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Think of anything.

Читайте также:
  1. A) Think of ONE noun to complete all of the following collocations
  2. Announced that he was thinking of looking for a job in Manchester.
  3. Ask, complain, dream, enquire, hear, know, learn, protest, speak, talk, think, wonder
  4. b) Can you think of more expressions with this word?
  5. Below is a list of most important actions in the story. Place them in the part of the story you think they best fit.
  6. Chapter 5: The Vision Thing: How To Think About Purpose, Values And The Future
  7. Describe an important invention that you think has positively influenced human race.

“Ask us! ask us!” said Gollum.


Bilbo pinched himself and slapped himself (Бильбо ущипнул себя и шлепнул

себя); he gripped on his little sword (он крепко сжал свой маленький меч); he

even felt in his pocket (и даже пошарил: «пощупал» в своем кармане) with his

other hand (своей другой рукой). There he found the ring (там он нашел то

самое колечко) he had picked up in the passage (что он подобрал в проходе)

and forgotten about (и забыл о нем).

“What have I got in my pocket (что у меня в кармане)?” he said aloud (спросил

он вслух). He was talking to himself (он говорил сам с собой), but Gollum

thought it was a riddle (но Голлум подумал, что это была загадка), and he was

frightfully upset (и он был ужасно расстроен).

“Not fair (не честно)! not fair!” he hissed (зашипел он). “It isn’t fair, my

precious, is it (это не честно, мой драгоценный, так ведь), to ask us what it’s got

in its nassty little pocketses (спрашивать нас, что же у него в его противных

маленьких кармашках)?”

Bilbo seeing what had happened (Бильбо увидел, что произошло) and having

nothing better to ask (и не имея ничего лучше чего спросить) stuck to his

question (упорно повторил свой вопрос; to stick (stuck) to smth —

придерживаться чего-либо, быть верным чему-либо).

“What have I got in my pocket (что у меня в кармане)?” he said louder (сказал

он громче).

“S-s-s-s-s (с-с-с-с-с),” hissed Gollum (прошипел Голлум). “It must give us

three guesseses (он должен дать нам три попытки; guess — догадка,

предположение), my preciouss (мой драгоценный), three guesseses (три




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“Very well (очень хорошо)! Guess away (отгадывай)!” said Bilbo.

“Handses (руки)!” said Gollum.

“Wrong (неправильно),” said Bilbo, who had luckily just taken his hand out

again (который, к счастью, только что достал свою руку из /кармана/ снова).

“Guess again (отгадывай снова)!”


pocket ['pOkIt] forgotten [fq'gOtn] fair [feq] luckily ['lAkIlI]


Bilbo pinched himself and slapped himself; he gripped on his little sword; he

Even felt in his pocket with his other hand. There he found the ring he had

Picked up in the passage and forgotten about.

“What have I got in my pocket?” he said aloud. He was talking to himself,

But Gollum thought it was a riddle, and he was frightfully upset.

“Not fair! not fair!” he hissed. “It isn’t fair, my precious, is it, to ask us what

it’s got in its nassty little pocketses?”

Bilbo seeing what had happened and having nothing better to ask stuck to

His question.

“What have I got in my pocket?” he said louder. “S-s-s-s-s,” hissed Gollum.

“It must give us three guesseses, my preciouss, three guesseses.”

“Very well! Guess away!” said Bilbo.

“Handses!” said Gollum.

“Wrong,” said Bilbo, who had luckily just taken his hand out again. “Guess



“S-s-s-s-s (с-с-с-с),” said Gollum more upset than ever (сказал Голлум,

расстроенный больше, чем когда-либо; to upset — опрокидывать,

переворачивать; расстраивать, огорчать). He thought of all the things (он

подумал о всех вещах) he kept in his own pockets (которые он держал в своих

собственных карманах): fishbones (рыбьи косточки), goblins’ teeth (зубы

гоблинов), wet shells (мокрые раковины), a bit of bat-wing (клочок крыла



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летучей мыши), a sharp stone to sharpen his fangs on (острый камень для

заточки на /нем/ его клыков), and other nasty things (и другие отвратительные

вещи). He tried to think what other people kept in their pockets (он попытался

подумать, что другие люди держат в своих карманах).

