Читайте также:
Exercise 1. Произнесите слова, соблюдая правила чтения.
she, chain, watch, this, that, thin, phone, quite, knee, knife, long, song,
ring, thank, bank, pay, they, doctor, manager, goal, what
Exercise 2. Произнесите личные местоимения и выучите их.
I [aɪ] — я
We [wi:] — мы
You [ju:] — ты You [ju:] — вы
He [hi:] — он They [ðeɪ] — они
She [ʃi:] — она
It [ɪt] — он, она, оно (неодуш.)
Exercise 3. Произнесите новые слова и запомните их перевод.
clock — настенные часы, watch — наручные часы, task — задача,
teacher — учитель, driver — водитель, pilot — лётчик, engineer — инже-
нер, customer — потребитель/клиент, director — директор, transport
manager — начальник транспортного отдела, sales manager — менеджер
по продажам, accountant — бухгалтер, writer — писатель, goal — цель
Exercise 4. Образуйте множественное число существительных по об-
разцу. Обратите внимание на произношение окончания
множественного числа существительных.
Образец: task — tasks / задача — задачи
clock, bank, park, map, desk, lamp, bet, pilot, accountant
knee, chain, ring, song, goal, sale, inn, sample, log, firm, umbrella, car,
brand, teacher, driver, engineer, customer, director, manager, doctor,
cleaner, queen
[ ɪz]
watch, dress, mass, class, actress
Exercise 5. Запомните формы глагола to be — быть, являться, нахо-
диться. Произнесите предложения и переведите их с анг-
лийского языка на русский.
1. I am a Sales Manager. 2. He is an engineer. 3. She is a secretary. 4. We
are accountants. 5. You are doctors. 6. They are customers. 7. Am I a pilot?
8. Are you a transport manager? 9. Is she a cleaner? 10. Is it a car? 11. Are
we actresses? 12. Are they teachers?
Exercise 6. Произнесите вслух вопросы. Ответьте на них утверди-
тельно и отрицательно. Используйте данный образец.
Образец: Is he an engineer? — Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
1. Are you a secretary? 2. Is he a pilot? 3. Is it an umbrella? 4. Is she an
engineer? 5. Am I a cleaner? 6. Are we customers? 7. Are you doctors?
8. Are they accountants? 9. Are we drivers? 10. Are they writers?
Exercise 7. Выучите следующие указательные местоимения в един-
ственном и множественном числе. Произнесите вслух
словосочетания с ними. Переведите словосочетания с
английского языка на русский.
this [ðɪs] — этот these [ði:z] — эти
that [ðæt] — тот those [ðǝuz] — те
· this map, this car, this pilot, this doctor, this teacher, this actress,
this goal, this task;
· these firms, these samples, these time logs, these bets, these
brands, these watches;
· that lamp, that desk, that driver, that accountant, that cleaner, that
inn, that queen;
· those desks, those songs, those rings, those chains, those phones,
those clocks.
Exercise 8. Произнесите следующие вопросы и ответы. Переведите
их с английского языка на русский. Используйте образец.
What is it? — It is a watch. Что это? — Это часы.
What is he/she? — He/she is an accountant. Чем он/она занимается?
Он/она — бухгалтер.
What are they? — They are doctors/They are desks. Чем они занима-
ются?/Они врачи. Что это?/Это столы.
1. What is it? It is a sample. 2. What is it? It is a map. 3. What is it? It is
an inn. 4. What is he? He is a Transport Manager. 5. What is he? He is
a driver. 6. What is she? She is a secretary. 7. What is she? She is a teacher.
8. What are they? They are phones. 9. What are they? They are time logs.
10. What are they? They are writers. 11. What are you? I am a Sales
Manager. 12. What are you? We are accountants.
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