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Cook beautifully for you, a perfectly beautiful breakfast for you, if only you

Читайте также:
  1. And he perfectly understood.
  2. BEAUTIFUL BELOVED cover reveal and excerpt!
  3. Beautiful-(ugly)
  4. Breakfast, next morning. Herr Stroh, more sober than before, stood watching
  5. Chapter 3 - He Is A Perfectly Impossible Person
  6. Chapter 7. Business protocol. The business breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  7. Chapter II. In which Tigger comes to the forest and has breakfast

won’t have me for supper.”



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“Poor little blighter (ах ты несчастный бедняжка),” said William. He had

already had as much supper (он уже съел так много на ужин) as he could hold

(как только мог выдержать/удержать); also he had had lots of beer (также он

выпил много пива). “Poor little blighter (несчастный бедняжка)! Let him go

(отпустите его)!”

“Not till he says (нет, пока он не скажет) what he means (что он имел в виду)

by lots (под "кучи") and none at all (и "совсем никого"),” said Bert. “I don’t

want to have me throat cut (я не хочу, чтобы мне горло перерезали) in me sleep

(во сне; in me sleep = in my sleep). Hold his toes in the fire (буду держать его

ноги в огне), till he talks (пока он не заговорит)!”

“I won’t have it (я этого не потерплю),” said William. “I caught him anyway

(это я его поймал, в любом случае).”

“You’re a fat fool, William (ты жирный дурак, Вильям),” said Bert, “as I’ve

said afore this evening (как я уже сказал раньше этим вечером).”

“And you’re a lout (а ты — деревенщина; lout — неуклюжий, нескладный,

неотесанный, невоспитанный человек, деревенщина)!”

“And I won’t take that from you (я не потерплю этого от тебя), Bill Huggins

(Билл Хаггинс),” says Bert (говорит Берт), and puts his fist in William’s eye (и

бьет/заехал своим кулаком в глаз Вильяму).


blighter ['blaItq] throat [TrqVt] afore [q'fO:] lout [laVt]


“Poor little blighter,” said William. He had already had as much supper as

he could hold; also he had had lots of beer. “Poor little blighter! Let him go!”

“Not till he says what he means by lots and none at all,” said Bert. “I don’t

want to have me throat cut in me sleep. Hold his toes in the fire, till he talks!”

“I won’t have it,” said William. “I caught him anyway.”

“You’re a fat fool, William,” said Bert, “as I’ve said afore this evening.”

“And you’re a lout!”

“And I won’t take that from you. Bill Huggins,” says Bert, and puts his fist



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in William’s eye.


Then there was a gorgeous row (и тогда случилась великолепная шумная

драка). Bilbo had just enough wits left (у Бильбо осталось как раз достаточно

ума), when Bert dropped him on the ground (когда Берт уронил его на землю),

to scramble out of the way of their feet (выкарабкаться с их пути из-под их ног),

before they were fighting like dogs (до того, как они стали драться, как собаки),

and calling one another (и обзывать друг друга) all sorts of perfectly true and

applicable names (всякого рода совершенно правдивыми и подходящими

именами) in very loud voices (очень громкими голосами). Soon they were

locked in one another’s arms (вскоре они сцепились в объятиях друг друга; to

lock — запирать на замок, сжимать), and rolling nearly into the fire (и

катались /по земле, закатываясь/ почти что в костер) kicking and thumping

(брыкаясь и дубася /друг друга/), while Tom whacked at then both with a branch

(пока Том бил их обоих веткой) to bring them to their senses (чтобы привести

их в чувства) and that of course (и это, конечно же) only made them madder than

ever (только сделало их еще более бешенными, чем раньше: «когда либо»).


gorgeous ['gO:dZqs] scramble ['skrxmb(q)l] applicable [q'plIkqb(q)l]


Then there was a gorgeous row. Bilbo had just enough wits left, when Bert

Dropped him on the ground, to scramble out of the way of their feet, before

They were fighting like dogs, and calling one another all sorts of perfectly true

And applicable names in very loud voices. Soon they were locked in one

another’s arms, and rolling nearly into the fire kicking and thumping, while

Tom whacked at then both with a branch to bring them to their senses and

That of course only made them madder than ever.


