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Ban-abf(~a)abbessnuinteas an Phбpa 9 страница

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taitin v

1. shine

bheith ag glioscarnach to be twinkling, glistening, bheith ag sprйacharnach to be sparkling, to be sparking, bladhm flame, breacshoilsigh glimmer, breoigh glow, crithlonraigh shimmer, dall dazzle, dallraigh glare, dealraigh gleam, shine forth, dearg blush; (set alight) light, drithligh sparkle, scintillate, gathaigh radiate, lonraigh shine, light up, scal flash, seas amach stand out, soilsigh light, illuminate; enlighten, spalp burst forth, splanc flash, blaze, sprйach spark.

2. Taitnнonn sй liom. I like it.

Bainim taitneamh as. I enjoy it., Is бil liom й. It appeals to me., Is aoibhinn liom й. I adore it., Is breб liom й. I love it, Is deas liom й. I like it., Is maith liom й. I like it., Tб cion agam air. I’m fond of him., Tб dбimh agam le ceol. I have yen for music., Tб dъil agam i milseбin. I like sweets., Tб sй chun mo thola. It is to my liking. Tбim sбsta leis sin. I am satisfied with that. (see also: grб & sбsta)

taitneamh m

1. shining

bladhm flame, breacsholas glimmer, breo glow, crithlonrъ shimmering, dalladh dazzle, dallrъ glare, dealramh gleaming, shining forth, deargadh blushing; lighting-up, drithliъ sparkling, scintillating, gathъ radiating, glioscarnach f twinkling, glistening, lonrъ shining, lighting up, scaladh flashing, seas amach stand out, soilsiъ illuminating; enlightening, solas gealбnach flashing light, spalpadh burstinf forth, splancadh flashing, sprйach spark, sprйacharnach f sparkling, sparking, (see also: solas)

2. Bainim ~ as. I enjoy it.

Bainim aoibhneas as. I get enjoyment from of it., Bainim faoiseamh as. I get relief out of it., Bainim sбsamh as. I get satisfaction out of it., Bainim sу as. I get pleasure from it., Bainim spуrt as. I get fun out of it. (see also: sult)

talamh f & m land, ground

achadh large field, airйine arena, бrmhб battlefield, bбn lea, banrach f paddock, blбr open space, field, bogach m soft boggy ground, branar broken lea, fallows, buaile f small field for grazing; milking yard, ceantar area, ceapach f tillage plot; flower-bed, cearnуg (street) square, cluain f(cluana; ~ te) meadow, after-grass, corcach f marshland, crй f clay, crнoch f(crнche; ~ a, ~) territory, land, crнocha ciana distant lands, droim m(droma; dromanna) ridge, faiche f green; playing field, pitch, fйarach pasture, fearann grounds, lands, fearann branair fallow land, fialann deer-park, gabhбltas holding, gairdнn garden, garraн vegetable garden, gleann glen, valley, gort field, ithir f(ithreach) arable land; soil, earth, lбthair f(an chogaidh) theatre (of war), leitir f(leitreach; leithreacha) land on the side of a hill, plain, machaire plain, machaire an бir field of battle, mуinйar meadow, mуinteach moor-land, moor, moing overgrown swamp, muireasc f marshy land near seashore, murlach m lagoon, pбirc park, field, pбirc an бir field of slaughter, battlefield, plбs (street) place, plбsуg green, portach m bog, riasc bog-land, tamhnуg grassy upland patch, tнr f(~ e; tнortha) country, land, an tнr mбguaird the surrounding countryside, tuath f(tuaithe; ~ a,~) countryside, urlбr floor. (see also: cnoc & sliabh )

tallann m

1. talent

бbaltacht ability, acmhainn faculty, bronntanas gift, bestowal; present, bua flair, talent, claonadh (le) predisposition (towards), cleas m(clis; ~ a, ~) knack, trick, cumas capability, dearlaic endowment, fйith natural bent, talent, ginias genius, luн (le) bent (for) mianach m aptitude, neart strength, tabhartas Dй gift from God, trйith trait, accomplishment, trйithe fуnta good traits, tuiscint understanding.

