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If you sit on the doorstep long enough, I daresay you will think of something.

Читайте также:
  1. A) Think of ONE noun to complete all of the following collocations
  2. Announced that he was thinking of looking for a job in Manchester.
  3. Ask, complain, dream, enquire, hear, know, learn, protest, speak, talk, think, wonder
  5. b) Can you think of more expressions with this word?
  6. Below is a list of most important actions in the story. Place them in the part of the story you think they best fit.
  7. Chapter 5: The Vision Thing: How To Think About Purpose, Values And The Future

And well, don’t you know, I think we have talked long enough for one night, if

you see what I mean. What about bed, and an early start, and all that? I will

give you a good breakfast before you go.”


“Before we go (перед тем, как мы все вместе уйдем), I suppose you mean (я

полагаю, вы имеете в виду),” said Thorin. “Aren’t you the burglar (разве вы не

тот самый взломщик)? And isn’t sitting on the door-step your job (и разве

сидеть у порога — это не ваша работа), not to speak of getting inside the door

(не говоря уже о том, чтобы попасть внутрь /двери/)? But I agree about bed and

breakfast (но я согласен насчет ночлега и завтрака). I like eggs with my ham

(мне нравится /съесть/ яичницу с ветчиной), when starting on a journey (когда

я отправляюсь в путешествие): fried not poached (жареную, а не пашот

/cваренную в кипятке/; to poach — варить что бы то ни было на медленном

огне), and mind you don’t break ‘em (и обратите внимание, чтобы не повредить

глазки: «не разбить /желтки/»; to mind — возражать, тревожиться,

остерегаться, ‘em = them).”

After all the others had ordered their breakfasts (после того, как все остальные

заказали себе завтраки) without so much as a please (даже не сказав

"пожалуйста") (which annoyed Bilbo very much (что очень сильно

раздосадовало Бильбо)), they all got up (все они поднялись; to get up). The

hobbit had to find room for them all (хоббиту пришлось найти место для

каждого из них; room — комната, зал, пространство), and filled all his spare-

rooms (он заполнил все свои комнаты для гостей; spare — запасной, лишний)

and made beds (и застелил кровати) on chairs (и кресла) and sofas (и диваны),

before he got them all stowed (до того, как он смог их всех уложить) and went

to his own little bed (и отправился в свою собственную маленькую кроватку)

very tired (очень усталый) and not altogether happy (и не совсем довольный).



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One thing he did make his mind up about (одна вещь, по поводу которой он уже

принял решение; mind — ум, настроение, намерение) was not to bother (была

то, что /он/ не /собирался/ дать себе труд) to get up very early (встать очень

рано) and cook everybody else’s wretched breakfast (чтобы сготовить все их

несчастные = проклятые завтраки). The Tookishness was wearing off

(Туковщина потихоньку проходила; to wear off — стирать(ся),

уничтожать), and he was not now quite so sure (и теперь он уже не был так

уверен) that he was going on any journey (что он собирается в какое-нибудь

путешествие) in the morning (утром). As he lay in bed (когда он лежал в

постели) he could hear Thorin still humming to himself (он мог слышать, как

Торин все еще напевает себе; to hum — жужжать, рокотать; петь с

закрытым ртом) in the best bedroom (в самой лучшей спальной комнате) next

to him (/расположенной/ радом с ним):


Far over the misty mountains cold (далеко, над холодом мглистых гор)

To dungeons deep and caverns old (в опасные глубокие и старые пещеры)

We must away, ere break of day (мы должны уйти, до восхода солнца),

To find our long-forgotten gold (чтобы найти наше давно забытое золото).


Bilbo went to sleep (Бильбо заснул) with that in his ears (слушая это: «с этим в

его ушах»), and it gave him (и это доставило ему) very uncomfortable dreams

(очень тревожные сны). It was long after the break of day (прошло уже много

времени после восхода солнца), when he woke up (когда он проснулся; to

wake up).


burglar ['bq:glq] poach [pqVtS] stow [stqV] altogether [O:ltq'geDq] wretched



“Before we go, I suppose you mean,” said Thorin. “Aren’t you the burglar?

