, righin rigid, tiarnъil bossy, imperious, tнorбnta tyrannical, ъdarбsъil authoritarian,

smбl m stain

ainimh disfigurement, blemish, aithis slur, reproach, dнghrбdъ degradation, drochainm bad name, droch-chбil infamy, drochtheist discredit, йalang m(- lainge; ~ a, ~) flaw, easonуir f dishonour, fabht defect, flaw, locht fault, mбchail stigma, blemish; defect, mнchlъ disrepute, mнghnнomh misdeed, nбire shame, disgrace, peaca sin, scannal scandal, tarcaisne obloquy, affront, teimheal tarnish, stain, truailliъ defilement, corruption, urchуid iniquity.

smaoineamh m thought

aidhm aim, aird heed, airdeall attentiveness, aire attention, aisling vision, dream, бitiъs conviction, ceapadh m(- ptha) conception, coincheap m(~ a; ~ a, ~) concept, coinne f expectation, comhbhб compassion, sympathy, creideamh belief, cuspуir object; objective, purpose, dearcadh outlook, view, dianmhachnamh deep concentration, profound thinking, dуchas hope, fealsъnacht philosophy, fуcas focus, idй f idea, machnamh contemplation, thinking; meditation, obair f(oibre) chinn brainwork, oibriъ inchinne cerebration, inbhreathnъ introspection, intinn intention, meastachбn estimation, measъnъ assessment, mianaidhm aspiration, nуisean notion, rйamhghabhбil (philosophy) anticipation, rйamh-mheas (business) anticipation, rъn resolution, smaointeoireacht cogitation, reflecting, tuairim opinion, conviction, tuiscint understanding; consideration.

smaoinigh v think

airigh sense, бirigh reckon, bheith den tuairim to deem, to be of the opinion, ceap think, coincheap conceive, conclъidigh conclude, creid believe, cuimhnigh consider; remember, dealraнodh domsa (go) I was under the impression (that), machnaigh reflect, ponder, contemplate, ruminate, machnamh a dhйanamh to meditate, to ponder; to brood, meas consider, oibrigh amach work out, samhlaigh imagine, sнl think, smaoineamh a dhйanamh ar to do some thinking about, to deliberate, tuig understand.

smaointeach adj. pensive, meditative; thoughtful

aireach mindful, aislingeach dreamy, cognaнoch cognitive, cliste clever, dбirнre serious, йirimiъil intelligent, fealsъnach philosophical, gafa (le) absorbed (with), captivated (by), intleachtach intellectual, machnamhach meditative,reflective, contemplative, meabhraitheach reflective; speculative, meabhrуideach wistful, sбite ina domhan fйin totally preoccupied in her own world, tуgtha suas ina smaointe fйin lost in his/ her/ their thoughts tuisceanach considerate.

snaidhm f knot, difficulty, constriction, pain.

achrann entanglement, бrach m fetter, arraing stabbing pain, stitch in side, bogha bow, caolъ narrowing, ceangal tie, binding, cuachуg bow-knot, cъngъ constriction, deacracht difficulty, dual lock, tress, fadhb f(faidhbe) problem, gad strap,rope used for binding (cf. gad ar ghaineamh =tying a knot with sand ≈ a pointless enterprise), gad coise spancel, hobble, gad maoile rope tied over top of load, greim m(greama; greamanna) stitch, laincis fetter; restriction, lъb f(lъibe; ~ a, ~) loop, maidhm sheicne hernia, nasc bind, binding, pian f(pйine; ~ ta) pain, plota plot, slabhra chain, teaghrбn tether, teanntбn brace, trilseбn braid.

snaidhmeanna йagsъla: different knots:

~ an chreasa (judo) belt-knot, ~ an ghaid running knot on lasso, ~ an fhнodуra weaver’s knot, ~ an iascaire fisherman’s knot, ~ mhairnйalaigh sailor’s knot, ~ an phуsta marriage-knot, ~ an scriъta collar-knot; ~ bhуlaine bowline-knot, ~ bhuairichнn sheepshank knot, ~ dhъbailte double knot, ~ chaillн granny knot, ~ chinn stopper knot, ~ chlinse clinch, ~ chrua fast knot, ~ chъrsбla reef knot, ~ fhiacla teeth-brace, ~ fhrancach French knot, ~ lъibe bow-knot, ~ reatha running knot, ~ shaile timber-hitch, ~ sheicne strangulated hernia, ~ shlйibhe mountain knot, ~ sheirce love-knot.


snasta adj. polished; (slang) cool

breб fine, chomh glй le criostal as shiny bright as crystal, dallraitheach dazzling, deisbhйalaн witty, drithleach glittering, glistening, galбnta elegant, gleorach bright, sparkling, iontach wonderful, amazing, lonrach beaming, radiant, mнn fine, smooth, neamhshuaite unruffled, sйimh fine, smooth; mild, sнodъil silky; urbane, sleamhain slippery, smooth, slнoctha sleek, sprйacharnach scintillating.