“Knife (нож)!” he said at last (сказал он наконец).

“Wrong (неверно)!” said Bilbo, who had lost his some time ago (который

потерял свой некоторое время тому назад). “Last guess (последняя попытка)!”

Now Gollum was in a much worse state (теперь Голлум был в гораздо более

плохом состоянии) than when Bilbo had asked him the egg-question (чем когда

Бильбо задал ему вопрос про яйца). He hissed and spluttered (он шипел и

лопотал) and rocked himself backwards and forwards (и качался вперед и

назад), and slapped his feet on the floor (и шлепал своими ногами по полу), and

wriggled and squirmed (и извивался, и корчился); but still he did not dare to

waste his last guess (и все же, он не осмеливался упустить свою последнюю

отгадку; to waste — растрачивать, расходовать впустую).


fishbone ['fISbqVn] batwing ['bxtwIN] knife [naIf]


“S-s-s-s-s,” said Gollum more upset than ever. He thought of all the things

he kept in his own pockets: fishbones, goblins’ teeth, wet shells, a bit of bat-

Wing, a sharp stone to sharpen his fangs on, and other nasty things. He tried

To think what other people kept in their pockets.

“Knife!” he said at last.

“Wrong!” said Bilbo, who had lost his some time ago. “Last guess!” Now

Gollum was in a much worse state than when Bilbo had asked him the egg-

Question. He hissed and spluttered and rocked himself backwards and

Forwards, and slapped his feet on the floor, and wriggled and squirmed; but

Still he did not dare to waste his last guess.


“Come on (давай же)!” said Bilbo. “I am waiting (я жду)!” He tried to sound



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bold and cheerful (он постарался, чтобы его голос звучал храбро и бодро), but

he did not feel at all sure (но он совсем не чувствовал уверенность) how the

game was going to end (как же закончится эта игра), whether Gollum guessed

right or not (угадает ли Голлум верно или нет).

“Time’s up (время вышло)!” he said (сказал он).

“String (веревка), or nothing (или ничего)!” shrieked Gollum (закричал

Голлум), which was not quite fair (что не было совсем честно) — working in

two guesses at once (высказывать сразу два предположения одновременно).

“Both wrong (обе /догадки/ неверны),” cried Bilbo (закричал Бильбо) very

much relieved (с огромным облегчением; to relieve — помогать, оказывать

помощь, выручать); and he jumped at once to his feet (и он вскочил тут же на

ноги), put his back to the nearest wall (прислонился спиной к ближайшей

стене), and held out his little sword (и выставил вперед свой маленький меч).

He knew, of course (он знал, конечно), that the riddle-game was sacred (что игра

в загадки является священной) and of immense antiquity (и чрезвычайно

древней: «неизмеримой древности»), and even wicked creatures were afraid to

cheat (и даже злобные существа боялись мошенничать) when they played at it

(когда они играли в нее). But he felt he could not trust this slimy thing (но он

чувствовал, что он не может доверять этому склизкому существу) to keep any

promise (что тот сдержит обещание) at a pinch (в трудную минуту). Any

excuse would do for him (любая отговорка подойдет для него; excuse —

извинение, оправдание) to slide out of it (чтобы ускользнуть от него

/обещания/). And after all (и, в конце концов) that last question had not been a

genuine riddle (этот последний вопрос, он не был настоящей загадкой)

according to the ancient laws (согласно древним правилам; law — закон).


relieve [rI'li:v] jump [dZAmp] antiquity [xn'tIkwItI] ancient ['eInS(q)nt]


“Come on!” said Bilbo. “I am waiting!” He tried to sound bold and cheerful,

But he did not feel at all sure how the game was going to end, whether Gollum



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Guessed right or not.

“Time’s up!” he said.

“String, or nothing!” shrieked Gollum, which was not quite fair-working in

Two guesses at once.