And isn’t sitting on the door-step your job, not to speak of getting inside the


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door? But I agree about bed and breakfast. I like eggs with my ham, when

starting on a journey: fried not poached, and mind you don’t break ‘em.”

After all the others had ordered their breakfasts without so much as a please

(which annoyed Bilbo very much), they all got up. The hobbit had to find

Room for them all, and filled all his spare-rooms and made beds on chairs and

Sofas, before he got them all stowed and went to his own little bed very tired

And not altogether happy. One thing he did make his mind up about was not

to bother to get up very early and cook everybody else’s wretched breakfast.

The Tookishness was wearing off, and he was not now quite so sure that he

Was going on any journey in the morning. As he lay in bed he could hear

Thorin still humming to himself in the best bedroom next to him:


Far over the misty mountains cold

To dungeons deep and caverns old

We must away, ere break of day,

To find our long-forgotten gold.


Bilbo went to sleep with that in his ears, and it gave him very uncomfortable

Dreams. It was long after the break of day, when he woke up.


Chapter 2. Roast Mutton

(Глава 2. Жареная баранина)


Up jumped Bilbo (Бильбо вскочил), and putting on his dressing-gown (и,

надевая свой халат) went into the dining-room (отправился в столовую). There

he saw nobody (там он никого не увидел), but all the signs (но /увидел/ все

признаки) of a large and hurried breakfast (обильного и поспешного завтрака).

There was a fearful mess in the room (в комнате был ужасный беспорядок; fear



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— страх), and piles of unwashed crocks in the kitchen (и кучи невымытых

глиняных горшков на кухне). Nearly every pot and pan (почти что вся

кухонная утварь: «горшки и кастрюли») he possessed (которыми он владел)

seemed to have been used (казалось, была использована). The washing-up was

so dismally real (мытье посуды представлялось таким угнетающе реальным)

that Bilbo was forced to believe (что Бильбо был вынужден поверить в то, что)

the party of the night before (прием гостей накануне вечером: «ночью») had not

been part of his bad dreams (не был частью его дурных снов), as he had rather

hoped (как он охотно надеялся). Indeed he was really relieved after all (на самом

деле, он действительно почувствовал облегчение, в конце концов) to think

that they had all gone without him (думая, что все они ушли без него), and

without bothering to wake him up (и не потрудившись разбудить его) (“but with

never a thank-you” he thought («но и без всяких тебе "спасибо", думал он)); and

yet in a way (и все же, каким-то образом) he could not help feeling (он не мог

не почувствовать себя; cannot help doing smth. — быть не в состоянии

удержаться от чего-либо) just a trifle disappointed (чуть-чуть: «всего лишь на

пустяк» разочарованным). The feeling surprised him (это чувство удивило его).


dressing-gown ['dresINgaVn] fearful ['fIqf(q)l] dismally ['dIzmqlI]


Up jumped Bilbo, and putting on his dressing-gown went into the dining-

Room. There he saw nobody, but all the signs of a large and hurried breakfast.

There was a fearful mess in the room, and piles of unwashed crocks in the

Kitchen. Nearly every pot and pan he possessed seemed to have been used. The

Washing-up was so dismally real that Bilbo was forced to believe the party of

The night before had not been part of his bad dreams, as he had rather hoped.

Indeed he was really relieved after all to think that they had all gone without

him, and without bothering to wake him up (“but with never a thank-you” he

Thought); and yet in a way he could not help feeling just a trifle disappointed.

The feeling surprised him.