That would have been the time for Bilbo to have left (это было как раз самое

время для Бильбо, чтобы уйти). But his poor little feet (но его бедные



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маленькие ножки) had been very squashed (были сильно расплющены) in

Bert’s big paw (в огромной лапище Берта), and he had no breath in his body (и

он совершенно не дышал: «у него в теле не было дыхания»), and his head was

going round (и его голова кружилась); so there he lay for a while panting (и так

лежал он там какое-то время, задыхаясь), just outside the circle of firelight (как

раз за пределами круга света, исходящего от костра).

Right in the middle of the fight (как раз в середине драки) up came Balin

(подошел Балин). The dwarves had heard noises (гномы слышали звуки) from a

distance (издалека; distance — расстояние), and after waiting for some time (и

после ожидания в течение какого-то времени) for Bilbo to come back (что

Бильбо возвратится), or to hoot like an owl (или ухнет как филин), they started

off one by one (они начали, один за другим) to creep towards the light (ползти

по направлению к свету) as quietly as they could (так тихо, как только они

могли). No sooner did Tom see (как только Том увидел) Balin come into the

light (как Балин выходит на свет /костра/) than he gave an awful howl (как он

издал ужасный вопль). Trolls simply detest (тролли просто-таки ненавидят) the

very sight of dwarves (сам вид гномов) (uncooked (неприготовленных)). Bert

and Bill stopped fighting immediately (Берт и Билл немедленно прекратили

драться), and “a sack, Tom, quick!” they said (и они сказали: «Том, мешок,

быстрей»), before Balin (до того, как Балин), who was wondering (который все

размышлял) where in all this commotion Bilbo was (где, во всем этом

беспорядке, был Бильбо), knew what was happening (понял что происходит), a

sack was over his head (мешок оказался на его голове), and he was down (и он

оказался на земле: «внизу»).


squash [skwOS] distance ['dIst(q)ns] awful ['O:f(q)l] commotion [kq'mqVS(q)n]


That would have been the time for Bilbo to have left. But his poor little feet

had been very squashed in Bert’s big paw, and he had no breath in his body,

And his head was going round; so there he lay for a while panting, just outside



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The circle of firelight. Right in the middle of the fight up came Balin. The

Dwarves had heard noises from a distance, and after waiting for some time for

Bilbo to come back, or to hoot like an owl, they started off one by one to creep

Towards the light as quietly as they could. No sooner did Tom see Balin come

Into the light than he gave an awful howl. Trolls simply detest the very sight of

dwarves (uncooked). Bert and Bill stopped fighting immediately, and “a sack,

Tom, quick!” they said, before Balin, who was wondering where in all this

Commotion Bilbo was, knew what was happening, a sack was over his head,

And he was down.


“There’s more to come yet (еще больше сейчас появятся),” said Tom, “or I’m

mighty mistook (или я чрезвычайно ошибаюсь). Lots and none at all (кучи и

совсем никого), it is (вот это оно и есть),” said he (сказал он). “No burrahobbits

(никаких взлохоббитов), but lots of these here dwarves (но кучи этих вот

гномов). That’s about the shape of it (вот примерно так /следует это понимать/;

shape — форма, очертание, порядок)!”

“I reckon you’re right (я считаю, что ты прав),” said Bert, “and we’d best get

out of the light (и нам лучше бы убраться со света).”

And so they did (и так они и сделали). With sacks in their hands (с мешками в

руках), that they used for carrying off mutton (которые они использовали для

переноски баранины) and other plunder (и другого награбленного), they waited

in the shadows (они ожидали в полумраке). As each dwarf came up (как каждый

из гномов появлялся) and looked at the fire (и смотрел на огонь), and the spilled

jugs (и пролитые кружки), and the gnawed mutton (и надкусанную баранину),

in surprise (удивленно), pop (бац)! went a nasty smelly sack over his head

(оказывался противный вонючий мешок на его голове; to go (went, gone) —

идти, направляться, следовать), and he was down (и он оказывался на земле).