“Both wrong,” cried Bilbo very much relieved; and he jumped at once to his

Feet, put his back to the nearest wall, and held out his little sword. He knew, of

Course, that the riddle-game was sacred and of immense antiquity, and even

Wicked creatures were afraid to cheat when they played at it. But he felt he

Could not trust this slimy thing to keep any promise at a pinch. Any excuse

Would do for him to slide out of it. And after all that last question had not

Been a genuine riddle according to the ancient laws.


But at any rate (но, в любом случае; rate — норма, размер, ставка) Gollum

did not at once attack him (Голлум не набросился на него тут же). He could see

the sword in Bilbo’s hand (он видел меч в руке Бильбо). He sat still (он сидел не

двигаясь), shivering and whispering (дрожа и шепча). At last Bilbo could wait no

longer (наконец, Бильбо уже не мог больше ждать).

“Well (ну)?” he said. “What about your promise (как насчет твоего обещания)?

I want to go (я хочу уйти). You must show me the way (ты должен показать мне


“Did we say so, precious (мы что, так сказали, драгоценный)? Show the nassty

little Baggins the way out, yes, yes (показать противному маленькому Бэггинсу

дорогу отсюда, да, да). But what has it got in its pocketses, eh (но что у него в

его кармашках, а)? Not string, precious, but not nothing (не веревка,

драгоценный, но и не ничего). Oh no (о нет)! gollum (голлум)!”

“Never you mind (это тебя не касается),” said Bilbo. “A promise is a promise

(обещание есть обещание).”

“Cross it is (а он сердитый), impatient (нетерпеливый), precious

(драгоценный),” hissed Gollum (прошипел Голлум). “But it must wait (но он

должен подождать), yes it must (да, он должен). We can’t go up the tunnels so



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hasty (мы не можем отправиться в туннели так поспешно). We must go and get

some things first, yes (мы должны пойти и взять кой-какие вещи сперва, да),

things to help us (вещи, которые нам помогут).”

“Well, hurry up (ну, поторопись)!” said Bilbo, relieved to think of Gollum

going away (с облегчением подумав, что Голлум уйдет).


attack [q'txk] promise ['prOmIs] impatient [Im'peIS(q)nt]


But at any rate Gollum did not at once attack him. He could see the sword in

Bilbo’s hand. He sat still, shivering and whispering. At last Bilbo could wait

No longer.

“Well?” he said. “What about your promise? I want to go. You must show

me the way.”

“Did we say so, precious? Show the nassty little Baggins the way out, yes,

yes. But what has it got in its pocketses, eh? Not string, precious, but not

nothing. Oh no! gollum!”

“Never you mind,” said Bilbo. “A promise is a promise.”

“Cross it is, impatient, precious,” hissed Gollum. “But it must wait, yes it

must. We can’t go up the tunnels so hasty. We must go and get some things

first, yes, things to help us.”

“Well, hurry up!” said Bilbo, relieved to think of Gollum going away.


He thought (он подумал) he was just making an excuse (что он просто

придумал отговорку) and did not mean to come back (и не собирается

возвращаться). What was Gollum talking about (о чем таком говорил Голлум)?

What useful thing (какие полезные вещи) could he keep out on the dark lake

(могут храниться на темном озере)?

But he was wrong (но он ошибался). Gollum did mean to come back (Голлум

именно и собирался вернуться). He was angry now and hungry (он теперь был

сердитый и голодный).



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And he was a miserable wicked creature (и он был несчастным злобным

существом), and already he had a plan (и у него уже был план). Not far away

was his island (не вдалеке был его остров), of which Bilbo knew nothing (о

котором Бильбо ничего не знал), and there in his hiding-place (и там, в своем

тайнике: «потайном месте») he kept a few wretched oddments (он хранил

несколько несчастных разрозненных предметов), and one very beautiful thing

(и одну очень прекрасную вещь), very beautiful (очень прекрасную), very

wonderful (очень удивительную). He had a ring (у него было кольцо), a golden

ring (золотое кольцо), a precious ring (драгоценное кольцо).


excuse [Ik'skju:s] island ['aIlqnd] oddments ['Odmqnts]


He thought he was just making an excuse and did not mean to come back.