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“Don’t be a fool, Bilbo Baggins (не будь дураком, Бильбо Бэггинс)!” he said to

himself (сказал он сам себе), “thinking of dragons (думая о драконах) and all

that outlandish nonsense (и всей той диковинной чепухе; outlandish —

иностранный, заморский) at your age (в твоем-то возрасте)!” So he put on an

apron (и тогда он надел фартук), lit fires (развел: «зажег» огонь), boiled water

(вскипятил воду), and washed up (и перемыл всю посуду). Then he had a nice

little breakfast in the kitchen (потом он съел прекрасный небольшой завтрак на

кухне) before turning out the dining-room (перед тем, как убрать столовую). By

that time the sun was shining (к тому времени солнце уже светило); and the

front door was open (и парадная дверь была открыта), letting in a warm spring

breeze (впуская в /дом/ теплый весенний ветерок). Bilbo began to whistle

loudly (Бильбо начал насвистывать громко) and to forget about the night before

(и забывать о предыдущей ночи). In fact he was just sitting down (на самом

деле, он как раз садился) to a nice little second breakfast (за прекрасный

небольшой второй завтрак) in the dining-room by the open window (в столовой,

у открытого окна), when in walked Gandalf (когда вошел Гэндальф).

“My dear fellow (мой дорогой друг),” said he, “whenever are you going to

come (когда же вы собираетесь идти)? What about an early start (как же насчет

того, чтобы отправиться рано)? — and here you are having breakfast (и вот вы

здесь — завтракаете), or whatever you call it (или как вы это там еще

называете), at half past ten (в половине одиннадцатого)! They left you the

message (они оставили вам послание), because they could not wait (потому что

они не могли ждать).”

“What message (какое послание)?” said poor Mr. Baggins all in a fluster

(сказал бедный мистер Бэггинс в смятении).

“Great Elephants (о Боже; elephant — слон)!” said Gandalf (сказал Гэндальф),

“you are not at all yourself this morning (да вы сами на себя не похожи: «вы не

совсем вы сами» этим утром) — you have never dusted the mantelpiece (вы еще

не вытерли пыль с каминной полки)!”



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outlandish [aVt'lxndIS] breeze [bri:z] elephant ['elIfqnt]


“Don’t be a fool, Bilbo Baggins!” he said to himself, “thinking of dragons

and all that outlandish nonsense at your age!” So he put on an apron, lit fires,

Boiled water, and washed up. Then he had a nice little breakfast in the kitchen

Before turning out the dining-room. By that time the sun was shining; and the

Front door was open, letting in a warm spring breeze. Bilbo began to whistle

Loudly and to forget about the night before. In fact he was just sitting down to

A nice little second breakfast in the dining-room by the open window, when in

Walked Gandalf.

“My dear fellow,” said he, “whenever are you going to come? What about an

early start? and here you are having breakfast, or whatever you call it, at half

past ten! They left you the message, because they could not wait.”

“What message?” said poor Mr. Baggins all in a fluster. “Great Elephants!”

said Gandalf, “you are not at all yourself this morning — you have never

dusted the mantelpiece!”


“What’s that got to do with it (причем тут это: «какое каминная полка имеет к

этому отношение»)? I have had enough to do (у меня было достаточно чем

заняться) with washing up for fourteen (моя посуду после четырнадцати


“If you had dusted the mantelpiece (если бы вы вытерли пыль с каминной

полки) you would have found this (вы бы нашли это) just under the clock (как

раз под часами),” said Gandalf, handing Bilbo a note (вручая Бильбо записку)

(written, of course, on his own note-paper (написанную, конечно же, на его

собственной бумаге для записей)).

This is what he read (вот что он прочитал):


“Thorin and Company (Торин и Компания) to Burglar Bilbo greeting



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(приветствуют Взломщика Бильбо)!

For your hospitality our sincerest thanks (за ваше гостеприимство наши

искреннейшие благодарности), and for your offer (и за ваше предложение) of

professional assistance (профессиональной помощи) our grateful acceptance

(наше признательное согласие; acceptance — принятие, прием, одобрение).

