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Carrock at night watching the moon sinking towards the Misty Mountains,

Читайте также:
  2. A.Listen to the recording and decide the critic`s attitude towards these films.
  3. And put your foot right in it that night of the party, and now you have got to
  4. AT HOME THAT NIGHT, I get the butter beans simmering, the ham in the skillet.
  5. BRANDY NIGHTINGALE, первый раз на сцене
  6. Breakfast, next morning. Herr Stroh, more sober than before, stood watching
  7. Bump in the Night

and I heard him growl in the tongue of bears: ‘The day will come when they

will perish and I shall go back!’ That is why I believe he once came from the

mountains himself.”


Bilbo and the dwarves had now plenty to think about (теперь у Бильбо и гномов

было много о чем подумать), and they asked no more questions (и они больше

не задавали вопросов). They still had a long way to walk before them (им все

еще предстояло пройти дальний путь: «они все еще имели длинный путь

пройти перед собой»). Up slope and down dale (вверх по склону и вниз в

долину) they plodded (тащились они). It grew very hot (стало очень жарко).

Sometimes they rested under the trees (иногда они отдыхали под деревьями),

and then Bilbo felt so hungry (и тогда Бильбо чувствовал такой голод) that he

would have eaten acorns (что он мог бы съесть желуди), if any had been ripe

enough yet (если бы хоть один был уже достаточно спелым) to have fallen to

the ground (чтобы упасть на землю). It was the middle of the afternoon (была

уже середина второй половины дня = /была/ вторая половина дня) before they

noticed (до того как они обратили внимание) that great patches of flowers (что

большие участки земли /покрытые/ цветами) had begun to spring up (начали

появляться; to spring up — вырастать), all the same kinds growing together

(все цветы одинаковых видов росли вместе) as if they had been planted (словно

они были /специально/ посажены). Especially there was clover (особенно там

рос клевер), waving patches of cockscomb clover (качающиеся /от ветерка/



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участки с клевером красного цвета /петушиного гребешка/), and purple clover

(и пурпурного клевера), and wide stretches (и широкие отрезки; stretch —

вытягивание, напряжение) of short white sweet honey-smelling clover

(коротенького белого, сладко пахнущего медом клевера). There was a buzzing

(раздавалось жужжание) and a whirring (и шум крыльев насекомых) and a

droning in the air (и приглушенное гудение в воздухе; to drone — гудеть,

жужжать; drone — трутень). Bees were busy everywhere (везде трудились

пчелы; busy — занятой, трудолюбивый). And such bees (и какие пчелы)! Bilbo

had never seen anything like them (Бильбо никогда не видел ничего



acorn ['eIkO:n] planted ['plQ:ntId] cockscomb ['kOkskqVm] clover ['klqVvq]


Bilbo and the dwarves had now plenty to think about, and they asked no

More questions. They still had a long way to walk before them. Up slope and

Down dale they plodded. It grew very hot. Sometimes they rested under the

Trees, and then Bilbo felt so hungry that he would have eaten acorns, if any

Had been ripe enough yet to have fallen to the ground. It was the middle of the

Afternoon before they noticed that great patches of flowers had begun to

Spring up, all the same kinds growing together as if they had been planted.

Especially there was clover, waving patches of cockscomb clover, and purple

Clover, and wide stretches of short white sweet honey-smelling clover. There

Was a buzzing and a whirring and a droning in the air. Bees were busy

everywhere. And such bees! Bilbo had never seen anything like them.



“If one was to sting me (если бы одна из них укусила меня),” he thought

(думал он), “I should swell up (то я бы распух) as big again as I am (вдвое:

«таким же большим снова, какой я сейчас»)!”

They were bigger than hornets (они были больше шершней). The drones were


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bigger than your thumb (трутни были больше, чем ваш большой палец), a good

deal (гораздо больше), and the bands of yellow (и желтые полоски) on their

deep black bodies (на их темно-черных телах) shone like fiery gold (сверкали,

словно яркое золото; fiery — огненный, пламенный; горящий).

