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Floor looking rather surprised.

Читайте также:
  1. A suspicious-looking man________running away from the scene of the crime.
  2. Am looking or I'm looking
  3. Announced that he was thinking of looking for a job in Manchester.
  4. Benefits of Renting Your Home Rather Than Buying
  5. Eastern Europe Looking to U.K. Schools
  6. Epilogue to Through the Looking Glass
  7. Exercise 2.Identify these means of transport without looking at the text.

“Now go on again!” said Beorn to the wizard.


“Where was I (на чем же я остановился)? O yes (ах да) — I was not grabbed (я

не был схвачен). I killed a goblin or two with a flash (я убил одного или двух

гоблинов вспышкой) —“

“Good (хорошо)!” growled Beorn (проворчал Беорн). “It is some good being a

wizard, then (значит, есть какая-то польза от того, что ты волшебник).”



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“— and slipped inside the crack (и проскользнул внутрь щели) before it closed

(до того, как она захлопнулась). I followed down into the main hall (я

последовал вниз в главный зал), which was crowded with goblins (который был

переполнен гоблинами). The Great Goblin was there (там был Великий

Гоблин) with thirty or forty armed guards (с тридцатью или сорока

вооруженными стражниками). I thought to myself (я подумал про себя) ‘even if

they were not all chained together (даже если бы они не были скованы цепью

воедино), what can a dozen do against so many (что может сделать дюжина

против такого большинства)?’ “

“A dozen (дюжина)! That’s the first time I’ve heard (это первый раз, когда я

слышу) eight called a dozen (чтобы восьмерых называли дюжиной). Or have

you still got some more jacks (или у вас все еще есть несколько Джеков) that

haven’t yet come out of their boxes (которые еще не выпрыгнули из своих


“Well, yes, there seem to be a couple more here now (ну, да, а вот, кажется,

еще парочка здесь) — Fili and Kili, I believe (Фили и Кили, я полагаю),” said

Gandalf, as these two now appeared (как эти двое теперь появились) and stood

smiling and bowing (и стояли, улыбаясь и кланяясь).

“That’s enough (хватит)!” said Beorn. “Sit down and be quiet (присаживайтесь

и замолчите)! Now go on, Gandalf (ну-ка, продолжайте, Гэндальф)!” So

Gandalf went on with the tale (тогда Гэндальф продолжил рассказывать

историю), until he came to the fight in the dark (пока он не дошел до битвы в

темноте), the discovery of the lower gate (обнаружения нижних ворот), and

their horror (и их ужасе) when they found that Mr. Baggins had been mislaid

(когда они обнаружили, что мистер Бэггинс пропал; to mislay — положить не

на место, заложить, затерять; to lay — положить).

“We counted ourselves (мы посчитались) and found that there was no hobbit (и

обнаружили, что хоббита нет). There were only fourteen of us left (нас осталось

только четырнадцать)!”



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chain [tSeIn] dozen ['dAz(q)n] couple ['kAp(q)l] mislaid [mIs'leId]


“Where was I? O yes — I was not grabbed. I killed a goblin or two with a

flash —“

“Good!” growled Beorn. “It is some good being a wizard, then.”

“ — and slipped inside the crack before it closed. I followed down into the

Main hall, which was crowded with goblins. The Great Goblin was there with

thirty or forty armed guards. I thought to myself ‘even if they were not all

chained together, what can a dozen do against so many?’ “

“A dozen! That’s the first time I’ve heard eight called a dozen. Or have you

still got some more jacks that haven’t yet come out of their boxes?”

“Well, yes, there seem to be a couple more here now — Fili and Kili, I

believe,” said Gandalf, as these two now appeared and stood smiling and


“That’s enough!” said Beorn. “Sit down and be quiet! Now go on, Gandalf!”

So Gandalf went on with the tale, until he came to the fight in the dark, the

Discovery of the lower gate, and their horror when they found that Mr.

Baggins had been mislaid.

“We counted ourselves and found that there was no hobbit. There were only

fourteen of us left!”


“Fourteen (четырнадцать)! That’s the first time I’ve heard (это первый раз,

когда я слышу) one from ten leave fourteen (что десять минус один равняется

четырнадцати: «что один из десяти оставляет четырнадцать»). You mean nine

(вы имеете в виду девять), or else you haven’t told me yet (или, вы еще не

рассказали мне) all the names of your party (все имена вашей компании).”

