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Работники колониальных стран безжалостно эксплуатированы и преследуются. На Филиппинах все демократические профсоюзы были запрещены (Доклад по международным делам)
Фермеры играют со смертью.Фермер в Северном Квинсленде, Австралия, ехал десять миль со змеей вокруг руки,к станции скорой помощи, чтобы получить первую помощь. Это был Тайпан. Смертоносный змей Австралии. (Morning Star)
3. Поступательное движение в Торонто было опечален известием о смерти на прошлой неделе Стэнли Thornley в возрасте 82 лет, при его активной жизни. С момента прихода в Канаду в 1910 году, "Поп" культуры Торнли, его любили и уважали сослуживцы за его социалистические идеи. Он выжил благодаря его трем сыновьям и дочери. (Канадский Tribune)
3. Speak on the following topic
Millions of people all around the world adore travelling. They travel because they wish to see new countries and cities, visit historical places, meet with new people from different countries, taste various cuisines or they just want a change of scene. All people have their reasons, tastes and preferences, but, undoubtedly, they all like travelling. There are different means of transportation. People travel by ship, by plane, by train or by car. All means of transportation have their advantages as well as disadvantages. I would like to talk briefly about each of them. Travelling by plane is the fastest, but the most expensive transport. Many people prefer travelling by plane, though, some people are not good for height, that’s why, they prefer travelling by train. I have to notice that travelling by train is very popular in Kazakhstan. You can see many interesting places and enjoy the nature, looking through the window. Travelling by ship is not as popular as travelling by plane or train, but still some people like it. Many people choose this means of transportation. They don’t need to buy tickets, book hotels and etc. They can stop whenever they wish, rest, take a walk and stay at the same place as much time as they want. Hiking is very popular means of travelling, but not as popular as abroad. Generally, young people prefer this kind of travelling. Walking tours are very exciting. As for me, I prefer travelling by plane. To my mind, it is the most comfortable and fast means of transportation. I like to travel. I visited some countries: Germany, France, Turkey, Thailand and Egypt. And every country is beautiful. I liked sea and pyramids of Egypt. In Thailand, I was surprised by the exotic nature and skyscrapers of Thailand. In France, I visited Disneyland. In France and Germany also there are many sights. Turkey is fine country for good rest. And finally, it is commonly known that travelling is a great thing! Nothing can give you so many positive emotions and memories as travelling to any wonderful country or city.
Экзаменационный билет № 6
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