“We are getting near (мы приближаемся),” said Gandalf. “We are on the edge

of his bee-pastures (мы как раз на краю его пасек: «пастбищ для пчел»).”

After a while (через некоторое время) they came to a belt of tall and very

ancient oaks (они подошли к полосе из высоких и очень древних дубов; belt —

пояс, ремень), and beyond these to a high thorn-hedge (и за ней к высокой

колючей изгороди) through which you could neither see nor scramble (сквозь

которую нельзя было ничего увидеть или продраться/протиснуться).

“You had better wait here (вам лучше подождать здесь),” said the wizard to the

dwarves (сказал волшебник гномам); “and when I call or whistle (и когда я

позову или свистну) begin to come after me (начинайте подходить за мной) —

you will see the way I go (вы увидите путь, по которому пойду я) — but only in

pairs (но только по парам), mind (помните), about five minutes between each

pair of you (/интервал/ около пяти минут между каждой парой). Bombur is

fattest and will do for two (Бомбур самый толстый и сойдет за двоих), he had

better come alone and last (ему лучше прийти одному и последним). Come on

Mr. Baggins (пойдемте, мистер Бэггинс)! There is a gate somewhere round this

way (где-то здесь есть ворота).” And with that (и с этими словами) he went off

along the hedge (он пошел вдоль изгороди) taking the frightened hobbit with him

(взяв с собой испуганного хоббита).


hornet ['hO:nIt] drone [drqVn] fiery ['faI(q)rI] thorn-hedge ['TO:nhedZ]


“If one was to sting me,” he thought, “I should swell up as big again as I


They were bigger than hornets. The drones were bigger than your thumb, a

Good deal, and the bands of yellow on their deep black bodies shone like fiery



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“We are getting near,” said Gandalf. “We are on the edge of his bee-


After a while they came to a belt of tall and very ancient oaks, and beyond

These to a high thorn-hedge through which you could neither see nor


“You had better wait here,” said the wizard to the dwarves; “and when I call

Or whistle begin to come after me — you will see the way I go — but only in

Pairs, mind, about five minutes between each pair of you. Bombur is fattest

and will do for two, he had better come alone and last. Come on Mr. Baggins!

There is a gate somewhere round this way.” And with that he went off along

The hedge taking the frightened hobbit with him.


They soon came to a wooden gate (вскоре они пришли к деревянным

воротам), high and broad (высоким и широким), beyond which they could see

gardens (за которыми можно было увидеть сады) and a cluster of low wooden

buildings (и группу низких деревянных домов), some thatched (некоторые

были покрыты соломой; thatch — солома, тростник /как материал для

кровли крыши/) and made of unshaped logs (и сделаны из неотесанных бревен;

shape — форма; to shape — придавать форму); barns (амбары), stables

(конюшни), sheds (сараи), and a long low wooden house (и длинный низкий

деревянный дом). Inside on the southward side of the great hedge (внутри, с

южной стороны высокой изгороди) were rows and rows of hives

(располагались ряды и ряды ульев) with bell-shaped tops made of straw (с

колоколообразными куполами, изготовленными из соломы). The noise of the

giant bees (шум от гигантских пчел) flying to and fro (влетающих и

вылетающих; to and fro — «к и от» = сюда и туда) and crawling in and out

(вползающих и выползающих) filled all the air (наполнял воздух).

The wizard and the hobbit pushed open (волшебник и хоббит толкнули и

открыли = отворили) the heavy creaking gate (тяжелые скрипучие ворота) and



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went down a wide track (и пошли по широкой дорожке) towards the house

(/ведущей/ к дому). Some horses, very sleek and well-groomed (несколько

лошадей, холеных и вычищенных; groom — конюх; грум; to groom — ходить

за лошадью, чистить лошадь), trotted up across the grass (рысью подскакали

по траве) and looked at them intently (и внимательно посмотрели на них) with

very intelligent faces (очень разумными мордами); then off they galloped to the

buildings (затем они галопом ускакали к строениям).