Terms (условия): cash on delivery (оплата по выполнении; cash on delivery —

уплата при доставке, наложенный платеж), up to and not exceeding (до

/суммы/ равной и не превышающей) one fourteenth of total profits (одной

четырнадцатой от общего дохода) (if any (если /таковой будет/); all traveling

expenses guaranteed (все путевые издержки гарантированно оплачиваются; to

travel — путешествовать, ездить) in any event (в любом случае); funeral

expenses (похоронные издержки) to be defrayed by us (должны быть оплачены

нами) or our representatives (или нашими представителями), if occasion arises

(если таковой случай возникнет) and the matter is not otherwise arranged for (и

если по этому поводу не были сделаны /покойником/ иные распоряжения).

“Thinking it unnecessary (посчитав необязательным) to disturb your esteemed

repose (нарушить ваш уважаемый покой), we have proceeded in advance (мы

отправились заранее) to make requisite preparations (чтобы сделать

необходимые приготовления), and shall await your respected person (и будем

ожидать вашу почтенную персону) at the Green Dragon Inn, Bywater (в

трактире «Зеленый Дракон», в Байуотере), at 11 a.m. sharp (ровно в 11 утра;

a.m. = ante meridiem — до полудня). Trusting that you will be punctual

(полагаемся на вашу пунктуальность).

We have the honour to remain (мы имеем честь оставаться)

Yours deeply (глубоко уважающими вас)

Thorin & Co (Торин и Компания).”


mantelpiece ['mxntlpi:s] defray [dI'freI] guaranteed [gxrqn'ti:d] punctual

['pANktSVql] honour ['Onq]



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“What’s that got to do with it? I have had enough to do with washing up for


“If you had dusted the mantelpiece you would have found this just under the

clock,” said Gandalf, handing Bilbo a note (written, of course, on his own


This is what he read:

“Thorin and Company to Burglar Bilbo greeting!

For your hospitality our sincerest thanks, and for your offer of professional

assistance our grateful acceptance. Terms: cash on delivery, up to and not

Exceeding one fourteenth of total profits (if any); all traveling expenses

Guaranteed in any event; funeral expenses to be defrayed by us or our

Representatives, if occasion arises and the matter is not otherwise arranged


“Thinking it unnecessary to disturb your esteemed repose, we have

Proceeded in advance to make requisite preparations, and shall await your

Respected person at the Green Dragon Inn, Bywater, at 11 a.m. sharp.

Trusting that you will be punctual.

We have the honour to remain

Yours deeply

Thorin & Co.


“That leaves you just ten minutes (у вас остается ровно десять минут; to leave

— уходить, оставлять, покидать). You will have to run (вам придется

бежать),” said Gandalf (сказал Гэндальф).

“But (но) —“ said Bilbo.

“No time for it (на это "но" времени нет),” said the wizard (сказал


“But (но) — “said Bilbo again (сказал Бильбо снова).

“No time for that either (на то "но" тоже времени нет)! Off you go




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To the end of his days (до самого конца своих дней) Bilbo could never

remember (Бильбо никогда так и не мог вспомнить) how he found himself

outside (как он оказался /к удивлению для себя/ на улице), without a hat (без

шляпы), walking-stick (трости) or money (и денег), or anything (и без всего)

that he usually took (что он обычно брал) when he went out (когда он

отправлялся куда-либо); leaving his second breakfast half-finished (оставляя

свой второй завтрак наполовину съеденным; to finish — кончать,

заканчивать) and quite unwashed-up (и совершенно не вымыв посуду),

pushing his keys into Gandalf’s hands (сующим свои ключи в руки Гэндальфа;

to push — толкать, пихать), and running (и бегущим) as fast as his furry feet

could carry him (так быстро, как только его мохнатые ноги могли нести его;

furry — меховой, пушистый; fur — мех) down the lane (по переулку), past the

great Mill (мимо огромной Мельницы), across The Water (через Воду), and then

on (и затем дальше) for a whole mile or more (с целую милю или больше). Very

puffed he was (он очень запыхался), when he got to Bywater (когда он добрался

до Байуотера) just on the stroke of eleven (как раз точно в одиннадцать часов;

stroke — удар, бой часов), and found he had come without a pocket-handkerchief

(и обнаружил, что он вышел и без носового платка)!


wizard ['wIzqd]









“That leaves you just ten minutes. You will have to run,” said Gandalf.