What was Gollum talking about? What useful thing could he keep out on the

dark lake?

But he was wrong. Gollum did mean to come back. He was angry now and


And he was a miserable wicked creature, and already he had a plan. Not far

Away was his island, of which Bilbo knew nothing, and there in his hiding-

Place he kept a few wretched oddments, and one very beautiful thing, very

Beautiful, very wonderful. He had a ring, a golden ring, a precious ring.


“My birthday-present (подарок на мой день рождения)!” he whispered to

himself (он шептал сам себе), as he had often done (как он часто делал) in the

endless dark days (в эти бесконечные темные дни). “That’s what we wants now,

yes (вот что нам сейчас нужно); we wants it (нам оно нужно)!” He wanted it

(оно было ему нужно) because it was a ring of power (потому, что это было

кольцо власти), and if you slipped that ring on your finger (и если надеть то

кольцо на палец), you were invisible (то становишься невидимым); only in the

full sunlight could you be seen (только при полном солнечном свете можно



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было тебя увидеть), and then only by your shadow (и то только по твоей тени),

and that would be shaky and faint (да и та была бы дрожащей и бледной).

“My birthday-present (подарок на мой день рождения)! It came to me on my

birthday (оно попало ко мне на мой день рождения), my precious (мой

драгоценный),” So he had always said to himself (так он всегда говорил сам

себе). But who knows how Gollum came by that present (но кто знает, как к

Голлуму попал этот подарок), ages ago in the old days (давным-давно, в

старые дни) when such rings were still at large in the world (когда такие кольца

были в большом количестве во всем мире)? Perhaps even the Master who ruled

them (возможно, что даже сам Мастер, который повелевал ими; master —

хозяин, владелец, господин; to rule — управлять, править) could not have said

(не мог бы этого сказать). Gollum used to wear it at first (по началу Голлум

носил его постоянно), till it tired him (пока оно его не утомило); and then he

kept it in a pouch (и затем он держал его в мешочке) next his skin (рядом с

телом: «кожей»), till it galled him (пока он не натер кожу); and now usually he

hid it in a hole (и теперь, он обычно прятал его в норе; to hide) in the rock on

his island (в горе на его острове), and was always going back to look at it (и

всегда возвращался, чтобы взглянуть на него). And still sometimes he put it on

(и все же иногда он надевал его), when he could not bear to be parted from it any

longer (когда он больше не мог выносить свою разлуку с ним; to part —

разделять, отделять; расставаться), or when he was very, very, hungry (или

когда он бывал очень, очень голоден), and tired of fish (и ему надоедала



birthday ['bq:Td(e)I] present ['prez(q)nt] power ['paVq]


“My birthday-present!” he whispered to himself, as he had often done in the

endless dark days. “That’s what we wants now, yes; we wants it!” He wanted

It because it was a ring of power, and if you slipped that ring on your finger,

You were invisible; only in the full sunlight could you be seen, and then only



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by your shadow, and that would be shaky and faint. “My birthday-present! It

came to me on my birthday, my precious,” So he had always said to himself.

But who knows how Gollum came by that present, ages ago in the old days

when such rings were still at large in the world? Perhaps even the Master who

Ruled them could not have said. Gollum used to wear it at first, till it tired

Him; and then he kept it in a pouch next his skin, till it galled him; and now

Usually he hid it in a hole in the rock on his island, and was always going back

To look at it. And still sometimes he put it on, when he could not bear to be

Parted from it any longer, or when he was very, very, hungry, and tired of



Then he would creep along dark passages (тогда он прокрадывался по темным

проходам) looking for stray goblins (выискивая заблудившихся гоблинов). He

might even venture into places (он даже отваживался /пробраться/ в те места)

where the torches were lit (где были зажжены факелы) and made his eyes blink

and smart (они /их свет/ ослепляли его глаза и щипали их; to smart —

причинять жгучую боль); for he would be safe (так как он оставался в

безопасности). Oh yes, quite safe (о да, совершенно в безопасности). No one

would see him (никто не видел его), no one would notice him (никто не замечал

его), till he had his fingers on their throat (до тех самых пор, пока его пальцы не