2. fit; fit of fancy

babhta bout, bнogadh twitch, bнogadh san aghaidh facial twitch, borradh surge, briseadh amach outbreak, brъchtadh eruption, fonn desire, mood, freanga f spasm, giъmar humour, mнthaom paroxysm, plйasc f(plйisce) explosion, preab f(preibe) jolt, jump, racht outburst, fit, racht feirge fit of anger, rбig sudden outbreak, outburst, rбig thinnis bout of illness, spadhar whim, stoirm storm, taom seizure, attack, taom croн heart attack, taom lagachair fainting fit, teidhe notion, whim, tritheamh convulsion (cf. sna trithн dubha gбire convulsed with laughter), tritheamh casachtaн fit of coughing.

tamall m while, period of time

am m(~; ~anna) time, achar duration of time, aga instance, instant, nуimйad moment, scaitheamh spell, while, scaitн at times, seal interval, spell, shift, sos rest period, break, tйarma term, trбth period of time, treall short period of work, trйimhse f period, term, uair hour, time.

le ~ beag anuas for the past short while, ar feadh tamaill for a while, go tamall beag eile for another little while, ~ ina dhiaidh sin a while after that, ~ den bhliain part of the year, ~ roimhe sin a while befoe that, i gceann tamaill in a while, tar йis tamaill after a while, Fan ~ eile! Wait a while longer!



tanaн adj. thin

anoireicseach anorexic, bocht poor, caol narrow, slim, caolaithe thinned, reduced, cnбmhach boney, cnбmhlaн extremely thin, all bones, cnбmharlaigh (> cnбmharlach) skeletal, йadlъth tenuous, йadomhain shallow, йadrom light, superficial, easnamhach deficient, easpach lacking, fбnach trivial, insignificant, fann feeble, fнneбlta fine, subtle, folamh empty, gбgach thin, measly, gan dealramh unconvincing, gann sparse, scanty, scarce, gannchothaithe undernourished, gan substaint unsubstantial, gan tйagar flimsy, giortach skimpy, gortach skimpy,stingy, lag weak, leamh wishy-washy, insipid, leochaileach delicate, fragile, lom bare, meagre, mнn- fine, mнn fine, nach bhfuil ann ach na cnбmha who is just skin and bones, neamhimleor insufficient, rite sheer, sciotach scanty, scodalach lanky, seang slim, slisneach slight, slender, smear- superficial (e.g. smeareolas superficial slim, slender, knowledge), snoite emaciated, tearc scarce (cf. Tб siad tearc i mbliana. They are scarce this year.), trйshoilseach translucent, tarraingthe gaunt, tнosach sparing, trua emaciated, thin, uireasach inadequate, uiscealach watery, watered-down, diluted.

taobh m side, flank, edge

aghaidh face, argуint argument, barr top, bйal brim, bile f rim, bruach m(- aigh; ~ a, ~) bank, brink, embankment, buнon gang, ceantar region, ceathrъ f(~ n) quarter, ciumhais f(~ e; ~ eanna) border, edge, deighleog segment, droim m(droma; dromanna) back; ridge, dromchla surface; crest, duilleog (archaic) page, leaf; (hat) rim, corr f(coirre; ~ a, ~) projecting point, edge, crнoch f(crнche; ~ a, ~) boundary, limit, dearcadh view, outlook, point of view, faicsean faction, faobhar (sharp) edge, fleasc f(fleisce; ~ a, ~) rim (cf. fleasc rotha rim of a wheel), foireann f(foirne; foirne) team, fonsa rim (cf. fonsa criathair rim of a sieve), forimeall periphery, gnй f aspect, grua f cheek; (diamond) facet, imlнne f(~; - lнnte) perimeter, imeall edge, rim; outskirts; lбmh f(lбimhe; ~ a, ~) hand, margin, roinn f(~ e; ranna, rann) department, sciathбn wing; side; arm, seasamh stand, standpoint, seict f sect, suнomh position, teascбn section, teascуg sector, teorainn f(- rann; ~ eacha) border, boundary, tуin f(tуna) bottom, traschlу m sectional elevation, trasghearradh m(- ghearrtha) cross-section.

tapa adj. fast, quick

aigeanta spirited, beo brisk, snappy, brostaithe hurried; accelerated, luath quick, speedy; rash, gan mhoill immediate, without delay, gan smaoineamh unthinking, gasta quick, rapid, gearrshaolach short-lived; fleeting, luathaithe accelerated, mear mad-fast, meargбnta rash, reatha running, roisiъil rash, sciobtha prompt, snappy taghdach impulsive, tiubh thick & fast, tobann sudden.

go tapa quickly, fast:

ar an bpointe at once, promptly, ar luas lasrach at lightning speed, ar nуs na gaoithe in the manner of the wind, chomh luath agus is fйidir as soon as possible, cosa in airde in a gallop, de gheit at a bound, all of a sudden, dнreach anois right now, gan a thuilleadh moille without further delay, gan fanacht timpeall without waiting around, gan moilleadуireacht without dawdling, go beo presto, briskly, go beo gasta posthaste, go gasta apace, fast, quickly, go maolchluasach hell for leather, lбithreach immediately, lom lбithreach right now.

tar v come

bain amach reach, bog move, druid i leith draw near, йirigh become, gabh go, gabh i leith approach, gluais move, nocht appear, rйal manifest, sroich reach, tarraing (ar) draw near (to) tйigh go, tйigh ar cuairt (chuig)visit, tйigh isteach go in, tarlaigh happen, tit amach occur, befall.