“But — “ said Bilbo.

“No time for it,” said the wizard.

“But — “said Bilbo again.

“No time for that either! Off you go!”

To the end of his days Bilbo could never remember how he found himself

Outside, without a hat, walking-stick or say money, or anything that he usually

Took when he went out; leaving his second breakfast half-finished and quite


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unwashed-up, pushing his keys into Gandalf’s hands, and running as fast as

His furry feet could carry him down the lane, past the great Mill, across The

Water, and then on for a whole mile or more. Very puffed he was, when he

Got to Bywater just on the stroke of eleven, and found he had come without a



“Bravo (браво)!” said Balin who was standing at the inn door (сказал Балин,

который стоял у двери таверны) looking out for him (высматривая его). Just

then (как раз тогда) all the others came round the corner (все остальные вышли

из-за угла) of the road from the village (той дороги, что вела из деревни). They

were on ponies (они были верхом на пони), and each pony was slung about (и

каждый пони был нагружен; to sling (slung) — метать /из пращи/;

подвешивать /на ремне/; sling — праща; ремень) with all kinds of baggages

(всякого рода багажом), packages (тюками), parcels (свертками), and

paraphernalia (и другим личным имуществом/принадлежностями). There was a

very small pony (был там и очень маленький пони), apparently for Bilbo (явно

для Бильбо).

“Up you two get (вы двое, по седлам; to get up — вставать, подниматься,

взбираться), and off we go (и мы отправляемся)!” said Thorin.

“I’m awfully sorry (мне ужасно жаль),” said Bilbo, “but I have come without

my hat (но я пришел без своей шляпы), and I have left my pocket-handkerchief

behind (и я позабыл свой носовой платок), and I haven’t got any money (и у

меня совсем нет с собой денег). I didn’t get your note (я не получил вашей

записки) until after 10.45 (до 10.45) to be precise (что бы быть точным).”

“Don’t be precise (не будьте точным),” said Dwalin, “and don’t worry (и не

волнуйтесь)! You will have to manage without pocket-handkerchiefs (вам

придется обходиться без носовых платков), and a good many other things (и

большого количества других вещей), before you get to the journey’s end (до

того, как вы достигните завершения путешествия). As for a hat (а что до

шляпы), I have got a spare hood (у меня есть запасной капюшон) and cloak in



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my luggage (и накидка, у меня в багаже).”


bravo ['brQ:vqV] paraphernalia ["pxrqfq'neIlIq] luggage ['lAgIdZ]


“Bravo!” said Balin who was standing at the inn door looking out for him.

Just then all the others came round the corner of the road from the village.

They were on ponies, and each pony was slung about with all kinds of

Baggages, packages, parcels, and paraphernalia. There was a very small pony,

Apparently for Bilbo.

“Up you two get, and off we go!” said Thorin.

“I’m awfully sorry,” said Bilbo, “but I have come without my hat, and I

have left my pocket-handkerchief behind, and I haven’t got any money. I

didn’t get your note until after 10.45 to be precise.”

