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HOMEWORK. Exercise 1. Pronounce these words using the transcription given below.

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Exercise 1. Pronounce these words using the transcription given below.

[ǝʹkauntǝnt], [`kæfeɪ], [sǝpʹlaɪǝ], [sǝʹfɪstɪkeɪtɪd], [ɪnʹkʌmpǝs],

[͵ɔpǝʹtju:nɪtɪ], [ʹǝun], [inluʹenʃǝl], [ʹfæʃǝn], [ʹkʌmpǝnɪ]

Exercise 2. Pronounce the words observing the rules of reading.

entrepreneur, manufacture, receive, accessories, empire, perfect,

exquisite, century, own, remove, talk, experience, furniture

Exercise 3. Make these sentences interrogative.

1. You have got an old umbrella. 2. The Manager has got a difficult task.

3. The CEO has got a lot of responsibilities. 4. Our company has got two

urgent orders. 5. Our competitors have got great experience. 6. They have

got some weaknesses. 7. Their company makes exquisite products. 8. Our

department has got sophisticated staff. 9. Our employees work from 9 to 5

every day. 10. They own a new entertainment centre. 11. My colleagues

speak two foreign languages. 12. We sell good software.

Exercise 4. Make these sentences negative.

1. The accountant makes many reports. 2. The Sales Manager visits our

regular customers. 3. His company manufactures furniture. 4. Her

responsibilities include paperwork. 5. We research customer needs. 6. His

job encompasses a lot of tasks. 7. Giorgio Armani has got a large family.

8. Our business partners have got a lot of potential. 9. Modern consumers

have got a lot of varied interests. 10. This entrepreneur has got some ideas

about the future of his company. 11. Those shop assistants have got some

complaints. 12. Our competitors have got hundreds of shops worldwide.

Exercise 5. Put the adverbs of frequency given in brackets in the

appropriate places.

1. We work on Saturdays (sometimes). 2. They make plans for the week

(often). 3. He drives to work (usually). 4. He buys sophisticated clothes

(always). 5. Does he go on holiday to France (often)? 6. Do they build

apartments (usually)? 7. Do they choose our products (always)? 8. We come

late for work (never). 9. He speaks to the suppliers on the telephone (every

day). 10. They buy expensive things (seldom). 11. We don’t see our

employees (often). 12. The secretary doesn’t ask questions (usually).

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. У нас есть прекрасный штат сотрудников. 2. У его секретаря

много разных обязанностей. 3. У нее большой кабинет. 4. Мы рабо-

таем каждый день. 5. Секретарь в приемной часто отправляет факсы




клиентам. 6. У них есть новые образцы одежды? 7. Наши сотрудники

никогда не разговаривают во время работы. 8. Они редко делают

ошибки. 9. Она всегда начинает работу в 8 часов. 10. Мы иногда раз-

влекаем своих важных клиентов в ресторане. 11. Они не диктуют

моду. 12. Она обычно покупает косметику в магазине?



Text 1


Exercise 1. Read the text about Giorgio Armani.

Giorgio Armani (born July 11, 1934) is a famous Italian fashion

designer. He is one of the most influential fashion designers and

entrepreneurs of our time. His empire of sophisticated clothes, accessories,

furniture, cosmetics and real estate is great. He owns a chain of worldwide

cafes under the brand Emporio Armani Cafes. He loves to take risks and

set trends.

Exercise 2. Match the words (1–8) with their translations (A–H).

1. fashion A. предприниматель

2. designer B. аксессуары

3. entrepreneur C. империя, держава

4. empire D. дизайнер, конструктор

5. accessories E. недвижимое имущество

6. real estate F. мода, стиль, фасон

7. chain G. тенденция, направление

8. trend H. сеть, цепь, система


Exercise 3. Find in the text the adjectives which mean

1) everywhere in the world

2) big, important

3) known by many people

4) exquisite, fine

Exercise 4. Translate the attribute constructions from English into Russian.

a fashion designer, an entrepreneur of our time, the empire of

sophisticated clothes, a chain of worldwide cafes

Exercise 5. Say whether these sentences (1-8) are true or false. Use the


That’s right. That’s correct. That’s true.