“Well, of course you haven’t seen Oin and Gloin yet (ну, конечно, вы еще не

видели Ойна и Глойна). And, bless me (и, Боже мой: «благослови меня»)! here

they are (вот они). I hope you will forgive them (я надеюсь, вы простите их) for

bothering you (что беспокоят вас; to bother).”



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“O let ‘em all come (о, пусть все они заходят)! Hurry up (поторопитесь)!

Come along, you two, and sit down (проходите, вы двое, и присаживайтесь)!

But look here, Gandalf (но послушайте, Гэндальф), even now we have only got

yourself (даже сейчас у нас есть вы) and ten dwarves (и десять гномов) and the

hobbit that was lost (и хоббит, который был потерян). That only makes eleven

(это получается одиннадцать) (plus one mislaid (плюс один затерявшийся))

and not fourteen (а не четырнадцать), unless wizards count differently to other

people (если только волшебники не считают по другому, чем все люди). But

now please get on with the tale (но сейчас, пожалуйста, продолжайте


Beorn did not show it more than he could help (Беорн не показывал это,

насколько мог; than one can help — не больше, чем требуется, to help —

помогать, способствовать), but really he had begun to get very interested (но

на самом деле он очень заинтересовался: «начал становиться очень

заинтересованным»). You see (видите ли), in the old days (в былые времена) he

had known the very part of the mountains (он знал эту самую часть гор) that

Gandalf was describing (которую описывал Гэндальф). He nodded and he

growled (он кивал и ворчал), when he heard of the hobbit’s reappearance (когда

он услышал о возвращении хоббита; to appear — появляться; to reappear —

появляться снова) and of their scramble down the stone-slide (и о том, как они

катились вниз по оползню; to scramble —пробираться; stone — камень; slide

— скольжение) and of the wolf-ring in the woods (и о кольце волков в лесу).

When Gandalf came to their climbing into trees (когда Гэндальф дошел до того,

как они вскарабкались на деревья) with the wolves all underneath (и все волки

остались внизу), he got up (тот поднялся; to get up) and strode about (и

прошелся большими шагами; to stride (strode; stridden) — шагать большими

шагами) and muttered (и пробормотал):


bother ['bODq] interested ['IntrIstId] reappearance ["ri:q'pI(q)rqns]



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“Fourteen! That’s the first time I’ve heard one from ten leave fourteen.

You mean nine, or else you haven’t told me yet all the names of your party.”

“Well, of course you haven’t seen Oin and Gloin yet. And, bless me! here they

are. I hope you will forgive them for bothering you.”

“O let ‘em all come! Hurry up! Come along, you two, and sit down! But look

Here, Gandalf, even now we have only got yourself and ten dwarves and the

Hobbit that was lost. That only makes eleven (plus one mislaid) and not

Fourteen, unless wizards count differently to other people. But now please get

on with the tale.” Beorn did not show it more than he could help, but really he

Had begun to get very interested. You see, in the old days he had known the

Very part of the mountains that Gandalf was describing. He nodded and he

growled, when he heard of the hobbit’s reappearance and of their scramble

Down the stone-slide and of the wolf-ring in the woods. When Gandalf came to

Their climbing into trees with the wolves all underneath, he got up and strode

about and muttered:


“I wish I had been there (желал бы я быть там)! I would have given them more

than fireworks (я бы задал им нечто большее, чем фейерверки)!”

“Well (ну),” said Gandalf very glad to see (сказал Гэндальф, очень довольный,

увидев) that his tale was making a good impression (что его история

производила хорошее впечатление), “I did the best I could (я старался изо всех

сил: «сделал лучшее, что мог»). There we were (вот там мы и были) with the

wolves going mad underneath us (/при том что/ все эти волки сходили с ума

внизу под нами) and the forest beginning to blaze in places (и лес уже начинал

пылать в некоторых местах), when the goblins came down from the hills (когда

гоблины спустились с холмов) and discovered us (и обнаружили нас). They

yelled with delight (они завопили от восторга) and sang songs making fun of us

(и запели песни, высмеивая нас; to make fun of smb — дразнить кого-либо,

шутить над кем-либо, fun — веселье, забава). Fifteen birds in five firtrees

(пятнадцать пташек на пяти соснах)...”



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“Good heavens (Боже мой)!” growled Beorn (прорычал Беорн). “Don’t pretend

that goblins can’t count (не делайте вид, что гоблины не умеют считать). They

can (они умеют). Twelve isn’t fifteen (двенадцать — это не пятнадцать) and

they know it (и они знают это).”