“Don’t be precise,” said Dwalin, “and don’t worry! You will have to manage

Without pocket-handkerchiefs, and a good many other things, before you get

to the journey’s end. As for a hat, I have got a spare hood and cloak in my



That’s how (вот как) they all came to start (все они отправились в путь),

jogging off from the inn (двигаясь медленно от таверны; to jog — трясти;

тащиться) one fine morning (одним прекрасным утром) just before May (как

раз перед /началом/ мая), on laden ponies (на груженных пони); and Bilbo was

wearing a dark-green hood (и Бильбо был одет в темно-зеленый капюшон) (a

little weather-stained (немного выцветший от солнца; weather — погода;

непогода; stain — пятно) and a dark-green cloak (и темно-зеленый плащ)

borrowed from Dwalin (позаимствованный у Двалина). They were too large for

him (они были слишком велики для него), and he looked rather comic (и он

выглядел достаточно комично). What his father Bungo (что бы его отец, Банго)

would have thought of him (подумал бы о нем), I daren’t think (я не

осмеливаюсь подумать). His only comfort was (его единственным утешением



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было то) he couldn’t be mistaken for a dwarf (что его не могли спутать по

ошибке с гномом), as he had no beard (так как у него не было бороды).

They had not been riding very long (они скакали не очень долго) when up

came Gandalf (когда /их/ нагнал Гэндальф) very splendid on a white horse

(/очень/ великолепный на белом коне). He had brought a lot of pocket-

handkerchiefs (он привез кучу носовых платков), and Bilbo’s pipe and tobacco

(и трубку, и табак Бильбо). So after that (итак, после этого) the party went along

very merrily (группа продолжила путь очень весело), and they told stories (и

они рассказывали истории) or sang songs (или пели песни) as they rode forward

all day (пока они ехали вперед весь день), except of course when they stopped

for meals (за исключением, конечно же, когда они останавливались для

принятия пищи).


weather-stained ['weDqsteInd] mistaken [mI'steIkqn] merrily ['merIlI]


That’s how they all came to start, jogging off from the inn one fine morning

Just before May, on laden ponies; and Bilbo was wearing a dark-green hood (a

Little weather-stained) and a dark-green cloak borrowed from Dwalin. They

Were too large for him, and he looked rather comic. What his father Bungo

would have thought of him, I daren’t think. His only comfort was he couldn’t

Be mistaken for a dwarf, as he had no beard.

They had not been riding very long when up came Gandalf very splendid on

a white horse. He had brought a lot of pocket-handkerchiefs, and Bilbo’s pipe

And tobacco. So after that the party went along very merrily, and they told

Stories or sang songs as they rode forward all day, except of course when they

Stopped for meals.


These didn’t come quite as often (это случалось не так часто; to come — идти,

приходить, наступать) as Bilbo would have liked them (как того хотелось бы

Бильбо), but still he began to feel (но, все равно, он начинал чувствовать) that



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adventures were not so bad after all (что приключения были не так уж и плохи,

в конце-то концов).

At first they had passed through hobbit-lands (сначала они проехали через

земли хоббитов), a wide respectable country (просторную респектабельную

страну) inhabited by decent folk (населенную порядочным народом), with good

roads (с хорошими дорогами), an inn or two (одной или двумя тавернами), and

now and then (и время от времени) a dwarf or a farmer (/они видели/ гнома или

фермера) ambling by on business (семенящего по своим делам; to amble —

идти иноходью; идти легким шагом). Then they came to lands (затем они

приехали в земли) where people spoke strangely (где люди говорили странно),

and sang songs Bilbo had never heard before (и пели песни, которые Бильбо

никогда раньше не слышал). Now they had gone on (теперь они заехали) far

into the Lone-lands (глубоко в Заброшенные Земли), where there were no people

left (где не осталось ни людей), no inns (ни таверн), and the roads grew steadily

worse (и дороги становились постепенно все хуже; to grow (grew, grown) —

расти, увеличиваться; зд. как глагол-связка в составном именном сказуемом

— делаться). Not far ahead were dreary hills (не далеко впереди были мрачные

холмы), rising higher and higher (поднимающиеся все выше и выше), dark with

trees (темные от /растущих на них/ деревьев). On some of them were old castles

(на некоторых из них были старые замки) with an evil look (с зловещим

видом), as if they had been built by wicked people (словно были они построены

дурными людьми). Everything seemed gloomy (все казалось мрачным), for the

weather that day (так как погода в тот день) had taken a nasty turn

(испортилась: «приняла отвратительный оборот»).


respectable [rI'spektqb(q)l] inhabited [In'hxbItId] castle ['kQ:s(q)l]


These didn’t come quite as often as Bilbo would have liked them, but still he

Began to feel that adventures were not so bad after all.

