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Read the following competencies for the entrepreneurial engineer and give your comments.

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  1. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  2. A) Answer the following questions about yourself.
  3. A) Think of ONE noun to complete all of the following collocations
  4. Agree or disagree with the statements using the following
  5. Analyse and translate the following sentences
  6. Answer the following questions
  7. Answer the following questions

1. Seek the joy of engineering.

2. Examine personal motivation and set goals.

3. Master time and space.

4. Write fast, revise well, and practice BPR (the elements of background purpose, and road map).

5. Prepare and deliver effective presentations.

6. Understand and practice good human relations.

7. Act ethically in matters large, small, and engineering.

8. Master the pervasive team.

9. Understand leadership, culture, and the organization of organizations.

10. Assess technology opportunities

8 Match the competencies for the entrepreneurial engineer from activity 7 with the definitions below and compare with your suppositions.

A … is popular with many engineers.

Writing process can be improved by separating writing from revision, and we examine a number of specific techniques including free writing, quick planning, and cut-and-paste revision to help us separate these two writing functions. Writing content can be improved by understanding three key elements that are common to almost all business writing. These elements—background, purpose, and road map, or BPR for short—can and should be iterated at different levels of a document.

B Understanding organizations and leadership at a somewhat higher level is also important to the entrepreneurial engineer for two reasons. First, knowing good organizations and leadership helps us pick the best work opportunities. Second, an orientation toward opportunity often results in the need to lead an existing or new organization.

A common feature of good organizations is that they think good thoughts about their employees; bad organizations tend to distrust theirs.


C Effective human relations are especially important in an increasingly interconnected world. The world of people can seem a lot less predictable to engineers accustomed to Newtonian models of physical systems, but engineers can find modeling guidance—and success in their relationships—by using a variation on the golden rule we call the other-eyes principle. This principle recommends that we predict or anticipate the behavior of others by considering our own reaction to a similar set of circumstances. Although not infallible, such modeling is often a good first-order guide to predicting the response of others. Along the way, we consider the importance of questions, salesmanship, praise, and passion in successful interpersonal relations. The downside of criticism is visited as is the need for admission of wrongdoing and apology.

D Teamwork has become integrated into the fabric of modern organizational life as a result of the quality revolution, but effective teamwork is difficult as many of us know from our early experiences with "group projects" in school. In group work, it becomes difficult to coordinate interrelated pieces of a project, and individuals can sometimes be uncooperative or even shirk their responsibilities. A clearheaded approach to teamwork acknowledges these difficulties and then designs team rules, discussion protocols, and other procedures to facilitate effective meetings and team activity. Our approach combines quantitative and qualitative models in a quest to create more effective teams.


E It is useful to consider a number of sources of ethical thought and reasoning, including religious or cultural norms, an innate moral sense, maximization of societal utility, and consistency. Each of these viewpoints is helpful, and each has been challenged by ethical skeptics over the years.

Practice on small matters is the surest way to doing the right thing when the big issues arise. In other words, our approach seeks success in microethics or ethical behavior in small, everyday matters. If we are unable to behave ethically when the stakes are small, it seems unlikely that we will be able to behave ethically when the rewards of unethical behavior are great.


F Understanding personal motivation and setting goals may be thought of as the strategic level of managing yourself. Time and storage management is the tactical level of being personally organized. How one neurial Engineer: Ready for the 21st Century spends one's day and where one puts one's stuff are basic to sustaining a high level of personal productivity, but a haphazard approach to these matters is all too common. Fortunately, significant improvements in time utilization can be achieved through the development of a few key habits. Primary among these are the disciplined use of (1) a calendar, (2) a to-do list, and (3) a systematic filing system (both paper and electronic).

G Technology opportunity assessment and planning are challenging activities that require the entrepreneurial engineer to imagine new opportunities, match them to markets, and determine whether they are both technologically and financially feasible. As an educational experience, working on a technology opportunity assessment or a business plan is the quickest way for the entrepreneurial engineer to bootstrap him- or herself into understanding the importance of sustainable competitive advantage, customers, marketing, pricing, costs, and value at the core of the business side of engineering.


H The terms aren't often used in the same sentence, which is a shame because a proper understanding of engineering leads us to understand how multifaceted the learning and practice of engineering can be. Some of the confusion is the result of two historical inversions in perspective, and another portion of misunderstanding comes because engineering is wedged between business and science. A closer reading of history and understanding the fundamental tug-of-war that engineers face help us understand the essence and joy of being an engineer more deeply.


I Understanding what motivates a person in his or her professional life is fundamentally important and difficult. Many people think that they simply work for the money, and indeed financial remuneration can be a factor in career choices, but a more reliable guide to a life of fulfilling work is found in the term engagement. Instead of seeking money directly, another approach is to seek work that is so engrossing that time flies because it is so much fun. Incidentally, the fun of engagement can lead to sufficient time on task and professional growth that the person also gains a substantial income along the way.

J PowerPoint presentations are now a way of business life, but giving a slide presentation is different than giving a speech. By preparing and treating Powerpoint slides as note cards we share with our audience, the process of preparing and delivering a presentation is simplified. The rules of presentation organization are remarkably similar to the BPR rule of effective writing, and indeed good writing leads to good presenting and vice versa. Add some guidelines and concern for effective slide layout and presentation.

“Keys to Engineering Success” Jill S. Tietjen, Kristy A. Schloss

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 141 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Look at the following words in bold in the texts and try to explain them. Consult the dictionary if necessary. | For questions 1-15, read this text and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. | B) Choose any picture you like and prepare the description of this picture for your group-mates to guess. | ANOTHER DISCOVERY CHANNEL | A) Complete the table with personal and professional abilities. Use the list below. Give the reasons. | Rank the professions below according to how ethical you think they are. | C) In groups discuss the meaning of the question. | Role play this situation. | Look at the table and match the information from columns A, B and C. | C Nursing care for family members |
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Take a look at the 6 statements stated by people having PhD. Agree or disagree with them, prove your opinion.| Choose the right engineering abilities below for each category in the Table. The number of abilities is in brackets.

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