“And so do I (и я тоже). There were Bifur and Bofur as well (там еще так же

были Бифур и Бофур). I haven’t ventured to introduce them before (я не рискнул

представить их раньше), but here they are (но вот они).”


firework ['faIqwq:k] impression [Im'preS(q)n] underneath [Andq'ni:T]


“I wish I had been there! I would have given them more than fireworks!”

“Well,” said Gandalf very glad to see that his tale was making a good

impression, “I did the best I could. There we were with the wolves going mad

Underneath us and the forest beginning to blaze in places, when the goblins

Came down from the hills and discovered us. They yelled with delight and

sang songs making fun of us. Fifteen birds in five firtrees...”

“Good heavens!” growled Beorn. “Don’t pretend that goblins can’t count.

They can. Twelve isn’t fifteen and they know it.”

“And so do I. There were Bifur and Bofur as well. I haven’t ventured to

introduce them before, but here they are.”


In came Bifur and Bofur (вошли Бифур и Бофур).

“And me (и я)!” gasped Bombur pulling up behind (выдавил из себя Бомбур,

догоняя /их — Бифура и Бофура/, появляясь следом; to pull up —

останавливать(ся), сдерживать(ся), настигать, догонять, behind — сзади,

позади). He was fat (он был толстым), and also angry at being left till last (и

также рассерженным, что его оставили до самого конца; last — после всех, на

последнем месте). He refused to wait five minutes (он отказался ждать пять

минут), and followed immediately after the other two (и последовал немедленно

за другими двумя).



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“Well, now there are fifteen of you (итак, теперь вас пятнадцать); and since

goblins can count (и так как гоблины умеют считать), I suppose that is all (я

полагаю, что это все) that there were up the trees (которые сидели там вверху, в

деревьях). Now perhaps we can finish this story (теперь, возможно, мы уже

можем закончить эту историю) without any more interruptions (больше без

помех; interruption — перерыв, вмешательство).” Mr. Baggins saw then

(теперь мистер Бэггинс понял: «увидел») how clever Gandalf had been (каким

умным оказался Гэндальф). The interruptions had really made Beorn more

interested in the story (эти помехи действительно сделали Беорна более

интересующимся этой историей = заинтриговали Беарна), and the story had

kept him (и сама история удержала его) from sending the dwarves off at once (от

того, чтобы прогнать гномов немедленно; to send — послать; to send off —

отослать) like suspicious beggars (как подозрительных попрошаек). He never

invited people into his house (он никогда не приглашал людей в свой дом), if he

could help it (если только он мог). He had very few friends (у него было очень

мало друзей) and they lived a good way away (и они жили очень далеко); and

he never invited more than a couple of these (и он никогда не приглашал

больше, чем пару из них) to his house at a time (в свой дом одновременно; at a

time — разом, сразу). Now he had got fifteen strangers sitting in his porch (а

теперь пятнадцать незнакомцев сидели у него на крыльце)!


interruption [Intq'rApS(q)n] suspicious [sq'spISqs] beggar ['begq]


In came Bifur and Bofur. “And me!” gasped Bombur pulling up behind. He

Was fat, and also angry at being left till last. He refused to wait five minutes,

And followed immediately after the other two.

“Well, now there are fifteen of you; and since goblins can count, I suppose

That is all that there were up the trees. Now perhaps we can finish this story

without any more interruptions.” Mr. Baggins saw then how clever Gandalf

Had been. The interruptions had really made Beorn more interested in the



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Story, and the story had kept him from sending the dwarves off at once like

Suspicious beggars. He never invited people into his house, if he could help it.

He had very few friends and they lived a good way away; and he never invited

More than a couple of these to his house at a time. Now he had got fifteen

strangers sitting in his porch!


By the time the wizard had finished his tale (к тому времени, как волшебник

закончил свою историю) and had told of the eagles’ rescue (и рассказал о

спасении орлами) and of how they had all been brought to the Carrock (и о том,

как их всех доставили на скалу Каррок; to bring (brought) — приносить), the

sun had fallen behind the peaks of the Misty Mountains (солнце упало за

вершины Мглистых Гор) and the shadows were long in Beorn’s garden (и тени

были уже длинными в саду Беорна).