Go snasta! Cool! - Ar fheabhas! Excellent! Go breб! Fine!, Go galбnta! Fabulous!, Go hiontach! Wonderful!, Go seoigh! Grand!, Nнl insint scйil air! I’m speechless! Sуrtбilte! Sorted! Thar barr! Top notch!


socraigh v settle, decide, resolve

bain fъt (in бit) settle down (in a place), beartaigh plan, propose, bunaigh establish, caoi a chur ar dhuine to settle a person (down), ceap devise, cinn fix, determine, coigeartaigh rectify, adjust, cуirigh adjust, regulate, cuir fъt (in бit) settle down (in a place), deisigh fix, mend, dнrigh straighten, do chъraimн a chur i dtreo to settle your affairs, eagraigh arrange, нoc pay (cf. fiacha a shocrъ to settle debts), leigheas cure, lonnaigh (in бit) settle down (in a place), sojourn, oibrigh amach work out, plean a dhйanamh to make a plan, pleanбil plan, rйitigh solve, resolve, sceidealaigh schedule, scйim a cheapadh to scheme, sceitseбil sketch, seiftigh contrive, procure, soiprigh tuck in, make cosy, suaimhnigh to become settled; to put at ease, teacht ar rйiteach to settle a matter, ullmhaigh prepare.

socrъ m arrangement, decision, settlement

aontъ agreement, beart m(birt; ~ a, ~) plan; (business) deal, breithiъnas judgment, verdict, ceapadh (selection) appointment, cinneadh resolution, decision, clabhsъr closure, comhaontъ agreement, pact, conclъid conclusion, conradh m(- nartha; - narthaн) contract, pact, deireadh end, dнriъ straightening, fнorasc (law) verdict cf. fнorasc ciontachta verdict of guilty), freagra answer, нoc f(нce; ~ a, ~) cure, нocaнocht payment, fuascailt solving, resolving, idirbheart m(- bhirt; ~ a, ~) transaction, deal, leigheas cure, margadh bargain, deal, measъnъ assessment, pleanбil planning, rйiteach m solution, resolution, rogha f choice, scaoileadh unravelling, resolving, slбnъ redemption, soipriъ making cosy, sуrtбil amach sorting out, suaimniъ settling, getting settled, toradh result, settlement, teacht ar rйiteach coming to a discision; finding a solution, tuiscint understanding, ullmhъ preparation.

sofaisticiъil adj. sophisticated

ardfhaiseanta high-fashion-, ardteic high-tech, bagбnta spruce, dapper, stylish, caolchъiseach subtle, slight, casta complicated, intricate, coimplйascach complex, cultъrtha cultured, cultivated, eolach ar bhealaн an tsaoil worldly, fнneбilte subtle, fine, forbartha developed, galбnta elegant, stylish, ilghnйitheach multi-faceted, pйacach chic, smartly dressed, saothraithe highly developed, scothъil classy, sнodъil urbane, tuisceanach ar an saol worldly-wise.

soilйir adj. clear, obvious

йasca le feiceбil easy to see, follas overt, follasach obvious, evident, patent, gan athbhrн unambiguous, gan aon amhras indubitable, glan clear, glй clear, bright, glйineach vivid, grinn keen, inbhraite palpable, intуgtha faoi deara noticeable, intuigthe understandable, lйir clear, lucid, rу-lйir glaringly obvious, so-aitheanta easily recognizable, so-fheicthe conspicuous, manifest, sothuigthe easily understood, trйdhearcach transparent, trйshoilseach translucent

sуisearach adj. junior

bun- junior (cf. bunghrбd junior stage), do naнonбin for infants, do phбistн / leanaн уga for children/ young kids, fo- subordinate, нochtarach low,lower, нseal low, lower, нseal i gcйim low-ranking, нsealchйime (> нsealchйim) of lower rank, low-ranking, уg junior, young (cf. Sйamas Уg James Junior), sуisir (>sуisear) junior (cf. naнonбin sуisir junior infants).

sуisialta adj. social

coitinn common, comуnta common, chomh- collective, mutual-, comhchoiteann collective, i gcomhroinn shared, pobail (> pobal) commmal, community-, poiblн public, sochaн (> sochaн) societal (cf. fadhbanna an tsochaн societal problems), socheolaнoch sociological, sуisialach socialist, sуisialaнoch socialistic, sуisialaithe socialized.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 102 | Нарушение авторских прав

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