Soon Dwalin lay by Balin (вскоре Двалин лежал рядом с Балином), and Fili and

Kili together (и Фили с Кили вместе), and Dori and Nori and Ori all in a heap (и

Дори и Нори и Ори, все в куче), and Oin and Gloin (и Ойн и Глойн) and Bifur



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and Bofur and Bombur (и Бифур, и Бофур, и Бомбур) piled uncomfortably near

the fire (были свалены в кучу, очень неудобно, рядом с костром).


mistook [mI'stVk] reckon ['rekqn] gnawed [nO:d]


“There’s more to come yet,” said Tom, “or I’m mighty mistook. Lots and

none at all, it is,” said he. “No burrahobbits, but lots of these here dwarves.

That’s about the shape of it!”

“I reckon you’re right,” said Bert, “and we’d best get out of the light.”

And so they did. With sacks in their hands, that they used for carrying off

Mutton and other plunder, they waited in the shadows. As each dwarf came

Up and looked at the fire, and the spilled jugs, and the gnawed mutton, in

surprise, pop! went a nasty smelly sack over his head, and he was down. Soon

Dwalin lay by Balin, and Fili and Kili together, and Dori and Nori and Ori all

In a heap, and Oin and Gloin and Bifur and Bofur and Bombur piled

Uncomfortably near the fire.


“That’ll teach ‘em (это научит их),” said Tom; for Bifur and Bombur had given

a lot of trouble (так как Бифур и Бомбур доставили много проблем), and fought

like mad (и сражались как сумасшедшие), as dwarves will when cornered (как

/все/ гномы будут /драться/, когда они загнаны в угол; corner — угол). Thorin

came last (Торин пришел последним) and he was not caught unawares (и его не

застали врасплох; to catch (caught) — поймать, схватить). He came expecting

mischief (он шел, ожидая подвоха), and didn’t need to see his friends’ legs (и

ему не надо было увидеть ноги своих друзей) sticking out of sacks (торчащие

из мешков) to tell him (чтобы понять: «чтобы /они/ сказали ему») that things

were not all well (что дела были не совсем благополучны). He stood outside (он

остановился не приближаясь; outside — с наружной стороны) in the shadows

(в полумраке) some way off (немного поодаль), and said (и произнес): “What’s

all this trouble (что это здесь происходит; trouble — беспокойство,



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неприятность)? Who has been knocking my people about (кто это поколотил

моих людей)?”

“It’s trolls (это тролли)!” said Bilbo from behind a tree (сказал Бильбо из-за

дерева). They had forgotten all about him (они совершенно о нем забыли).

“They’re hiding in the bushes (они прячутся в кустах) with sacks (с мешками),”

said he (сказал он). “O! are they (о, они прячутся)?” said Thorin, and he jumped

forward to the fire (и прыгнул вперед, к огню), before they could leap on him

(прежде, чем они смогли прыгнуть на него). He caught up a big branch (он

схватил большую ветку) all on fire at one end (всю охваченную огнем с одного

конца); and Bert got that end in his eye (и Берт получил этим концом в глаз)

before he could step aside (прежде, чем он смог отступить в сторону). That put

him out of the battle for a bit (это вывело его из битвы на какое-то время).


fought [fO:t] cornered ['kO:nqd] unawares [Anq'weqz]


“That’ll teach ‘em,” said Tom; for Bifur and Bombur had given a lot of

Trouble, and fought like mad, as dwarves will when cornered. Thorin came

Last — and he was not caught unawares. He came expecting mischief, and

didn’t need to see his friends’ legs sticking out of sacks to tell him that things

were not all well. He stood outside in the shadows some way off, and said:

“What’s all this trouble? Who has been knocking my people about?”

“It’s trolls!” said Bilbo from behind a tree. They had forgotten all about

him. “They’re hiding in the bushes with sacks,” said he.

“O! are they?” said Thorin, and he jumped forward to the fire, before they

Could leap on him. He caught up a big branch all on fire at one end; and Bert

Got that end in his eye before he could step aside. That put him out of the

Battle for a bit.