It’s false. It’s incorrect. It’s not true.





1. Giorgio Armani is a Spanish designer.

2. Giorgio Armani designs furniture.

3. He is a very important man.

4. He is a famous industrialist.

5. People of the world know him.

6. His clothes are exquisite.

7. Giorgio Armani owns a lot of cafés.

8. He likes to set new tendencies.

Exercise 6. Answer the questions.

1. What is Giorgio Armani’s job?

2. Is Giorgio Armani a popular designer?

3. Does he design only clothes?

4. What kind of clothes does he make?

5. What else does he design?

6. Where are his cafes?

7. What is his brand name?

8. Does he like to take risks?

Exercise 7. Read the dialogue. Reproduce the dialogue in pairs.

– Do you know Giorgio Armani?

– Yes, I do. He is a famous designer.

– Does he design clothes?

– Yes, he does. But he also designs accessories, furniture and real

estate. He owns cafes too.

– Are his designs and cafes good?

– They are sophisticated.

– Would you like to have clothes from Armani?

– Yes, I would, but they are very expensive.


Exercise 8. Work in pairs. Ask each other questions about Giorgio Armani.


Exercise 9. Translate the text about Giorgio Armani from Russian into


Джорджо Армани — законодатель в мире моды. Он проектирует

эксклюзивную, коллекционную красивую одежду, аксессуары, часы,

мебель. Он — богатый и влиятельный человек. Он любит рисковать.

Многие актеры Голливуда любят покупать одежду Armani. Такие

имена, как Джулия Робертс, Леонардо ди Каприо, Джордж Клуни,

Джоди Фостер, Роберт де Ниро, Том Круз делают одежду Армани

популярной во всем мире.





Text 2


Exercise 1. Read the text about Giorgio Armani’s house in Milan.

Giorgio Armani lives and works in a 400-year-old palazzo (or palace).

The palazzo not only encompasses the design studio and Armani’s bi-level

apartment; it also has its own indoor pool, an apartment for Armani’s

widowed mother, and an apartment for his partner, Galeotti. And there is

a columned amphitheater where Armani shows his latest collections.

Exercise 2. Match the words (1–6) with their translations (A–F).

1. palazzo (palace) A. дизайн-студия

2. design studio B. амфитеатр с колоннами

3. bi-level apartment C. дворец, особняк

4. indoor pool D. двухуровневая квартира

5. widowed mother E. овдовевшая мать

6. columned amphitheatre F. крытый бассейн


Exercise 3. Find in the text the adjectives which mean

1) with tall vertical round posts

2) having two levels

3) belonging to somebody

4) inside

5) her husband is dead

6) new

Exercise 4. Say whether these sentences are true or false. Use the phrases:

That’s right. That’s correct. That’s true.

It’s false. It’s incorrect. It’s not true.

1. Giorgio Armani lives in a large beautiful expensive house.

2. Giorgio Armani’s father is dead.

3. There isn’t a design studio in Armani’s palace.

4. Every day Giorgio Armani goes to the city swimming pool.

5. Armani’s mother doesn’t live in his apartment.

6. Armani’s partner is Galeotti.

7. There is a round hall with tall vertical posts in Armani’s apartment.

8. Armani shows his new collections in his palace.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions about the text.

1. How old is Armani’s palace?

2. Does he work in his house?

3. What does the house encompass?

4. Has Armani’s mother got a husband?





5. Has Armani got a small apartment?

6. Does Galeotti live in Armani’s apartment?

7. Is there a columned amphitheatre in Armani’s palace?

8. What kind of collections does Armani show in his amphitheatre?

Exercise 6. Read the dialogue. Reproduce the dialogue in pairs.

– Where does Armani live?

– Oh, he lives in a beautiful palace.

– How many rooms are there?

– I know that there are apartments for Armani, his mother and even

his business partner there.

– I agree it is large. What else has Armani got in his house?

– He has got an indoor swimming pool and an amphitheatre.

– What is an amphitheatre?

– It is a large round hall with vertical posts.

– How does Armani use it?

– He shows his latest collections there.

Exercise 7. Work in pairs. Ask each other questions about Giorgio

Armani’s palace.


