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При переводе в прямую речь повелительных предложений используется инфинитивный оборот. Сравните:
Прямая речь | Косвенная речь |
I said to him “Please give me your textbook.” | I asked him to give me his textbook. |
Mother said “Don’t play too long.” | Mother told me not to play too long. |
1. Ознакомьтесь с запиской, которую родители оставили маленькому Джеффу, передайте её содержание в косвенной речи:
Dear Jeff,
We’ll be home late. Please follow these instructions:
Don’t stay up after 10.00.
Take the garbage out.
Wash the dishes.
Do your homework.
Let the cat in.
Don’t watch any horror movies.
Please don’t invite your friends in tonight.
Mom and Dad
2. Ознакомьтесь с заданием. Подчеркните в описании сна Кони повелительные предложения в косвенной речи. Запишите данные фразы в прямой речи:
Connie’s Dream
Connie had a dream and wrote about it in her journal.
I dreamed that a Martian came into my room. He told me to get up. Then he said to follow him. There was a space ship outside the clinic. I asked the Martian to show me the ship, so he invited me to come aboard. Juan, the lab technician, was on the ship. Suddenly Juan told me to pilot the ship. He ordered me not to leave the controls. Then he went to sleep. Next, Dr. Thorpe was at my side, giving me instructions. He told me to slow down. Then he said to point the ship towards the earth. There was a loud knocking noise as we hit the ground, and I told everyone not to panic. Then I heard Juan tell me to wake up.
3. Прочитайте разговоры с врачом, передайте рекомендации врача в косвенной речи:
- I have trouble getting to sleep every night.
- Don’t drink anything with caffeine after 2:00 P.M. Try exercising regularly, early in the day. Read Dr. Thorpe’s book Night Shift.
- The doctor told me …
- Is there anything I can do to soothe a sore throat?
- Sip some hot herbal tea with honey. But don’t drink black tea.
- …
- I have cramps in my legs every night. They wake me up.
- The next time you feel a cramp, do this: Pinch the place between your upper lip and your nose. The cramp should stop right away.
- …
- Do you know of any way to remove stains on teeth?
- Make a toothpaste of one tablespoon of baking soda and a little water.
- …
- Mosquitoes and gnats bite me much more than other people.
- Eat onions or garlic every day. Your skin will have a slight odour which bugs hate. And take vitamin B.
- …
- What makes a sunburn feel better?
- Dissolve one-fourth cup of cornstarch in a lukewarm bath. Don’t rub your skin with the towel when rubbing off. Don’t use anything containing alcohol on your skin.
- …
4. Ознакомьтесь с ситуацией и выполните задание:
The Anglian bus company wants to stop its service between Malchester and Little Wittering village. An Anglian manager, Mr Budge, is at a meeting in the village. Report what is said.
Model: “The service is losing money.”
Mr Budge explained that the service was losing money.
1. “Please try to understand our position.”
He asked the villagers...
2. “Lots of people use the buses.”
Mr Crane said that...
3. “How can we get to town?”
Mrs Morrison asked...
4. “Most people in the village have got a car.”
Mr Budge replied that...
5. “You must keep quiet and listen, everyone!”
The chairman told everyone...
6. “What’s going to happen to the school bus?”
Mrs Davis asked...
7. “It will continue to run.”
Mr Budge answers that...
8. “The village needs a bus service.”
Mr Rice said that...
9. “Can you start your own service?”
Mr Budge wondered...
10. “Can everyone please protest to the government?”
Mr Hepplestone asked everyone...
1. Прочитайте следующий текст. Подчеркните предложения в косвенной речи. Передайте их содержание в прямой речи:
A few weeks ago, Melissa Morrow had an unusual job interview. First, the interviewer asked Melissa why she couldn’t work under pressure. Before she could answer, he asked if she had cleaned out her car recently. Then he wanted to know who had written her application letter for her. Melissa was shocked. She asked the interviewer whether he was going to ask her serious questions. Then she politely ended the interview.
2. Ниже даются вопросы, которые были заданы Мэри Питером Смитом во время собеседования при приёме на работу, а также вопросы, которые задавала Мэри Питеру во время собеседования. Определите, кто задавал какие вопросы, передайте их содержание в косвенной речи:
What kind of experience do you have?
Is there an opportunity for promotion?
What will my responsibilities be?
What was your starting salary at your last job?
Do you hire many women?
Were you fired from the last job?
Why did you apply for this position?
How is job performance rewarded?
3. Ознакомьтесь со служебной запиской, написанной после проведения собеседования, наёдите в записке 5 ошибок и исправьте их:
May 25, 2009
To: Victoria Lopez
From: Bob Darling
Subject: Interview with John Pop
This morning I interviewed John Pop for the secretarial position. Since the position requires a lot of contact with the public, I did some stress questioning. I asked Mr. Pop why couldn’t he work under pressure. I also asked him why his supervisor disliked him. Finally I inquired when he would quit the job with our company?
Mr. Pop kept his poise throughout the interview. He answered all my questions calmly, and he had some excellent questions of his own. He asked “if we expected changes in the job.” He also wanted to know how often do we evaluate employees. I was quite impressed when he asked why did I decide to join the company.
4. Ознакомьтесь с ситуацией. Вставьте в диалог вопросы, данные в рамочке:
Two foreign exchange students are visiting Washington, D.C.