“A very good tale (очень хорошая история)!” said he. “The best I have heard

for a long while (лучшее: «самая лучшая /история/», что я слышал, за очень

долгое время; good-better-the best — хороший, лучший, наилучший). If all

beggars could tell such a good one (если бы все попрошайки могли

рассказывать такие хорошие истории), they might find me kinder (они могли

бы обнаружить, что я добрее: «найти меня более добрым»). You may be

making it all up, of course (вы, конечно, может быть, ее выдумываете /от

начала до конца/), but you deserve a supper for the story (но вы заслуживаете

ужин за такую историю) all the same (тем не менее: «все то же самое»). Let’s

have something to eat (давайте что-нибудь поедим)!”

“Yes, please (да уж, пожалуйста)!” they all said together (сказали они все

вместе). “Thank you very much (спасибо вам большое)!”

Inside the hall it was now quite dark (в зале теперь было уже очень темно;

inside — внутри). Beorn clapped his hands (Беорн хлопнул ладонями), and in

trotted four beautiful white ponies (и вбежали рысцой четыре прекрасных

белых пони) and several large long-bodied grey dogs (и несколько больших

/длиннотелых/ серых собак; body — тело, туловище). Beorn said something to



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them in a queer language (Беорн сказал что-то им на странном языке) like

animal noises turned into talk (/это были/ как будто животные звуки,

превращенные в речь). They went out again (они снова вышли) and soon came

back (и вскоре вернулись) carrying torches in their mouths (неся факелы в

пастях), which they lit at the fire (которые они зажгли от огня; to light (lit,

lighted) — зажигать, освещать) and stuck in low brackets (и закрепили их на

низких кронштейнах/держателях; to stick (stuck) — втыкать, вкалывать,

всовывать) on the pillars of the hall (на колоннах в зале) about the central hearth

(вокруг центрального очага).

The dogs could stand on their hind-legs (эти собаки могли стоять на своих

задних лапах) when they wished (когда они этого хотели), and carry things with

their fore-feet (и носить вещи в своих передних лапах). Quickly they got out

boards and trestles (быстро они взяли доски и кузлы; to get (got) out —

выходить, бежать /из тюрьмы/, зд. — вынимать, вытаскивать) from the

side walls (стоявшие у /боковых/ стен) and set them up near the fire (и

установили их рядом с огнем).


rescue ['reskju:] eagle ['i:g(q)l] hind [haInd] fore [fO:]


By the time the wizard had finished his tale and had told of the eagles’

Rescue and of how they had all been brought to the Carrock, the sun had

Fallen behind the peaks of the Misty Mountains and the shadows were long in

Beorn’s garden.

“A very good tale!” said he. “The best I have heard for a long while. If all

Beggars could tell such a good one, they might find me kinder. You may be

Making it all up, of course, but you deserve a supper for the story all the same.

Let’s have something to eat!”

“Yes, please!” they all said together. “Thank you very much!”

Inside the hall it was now quite dark. Beorn clapped his hands, and in

Trotted four beautiful white ponies and several large long-bodied grey dogs.



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Beorn said something to them in a queer language like animal noises turned

Into talk. They went out again and soon came back carrying torches in their

Mouths, which they lit at the fire and stuck in low brackets on the pillars of

The hall about the central hearth.

The dogs could stand on their hind-legs when they wished, and carry things

With their fore-feet. Quickly they got out boards and trestles from the side

Walls and set them up near the fire.


Then baa-baa-baa! was heard (затем послышалось блеяние: «бе-бе-бе»), and in

came some snow-white sheep (и вошли белоснежные овцы) led by a large coal-

black ram (ведомые огромным угольно-черным бараном; to lead (led) —

вести, показывать путь). One bore a white cloth (одна несла белую скатерть;

to bear (bore, borne) — переносить, нести) embroidered at the edges with

figures of animals (с вышитыми по краям фигурками животных); others bore on

their broad backs (другие несли на своих широких спинах) trays with bowls

(подносы с мисками) and platters (и деревянными тарелками) and knives (и

ножами) and wooden spoons (и деревянными ложками), which the dogs took

(которые собаки взяли) and quickly laid on the trestle tables (и быстро

разложили на столах /устроенных/ на кузлах). These were very low (эти

/столы/ были очень низкими), low enough even for Bilbo (достаточно низкие

даже для Бильбо) to sit at comfortably (чтобы сидеть за ними с удобством).