“They have gone to tell him (они ускакали, чтобы сообщить ему) of the arrival

of strangers (о прибытии незнакомцев),” said Gandalf. Soon they reached a

courtyard (вскоре они добрались до внутреннего двора), three walls of which

(три стены которого) were formed by the wooden house (образовывались

деревянным домом) and its two long wings (и двумя его деревянными

крыльями). In the middle there was lying a great oak-trunk (в середине /двора/

лежал огромный ствол дуба) with many lopped branches beside it (со

множеством срезанных ветвей рядом с ним). Standing near was a huge man

(рядом стоял огромный человек) with a thick black beard and hair (с густой

черной бородой и волосами), and great bare arms and legs (с огромными

обнаженными руками и ногами) with knotted muscles (с выступающими

мышцами; knotted — завязанный узлом, шишковатый; knot — узел). He was

clothed in a tunic of wool (он был одет в шерстяную тунику) down to his knees

(длиной до колен), and was leaning on a large axe (и опирался на огромный



cluster ['klAstq] thatch [TxtS] to and fro [tVqn(d)'frqV] courtyard ['kO:tjQ:d]

muscle ['mAs(q)l]


They soon came to a wooden gate, high and broad, beyond which they could

See gardens and a cluster of low wooden buildings, some thatched and made of

Unshaped logs; barns, stables, sheds, and a long low wooden house. Inside on

The southward side of the great hedge were rows and rows of hives with bell-


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Shaped tops made of straw. The noise of the giant bees flying to and fro and

Crawling in and out filled all the air.

The wizard and the hobbit pushed open the heavy creaking gate and went

Down a wide track towards the house. Some horses, very sleek and well-

Groomed, trotted up across the grass and looked at them intently with very

Intelligent faces; then off they galloped to the buildings.

“They have gone to tell him of the arrival of strangers,” said Gandalf. Soon

They reached a courtyard, three walls of which were formed by the wooden

House and its two long wings. In the middle there was lying a great oak-trunk

With many lopped branches beside it. Standing near was a huge man with a

thick black beard and’ hair, and great bare arms and legs with knotted

Muscles. He was clothed in a tunic of wool down to his knees, and was leaning

On a large axe.


The horses were standing by him (лошади стояли рядом с ним) with their noses

at his shoulder (их морды у его плеча; nose — нос; рыло).

“Ugh (уф)! here they are (вот и они)!” he said to the horses (сказал он

лошадям). “They don’t look dangerous (они не выглядят опасными). You can be

off (вы можете идти)!” He laughed a great rolling laugh (он рассмеялся

громким раскатистым смехом; to roll — катиться), put down his axe (опустил

свой топор) and came forward (и двинулся вперед).

“Who are you and what do you want (кто вы такие и чего вы хотите)?” he

asked gruffly (сказал он угрюмо/неприветливо), standing in front of them

(вставая перед ними) and towering tall above Gandalf (высоко возвышаясь над

Гэндальфом; tower — башня).

As for Bilbo (что до Бильбо) he could easily have trotted through his legs (то он

мог бы легко пробежать между его ног) without ducking his head (и ему не

пришлось бы наклонять голову; to duck — нырять, уклоняться от удара) to

miss the fringe of the man’s brown tunic (чтобы избежать столкновения с

бахромой на коричневой тунике этого человека).



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“I am Gandalf (я Гэндальф),” said the wizard (сказал волшебник).

“Never heard of him (никогда о нем не слышал),” growled the man (проворчал

человек), “And what’s this little fellow (и кто этот малыш)?” he said (сказал он),

stooping down to frown at the hobbit (наклоняясь, чтобы хмуро взглянуть на

хоббита; to stoop — сутулиться, нагибаться) with his bushy eyebrows (из-под

своих кустистых бровей).

