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In all legal systems there are institutions for creating, modifying, abolishing and applyingthe law.

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  1. Sometimes there are misprints in tourists guides. Find and correct them in some of the following sentences.
  2. That their parishes were pore sith the pestilence tym, To have a license and a leve at London to dwelle And syngen there for symonye, for silver is swete.

9. Laws and men who enforce them reflect social systems, so there is no doubt of law being class law and justice being class justice.

10. The boys’ being accused of petty offences is not surprising.

Упр.28. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.

1. Laws are make for the sake of man and society with the aim of protecting them.

2. There is a need for drawing a distinction between crimes and those violations of law which are not criminal.

5. Officer Smith’s making a search without a warrant was illegal.

6. Many famous jurists define a ‘crime” as an act of violatin g the law of the state.

7. British police forces have additional departments for dealing with special aspects of police work.

8. The offender’s being arrested at the crime scene came as a result of quick police action.

9. His being placed on bail is explained by the nature of his offence.

10. An officer stopping a person for a minor violation of the law has no way of knowing whether the person is wanted for a felony or misdemeanor.

11. Their presenting proper evidence to the court proved the guilt of the defendant.

12. Their filing a complaint to the court was quite unexpected.


Упр.29. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на типы сложных предложений.

1. Standards of living increase and populations become more cosmopolitan and better educated.

2. People have accustomed by now to expect that the future will contain bad news with respect to the health and security.

3. The new world order that came into being with the collapse of the Soviet Union will have been existing for more than twenty years now.

4. That the land acquire and held during two and half centuries of Russian and imperial conquests were restore to the former captive nations is not unusual at all.

5. History is littered with wars which everybody knew would never happen.

6. Older men declare wars but it is the youth that must fight and die.

7. Somebody said the second stupid thing in the world a man could say that he could understand the Russians. I have always wondered what in the hell was the first.

8. Another principle is that the terms being offered and accepted must be certain.

9. I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

10. If people have to choose between freedom and sandwiches, they will take sandwiches.

11. What is important from this standpoint is that political liberalism has been following economic liberalism, more slowly than many had hoped but with seeming inevitability.

12. Those theories suggested that there would be no further progress in the development of underlying principles and institutions, because all of the really big questions had been settled.

13. Whether the law will be at present is a matter of importance.

14. To speculate about the future is one of the basic qualities of man, which involves two aspects.

15. Technical change is one reason criminal law is one of the fastest growing areas of the law.


Упр.30. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.

1. W. Churchill said that Russia was a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.

2. Standards of living increase and people begin to demand not simply more wealth but recognition of their status.

3. By raising the question of whether there is such a thing as a Universal History of mankind, the scholar is resuming a discussion that was begun in the 19 century.

4. That Russian capitalism is s subject of heated debate in academic and business circles is not extraordinary.

5. There are many reasons why we should regard the present character and the future course of Russia’s economic and political revolutions as inevitable.

6. What we try to do is to foretell a general tendency rather than a particular development.

7. Liberty is the right to do everything laws allow.

8. If poverty is the mother of crimes, want is the father.

9. Scholars define the legal culture as the climate of social thought and force that determines the usage of law.

10. The creators of the International Court of Justice provided that although its seat would be in the Hague, it would hold sessions whenever it reckons it advantageous.

11. We live in the age when unnecessary things are our only necessities.

12. The blessings of Liberty which the Constitution secures may be enjoyed alike by

minorities and majorities.

13. I do not know whether war is an interlude to peace or peace an interlude to war.

14. To say that poetry is sponsored, however, is not to say that it is necessarily bad.

15. I do not know what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 349 | Нарушение авторских прав

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