Beside them a pony pushed two low-seated benches (рядом с ними пони

подтолкнул две низкие скамейки; to seat — сажать, усаживать) with wide

rush-bottoms (с плетенными из тростника сиденьями; rush — тростник,

камыш) and little short thick legs (и небольшими короткими массивными

ножками) for Gandalf and Thorin (для Гэндальфа и Торина), while at the far end

(в то время, как к дальнему концу /стола/) he put Beorn’s big black chair (он

/пони/ поставил большой черный стул для Беорна) of the same sort (такого же

вида) (in which he sat (в котором он сидел) with his great legs stuck far out under

the table (и его огромные ножищи вытягивались далеко под столом; to stick



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(stuck) out — высовывать, выставлять, торчать)). These were all the chairs he

had in his hall (это были все стулья, которые были в его зале), and he probably

had them low like the tables (и они были у него низкими, как и столы,

возможно) for the convenience of the wonderful animals (для удобства этих

удивительных животных) that waited on him (которые прислуживали ему; to

wait — ждать, ожидать, to wait on smb. — обслуживать, служить кому-

либо). What did the rest sit on (на что же уселись все остальные)? They were not

forgotten (и о них не забыли; to forget (forgot, forgotten) — забывать, не

помнить). The other ponies came in (вошли другие пони) rolling round drum-

shaped sections of logs (вкатывая круглые, в форме барабанов, чурбанчики:

«части бревен»; drum — барабан), smoothed and polished (гладкие и

отполированные), and low enough even for Bilbo (и достаточно низкие даже

для Бильбо); so soon they were all seated at Beorn’s table (так что вскоре они

все расселись за столом Беорна), and the hall had not seen such a gathering for

many a year (и этот зал не видывал таких собраний уже многие годы).


baa [bQ:] snow-white ["snqV'waIt] coal-black ['kqVl'blxk] embroider

[Im'brOIdq] trestle ['tres(q)l]


Then baa-baa-baa! was heard, and in came some snow-white sheep led by a

Large coal-black ram. One bore a white cloth embroidered at the edges with

Figures of animals; others bore on their broad backs trays with bowls and

Platters and knives and wooden spoons, which the dogs took and quickly laid

On the trestle tables. These were very low, low enough even for Bilbo to sit at

Comfortably. Beside them a pony pushed two low-seated benches with wide

Rush-bottoms and little short thick legs for Gandalf and Thorin, while at the

far end he put Beorn’s big black chair of the same sort (in which he sat with

His great legs stuck far out under the table). These were all the chairs he had

In his hall, and he probably had them low like the tables for the convenience

of the wonderful animals that waited on him. What did the rest sit on? They


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Were not forgotten. The other ponies came in rolling round drum-shaped

Sections of logs, smoothed and polished, and low enough even for Bilbo; so

soon they were all seated at Beorn’s table, and the hall had not seen such a

Gathering for many a year.


There they had a supper, or a dinner (там они отведали ужин или обед), such as

they had not had (какого у них не бывало) since they left the Last Homely House

in the West (с тех самых пор, когда они покинули Последнее Домашнее

Жилище на Западе) and said good-bye to Elrond (и попрощались с Элрондом).

The light of the torches (свет факелов) and the fire flickered about them (и костра

мерцали вокруг них), and on the table were two tall red beeswax candles (и на

столе стояли две высокие красные свечи из пчелиного воска; bee — пчела;

wax — воск). All the time they ate (все время, пока они ели; to eat (ate, eaten) —

есть, поедать, питаться), Beorn in his deep rolling voice (Беорн, своим

низким раскатистым голосом; deep — глубокий) told tales of the wild lands on

this side of the mountains (рассказывал истории об этих диких землях на этой

стороне гор), and especially of the dark and dangerous wood (и особенно о

темном и опасном лесе), that lay outstretched far to North and South (что лежал,

раскинувшись далеко на Север и на Юг; to outstretch — протягивать,

вытягивать, распространять) a day’s ride (на целый день пути; ride —

прогулка, поездка, продолжительность поездки) before them (перед ними),

barring their way to the East (преграждая им путь на Восток; to bar — запирать

/на засов/, закрывать, перегораживать), the terrible forest of Mirkwood

(ужасный Мрачный лес).