оказывались на их горле). Only a few hours ago he had worn it (всего несколько

часов назад он носил его = имел надетым на палец; to wear (wore, worn) —

носить, иметь надетым), and caught a small goblin-imp (и поймал маленького

бесенка-гоблина). How it squeaked (как он визжал)! He still had a bone or two

left to gnaw (у него все еще осталась пара косточек, которые он мог

поглодать), but he wanted something softer (но ему хотелось чего-то помягче).

“Quite safe, yes (совершенно в безопасности, да),” he whispered to himself

(прошептал он себе). “It won’t see us, will it, my precious (он не увидит нас, не

так ли, мой драгоценный)? No (нет). It won’t see us (он не увидит нас), and its

nassty little sword (и его противный маленький меч) will be useless (будет



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бесполезным), yes quite (да, совершенно).”


creep [kri:p] venture ['ventSq] torch [tO:tS] imp [Imp] useless ['ju:slIs]


Then he would creep along dark passages looking for stray goblins. He

Might even venture into places where the torches were lit and made his eyes

Blink and smart; for he would be safe. Oh yes, quite safe. No one would see

Him, no one would notice him, till he had his fingers on their throat. Only a

Few hours ago he had worn it, and caught a small goblin-imp. How it

squeaked! He still had a bone or two left to gnaw, but he wanted something


“Quite safe, yes,” he whispered to himself. “It won’t see us, will it, my

precious? No. It won’t see us, and its nassty little sword will be useless, yes



That is what was in his wicked little mind (вот что было в его злобном

маленьком умишке), as he slipped suddenly from Bilbo’s side (когда он

внезапно ускользнул от Бильбо), and flapped back to his boat (и спустился

назад, в свою лодку), and went off into the dark (и удалился в темноту). Bilbo

thought he had heard the last of him (Бильбо подумал, что только он его и

видел: «что он слышал о нем в последний раз»). Still he waited a while (все же

он подождал чуть-чуть); for he had no idea (так как он не имел ни малейшего

представления) how to find his way out alone (как ему найти выход


Suddenly he heard a screech (внезапно он услышал визгливый крик). It sent a

shiver down his back (от него дрожь пробежала /вниз/ по его спине). Gollum

was cursing (Голлум ругался; to curse) and wailing away in the gloom (и

завывал в темноте), not very far off (и не очень-то далеко) by the sound of it

(судя по /этим/ звукам). He was on his island (он был на своем острове),

scrabbling here and there (рылся здесь и там; to scrabble), searching and seeking



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in vain (разыскивая и пытаясь найти /кольцо/ — и все напрасно).

“Where is it (где оно)? Where iss it (где оно)?” Bilbo heard him crying (Бильбо

слышал, как тот кричит). “Losst it is, my precious, lost, lost (потеряно, мой

драгоценный, потеряно, потеряно)! Curse us and crush us (черт нас побери и

чтоб нам лопнуть; to crush — давить, мять), my precious is lost (мой

драгоценный, оно потеряно)!”

“What’s the matter (в чем дело)?” Bilbo called (позвал/выкрикнул Бильбо).

“What have you lost (что ты потерял; to lose)?”

“It mustn’t ask us (он не должен спрашивать нас),” shrieked Gollum (завопил

Голлум). “Not its business, no, gollum (это не его дело, нет, голлум)! It’s losst,

gollum, gollum, gollum (оно потеряно, голлум, голлум, голлум).”


heard [hq:d] alone [q'lqVn] screech [skri:tS]


That is what was in his wicked little mind, as he slipped suddenly from

Bilbo’s side, and flapped back to his boat, and went off into the dark. Bilbo

Thought he had heard the last of him. Still he waited a while; for he had no

Idea how to find his way out alone.