At first they had passed through hobbit-lands, a wide respectable country



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Inhabited by decent folk, with good roads, an inn or two, and now and then a

Dwarf or a farmer ambling by on business. Then they came to lands where

People spoke strangely, and sang songs Bilbo had never heard before. Now

They had gone on far into the Lone-lands, where there were no people left, no

Inns, and the roads grew steadily worse. Not far ahead were dreary hills,

Rising higher and higher, dark with trees. On some of them were old castles

With an evil look, as if they had been built by wicked people. Everything

Seemed gloomy, for the weather that day had taken a nasty turn.


Mostly it had been (по большей части /погода/ была) as good as May can be

(такой хорошей, какой она может быть в мае), even in merry tales (даже в

веселых историях), but now it was cold and wet (но теперь она была холодной

и сырой; wet — мокрый; дождливый). In the Lone-lands they had to camp when

they could (в Заброшенных Землях им пришлось ночевать, где придется: «где

они могли»), but at least it had been dry (но, по меньшей мере, было сухо).

“To think it will soon be June (подумать только, что скоро июнь),” grumbled

Bilbo (ворчал Бильбо) as he splashed along (в то время как он шлепал; to splash

— брызгать, плескать) behind the others (позади всех остальных) in a very

muddy track (по очень грязной колее; track — след, курс, путь). It was after tea-

time (время вечернего чая уже прошло); it was pouring with rain (дождь лил

как из ведра), and had been all day (и лил он весь день); his hood was dripping

into his eyes (с его капюшона капало прямо в его глаза), his cloak was full of

water (его плащ был полон воды); the pony was tired (его пони устал) and

stumbled on stones (и спотыкался о камни); the others were too grumpy to talk

(остальные были слишком сердиты, чтобы разговаривать). “And I’m sure (и я

уверен, что) the rain has got into the dry clothes (что дождь попал и в сухую

одежду) and into the food-bags (и в сумки с провизией),” thought Bilbo (думал

Бильбо). “Bother burgling and everything to do with it (к черту /это ремесло/

взломщика и все что с ним связано)! I wish I was at home (как бы я хотел быть

дома) in my nice hole by the fire (в моей милой норе, у огня), with the kettle just



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beginning to sing (и чайник только начинал бы закипать: «петь»)!” It was not

the last time (и это был не последний раз) that he wished that (когда он пожелал



splash [splxS] pouring ['pO:rIN] stumble ['stAmb(q)l] grumpy ['grAmpI]


Mostly it had been as good as May can be, even in merry tales, but now it

Was cold and wet. In the Lone-lands they had to camp when they could, but at

Least it had been dry.

“To think it will soon be June,” grumbled Bilbo as he splashed along behind

The others in a very muddy track. It was after tea-time; it was pouring with

Rain, and had been all day; his hood was dripping into his eyes, his cloak was

Full of water; the pony was tired and stumbled on stones; the others were too

grumpy to talk. “And I’m sure the rain has got into the dry clothes and into

the food-bags,” thought Bilbo. “Bother burgling and everything to do with it!

I wish I was at home in my nice hole by the fire, with the kettle just beginning

to sing!” It was not the last time that he wished that!