Thбinig бr lб. Our day arrived.

Thбinig an sнol. The seed sprouted.

Thбinig mй ach bбdh eisean. I survived but he was drowned.

Thбinig an bhу. The cow calved.

Thбinig sй amach. He came out.

Thбinig sн amach ina fiaclуir. She qualified as a dentist.

Thбinig siad anнos sa saol. They came up in the world.

Thбinig sй anuas orainn. He came down severely on us.

Thбinig mй ar a teach. I chanced upon/ found her house.

Thбinig an oнche orm. Night came upon me.

Thбinig as an lб. The days lengthened.

Thбinig an dlн nua i bhfeidhm. The new law came into force.

Thбinig san йadach. The material shrank.

Thбinig sн faoina dhйin. She came to collect him.

Thбinig sй faoina tuairisc. He came to inquire about her.

Thбinig na deora leis. He began to cry.

Thбinig leis cabhrъ lйi. He succeeded in helping her.


Thбinig sй у bhaol. He escaped the danger.

Thбinig sн уn ghalar. She recovered from the disease.

Thбinig sн suas liom. She caught up with me.

Thбinig sн trнd an chogadh. She survived the war.

Thбinig sй trнd an obair. He got through the work.

Thбinig amhras uirthi. She became doubtful.

Thбinig aois uirthi. She became old.

Thбinig бthas uirthi. She became happy.

Thбinig an bбs uirthi. She died.

Thбinig brуd uirthi. She became proud.

Thбinig codladh uirthi. She became sleepy.

Thбinig dнomб uirthi. She became disappointed

Thбinig йad uirthi. She became jealous.

Thбinig eagla uirthi. She became afraid

Thбinig fearg uirthi. She became angry.

Thбinig imnн uirthi. He came worried.

Thбinig ocras uirthi. She became hungry.

Thбinig slaghdбn uirthi. She caught a cold.

Thбinig tart uirthi. She became thirsty

Thбinig tuirse uirthi. She became tired



tarlaigh v happen

bheith ar siъl to be taking place, to be on, bheith ann to take place, forbair develop, lean follow, nocht appear, teacht toarrive; (storm) to arise, teacht de bharr to result from, teacht i gcrнch to come to pass, titim amach to occur.

tarraing v

1. pull

cart haul, heave, cas i dtreo turn towards, imtharraing ar gravitate towards, meall intice, srac drag, lug, streachail haul, drag, slaod trail, trudge, drag.


2. draw

cur sнos a dhйanamh i bpictiъir de illustrate, dйan нomhб de depict, lнnнocht a dhйanamh to do drawing, maisigh le pictiъir / lнnнocht to illustrate, sceitseбil sketch, lug, tabhair cuntas ar depict,

tarraingteach adj. attractive, fascinating

бlainn beautiful, aoibhinn charming, blasta tasty, breб fine, good-looking, cathaitheach tempting, cуrach comely, dathъil handsome, deas nice, pretty, gleoite gorgeous, inphуsta nubile, luisiъil glamorous, maighnйadach magnetic, meallacach alluring, mealltach inticing, seductive, neamъil appetizing, slachtmhar neat, personable, spйiriъil (girl) good-looking, heavenly, suimiъil interesting, taitneamhach appealing, prepossessing.

tart m thirst

ampla m cupidity, greed, caitheamh i ndiaidh (+ genitive) hankering after, cнocras craving, dбimh yen; fond attachment, dнbhirce ardour, zeal, dнocas keenness, dнograis enthusiasm, dъil desire, fonn inclination, urge, goile appetite,great thirst, ardent desire, нota уil craving for drink, нota chun eolais thirst for knowledge, нotacht thirstiness, mian f(mйine; ~ ta) desire, longing, ocras hunger, paisean passion; rage, saint greed, spalladh m(spallta) parching, spalladh нota parching thirst, tartmhaireacht thirstiness, tnъth longing expectantly, tnъthбn yearning, triomach drought, triomacht dryness, tuire aridness. (see also: ocras)

tartmhar adj. thirsty

a chuireann tart ort that makes you thirsty, cнocrach eager, avid, dнhiodrбitithe dehydrated, нotach thirsting, extremely thirsty, spallta parched, stiъgtha parched, tnъthбnach yearning, tur dry, arid.