Suddenly he heard a screech. It sent a shiver down his back. Gollum was

Cursing and wailing away in the gloom, not very far off by the sound of it. He

Was on his island, scrabbling here and there, searching and seeking in vain.

“Where is it? Where iss it?” Bilbo heard him crying. “Losst it is, my

precious, lost, lost! Curse us and crush us, my precious is lost!”

“What’s the matter?” Bilbo called. “What have you lost?”

“It mustn’t ask us,” shrieked Gollum. “Not its business, no, gollum! It’s

losst, gollum, gollum, gollum.”


“Well, so am I (ну, и я тоже /потерялся/),” cried Bilbo (закричал Бильбо),

“and I want to get unlost (и я хочу найтись: «стать непотерянным»). And I won

the game (и я выиграл эту игру; to win), and you promised (и ты обещал). So



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come along (и значит, иди сюда)! Come and let me out (иди, и выпусти меня),

and then go on with your looking (и потом продолжай свои поиски)!”

Utterly miserable as Gollum sounded (хотя /вопли/ Голлума и звучали

совершенно несчастными), Bilbo could not find much pity in his heart (Бильбо

не мог найти много сострадания в своем сердце), and he had a feeling (и у него

было такое чувство) that anything Gollum wanted so much (то все, чего бы ни

хотел Голлум так сильно) could hardly be something good (вряд ли могло бы

быть чем-то хорошим).

“Come along (пойдем)!” he shouted (закричал он).

“No, not yet, precious (нет, не сейчас, драгоценный)!” Gollum answered

(ответил Голлум). “We must search for it, it’s lost, gollum (мы должны искать

его, оно потеряно, голлум).”

“But you never guessed my last question (но ты же так и не отгадал мою

последнюю загадку; question — вопрос), and you promised (и ты обещал),”

said Bilbo.

“Never guessed (не угадал)!” said Gollum. Then suddenly out of the gloom

(затем внезапно, из темноты) came a sharp hiss (раздался резких свист).

“What has it got in its pocketses (что у него в его кармашках)? Tell us that

(скажи нам это). It must tell first (он должен сначала сказать).” As far as Bilbo

knew (насколько было известно Бильбо), there was no particular reason (не

было никакой особой причины) why he should not tell (почему бы ему и не

сказать). Gollum’s mind had jumped to a guess quicker than his (умишко

Голлума сделал такое предположение быстрее, чем ум /Бильбо/; to jump —

прыгать); naturally, for Gollum had brooded for ages on this one thing

(естественно, так как Голлум предавался размышлениям об этой одно вещи

долгие годы), and he was always afraid of its being stolen (и он всегда боялся,

что ее украдут; to steal (stole, stolen)). But Bilbo was annoyed at the delay (но

Бильбо уже раздражала задержка). After all, he had won the game (в конце

концов, он ведь выиграл игру), pretty fairly (довольно честно), at a horrible risk

(и с ужасным риском).



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“Answers were to be guessed not given (ответы надо было угадать, а не

получить),” he said.


along [q'lON] utterly ['AtqlI] particular [pq'tIkjVlq]


“Well, so am I,” cried Bilbo, “and I want to get unlost. And I won the game,

and you promised. So come along! Come and let me out, and then go on with

your looking!”

Utterly miserable as Gollum sounded, Bilbo could not find much pity in his

Heart, and he had a feeling that anything Gollum wanted so much could

Hardly be something good.

“Come along!” he shouted.

“No, not yet, precious!” Gollum answered. “We must search for it, it’s lost,


“But you never guessed my last question, and you promised,” said Bilbo.

“Never guessed!” said Gollum. Then suddenly out of the gloom came a sharp

hiss. “What has it got in its pocketses? Tell us that. It must tell first.”

As far as Bilbo knew, there was no particular reason why he should not tell.

Gollum’s mind had jumped to a guess quicker than his; naturally, for Gollum

Had brooded for ages on this one thing, and he was always afraid of its being

Stolen. But Bilbo was annoyed at the delay. After all, he had won the game,

Pretty fairly, at a horrible risk.