Bilbo did his best (Бильбо сделал все возможное). He caught hold of Tom’s leg

(он ухватился /мертвой/ хваткой за ногу Тома) as well as he could (/так



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хорошо/ как только мог), it was thick as a young tree-trunk (она была такая же

толстая, как ствол молодого деревца) but he was sent spinning up (но был

отброшен ударом; to spin — прясть; крутить, вертеть, описывать круги)

into the top of some bushes (на верхушку каких-то кустов), when Tom kicked

the sparks up in Thorin’s face (когда Том швырнул ногой искры от костра в

лицо Торина). Tom got the branch in his teeth for that (Том получил веткой в

зуб за это), and lost one of the front ones (и лишился одного из передних). It

made him howl (от этого он завыл; to make smb. do smth. — заставлять,

вынуждать), I can tell you (могу вам сказать). But just at that moment (но как

раз в этот момент) William came up behind (сзади подошел Вильям) and

popped a sack (и быстро и неожиданно накинул мешок) right over Thorin’s

head (прямо на голову Торина) and down to his toes (и вниз, до его ног). And

so the fight ended (и так вот бой закончился). A nice pickle they were all in now

(в хорошенький попали они все переплет; pickle — рассол, маринад; /разг./

неприятное положение): all neatly tied up in sacks (все аккуратно завязанные в

мешках), with three angry trolls (с тремя сердитыми троллями) (and two with

burns (и двое /из них/ — с ожогами) and bashes (и побоями; bash — сильный

удар) to remember (чтобы помнить = на память) sitting by them (сидящих

рядом с ними), arguing whether they should roast them slowly (споря, стоит ли

им поджарить их медленно), or mince them fine (или мелко покрошить их) and

boil them (и сварить их), or just sit on them (или просто сесть на них) one by

one (одного за другим) and squash them into jelly (раздавить их в желе): and

Bilbo up in a bush (и Бильбо высоко в кусте), with his clothes and his skin torn

(и его одеждой и кожей разорванной /в клочья/), not daring to move (не

отваживаясь пошевелиться) for fear they should hear him (из-за страха, что они

смогут услышать его).


behind [bI'haInd] pickle ['pIk(q)l] burns [bq:nz] argue ['Q:gju:]


Bilbo did his best. He caught hold of Tom’s leg — as well as he could, it was



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Thick as a young tree-trunk — but he was sent spinning up into the top of

some bushes, when Tom kicked the sparks up in Thorin’s face. Tom got the

Branch in his teeth for that, and lost one of the front ones. It made him howl, I

Can tell you. But just at that moment William came up behind and popped a

sack right over Thorin’s head and down to his toes. And so the fight ended. A

nice pickle they were all in now: all neatly tied up in sacks, with three angry

Trolls (and two with burns and bashes to remember) sitting by them, arguing

Whether they should roast them slowly, or mince them fine and boil them, or

just sit on them one by one and squash them into jelly: and Bilbo up in a bush,

With his clothes and his skin torn, not daring to move for fear they should

Hear him.


It was just then (это было как раз тогда) that Gandalf came back (когда

вернулся Гэндальф). But no one saw him (но никто не увидел его). The trolls

had just decided (тролли только что решили) to roast the dwarves now

(поджарить гномов сейчас же) and eat them later (и съесть их позже) that was

Bert’s idea (это была идея Берта), and after a lot of argument (и после долгих

споров) they had all agreed to it (они все согласились с ней).

“No good roasting ‘em now (ничего хорошего в том, чтобы жарить их

сейчас), it’d take all night (это займет всю ночь),” said a voice (сказал чей-то

голос). Bert thought it was William’s (Берт подумал, что это был голос


“Don’t start the argument all over again, Bill (не начинай спор заново, Билл).”

he said (сказал он), “or it will take all night (или он займет всю ночь).”

“Who’s a-arguing (кто это спорит)?” said William, who thought it was Bert

(который подумал, что это был Берт) that had spoken (который сказал это).

“You are (ты),” said Bert.

