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3. 1 марта 20... г.
Уважаемые господа!

Кае: Строительство элеватора в..., Контракт №....

Мы получили Ваше письмо №... от 14 февраля 20... г. с просьбой подписать дополнение к Контракту на поставку оборудования на осно­ве Техпроекта до разработки рабочей документации.

Мы не возражаем против подписания контракта на этой стадии, но Мотели бы обратить Ваше внимание на следующее.

Во время разработки рабочей документации совершенствова-ние проекта данного объекта не прекращается. Могут появиться новые тех­нические решения по отдельным элементам проекта, улучшающие его технологические показатели. Поэтому мы должны будем учесть возмож­ную замену старых видов оборудования новыми.

Мы понимаем, что строительство объекта представляет для Вас боль­шую важность и для того, чтобы дать Вам возможность как можно ско­рее приступить к строительству, предлагаем подписать вышеуказанное дополнение на поставку строительных материалов и строительных ме­ханизмов на основе Техпроекта.

Что касается поставки технологического оборудования, считаем все же целесообразным осуществлять ее после разработки рабочей доку­ментации.

Надеемся, что наше предложение окажется приемлемым для Вас.

Ждем Вашего ответа.

С уважением,

XII. Read the dialogues, sum up the contents and act them out.


Supplier: Now, where were we, Mr A.?

Customer: We were going to look at the guarantees last time. We've care­fully studied your proposal and I must say that not everything is accept­able...

S. All right. Let's go over it again. The quality of the equipment will con­form to the... norms and standards. Also the equipment will be up to the specifications of the DPR...

C. Yes, that suits us all right. But what doesn't suit us very much is the guarantee period. Can you possibly make it 36 months instead of 24?

S. Well, Mr A., let's take a closer look at this. We guarantee trouble-free operation of our equipment for 12 months from the date of putting it into operation, but not more than 24 months from the date of its ship­ment.

C. Yes, this follows from your draft. But some foreign firms do offer 36 months.




S. So they do. It's also true that they cover sometimes just separate types of services while we try to provide all-round services.

С And what do you mean by this?

S. What I'm saying is this: during the guarantee period our experts will see to it that your engineers observe the operation and maintenance instructions. That will help you (to) avoid faults in the equipment.

С This is good. Are you positive our experience will be sufficient to run the project after the guarantee period?

S. In principle, yes. Within this period we'll help your engineers to main­tain the equipment.

C. All right, we'll have to think it over again before finalizing it.

S. Good. Besides, if necessary we could extend the stay of those experts who would help your people (to) run the project smoothly. But this is the subject of a separate contract.

C. Thank you, we'll think about that too.

(to be continued)

guarantee period гарантийный ne- to observe operation and mainte-

риод nance ['memt^nans] instruc-

to conform to I tions соблюдать инструкции по

to be up to I соответствовать эксплуатации и уходу за обору-
trouble-free operation бесперебой- дованием

ная/ безотказная работа to run the project эксплуатировать

to put into operation ввести в экс- завод (объект)

плуатацию maintain v обслуживать


Customer: We're sorry, Mr N., that units No. 1 and No. 2 have gone out of operation half way through the guarantee period.

Supplier: This is really unpleasant. But the preliminary examination shows that unit No. 1 may have gone out of operation because you didn't ob­serve the operation and maintenance instructions.

C. This is hardly possible, I'm afraid. We've worked in close contact with your experts. In fact, we've followed their recommendations and this failure cannot be our fault.

S. I'd like to point out that under the contract we are expected to assist your engineers in promoting trouble-free operation of the equipment.

We give them our knowledge and expertise while you should observe operation and maintenance instructions.

C. Sorry, Mr N.. I don't quite see how it contradicts my words. We think ' we've observed the instructions.

S. Unfortunately, not quite so. The results available prove that the quality of lubricants you use differs from that indicated in the specifications. And this has caused the breakdown.

C. We thought that the quality of our lubricants was up to the standards. But we agree that this should be taken into account. And what about unit 2? Any information yet?

5. It's not quite clear. It may really be the fault of our manufacturers.

С In any case we ask you to replace the defective units and give us a fresh guarantee period for the whole line. It's out of operation too.

S. I'd like to make a point here, Mr A. Units 1 and 2 have been out of opera­tion for 3 and 2 months respectively. The provisions of our Contract say that we'll give a fresh guarantee for the replacement only. As to the guarantee period for the whole line, we'll extend it for the period during which unit 2 will be out of operation. But we'll have to wait for the final results of the examination.

C. All right. Thank you for your clarification, Mr N. It's fair enough.

fault n вина lubricants ['hxbnkants] n смазочные

breakdown n поломка, повреждение материалы

XIII. Give extensive answers to the questions. Use the following expres­sions to start your answer.

if I remember correctly; in my opinion; I may be mistaken, but I think...; from what I know...; I for one think that...; it is absolutely true that...; it's like this...

1. What kind of document is the protocol of division of supplies and when is it signed? 2. What document is worked out on the basis of the protocol of division of supplies? 3. What may bring about postponement in the project commissioning? 4. Are suppliers normally willing to manufacture non-stan­dard equipment? 5. In what way does the supplier help the customer to manu­facture non-standard equipment? 6. Why do the suppliers specify a possible replacement of the equipment? 7. What is "represervation" of equipment?

I i

Why is it necessary? At whose expense is it carried out? 8. Why is it neces­sary to send shipping drawings and instructions on the transportation of heavy and oversized equipment some time before its dispatch? 9. What does the supplier guarantee with regard to the delivered equipment? 10. In what cases and for what period is a fresh guarantee period given?

XIV. Write letters based on the following situations. Make use of the writ­
ten patterns on pages 85-86.

1. Inform the firm that you agree to supply the non-standard equipment. But the equipment is not manufactured at your plants now. As you will have to re-export it from another country the customer will have to pay a commission of... per cent.

2. Inform the firm that you will have to postpone the delivery of the equip­ment for the 3rd generator as there is a delay in the production of the equip­ment. Make it clear that the manufacturing works has been working under great pressure (был перегружен) for the last few weeks. Ask the customer to consider your new delivery dates attached to the letter.

3. Inform the firm that some units of the oversized and heavy equipment specified in the contract have been dispatched. A set of shipping documents has been sent with the equipment. Another set has been airmailed (отправ­лен авиапочтой) to the customer. Remind the customer that shipping draw­ings and instructions on the transportation of the said equipment were sent to them four months ago, and the customer is expected to make appropriate preparations.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-08; просмотров: 196 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Act out the flashes of conversation using the substitutions for the word and phrase in italics. | XI. Study these translation difficulties. Translate into English. | DISCUSSING THE ADVANCE PAYMENT | В заголовках и дате писем точка не ставится. | Para 6. Terms of Payment | ARRANGING FOR DELIVERIES | To answer the needs | Монтировать, устанавливать | I. Answer these questions. | A) Act out the flash of conversation using the substitutions for the phrase in italics. |
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