The dwarves listened and shook their beards (гномы слушали и покачивали

своими бородами; to shake (shook, shaken) — трясти), for they knew that they

must soon venture into that forest (так как они знали, что они должны вскоре

рискнуть отправится в тот лес) and that after the mountains (и что после гор) it

was the worst of the perils (это была одна из наихудших опасностей; bad-

worse-the worst — плохой, худший, наихудший) they had to pass (что им



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предстояло пройти/миновать) before they came to the dragon’s stronghold (до

того, как они доберутся до цитадели дракона; strong — крепкий; hold —

захват; владение; /арх./ крепость). When dinner was over (когда ужин был

закончен) they began to tell tales of their own (они начали рассказывать свои

собственные истории), but Beorn seemed to be growing drowsy (но Беорн,

казалось, становился сонным) and paid little heed to them (и обращал на них

мало внимания). They spoke most of gold and silver and jewels (они говорили

главным образом о золоте, и серебре и драгоценностях) and the making of

things by smith-craft (и об изготовлении вещиц кузнечным ремеслом), and

Beorn did not appear to care for such things (а Беорн, казалось, не

интересовался такими вещами): there were no things of gold or silver in his hall

(в его зале не было вещей из золота или серебра), and few save the knives were

made of metal at all (и очень немногие /вещи/, за исключением ножей, были

/вообще/ изготовлены из металла; save — кроме, за исключением, at all —

вообще, хоть сколько нибудь).


flicker ['flIkq] bees-wax ['bi:zwxks] outstretched [aVt'stretSt] drowsy

['draVzI] smithcraft ['smITkrQ:ft]


There they had a supper, or a dinner, such as they had not had since they

Left the Last Homely House in the West and said good-bye to Elrond. The light

Of the torches and the fire flickered about them, and on the table were two tall

Red beeswax candles. All the time they ate, Beorn in his deep rolling voice told

Tales of the wild lands on this side of the mountains, and especially of the dark

and dangerous wood, that lay outstretched far to North and South a day’s

Ride before them, barring their way to the East, the terrible forest of


The dwarves listened and shook their beards, for they knew that they must

Soon venture into that forest and that after the mountains it was the worst of

the perils they had to pass before they came to the dragon’s stronghold. When


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Dinner was over they began to tell tales of their own, but Beorn seemed to be

Growing drowsy and paid little heed to them. They spoke most of gold and

Silver and jewels and the making of things by smith-craft, and Beorn did not

appear to care for such things: there were no things of gold or silver in his

Hall, and few save the knives were made of metal at all.


They sat long at the table (они долго сидели за столом; to sit (sat) — сидеть)

with their wooden drinking-bowls filled with mead (их деревянные чаши для

питья были наполнены медом / напиток /). The dark night came on outside

(снаружи наступила темная ночь). The fires in the middle of the hall (костер в

середине зала) were built with fresh logs (был подкреплен новым поленьями:

«бревнами»; to build — строить, сооружать; разводить /костер/) and the

torches were put out (и факелы были погашены), and still they sat in the light of

the dancing flames (а они все сидели в свете танцующего пламени) with the

pillars of the house standing tall behind them (и колоны дома высились: «стояли

высоко» за ними), and dark at the top like trees of the forest (совершенно

темные у верхушек, совершенно как деревья в лесу). Whether it was magic or

not (было ли это волшебством или нет), it seemed to Bilbo (но Бильбо

казалось) that he heard a sound like wind in the branches (что он слышит звук,

подобный ветру, меж ветвей) stirring in the rafters (шевеливший /листву/ в

стропилах), and the hoot of owls (и уханье совы). Soon he began to nod with

sleep (вскоре он начал клевать носом во сне; to nod — кивать головой,

дремать) and the voices seemed to grow far away (и голоса, казалось,

удалялись: «становились очень далекими»), until he woke with a start (до тех

пор, пока он не проснулся, вздрогнув; start — вздрагивание; толчок). The

great door had creaked and slammed (огромная дверь скрипнула и

захлопнулась). Beorn was gone (Беорн ушел). The dwarves were sitting cross-

legged on the floor (гномы сидели, скрестив ноги, на полу; cross — крест)

round the fire (вокруг костра), and presently they began to sing (и вскоре они

начали петь). Some of the verses were like this (некоторые из куплетов:



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«стихов» были похожи на эти), but there were many more (но их было гораздо

больше), and their singing went on for a long while (и их пение продолжалось

довольно долгое время):


mead [mi:d] creak [kri:k] slam [slxm] cross-legged ["krOs'legd]


They sat long at the table with their wooden drinking-bowls filled with

Mead. The dark night came on outside. The fires in the middle of the hall were

Built with fresh logs and the torches were put out, and still they sat in the light