How much should we tip the taxi driver?
Could we rent a car and drive there?
Do they have tour buses to go there?
How much does the metro cost?
How long will it take?
How far are we going?
How are we going to choose?
How much does a bus tour cost?
What did they put in the sauce?
What is wrong with it?
Where are you?
Where is the Smithsonian Museum?
Where is it?
Where do they sell them?
Where do you want to go?
1) Jina: Taxi!
Jina: The Hotel Edison. Do you know __________________?
Driver: Sure, South Dakota. Get in and I’ll take you there.
Jina (whispering to Nick): Do you know ___________________?
Nick: According to the guidebook, it is about 10-15 percent.
2) Jina: There is so much to see in Washington. I don’t know __________________.
Nick: We could take a bus tour of the city and then decide.
Jina: Does the guidebook say ___________________________?
Nick: Yes. About $15 per person, plus tips for the guide and the driver.
3) Jina: That was delicious.
Nick: Let’s try to find out ____________________________.
Jina: It tasted like it had garlic and ginger.
Nick: I’ll ask the waiter.
4) Jina: The map is useless. I am totally lost.
Nick: There is a police officer. Let’s ask.
Jina: Excuse me. Can you tell me ______________________?
Officer: Sure. Just turn right at the corner and go straight. It’s about a twenty minute walk from here.
5) Jina: I’m tired. Let’s take the metro.
Nick: OK. Do you know ____________________________?
Jina: It’s not expensive. I think it depends on _______________. But we have to get tickets, and I am not sure ____________________.
Nick: Oh, probably right in the station.
6) Jina: I’d like to visit Williamsburg, Virginia, while we are here.
Nick: I wonder _______________________.
Jina: I’m sure they do, but do you think ___________________? It isn’t that far to Virginia.
7) Clerk: Rent-a-Car. How can I help you?
Nick: Our rental car just broke. I don’t know _________________.
Clerk: Can you tell me ___________________________?
Nick: I’m calling from the tollbooth at Exit 57 on Route 98.
Clerk: OK we’ll send a tow truck right away and we’ll also send someone to pick you up.
Nick: Do you know _______________________?
Clerk: It shouldn’t be too long.
Nick: Thanks.
5. В данной ниже ситуации представлен типичный разговор полицейского при задержании, причём даются возможные варианты вопросов и ответов. Ознакомьтесь с ситуацией, выберите ответы и вопросы, передайте содержание разговора в косвенной речи:
You are walking down the street when a police car stops beside you. The policemen place you under arrest and handcuff you.
Policeman: These are your legal rights. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to talk to a lawyer and have him present with you while you are being questioned. If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, one will be appointed to represent you before questioning, if you wish one. Do you understand each of these rights?
- Yes, I do.
No, I don’t. Please repeat them.
Policeman: Having these rights in mind, do you wish to talk to us?
- I want to know why I am being arrested.
No, I don’t want to talk with you.
Policeman: You fit the description of a suspect in a robbery.
What are you doing here this late at night?
- I wish to remain silent.
I was just going for a walk.
Policeman: Do you have proof of where you were an hour ago?
-I wish to speak with my lawyer.
-I want a lawyer appointed to represent me.
6. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Он спрашивает, который час.
2. Он хочет узнать, где он может купить машину.
3. Он не знает, сколько стоит машина.
4. Том интересуется, знаешь ли ты о нём.
5. Маша спрашивает, сколько раз ты был в Париже.
6. Я не знаю, купил ли он хлеб.
7. Он спрашивает, должен ли он купить хлеб.
8. Мне интересно, когда приедет Джон.
9. Я хочу знать, куда вы вчера ходили.
10.Он просил меня не делать этого.
11.Он спросил, когда прибывает поезд.
12.Он спросил, когда прибудет поезд.
13.Он спросил, могу ли я играть в теннис.
14.Он спросил, смогу ли я прийти.
15.Я думала, он приедет позже.
16.Я не знала, что Вы жили в Париже.
17.Он позвонил и спросил, что я делаю. Я сказала, что смотрю телевизор с утра.
18.Я знала, что он говорит по-французски.
19.Он всегда говорил, что хочет уехать.
20.Его спросили, куда он хочет уехать.
21.Он сказал, что не знает.
22.Меня спросили, люблю ли я хоккей.
23.Он спросил, буду ля дома после 6.
24.Она всегда говорила, что не любит поэзию
25.Он часто спрашивал, сколько её лет, но всегда получал разные ответы.
26.Он не знал, сможет ли прийти вовремя.
27.Он обещал, что о детях позаботятся.
28.Он сказал, что купил это пальто в Париже.
29.Он сказал, что никогда не видел такой красивой девушки.
30.Он сказал, что вчера вечером он играл в теннис, а завтра вечером будет смотреть телевизор с 8 до 9.
31.Он спросил, не одолжу ли я ему денег.
32.Он спросил, можно ли воспользоваться моим телефоном.
33.Она сказала, что играет на пианино с детства.
34.Он сказал, что вчера он должен был сдать 2 экзамена.
35.Она спросила, сможет ли Джон позвонить ей.
36.Я спросила, как долго он за мной следил.
Дата добавления: 2015-08-09; просмотров: 160 | Нарушение авторских прав
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