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Варіант 8. Impediments to Integration

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Impediments to Integration

1. Despite the strong economic and political arguments for integration, it has never been easy to achieve or sustain. There are two main reasons for this. First, although economic integration benefits the majority, it has its costs. Although a nation as a whole may benefit significantly as a result of entering into a regional free trade agreement, certain groups may lose. Moving to a free trade regime inevitably involves some painful adjustments. For example, as a result of the 1994 establishment of the NAFTA some Canadian and U.S. workers in such industries as textiles, which employ low-cost, low- skilled labor, will certainly lose their jobs as Canadian and U.S. firms move production to Mexico. The promise of significant net benefits to the Canadian and U.S. economies as a whole is little comfort to those who will lose as a result of the NAFTA. It is understandable then that such groups were in the forefront of opposition to the NAFTA agreement and will continue to oppose any widening of the agreement.

2. A second impediment to integration arises from concerns over national sovereignty. For example, Mexico's concerns about maintaining control of its oil interests resulted inan agreement with Canada and the United States to exempt the Mexican oil industry from liberalization of foreign investment regulations achieved under the NAFTA. More generally, concerns about national sovereignty arise because close economic integration demands that countries give up some degree of their control over such key policy issues as monetary policy, fiscal policy (e.g., tax policy), and trade policy. This was a major stumbling block in the EU.

3. To achieve full economic union, the EU is trying to reach agreement on a common currency to be controlled by a central EU bank. With most member-states.agreeing in principle, Britain remains an important holdout. A politically important segment of public opinion in Britain opposes a common currency on the grounds that it would require, relinquishing control of the country's monetary policy to the EU, which many British perceive as bureaucracy run by foreigners. In 1992 the British won the right to opt out of any single currency agreement.


I. Знайдіть у тексті та випишіть еквіваленти таких слів та словосполучень:

мати користь; регіональна угода вільної торгівлі; регулювання; застосовувати дешеву низько кваліфіковану робочу силу; перешкода; звільняти (від); відмовлятися (від);


Найдите в тексте и выпишите эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

иметь выгоду; региональное соглашение о свободной торговле; регулирование; использовать дешевую низко квалифицированную рабочую силу; помехи/ препятствия; освобождать от; отказываться (от)


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IV. Поставте 5 запитань до абзацу 2 та запишіть їх.

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V. Дайте письмові відповіді на запитання.

Письменно ответьте на вопросы.

1. What are the main reasons for economic integration?

2. What impediments to integration do you know?


Дата добавления: 2015-07-14; просмотров: 51 | Нарушение авторских прав

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