“That is Mr. Baggins (это мистер Бэггинс), a hobbit of good family (хоббит из

хорошей семьи) and unimpeachable reputation (и с безупречной репутацией; to

impeach — выдвигать обвинения; обвинять, осуждать),” said Gandalf. Bilbo

bowed (Бильбо поклонился). He had no hat to take off (у него не было шляпы,

которую надо было бы снять), and was painfully conscious of his many missing

buttons (и он с болью/болезненно осознавал нехватку многого числа


“I am a wizard (я волшебник),” continued Gandalf (продолжил Гэндальф). “I

have heard of you (я слышал о вас), if you have not heard of me (если = пусть

даже вы не слышали обо мне); but perhaps you have heard of my good cousin

Radagast (но, возможно, вы слышали о моем добром кузене Радагасте) who

lives near the Southern borders of Mirkwood (который живет рядом с южной

границей Мрачного Леса)?”


towering ['taV(q)rIN] fringe [frIndZ] tunic ['tju:nIk]


The horses were standing by him with their noses at his shoulder.

“Ugh! here they are!” he said to the horses. “They don’t look dangerous.

You can be off!” He laughed a great rolling laugh, put down his axe and came


“Who are you and what do you want?” he asked gruffly, standing in front of

Them and towering tall above Gandalf.

As for Bilbo he could easily have trotted through his legs without ducking

his head to miss the fringe of the man’s brown tunic.



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“I am Gandalf,” said the wizard.

“Never heard of him,” growled the man, “And what’s this little fellow?” he

said, stooping down to frown at the hobbit with his bushy eyebrows. “That is

Mr. Baggins, a hobbit of good family and unimpeachable reputation,” said

Gandalf. Bilbo bowed. He had no hat to take off, and was painfully conscious

of his many missing buttons. “I am a wizard,” continued Gandalf. “I have

Heard of you, if you have not heard of me; but perhaps you have heard of my

good cousin Radagast who lives near the Southern borders of Mirkwood?”


“Yes; not a bad fellow as wizards go (не плохой для волшебника человек), I

believe (я полагаю). I used to see him now and again (я бывало виделся с ним

время от времени),” said Beorn. “Well, now I know who you are (ну, теперь я

знаю, кто вы), or who you say you are (или за кого вы себя выдаете: «или тот,

кто вы говорите, что вы есть»). What do you want (что вы хотите)?”

“To tell you the truth (сказать вам по правде), we have lost our luggage (мы

потеряли свой багаж) and nearly lost our way (и чуть не заблудились: «и почти

потеряли свой путь»), and are rather in need of help (и довольно-таки

нуждаемся в помощи), or at least advice (или, по меньшей мере, в совете). I

may say (могу сказать) we have had rather a bad time (мы пережили довольно

трудное время) with goblins in the mountains (с гоблинами в горах).”

“Goblins?” said the big man less gruffly (сказал большой человек менее

грубо). “Oho (ого), so you’ve been having trouble with them, have you (значит, у

вам были с ними неприятности, так)? What did you go near them for (зачем же

вы близко к ним подошли)?”

“We did not mean to (и не собирались /этого делать/). They surprised us at

night (они застали нас врасплох ночью) in a pass (в проходе) which we had to

cross (который мы должны были пройти), we were coming out of the Lands

over West (мы шли с Земель за Западом) into these countries (в эти страны) —

it is a long tale (это долгая история).”

“Then you had better come inside (тогда вам лучше зайти внутрь) and tell me



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some of it (и рассказать мне что-нибудь из нее), if it won’t take all day (если

это не займет весь день),” said the man leading the way (сказал человек,

показывая им путь: «ведя путь») through a dark door (сквозь темную дверь)

that opened out of the courtyard into the house (которая открывалась из

внутреннего дворика в дом).


luggage ['lAgIdZ] surprise [sq'praIz] gruffly ['grAflI]


“Yes; not a bad fellow as wizards go, I believe. I used to see him now and

again,” said Beorn. “Well, now I know who you are, or who you say you are.