“You’re a liar (ты лжец),” said William; and so the argument began all over

again (и таким образом спор начался снова заново). In the end (наконец) they

decided to mince them fine (они решили смолоть их мелко) and boil them (и



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сварить их). So they got a black pot (и они достали черный горшок), and they

took out their knives (и они достали свои ножи).


argument ['Q:gjVmqnt] roasting ['rqVstIN] liar ['laIq] mince [mIns]


It was just then that Gandalf came back. But no one saw him. The trolls had

just decided to roast the dwarves now and eat them later — that was Bert’s

Idea, and after a lot of argument they had all agreed to it.

“No good roasting ‘em now, it’d take all night,” said a voice. Bert thought it

was William’s.

“Don’t start the argument all over again, Bill,” he said, “or it will take all


“Who’s a-arguing?” said William, who thought it was. Bert that had spoken.

“You are,” said Bert.

“You’re a liar,” said William; and so the argument beg all over again. In the

End they decided to mince them fine and boil them. So they got a black pot,

And they took out their knives.


“No good boiling ‘em (бесполезно варить их)! We ain’t got no water (у нас и

воды-то нет), and it’s a long way to the well and all (и до колодца очень далеко,

и все такое),” said a voice (сказал какой-то голос). Bert and William thought it

was Tom’s (Берт и Вильям подумали, что это был голос Тома).

“Shut up (заткнись)!” said they (сказали они), “or we’ll never have done (или

мы так никогда не закончим). And yer can fetch the water yerself (и ты можешь

сходить и принести воды сам), if yer say any more (если ты скажешь еще чего-


“Shut up yerself (заткнитесь сами)!” said Tom, who thought it was William’s

voice (который подумал, что это был голос Вильяма). “Who’s arguing but you

(кто спорит, так это ты: «кроме тебя»). I’d like to know (хотелось бы мне




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“You’re a booby (ты болван),” said William.

“Booby yerself (ты сам болван)!” said Tom.

And so the argument began all over again (и тогда спор начался снова заново),

and went on hotter than ever (и продолжился, еще более жаркий, чем раньше),

until at last they decided (до тех пор, пока наконец они не решили) to sit on the

sacks one by one (сесть на мешки, один за другим) and squash them (и

раздавить их), and boil them next time (и сварить их в следующий раз).


boiling ['bOIlIN] voice [vOIs] booby ['bu:bI]


“No good boiling ‘em! We ain’t got no water, and it’s a long way to the well

and all,” said a voice. Bert and William thought it was Tom’s.

“Shut up!” said they, “or we’ll never have done. And yer can fetch the water

yerself, if yer say any more.”

“Shut up yerself!” said Tom, who thought it was William’s voice. “Who’s

arguing but you. I’d like to know.”

“You’re a booby,” said William.

“Booby yerself!” said Tom.

And so the argument began all over again, and went on hotter than ever,

Until at last they decided to sit on the sacks one by one and squash them, and

Boil them next time.


“Who shall we sit on first (на кого первого мы сядем)?” said the voice (сказал

уже знакомый голос).

“Better sit on the last fellow first (лучше сесть сперва на последнего парня),”

said Bert, whose eye had been damaged by Thorin (чей глаз был поврежден

Торином). He thought Tom was talking (он подумал, что говорит Том).

“Don’t talk to yerself (не говори сам с собой)!” said Tom. “But if you wants to

sit on the last one (но если ты хочешь сесть на последнего), sit on him (садись

на него). Which is he (который он)?”



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“The one with the yellow stockings (тот, с желтыми чулками),” said Bert.

“Nonsense (чепуха), the one with the grey stockings (тот, что в серых

чулках),” said a voice like William’s (сказал голос, похожий на голос


“I made sure it was yellow (я специально удостоверился, что они были

желтые),” said Bert.

“Yellow it was (желтые они и были),” said William.

“Then what did yer say it was grey for (тогда для чего ты сказал, что они были

серые)?” said Bert.

“I never did (я /никогда/ не говорил). Tom said it (Том сказал это).”

“That I never did (я этого не делал)!” said Tom. “It was you (это был ты).”