“Answers were to be guessed not given,” he said.


“But it wasn’t a fair question (но это был не честный вопрос),” said Gollum.

“Not a riddle, precious, no (не загадка, драгоценный, нет).”

“Oh well (ну хорошо), if it’s a matter of ordinary questions (если дело в

обычных вопросах),” Bilbo replied (ответил Бильбо), “then I asked one first

(тогда я первый задал тебе один). What have you lost (что ты потерял)? Tell me

that (скажи мне это)!”



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“What has it got in its pocketses (что же у него в его кармашках)?” The sound

came hissing louder and sharper (звук шипел все громче и резче), and as he

looked towards it (и когда он взглянул в его направлении), to his alarm (к своей

тревоге) Bilbo now saw two small points of light (Бильбо теперь увидел две

маленькие точки света) peering at him (уставившихся на него). As suspicion

grew in Gollum’s mind (по мере того, как подозрение назревало: «росло» в

уму Голлума), the light of his eyes burned with a pale flame (свет его глаз горел

бледным пламенем).

“What have you lost (что ты потерял)?” Bilbo persisted (настаивал Бильбо).

But now the light in Gollum’s eyes had become a green fire (но теперь, свет в

глазах Голлума стал уже зеленым огнем), and it was coming swiftly nearer (и

он быстро приближался). Gollum was in his boat again (Голлум снова был в

своей лодке), paddling wildly back to the dark shore (гребя дико назад к

темному берегу); and such a rage of loss and suspicion was in his heart (и такая

ярость потери и подозрения была в его сердце) that no sword had any more

terror for him (что никакой меч уже не был таким уже ужасным для него: «не

имел ужаса для него»). Bilbo could not guess (Бильбо не мог предположить)

what had maddened the wretched creature (что же довело до бешенства это

несчастное существо), but he saw that all was up (но он понял: «увидел», что

все было кончено), and that Gollum meant to murder him (и что Голлум

намеревается убить его) at any rate (в любом случае). Just in time he turned

(как раз во время он повернулся) and ran blindly back (и побежал вслепую

назад; to run) up the dark passage (вверх по темному проходу) down which he

had come (вниз по которому он пришел сюда), keeping close to the wall

(держась близко к стене) and feeling it with his left hand (и держался: «трогая»

за нее своей левой рукой).

“What has it got in its pocketses (что же у него в кармашках)?” he heard the

hiss loud behind him (слышал он громкое шипение за своей спиной), and the

splash as Gollum leapt from his boat (и всплеск, когда Голлум выпрыгнул со

своей лодки).



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suspicion [sq'spIl(q)n] grew [gru:] persist [pq'sIst]


“But it wasn’t a fair question,” said Gollum. “Not a riddle, precious, no.”

“Oh well, if it’s a matter of ordinary questions,” Bilbo replied, “then I asked

one first. What have you lost? Tell me that!”

“What has it got in its pocketses?” The sound came hissing louder and

Sharper, and as he looked towards it, to his alarm Bilbo now saw two small

points of light peering at him. As suspicion grew in Gollum’s mind, the light of

His eyes burned with a pale flame.

“What have you lost?” Bilbo persisted. But now the light in Gollum’s eyes

Had become a green fire, and it was coming swiftly nearer. Gollum was in his

Boat again, paddling wildly back to the dark shore; and such a rage of loss

And suspicion was in his heart that no sword had any more terror for him.

Bilbo could not guess what had maddened the wretched creature, but he saw

That all was up, and that Gollum meant to murder him at any rate. Just in

Time he turned and ran blindly back up the dark passage down which he had

come, keeping close to the wall and feeling it with his left hand. “What has it

got in its pocketses?” he heard the hiss loud behind him, and the splash as

Gollum leapt from his boat.