What do you want?”

“To tell you the truth, we have lost our luggage and nearly lost our way, and

Are rather in need of help, or at least advice. I may say we have had rather a

bad time with goblins in the mountains.”

“Goblins?” said the big man less gruffly. “Oho, so you’ve been having

trouble with them have you? What did you go near them for?”

“We did not mean to. They surprised us at night in a pass which we had to

Cross, we were coming out of the Lands over West into these countries — it is

a long tale.”

“Then you had better come inside and tell me some of it, if it won’t take all

day,” said the man leading the way through a dark door that opened out of

The courtyard into the house.


Following him they found themselves in a wide hall (следуя за ним, они

очутились в просторном зале) with a fire-place in the middle (с очагом

посередине). Though it was summer (хотя было лето) there was a wood-fire

burning (там горел костер) and the smoke was rising to the blackened rafters (и

дымок поднимался к закопченным стропилам) in search of the way out (в

поисках выхода) through an opening in the roof (сквозь отверстие в крыше).

They passed through this dim hall (они прошли сквозь этот полутемный зал), lit



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only by the fire (освещенный только светом огня) and the hole above it (и

отверстием над ним), and came through another smaller door (и вошли, через

другую, меньшую дверь) into a sort of veranda (в что-то вроде веранды)

propped on wooden posts (подпертой деревянными столбами) made of single

tree-trunks (изготовленных из цельных стволов деревьев; single —

единственный, отдельный). It faced south (она выходила на юг) and was still

warm (и в ней было все еще тепло) and filled with the light of the westering sun

(и она была заполнена светом идущего на запад солнца) which slanted into it

(которое косыми лучами проходило ее насквозь; to slant — двигаться

наклонно, под углом), and fell golden on the garden (и золотистым /светом/

падало в сад) full of flowers (полный цветов) that came right up to the steps

(которые росли: «подходили» прямо у ступеней).

Here they sat on wooden benches (здесь они присели на деревянные лавки)

while Gandalf began his tale (пока Гэндальф начал свой рассказ), and Bilbo

swung his dangling legs (и Бильбо качал болтающимися ногами) and looked at

the flowers in the garden (и смотрел на цветы в саду), wondering what their

names could be (задаваясь вопросом, как они могут называться; name — имя,

фамилия, название), as he had never seen half of them before (так как он не

видел половину их раньше).


fireplace ['faIqpleIs] rafter ['rQ:ftq] veranda [vq'rxndq]


Following him they found themselves in a wide hall with a fire-place in the

Middle. Though it was summer there was a wood-fire burning and the smoke

Was rising to the blackened rafters in search of the way out through an

Opening in the roof. They passed through this dim hall, lit only by the fire and

The hole above it, and came through another smaller door into a sort of

Veranda propped on wooden posts made of single tree-trunks. It faced south

And was still warm and filled with the light of the westering sun which slanted

Into it, and fell golden on the garden full of flowers that came right up to the



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Here they sat on wooden benches while Gandalf began his tale, and Bilbo

Swung his dangling legs and looked at the flowers in the garden, wondering

What their names could be, as he had never seen half of them before.


“I was coming over the mountains (я шел через горы) with a friend or two (с

одним или двумя друзьями)...” said the wizard (сказал волшебник).

“Or two (или двумя)? I can only see one (я вижу только одного), and a little

one at that (да и маленького, к тому же),” said Beorn.

“Well to tell you the truth (ну, сказать вам по правде), I did not like to bother

you with a lot of us (я не хотел вам надоедать всей нашей оравой; lot —

множество), until I found out (пока я не выяснил) if you were busy (заняты ли

вы или нет). I will give a call, if I may (я подам сигнал, если позволите; call —

крик, оклик).”

“Go on, call away (давайте, подавайте; to call away — отзывать, вызвать)!”