Still the dwarves jogged on (все же гномы продолжали скакать), never turning

round (никогда не оборачиваясь) or taking any notice of the hobbit (и не

обращая никакого внимания на хоббита). Somewhere behind the grey clouds

(где-то, за серыми тучами) the sun must have gone down (солнце, должно быть,

село), for it began to get dark (так как начинало темнеть). Wind got up

(поднялся ветер), and the willows along the river-bank (и ивы, /растущие/ вдоль

берега реки) bent and sighed (гнулись и шелестели; to sigh — вздыхать,

тосковать). I don’t know what river it was (я не знаю, что за речка это была), a

rushing red one (какая-то бурная красная река; rushing — стремительный,

порывистый), swollen with the rains of the last few days (вздувшаяся от дождей

последних нескольких дней), that came down from the hills and mountains

(которая спускалась с холмов и гор) in front of them (перед ними). Soon it was



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nearly dark (вскоре стало уже почти темно). The winds broke up the grey clouds

(ветер разогнал серые тучи; to break (broke, broken) — ломать, разрывать),

and a waning moon (и ущербная луна; to wane — убывать, быть на ущербе /о

Луне/) appeared above the hills (появилась над холмами) between the flying rags

(между летящими по небу клочками /облаков/).


jog [dZOg] notice ['nqVtIs] appear [q'pIq]


Still the dwarves jogged on, never turning round or taking any notice of the

Hobbit. Somewhere behind the grey clouds the sun must have gone down, for

It began to get dark. Wind got up, and the willows along the river-bank bent

and sighed. I don’t know what river it was, a rushing red one, swollen with the

Rains of the last few days, that came down from the hills and mountains in

Front of them. Soon it was nearly dark. The winds broke up the grey clouds,

And a waning moon appeared above the hills between the flying rags.


Then they stopped (тогда они остановились), and Thorin muttered something

about supper (и Торин пробормотал что-то об ужине), “and where shall we get a

dry patch to sleep on (и где бы нам достать сухой клочок /земли/ на котором

поспать)?” Not until then (и только тогда: «не до тех пор») did they notice (они

обратили внимание) that Gandalf was missing (что Гэндальфа с ними не было;

to miss — зд. недоставать, отсутствовать). So far (до этого) he had come all

the way with them (он проехал весь путь вместе с ними), never saying (не

говоря) if he was in the adventure (был ли он /вместе с ними/ в этом

приключении) or merely keeping them company for a while (или просто

составлял им компанию на некоторое время). He had eaten most (он ел больше

всех), talked most (разговаривал больше всех), and laughed most (и смеялся

больше всех). But now he simply was not there at all (но теперь его попросту не

было, совсем)!

“Just when (как раз в тот момент, когда) a wizard would have been most useful



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(волшебник был бы как нельзя кстати; useful — полезный, пригодный), too (к

тому же),” groaned Dori and Nori (простонали Дори и Нори) (who shared the

hobbit’s views about regular meals (которые разделяли взгляды хоббита на

регулярные приемы пищи), plenty and often (обильные и частые)). They

decided in the end (они решили наконец) that they would have to camp (что им

придется разбить лагерь) where they were (там, где они /как раз/ находились).


laugh [lQ:f] useful ['ju:sf(q)l] shared [Seqd] regular ['regjVlq]


Then they stopped, and Thorin muttered something about supper, “and

where shall we get a dry patch to sleep on?” Not until then did they notice that

Gandalf was missing. So far he had come all the way with them, never saying

If he was in the adventure or merely keeping them company for a while. He

Had eaten most, talked most, and laughed most. But now he simply was not

there at all!

“Just when a wizard would have been most useful, too,” groaned Dori and

Nori (who shared the hobbit’s views about regular meals, plenty and often).

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 184 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: At parties, about dragons and goblins and giants and the rescue of princesses | Dwarves through the door. | Tiny pocket-knife for a troll, but it was as good as a short sword for the hobbit. | Some elves tease them and laugh at them, and most of all at their beards. | He shivered. It was getting bitter cold up here, and the wind came shrill | Round and round far underground | The paths themselves), and were madly angry; so that do what they could the | From the lake, and sometimes neither goblin nor fish came back. | Think of anything. | Escape without meaning to. |
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