Читайте также:
teacht m arrival
Aidbhint (religion) Advent, Ateacht m (religion) the Second Coming, baint amach reaching, cuairt visit, druidim i leith drawing near, gabh go, gabhбil i leith approaching, nochtadh appearing, rйaladh manifestation, sroicheadh reaching, tarraingt (ar) drawing near (to) dul ar cuairt (chuig)visiting, dul isteach going in, tarlъ happening, titim amach occurring, befalling.
teachtaire m messenger
bean f(mnб; mnб, ban) an phoist postwoman, cъirйir m courier, fear an phoist postman, fуgrуir herald, announcer, misidear emissary, tйacsбil text, toscaire envoy.
teachtaireacht f message, errand
an rud atб i gceist the point at issue, bullaitнn bulletin, ciall f(cйille; ~ a, ~) meaning, significance, comhrбiteas joint communiquй, post post, comhfhreagras correspondence, cumarsбid communication, feasachбn bulletin, focal word, fуgraнocht advertising, fothйacs subtext, litir f(- treach; - treacha) letter, meabhrбn memo, meamram memo, mъineadh teaching, moral, nуta note, pointe point, rбiteas statement, communiquй, rнomhphost e-mail, seoladh dispatch, tйacsбil texting, teagasc moral; teaching.
tйad f rope
cбbla cable, corda cord, dorъ m(~; - ruithe) cord-line, lasъ m(~; ~ nna) lasso, lнne f(~; lнnte) line, rуpa rope, slabhra chain, sreang f(sreinge; ~ a, ~) string, sъgбn straw-rope; straw-man, useless person, sъgбn fйir hay-rope, sъgбn rua hemp-rope, tйadбn short rope, tйadra cordage, teaghrбn tether, lead. (see also: sreang)
▲ ~ ancaire anchor-cable, ~ cheangail lashing, tie, ~ clбirsн harp-string, ~ choirc the upper rope on a fishing net which has corks attached so the net can float, ~ chrua hawser, ~ ghraidhpe bowline, ~ stiъrach tiller-rope, ~ rite tight-rope, ~ taca stay-rope, ~ tarraingthe tow-rope, ~ tнre mooring-rope, ~ ualaigh rope for securing load; ~a damhбin alla cobwebs, ~a gutha vocal cords.
teaghlach m household, family
baile home, lнon tн members of household, household circle, lucht coimhdeachta retinue, muintir an tн the people of the house, teach m(tн; tithe) house, treibh f tribe.
teagmhбil f contact
acomhal (road) junction, baint association, bualadh lena chйile meeting together, ceangal connection, comhcheangal association (cf. comhcheangal smaointe association of ideas), comhchumar (electricity) confluence,junction (-box), comhtheagmhбlacht (educ.) contiguity, cumar (geog., comput.) junction, cumarsбid communication, hipearnasc hyperlink, imbhualadh impact, nasc link, bond, tadhall touch, contact; sense of touch, tadhlaнocht tangency, teagmhas contingency, teagmhasacht contingence.
tйama m theme
бbhar subject, abhras substance, adhmad (slang) subject-matter, aiste f essay, argуint argument, bunsmaoineamh key-note, central idea, mуitнf motif, rйamhleagan premise, scйal story, matter, smaoineamh idea, snбithe an scйil the thread of the discourse, tйacs text, tйis thesis, topaic topic, trбchtas dissertation.
teanga f language
bйarla unintelligible language, bйarlagair m (~) jargon; slang, blas accent, caint talk, caint reatha colloquial talk, canъint dialect, canъint aonair idiolect, comharthaнocht signalling; signing, comhrб conversation, comhrбiteachas colloquialism, cуd code, cуdъ dйnбrtha binary coding, cor m(coir; ~ a; ~) cainte idiom, cumarsбid communication, cur i bhfocail expression, dioscъrsa discourse, focal word, remark, expression, focail mpl. words, foclaнocht wording, foclуir vocabulary, frбsaнocht phraseology, friotal utterance; diction, idirmhalartъ interchange, labhairt speaking; diction, leagan na cainte phraseology, lingua franca lingua franca, nath cainte idiom, parole parole, rбiteachas utterance, expression, sйamafуr semaphore, stнl style, tйarmaнocht terminology, urlabhra speech. (see also: caint & comhrб)
■ teangacha an domhain languages of the world
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