So Gandalf gave a long shrill whistle (тогда Гэндальф издал длинный резкий

свист), and presently Thorin and Dori came round the house (и вскоре Торин и

Дори появились из-за дома) by the garden path (по садовой дорожке) and stood

bowing low before them (и встали, низко кланяясь, перед ними).

“One or three you meant, I see (/с/ одним или тремя вы имели в виду, я

вижу)!” said Beorn. “But these aren’t hobbits (но эти-то не хоббиты), they are

dwarves (это гномы)!”

“Thorin Oakenshield, at your service (Торин Оукеншильд, к вашим услугам)!

Dori at your service!” said the two dwarves bowing again (сказали двое гномов,

снова кланяясь).


truth [tru:T] busy ['bIzI] whistle ['wIs(q)l]


“I was coming over the mountains with a friend or two...” said the wizard.

“Or two? I can only see one, and a little one at that,” said Beorn.



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“Well to tell you the truth, I did not like to bother you with a lot of us, until I

found out if you were busy. I will give a call, if I may.”

“Go on, call away!”

So Gandalf gave a long shrill whistle, and presently Thorin and Dori came

Round the house by the garden path and stood bowing low before them.

“One or three you meant, I see!” said Beorn. “But these aren’t hobbits, they

are dwarves!”

“Thorin Oakenshield, at your service! Dori at your service!” said the two

Dwarves bowing again.


“I don’t need your service, thank you (я не нуждаюсь в ваших услугах,

благодарю),” said Beorn, “but I expect you need mine (но я полагаю, что вы

нуждаетесь в моих). I am not over fond of dwarves (я не очень-то люблю

гномов; over — зд. сверх; излишний, избыточный); but if it is true you are

Thorin (но если это правда, что вы Торин) (son of Thrain, son of Thror, I believe

(сын Трейна, сына Трора, я полагаю)), and that your companion is respectable (и

ваш спутник почтенный человек), and that you are enemies of goblins (и то, что

вы враги гоблинов) and are not up to any mischief in my lands (и если вы не

замышляете никаких безобразий в моих землях) — what are you up to (а что

вы замышляете), by the way (между прочим)?”

“They are on their way to visit the land of their fathers (они на пути =

направляются посетить землю своих отцов), away east beyond Mirkwood

(далеко к востоку за Мрачным Лесом),” put in Gandalf (вмешался в разговор

Гэндальф), “and it is entirely an accident (и это совершенная случайность) that

we are in your lands at all (что мы очутились в ваших землях вообще). We were

crossing by the High Pass (мы двигались по Верхнему Перевалу) that should

have brought us to the road (который должен был вывести нас на дорогу) that

lies to the south of your country (которая лежит к югу от вашей страны), when

we were attacked by the evil goblins (когда на нас напали злобные гоблины:

«мы были атакованы») — as I was about to tell you (как я уже собирался вам



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“Go on telling, then (тогда продолжайте рассказывать)!” said Beorn, who was

never very polite (который никогда не был очень уж вежливым).

“There was a terrible storm (была ужасная буря); the stone-giants were out

hurling rocks (каменные великаны вышли наружу и швырялись скалами), and

at the head of the pass (и в начале прохода) we took refuge in a cave (мы нашли

убежище в пещере), the hobbit and I and several of our companions (хоббит, и я,

и несколько наших спутников)...”

“Do you call two several (вы называете двоих несколькими)?”

“Well, no (ну, нет). As a matter of fact (на самом деле) there were more than

two (/их/ было больше, чем двое).”

“Where are they (где они)? Killed (убиты), eaten (съедены), gone home (ушли


“Well, no (ну, нет). They don’t seem all to have come (кажется, что они не все

пришли) when I whistled (когда я свистнул). Shy, I expect (скромничают:

«скромные, робкие», я полагаю; to expect — ожидать, рассчитывать,

думать). You see (вы понимаете), we are very much afraid (мы очень боимся)

that we are rather a lot for you to entertain (нас слишком много для того, что бы

вы оказали нам гостеприимство; to entertain — занимать, развлекать;

принимать, угощать /гостей/).”


service ['sq:vIs] companion [kqm'pxnIqn] mischief ['mIstSIf] entirely



“I don’t need your service, thank you,” said Beorn, “but I expect you need

Mine. I am not over fond of dwarves; but if it is true you are Thorin (son of

Thrain, son of Thror, I believe), and that your companion is respectable, and

That you are enemies of goblins and are not up to any mischief in my lands —

what are you up to, by the way?”