“What have I (что же у меня есть), I wonder (интересно)?” he said to himself

(сказал он сам себе), as he panted and stumbled along (пока он пыхтел и

спотыкался по пути). He put his left hand in his pocket (он засунул свою левую

руку в свой карман). The ring felt very cold (кольцо было: «чувствовалось»

очень холодным) as it quietly slipped on to his groping forefinger (когда оно

спокойно наделось на его ощупывающий указательный палец).

The hiss was close behind him (шипение было уже совсем близко за его

спиной). He turned now (он теперь обернулся) and saw Gollum’s eyes like small

green lamps (и увидел, как глаза Голлума, словно маленькие зеленые лампы)



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coming up the slope (поднимаются вверх по склону). Terrified he tried to run

faster (ужаснувшись, он попытался бежать быстрее), but suddenly he struck his

toes on a snag in the floor (но внезапно он застрял своими пальцами ног в

какой-то дыре на полу; snag — коряга, выступ), and fell flat (у упал плашмя)

with his little sword under him (и его маленький меч оказался под ним).

In a moment Gollum was on him (в момент Голлум бросился на него). But

before Bilbo could do anything (но до того, как Бильбо смог сделать хоть что-

нибудь), recover his breath (восстановить свое дыхание), pick himself up

(подняться), or wave his sword (или взмахнуть своим мечом), Gollum passed

by (Голлум пронесся мимо), taking no notice of him (не обратив на него

никакого внимания), cursing and whispering as he ran (ругаясь и шепча /что-то/

на бегу: «пока он бежал»). What could it mean (что бы это могло значить)?

Gollum could see in the dark (Голлум мог видеть в темноте). Bilbo could see the

light of his eyes (Бильбо мог видеть свет его глаз) palely shining even from

behind (бледно светящихся, даже сзади). Painfully he got up (болезненно он

поднялся), and sheathed his sword (и вложил в ножны свой меч), which was

now glowing faintly again (который теперь снова слегка светился), then very

cautiously he followed (затем, очень осторожно, он последовал /за Голлумом/).

There seemed nothing else to do (казалось, что больше ничего не оставалось

делать). It was no good (было бесполезно) crawling back down to Gollum’s

water (ползти назад, к воде Голлума). Perhaps if he followed him (возможно,

если он последует за ним), Gollum might lead him to some way of escape

(Голлум сможет вывести его к какому-либо пути к выходу; escape — бегство,

побег) without meaning to (не намереваясь сделать это).


wonder ['wAndq] forefinger ['fO:fINgq] terrify ['terIfaI] sheathe [Si:D]


“What have I, I wonder?” he said to himself, as he panted and stumbled

Along. He put his left hand in his pocket. The ring felt very cold as it quietly

Slipped on to his groping forefinger.



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The hiss was close behind him. He turned now and saw Gollum’s eyes like

Small green lamps coming up the slope. Terrified he tried to run faster, but

Suddenly he struck his toes on a snag in the floor, and fell flat with his little

Sword under him.

In a moment Gollum was on him. But before Bilbo could do anything,

Recover his breath, pick himself up, or wave his sword, Gollum passed by,

Taking no notice of him, cursing and whispering as he ran. What could it

mean? Gollum could see in the dark. Bilbo could see the light of his eyes

Palely shining even from behind. Painfully he got up, and sheathed his sword,

Which was now glowing faintly again, then very cautiously he followed. There

seemed nothing else to do. It was no good crawling back down to Gollum’s

Water. Perhaps if he followed him, Gollum might lead him to some way of

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 133 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: At parties, about dragons and goblins and giants and the rescue of princesses | Dwarves through the door. | Naming Kili and Fili, for instance), the exact situation at the moment may | If you sit on the doorstep long enough, I daresay you will think of something. | Cook beautifully for you, a perfectly beautiful breakfast for you, if only you | Tiny pocket-knife for a troll, but it was as good as a short sword for the hobbit. | Some elves tease them and laugh at them, and most of all at their beards. | He shivered. It was getting bitter cold up here, and the wind came shrill | Round and round far underground | The paths themselves), and were madly angry; so that do what they could the |
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From the lake, and sometimes neither goblin nor fish came back.| Escape without meaning to.

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