“Two to one (двое против одного), so shut yer mouth (так что заткни свою

пасть)!” said Bert.

“Who are you a-talkin’ to (кому это ты говоришь)?” said William.

“Now stop it (ну уж, прекрати)!” said Tom and Bert together (сказали Том и

Берт вместе). “The night’s gettin’ on (ночь проходит), and dawn comes early (и

рассвет наступает рано). Let’s get on with it (давайте продолжим с этим)!”


damage ['dxmIdZ] stocking ['stOkIN] dawn [dO:n]


“Who shall we sit on first?” said the voice.

“Better sit on the last fellow first,” said Bert, whose eye had been damaged

By Thorin. He thought Tom was talking.

“Don’t talk to yerself!” said Tom. “But if you wants to sit on the last one, sit

on him. Which is he?”

“The one with the yellow stockings,” said Bert.

“Nonsense, the one with the grey stockings,” said a voice like William’s.

“I made sure it was yellow,” said Bert.

“Yellow it was,” said William.

“Then what did yer say it was grey for?” said Bert.



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“I never did. Tom said it.”

“That I never did!” said Tom. “It was you.”

“Two to one, so shut yer mouth!” said Bert.

“Who are you a-talkin’ to?” said William.

“Now stop it!” said Tom and Bert together. “The night’s gettin’ on, and

dawn comes early. Let’s get on with it!”


“Dawn take you all (рассвет возьмет вас всех), and be stone to you (и обратит

вас в камень)!” said a voice that sounded like William’s (сказал некий голос,

который звучал, как голос Вильяма). But it wasn’t (но это был не /его голос/).

For just at that moment (так как именно в этот момент) the light came over the

hill (/солнечный/ свет появился над холмом), and there was a mighty twitter in

the branches (и ветви деревьев сильно задрожали; mighty — могущественный,

громадный). William never spoke (Вильям ничего не говорил; never —

никогда) for he stood turned to stone (так как он стоял, окаменевший) as he

stooped (в тот момент, когда он наклонился); and Bert and Tom were stuck like

rocks (и Берт, и Том застыли, как скалы) as they looked at him (в тот момент,

когда они смотрели на него). And there they stand to this day (и там они стоят

до сего дня), all alone (совсем одни), unless the birds perch on them (если

только птицы не садятся на них, как на насест); for trolls (так как тролли), as

you probably know (как вы, возможно, знаете), must be underground (должны

быть под землей) before dawn (до рассвета), or they go back (или они

обращаются назад) to the stuff of the mountains (в тот горный материал) they

are made of (из которого они сделаны), and never move again (и никогда

больше не двигаются). That is what had happened to Bert and Tom and William

(именно это и случилось с Бертом, Томом и Вильямом).

“Excellent (превосходно)!” said Gandalf (сказал Гэндальф), as he stepped from

behind a tree (делая шаг из-за дерева), and helped Bilbo (и помог Бильбо) to

climb down out of a thorn-bush (спуститься с колючего кустарника). Then Bilbo

understood (тогда и Бильбо понял). It was the wizard’s voice (это был голос



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волшебника) that had kept the trolls bickering and quarrelling (который

заставлял троллей продолжать пререкаться и спорить), until the light came (до

тех пор, пока не появился дневной свет) and made an end of them (и не

положил им конец).


twitter ['twItq] perch [pq:tS] underground ['AndqgraVnd] thorn-bush ['TO:nbVS]


“Dawn take you all, and be stone to you!” said a voice that sounded like

William’s. But it wasn’t. For just at that moment the light came over the hill,

And there was a mighty twitter in the branches. William never spoke for he

Stood turned to stone as he stooped; and Bert and Tom were stuck like rocks

As they looked at him. And there they stand to this day, all alone, unless the

Birds perch on them; for trolls, as you probably know, must be underground

Before dawn, or they go back to the stuff of the mountains they are made of,

And never move again. That is what had happened to Bert and Tom and


“Excellent!” said Gandalf, as he stepped from behind a tree, and helped

Bilbo to climb down out of a thorn-bush. Then Bilbo understood. It was the

wizard’s voice that had kept the trolls bickering and quarrelling, until the

Light came and made an end of them.