“They are on their way to visit the land of their fathers, away east beyond


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Mirkwood,” put in Gandalf, “and it is entirely an accident that we are in your

Lands at all. We were crossing by the High Pass that should have brought us to

The road that lies to the south of your country, when we were attacked by the

evil goblins — as I was about to tell you.”

“Go on telling, then!” said Beorn, who was never very polite. “There was a

Terrible storm; the stone-giants were out hurling rocks, and at the head of the

Pass we took refuge in a cave, the hob bit and I and several of our


“Do you call two several?”

“Well, no. As a matter of fact there were more than two.”

“Where are they? Killed, eaten, gone home?”

“Well, no. They don’t seem all to have come when I whistled. Shy, I expect.

You see, we are very much afraid that we are rather a lot for you to



“Go on, whistle again (продолжайте, свистните снова)! I am in for a party (я

готов к приему гостей; party — группа; вечеринка), it seems (кажется), and one

or two more (и еще один или двое) won’t make much difference (не сделают

огромной разницы),” growled Beorn (прорычал Беорн).

Gandalf whistled again (Гэндальф снова свистнул); but Nori and Ori were there

almost before he had stopped (но Нори и Ори оказались на месте почти что до

того, как он остановился), for, if you remember (так как, если вы помните),

Gandalf had told them to come in pairs (Гэндальф сказал им приходить

попарно) every five minutes (через каждые пять минут).

“Hullo (привет)!” said Beorn. “You came pretty quick (вы явились очень

быстро) — where were you hiding (где вы прятались; to hide)? Come on my

jack-in-the-boxes (фу-ты, прям как «Джек из коробочки»; jack-in-the-boxes —

игрушка — коробочка с выскакивающей фигуркой)!”

“Nori at your service (Нори к вашим услугам), Ori at (Ори к…)...” they began

(начали они); but Beorn interrupted them (но Беорн прервал их).



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“Thank you (благодарю)! When I want your help (когда мне понадобится

ваша помощь) I will ask for it (я попрошу ее). Sit down (присаживайтесь), and

let’s get on with this tale (и давайте продолжим с этой историей), or it will be

supper-time before it is ended (или уже время ужина наступит, прежде чем она


“As soon as we were asleep (как только мы заснули),” went on Gandalf

(продолжал Гэндальф), “a crack at the back of the cave opened (в задней

стороне пещеры открылась трещина; back — спина, задняя, тыльная часть);

goblins came out (вышли гоблины) and grabbed the hobbit and the dwarves (и

схватили хоббита и гномов) and our troop of ponies (и наше стадо пони; troop

— группа людей, отряд, стадо, стая, труппа актеров) —“

“Troop of ponies (стадо пони)? What were you — a travelling circus (да кто вы

такие — бродячий цирк; to travel — путешествовать, ехать)? Or were you

carrying lots of goods (или вы везли много вещей; goods — товары,

имущество, багаж)? Or do you always call six a troop (или вы всегда

называете шестерых стадом)?”


difference ['dIf(q)rqns] pair [peq] hiding ['haIdIN] jack-in-the-box

['dZxk InDqbOks]|


“Go on, whistle again! I am in for a party, it seems, and one or two more

won’t make much difference,” growled Beorn.

Gandalf whistled again; but Nori and Ori were there almost before he had

Stopped, for, if you remember, Gandalf had told them to come in pairs every

Five minutes.

“Hullo!” said Beorn. “You came pretty quick — where were you hiding?

Come on my jack-in-the-boxes!”