Of the dancing flames with the pillars of the house standing tall behind them,

And dark at the top like trees of the forest. Whether it was magic or not, it

Seemed to Bilbo that he heard a sound like wind in the branches stirring in the

Rafters, and the hoot of owls. Soon he began to nod with sleep and the voices

Seemed to grow far away, until he woke with a start. The great door had

Creaked and slammed. Beorn was gone. The dwarves were sitting cross-legged

On the floor round the fire, and presently they began to sing. Some of the

Verses were like this, but there were many more, and their singing went on for

a long while:


The wind was on the withered heath (над иссохшей пустошью поднялся:

«был» ветер),

but in the forest stirred no leaf (но в лесу не шелохнулся ни один листок;

to stir — шевелить(ся), двигать(ся)):

there shadows lay by night and day (там тени лежали и ночью и днем; to lie

(lay; lain) — лежать, расположиться, залечь),

and dark things silent crept beneath (и темные существа бесшумно ползали

внизу; to creep (crept) — ползать, красться).


The wind came down from mountains cold (ветер спустился с холодных гор),

and like a tide it roared and rolled (и, как прилив, он рычал и катился);



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the branches groaned (ветви стонали; to groan — стонать, тяжело

вздыхать, охать, ворчать), the forest moaned (и лес стенал; to moan —

стонать, /поэт./ оплакивать, жаловаться),

and leaves were laid upon the mould (и листья легли: «были положены» на

/рыхлую/ землю; mould — плесень; рыхлая земля).


The wind went on from West to East (ветер продолжал дуть с Запада на


all movement in the forest ceased (все движения в лесу прекратились),

but shrill and harsh across the marsh (но пронзительные и резкие, над

болотом; across — через, по, поперек)

its whistling voices were released (его шепчущие голоса освободились: «были



The grasses hissed, their tassels bent (травы зашипели, их кисточки


the reeds were rattling (камыш шумел; to rattle — трещать, грохотать) —

on it went (продолжал /ветер/ дуть: «шел дальше»)

over shaken pool (над растревоженным омутом; to shake — трясти,


under heavens cool (под холодными небесами; cool — прохладный)

where racing clouds were torn and rent (где бегущие облака были порваны и

разодраны; to rend — разрывать, раздирать).


It passed the lonely Mountain bare (он миновал голую одинокую Гору)

and swept above the dragon’s lair (и пронесся над логовом дракона):

there black and dark lay boulders stark (там, черные и темные, лежали нагие


and flying smoke was in the air (и развевающийся дым стоял в воздухе).



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It left the world and took its flight (он покинул этот мир и полетел; flight —

полет, перелет)

over the wide seas of the night (над просторными морями ночи).

The moon set sail upon the gale (луна поплыла: «поставила парус» по

сильному ветру; gale — шторм; буря; ветер от 7 до 10 баллов /порыв,

движущийся со скоростью от 51 до 100 километров в час/),

and stars were fanned to leaping light (и звезды раздулись: «были раздуты» в

блуждающие: «прыгающие» огоньки; to fan — обмахивать, раздувать).


withered ['wIDqd] heath [hi:T] lair [leq]


The wind was on the withered heath,

but in the forest stirred no leaf:

There shadows lay by night and day,

And dark things silent crept beneath.


The wind came down from mountains cold,

And like a tide it roared and rolled;

The branches groaned, the forest moaned,

And leaves were laid upon the mould.


The wind went on from West to East;

All movement in the forest ceased,

But shrill and harsh across the marsh

Its whistling voices were released.


The grasses hissed, their tassels bent,

The reeds were rattling — on it went

Over shaken pool under heavens cool

Where racing clouds were torn and rent.



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It passed the lonely Mountain bare

and swept above the dragon’s lair:

There black and dark lay boulders stark

And flying smoke was in the air.


It left the world and took its flight

Over the wide seas of the night.

The moon set sail upon the gale,

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 140 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: He shivered. It was getting bitter cold up here, and the wind came shrill | Round and round far underground | The paths themselves), and were madly angry; so that do what they could the | From the lake, and sometimes neither goblin nor fish came back. | Think of anything. | Escape without meaning to. | Trampled to death, or caught by feel. | Found quite safe up to now. | All round the clearing of the Wargs fire was leaping. | Already deeply obliged to you. But in the meantime we are famished with |
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