The next thing was (следующим действием было) to untie the sacks (развязать

мешки) and let out the dwarves (и выпустить гномов). They were nearly

suffocated (они были почти что задушены), and very annoyed (и очень

раздражены): they had not at all enjoyed (им совсем не понравилось; to enjoy —

любить, получать удовольствие, наслаждаться) lying there (лежать там)

listening to the trolls making plans (слушая, как тролли строят планы) for

roasting them (то поджарить их) and squashing them (и расплющить их) and

mincing them (и перекрутить их на фарш). They had to hear Bilbo’s account

(они вынуждены были выслушать отчет Бильбо) of what had happened to him



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(о том, что случилось с ним) twice over (два раза подряд), before they were

satisfied (прежде, чем они были удовлетворены).

“Silly time (нашел время: «глупое время») to go practising pinching and

pocket-picking (практиковаться в воровстве и карманных кражах),” said

Bombur, “when what we wanted was fire and food (когда то, что мы хотели,

было огонь и еда)!”

“And that’s just what (и это как раз то, что) you wouldn’t have got (вы бы не

смогли получить) of those fellows (у этих ребят) without a struggle (без

борьбы), in any case (в любом случае),” said Gandalf.

“Anyhow you are wasting time now (во всяком случае, сейчас вы попусту

тратите время). Don’t you realize (неужели вы не понимаете) that the trolls

must have a cave or a hole (что у троллей должна быть пещера или нора) dug

somewhere near (вырытая где-то поблизости; to dig — рыть) to hide from the

sun in (чтобы прятаться в ней от солнца)? We must look into it (мы должны

заглянуть в нее)!”


untie [An'taI] suffocate ['sAfqkeIt] annoyed [q'nOId]


The next thing was to untie the sacks and let out the dwarves. They were

nearly suffocated, and very annoyed: they had not at all enjoyed lying there

Listening to the trolls making plans for roasting them and squashing them and

mincing them. They had to hear Bilbo’s account of what had happened to him

Twice over, before they were satisfied.

“Silly time to go practising pinching and pocket-picking,” said Bombur,

“when what we wanted was fire and food!”

“And that’s just what you wouldn’t have got of those fellows without a

struggle, in any case,” said Gandalf.

“Anyhow you are wasting time now. Don’t you realize that the trolls must

have a cave or a hole dug somewhere near to hide from the sun in? We must

look into it!”



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They searched about (они поискали вокруг), and soon found the marks (и

вскоре обнаружили следы) of trolls’ stony boots (от каменистых ботинок

троллей) going away through the trees (уходящие через деревья). They followed

the tracks up the hill (они пошли по следам вверх по холму), until hidden by

bushes (до тех пор, пока скрытые кустами) they came on a big door of stone

(они не вышли на большую дверь из камня) leading to a cave (ведущую в

пещеру). But they could not open it (но они не могли открыть ее), not though

they all pushed (не смогли, хотя они все толкали /ее/) while Gandalf tried

various incantations (в то время как Гэндальф пробовал различные


“Would this be any good (а это может быть как-то полезно)?” asked Bilbo

(спросил Бильбо), when they were getting tired and angry (когда все они

становились все более уставшими и сердитыми). “I found it on the ground (я

нашел это на земле) where the trolls had their fight (где у троллей была драка).”

He held out a largish key (он протянул довольно большой ключ), though no

doubt (хотя, без всякого сомнения) William had thought it very small and secret

(Вильям думал что это был очень маленький и секретный /ключик/). It must

have fallen out of his pocket (он, должно быть, выпал из его кармана), very

luckily (к счастью: «очень удачно»), before he was turned to stone (до того, как

он окаменел: «был превращен в камень»).


incantation [Inkxn'teIS(q)n] largish ['lQ:dZIS] luckily ['lAkIlI]


They searched about, and soon found the marks of trolls’ stony boots going

Away through the trees. They followed the tracks up the hill, until hidden by

Bushes they came on a big door of stone leading to a cave. But they could not

Open it, not though they all pushed while Gandalf tried various incantations.