“Nori at your service, Ori at...” they began; but Beorn interrupted them.

“Thank you! When I want your help I will ask for it. Sit down, and let’s get

on with this tale, or it will be supper-time before it is ended.”


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“As soon as we were asleep,” went on Gandalf, “a crack at the back of the

Cave opened; goblins came out and grabbed the hobbit and the dwarves and

our troop of ponies —“

“Troop of ponies? What were you — a travelling circus? Or were you

carrying lots of goods? Or do you always call six a troop?”


“O no! As a matter of fact there were more than six ponies (на самом-то деле,

там было больше шести пони), for there were more than six of us (так как нас

было больше шести) — and well, here are two more (и вот, здесь еще двое)!”

Just at that moment Balin and Dwalin appeared (как раз в этот момент

появились Балин и Двалин) and bowed so low (и поклонились так низко) that

their beards swept the stone floor (что их бороды подмели каменный пол). The

big man was frowning at first (большой человек поначалу хмурился), but they

did their very best (но они старались изо всех сил; to do one's best — сделать

все возможное, не щадить усилий) to be frightfully polite (быть чрезвычайно

вежливыми), and kept on nodding (и продолжали кивать головами; to keep on

doing smth. — продолжать делать что-либо) and bending (и наклоняться; to

bend (bent) — гнуть(ся), сгибать(ся), наклонять(ся)) and bowing (и

кланяться) and waving their hoods (и махать своими капюшонами; to wave —

развевать(ся), размахивать) before their knees (перед их коленями) (in proper

dwarf-fashion (в подобающей гномам манере)), till he stopped frowning (до тех

пор, пока он не перестал хмурится) and burst into a chuckling laugh (и /не/

разразился фыркающим смехом; to chuckle — хихикать); they looked so

comical (они выглядели так комично).

“Troop, was right (труппа, вот это точно),” he said. “A fine comic one

(прекрасная смешная труппа). Come in my merry men (заходите, мои забавные

друзья; merry — веселый, радостный, потешный), and what are your names (и

как вас зовут)? I don’t want your service just now (я не нуждаюсь в ваших

услугах прямо сейчас), only your names (/мне нужны/ только ваши имена);

and then sit down (а затем садитесь) and stop wagging (и перестаньте



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размахивать /колпаками/; to wag — махать; качать(ся), колебать(ся))!”

“Balin and Dwalin,” they said not daring to be offended (сказали они и не

посмев обидеться: «быть обиженными»; to offend — оскорблять), and sat flop

on the floor (плюхнулись на пол; flop — шлепанье, глухой удар при падении)

looking rather surprised (и выглядели они довольно изумленными).

“Now go on again (давайте, продолжайте снова)!” said Beorn to the wizard

(сказал Беорн волшебнику).


beard [bIqd] frightfully ['fraItf(q)lI] troop [tru:p] offend [q'fend]


“O no! As a matter of fact there were more than six ponies, for there were

more than six of us — and well, here are two more!”

Just at that moment Balin and Dwalin appeared and bowed so low that their

Beards swept the stone floor. The big man was frowning at first, but they did

Their very best to be frightfully polite, and kept on nodding and bending and

Bowing and waving their hoods before their knees (in proper dwarf-fashion),

Till he stopped frowning and burst into a chuckling laugh; they looked so


“Troop, was right,” he said. “A fine comic one. Come in my merry men, and

what are your names? I don’t want your service just now, only your names;

and then sit down and stop wagging!”

“Balin and Dwalin,” they said not daring to be offended, and sat flop on the

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 189 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Some elves tease them and laugh at them, and most of all at their beards. | He shivered. It was getting bitter cold up here, and the wind came shrill | Round and round far underground | The paths themselves), and were madly angry; so that do what they could the | From the lake, and sometimes neither goblin nor fish came back. | Think of anything. | Escape without meaning to. | Trampled to death, or caught by feel. | Found quite safe up to now. | All round the clearing of the Wargs fire was leaping. |
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