tбstбil 1 v test

blais taste, braith probe, dйan anailнs ar analyse, dйan iniъchadh ar inspect, dйan staidйar ar study, dйan taighde do research, dйan turgnamh do an experiment, fйach ar look at, fйach le try, fiafraigh (de) ask (of), fiosraigh inquire, grinnbhreathnaigh scrutinize closely, grinnstaidйar a dhйanamh to study in detail, iniъch scrutinize, meas weigh up, consider, measъnaigh assess, pobalbhreith a dhйanamh to to test public opinion, to take an opinion poll, scrъdaigh examine, scrъdъ a chur ar to examine, seiceбil check, suirbhй a dhйanamh to do a survey, taighid probe, research, taiscйal explore, triail try, test.

tбstбil 2 f test

anailнs analysis, blaiseadh tasting, fйachaint looking, trying, fiafraн asking, fiosrъchбn inquiry, grinnbhreathnъ close scrutiny/ observation, grinnstaidйar detailed study, imscrъdъ investigation, iniъchadh inspection, scrutiny, meastуireacht evaluation, evaluating, measъnъ assessing, measъnacht assessment, mionscrъdъ close examination, pobalbhreith poll of public opinion, scrъdъ examination, seiceбil checking, staidйar study, suirbhй survey, taighde research, teist test, tуireadуireacht probing, taiscйalaнocht exploring; probing, triail f(- alach; - alacha) trial, test, turgnamh experiment.

te adj. hot

alabhog tepid, anamъil animated, ar fiuchadh boiling, bбnlonrach candescent, beo lively, binbeach biting, bog lukewarm, bogthe lukewarm, brothallach sultry, bruite fiery; worthless (cf. cara tecara bruite worthless friend) bruite te piping hot, bruithneach torrid, cluthar warm, cosy, colgach irascible, craorag crimson, dearg te red hot, sizzling, dian intense, dнocasach vehement, dуiteach burning, dъthrachtach fervent, faoi adhall in heat, faoi bheirfean teasa in sweltering heat, feanntach (criticism) scorching, bitter, fiabhrasach fevered, feverish, fнochmhar fierce, fiuchta boiling, fraochmhar raging, galach steamy, gealbhruthach incandescent, goinbhlasta piquant, laomtha blazing, fiery, lasбnta fiery, lasrach flaming, loiscneach scorching, burning, loiscnн of fiery intensity, paiseanta passionate, patuar apathetic, lukewarm, piobarach peppery, rуsta roasted, samhrata summer-like, samhrъil summery, scallta scalding, seascair snug, sйidte inflamed, spнosraithe spicy, teasaн (discussion) heated; hot under the collar, hot-tempered, teo- hot; warm, teobhlasta (food) hot, teochreasach tropical, teofholach warm-blooded, teolaн warm, cosy, tintrн fiery, ardent, trуpaiceach tropical.

teach m house, dwelling, building

aice habitat, aireagal oratory, chamber, ait cуnaithe dwelling place, бitreabh cуnaн abode, бras residence, бrasбn apartment, flat, baile home, ballуg dump,roofless house; both hut; booth, bothбn cabin, cottage, simple dwelling, bothуg shanty, brбca dump-of-a-place, brocach burrow brъ hostel, bungalу bungalow, caisleбn castle, carbhбn caravan, crу outhouse, crу na muc pigsty, daingean fortress, dнon os mo chionn the roof over my head, dъn fort, eaglais (catholic) church, fail lair, sty, garбiste garage, grianбn summerhouse, halla hall, hallaн bбna magnificent palaces, leaba bed, lуistнn lodgings, уstlann hotel, pied-а-terre pied-а-terre, seid shed, sйipйal chapel, seomra room, siopa shop, stiъideo studio, foirgneamh building, mosc m(~; ~ anna) mosque, pбlбs palace, pluaisнn beag small pad, poll hole; burrow, prochуg hovel, pъirнn hovel, hut, treafas homestead, dwelling, teampall temple; (protestant) church, teaghlach m household, tearmann sanctuary, (see also: baile & siopa)

~ aнochta guesthouse, ~ allais sweat-house, bainise wedding-house, ~ beag privy, ~ cathrach town-house, ~ ceann tuн thatched cottage, ~ cуnaithe residential house, ~ geata lodge, ~ Dй house of God, ~ dhб stуr two-storey house, ~ gloine glasshouse, ~ mуr mansion, ~ an diabhail hell, ~ an уil tippling house, pub, ~ itheachбin eating-house, ~ leathscoite semidetached house, ~ na mbocht the poor house, ~ na ngealt the madhouse, ~ уsta hotel; guesthouse, Tithe na Parlaiminte the Houses of Parliament, ~ pobail church, ~ scoile schoolhouse, ~ scoite detached house, ~ siopa business house, ~ sloinne slated house, ~ solais lighthouse, ~ spйire skyscraper, ~sraithe terraced-house, ~ stуir storehouse, ~tuaithe country house, ~ tuн thatched house.

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