“Would this be any good?” asked Bilbo, when they were getting tired and

angry. “I found it on the ground where the trolls had their fight.” He held out



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A largish key, though no doubt William had thought it very small and secret.

It must have fallen out of his pocket, very luckily, before he was turned to



“Why on earth didn’t you mention it before (почему же, черт возьми, вы не

упомянули об этом раньше; earth — земля, мир)?” they cried (закричали они).

Gandalf grabbed it (Гэндальф поспешно схватил его) and fitted it into the key-

hole (и вставил его в замочную скважину; to fit — соответствовать,

приспосабливать, примерять). Then the stone door (после этого каменная

дверь) swung back with one big push (распахнулась: «качнулась назад» от

одного сильного толчка; big — большой, крупный), and they all went inside (и

они все зашли внутрь). There were bones on the floor (на полу валялись:

«были» кости) and a nasty smell was in the air (и в воздухе стоял: «был»

отвратительный запах); but there was a good deal of food (но там было и

большое количество пищи) jumbled carelessly (небрежно сваленной в кучи) on

shelves (на полках) and on the ground (и на полу), among an untidy litter of

plunder (среди неприбранного беспорядка из награбленного), of all sorts

(всякого рода) from brass buttons (от медных пуговиц) to pots full of gold coins

(до горшков, полных золотых монет) standing in a corner (стоящих в углу).

There were lots of clothes, too (также была там и куча одежды), hanging on the

walls (висящая по стенкам) too small for trolls (слишком маленькая для

троллей), I am afraid they belonged to victims (я боюсь, что она принадлежала

/их/ жертвам) and among them (и среди них) were several swords (было

несколько/целый ряд мечей) of various makes, shapes, and sizes (различных

моделей, форм и размеров). Two caught their eyes particularly (два /меча/

приглянулись им особенно; to catch (caught) — поймать, схватить), because

of their beautiful scabbards (из-за их прекрасных ножен) and jewelled hilts (и

украшенных драгоценными камнями эфесов). Gandalf and Thorin each took

one of these (Гэндальф и Торин каждый взяли по одному из них); and Bilbo

took a knife in a leather sheath (а Бильбо взял нож в кожаном футляре:



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«ножнах»). It would have made only a tiny pocket-knife for a troll (для тролля

это был бы только крошечный карманный ножичек), but it was as good as a

short sword for the hobbit (но для хоббита он был, в сущности, коротким



earth [q:T] swung [swAN] jumble ['dZAmb(q)l] carelessly ['keqlIslI] litter ['lItq]

sword [sO:d] scabbard ['skxbqd] jewelled ['dZu:qld]


“Why on earth didn’t you mention it before?” they cried. Gandalf grabbed

It and fitted it into the key-hole. Then the stone door swung back with one big

Push, and they all went inside. There were bones on the floor and a nasty

Smell was in the air; but there was a good deal of food jumbled carelessly on

Shelves and on the ground, among an untidy litter of plunder, of all sorts from

Brass buttons to pots full of gold coins standing in a corner. There were lots of

Clothes, too, hanging on the walls — too small for trolls, I am afraid they

Belonged to victims — and among them were several swords of various

Makes, shapes, and sizes. Two caught their eyes particularly, because of their

Beautiful scabbards and jewelled hilts. Gandalf and Thorin each took one of

These; and Bilbo took a knife in a leather sheath. It would have made only a

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 147 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: At parties, about dragons and goblins and giants and the rescue of princesses | Dwarves through the door. | Naming Kili and Fili, for instance), the exact situation at the moment may | Some elves tease them and laugh at them, and most of all at their beards. | He shivered. It was getting bitter cold up here, and the wind came shrill | Round and round far underground | The paths themselves), and were madly angry; so that do what they could the | From the lake, and sometimes neither goblin nor fish came back. | Think of anything. | Escape without meaning to. |
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If you sit on the doorstep long enough, I daresay you will think of something.| Tiny pocket-knife for a troll, but it was as good as a short sword for the hobbit.

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