Exercise 8. Translate the text about Giorgio Armani’s house in Milan from

Russian into English.

Джорджо Армани — очень богатый человек. Он живет в огромном

особняке. В нем есть апартаменты для Армани, его овдовевшей ма-

тери и его партнера по бизнесу. Армани живет и работает в особняке.

Особняк вмещает крытый бассейн. Армани любит поплавать в нем.

В особняке есть амфитеатр с колоннами. Здесь Армани показывает

свои новые коллекции одежды.


Text 3


Exercise 1. Read the text about Giorgio Armani’s holiday home in Sicily.

Giorgio Armani has a holiday home in ancient Cossyra, an Italian

island in the Strait of Sicily in the Mediterranean Sea. There is the 17th

century-style salon there. There are wall-to-wall French windows. They

overlook the terrace and garden. Giorgio Armani’s Sicilian home is

a perfect spot for a family get-together, Armani style. It is the antithesis to

his hectic life in Milan as a fashion designer. The house is exquisite. But as

he says himself “I would like to fill it with personal objects, pictures and

remove that aesthetically ‘too perfect’ look. And I would like to make some

mistakes. I would like to bring the house closer to human nature.” He likes

to do things himself.





Exercise 2. Match the words (1–8) with their translations (A–H).

1. a holiday home A. место, зона

2. an island B. двустворчатое окно, доходящее до пола

3. a French window C. человеческая природа

4. a spot D. личные вещи

5. a get-together E. недвижимость за границей

6. hectic life F. встреча, вечеринка, сбор

7. personal objects G. беспокойный образ жизни

8. human nature H. остров

Exercise 3. Find in the text the words which mean

1) very old

2) a lounge, a living room

3) busy

4) ideal

5) elegant

6) own, individual

Exercise 4. Say whether these sentences are true or false. Use the phrases:

That’s right. That’s correct. That’s true.

It’s false. It’s incorrect. It’s not true.

1. Giorgio Armani has a holiday home in a very old city on an island.

2. There is the 17th century-style lounge in his holiday home.

3. The lounge overlooks the Mediterranean Sea.

4. Giorgio Armani’s home is an ideal place for the family parties.

5. The house is very simple.

6. The life on the island is slower than in Milan.

7. Giorgio Armani likes his house.

8. There are many personal things in the palace.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions about the text.

1. Is Armani’s holiday home on an island in Italy?

2. Where is the island?

3. What kind of salon is there in Armani’s house?

4. Are French windows in Armani’s house big?

5. What do they overlook?

6. Does Armani have a hectic life on the island?

7. Is his house exquisite?

8. Does it look perfect?

9. What would Armani like to change in his house?

10. What does he like to do in his holiday home?





Exercise 6. Read the dialogue. Reproduce the dialogue in pairs.

– You know, Giorgio Armani has a big house in the Mediterranean Sea.

– Yes, I do. It is on an Italian island in the Strait of Sicily.

– It is a beautiful place. Does he work there?

– No, he doesn’t. It is his holiday home.

– What does he do there?

– His life isn’t hectic. He swims in the sea, he meets his family. It is an

ideal place for a family get-together.

– But he doesn’t like the exquisite look of the house. He wants to fill it

with personal things.

– Yes. He says he would like to bring it closer to human nature.

Exercise 7. Work in pairs. Ask each other questions about Giorgio

Armani’s Sicilian home.


Exercise 8. Translate the text about Giorgio Armani’s house in Sicily from

Russian into English.

Когда Джорджо Армани находится в Милане, он много работает.

Его жизненный ритм очень напряженный. Но он имеет недвижи-

мость на острове в Сицилийском проливе. Это изысканное место для

отдыха. Там есть салон с французским окном во всю стену. Оно вы-

ходит на террасу и в сад. Недалеко от дома море. Он плавает в нем.

Иногда он принимает гостей. Его семья часто приезжает к нему по-

тому, что дом — идеальное место для семейных встреч. В доме много

элегантных вещей и мебели, но Армани хочет наполнить его своими

личными вещами. Он не хочет быть идеальным. Ему бы хотелось

иногда совершать ошибки.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-13; просмотров: 97 | Нарушение авторских прав

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