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HOMEWORK. Exercise 1. Pronounce these words using the transcription given below.

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Exercise 1. Pronounce these words using the transcription given below.

[′i:ŋglɪʃ], [dɪ′tǝ:mɪn], [kǝ͵mju:nɪ′keɪʃǝn], [fɛǝ], [mʌst], [kæn], [kα:nt],

[′mʌnɪ], [kǝ′læbǝreɪt], [′ænǝlaɪz],

Exercise 2. Pronounce the words observing the rules of reading.

calmly, relative, important, sophisticated, consumer, industrialist,

competitor, weakness, varied, cofounder, nearly, bad-tempered

Exercise 3. Use can or must in the sentences. Translate the sentences from

English into Russia.

1. I … speak English at an English lesson. 2. He … do his job well. 3. We

… determine our goals. 4. A manager … have good communication skills.

5. The company … organize a fair in Moscow. 6. The director …. buy

exquisite products.

Exercise 4. Ask general questions.

1. Our Financial Manager must speak to the suppliers. 2. We must

ensure that it is an exclusive contract. 3. The contract must include the

terms of delivery. 4. They can use varied techniques in their work. 5. He can

conduct this experiment. 6. He must have managerial skills.

Exercise 5. Ask w/h questions using the question words in brackets.

1. You must choose a new candidate for this post (what). 2. The

employee must come to work in time (when). 3. He can buy an expensive

apartment (what kind of). 4. We must stay at work for eight hours (how

long). 5. Our new Director can do his duties well (how). 6. They must

identify their competitors now (who).

Exercise 6. Answer these questions about yourself.

1. Must you come to the University every day? 2. Must a Product

Manager count money? 3. Must you analyze the market today? 4. Can

a Transport Manager drive a car? 5. Can you lead and motivate a group of

people? 6. Can you collaborate with foreign firms?




Text 1


Exercise 1. Read the text about Steven S. Reinemund.

Steve Reinemund is Wake Forest University’s new Dean of Business

with supervisory responsibility for Calloway School of Business and




Accountancy and the Babcock Graduate School of Management. As Dean

at Wake Forest University he has a lot of responsibilities. He must head

both of the University’s business schools and promote collaboration

between them. He must create opportunities for students. In fact, he must

ensure that students receive the most comprehensive educational


He has great experience in management. “He has the title “The World’s

most respected CEO” and he is one of top 25 managers in the world”,

Business Week Magazine says. He can do his job well. He can lead students

and staff and motivate them. He can set a good example to his students and


Exercise 2. Match the words (1–8) with their translations (A–H).

1. dean A. сотрудничество

2. responsibility B. декан

3. accountancy C. управление

4. management D. школа, кафедра

5. school E. обязанность

6. collaboration F. бухгалтерский учет

7. opportunity G. служащий, сотрудник

8. employee H. возможность

Exercise 3. Find in the text the words which mean

1) administrative, managerial

2) wide, all-round

3) academic

4) lead, direct

5) make, produce

6) guarantee, supply

7) help, support

8) practice, skill

Exercise 4. Say whether these sentences are true or false. Use the phrases:

That’s right. That’s correct. That’s true.

It’s false. It’s incorrect. It’s not true.

1. Steve Reinemund is a new leader of two schools.

2. He has many duties.

3. He has administrative responsibility.

4. He must guarantee his staff’s promotion.

5. He must ensure that his students get all-round practice.

6. Steve Reinemund has few skills in management.

7. He can’t do his job well.

8. He can’t motivate students.




Exercise 5. Answer the questions about the text.

1. What is Steve Reinemund’s job?

2. What schools must he manage?

3. What must he do in his job?

4. Has he got great experience in management?

5. Can he do his job well?

6. What titles has he got?

7. What magazine writes about him?

8. Can he set a good example to his students and the staff?


Exercise 6. Read the dialogue. Reproduce the dialogue in pairs.

– Hi, Peter.

– Hi, Jack.

– You know we have a new Dean.

– Really. Where is he from?

– He is from New York. He is a well-known man.

– Has he got a good reputation?

– He has got an MBA in management and great experience as CEO of


– Has he got a family?

– Yes, he has. He has got a wife and four children. He likes them very


– He is a businessman. Can he work at the university?

– Yes, he can. He has got managerial skills. He can lead and motivate


– I bet he is an interesting man. We must go to the dean’s office now. I

would like to meet him.


Exercise 7. Work in pairs. Ask each other questions about Steve

Reinemund’s job responsibilities.


Exercise 8. Translate the text about Steve Reinemund from Russian into


Стив Рейнемунд — американец. Он — из Нью-Йорка. Он — очень

хороший менеджер. Он имеет звание «Самый уважаемый генераль-

ный директор в мире». Сейчас он декан школы бизнеса и бухгалтер-

ского учета и школы управления в американском университете Wake

Forest. У него много обязанностей. Он должен развивать сотрудни-

чество между двумя школами. Он должен создавать новые возмож-

ности для студентов и помогать им получать всестороннее образова-






Стив Рейнемунд умеет работать эффективно. Он может изменить

жизнь студентов и сотрудников в университете и сделать университет



Text 2


Exercise 1. Read the text about Philippe Patrick Starck.

Philippe Patrick Starck (born January 18, 1949, Paris) is a well-known

French product designer. His designs range from interior designs to mass

produced consumer goods such as toothbrushes, chairs, and even houses.

His home town is New York.

He can create both expensive and relatively inexpensive product designs

for large American retailer stores. His most recent notable designs include

an optical mouse for Microsoft, yachts and new packaging for a beer

company. His wireless speakers for the iPod and iPhone known as the

Zikmu Parrot are very popular. He can re-design the interior of some

Eurostar trains. He can also design information panels which we can see in

the streets of Paris.

Now Starck is under an exclusive contract with a nightclub mogul Sam

Nazarian. He must design Nazarian’s new hotel brand in Los Angeles at

Beverly Hills. He must also work with the Pramac energy group. He must

produce a design for windmills.



Exercise 2. Match the words (1–8) with their translations (A–H).

1. product designer A. беспроводной динамик

2. consumer goods B. магазин розничной торговли

3. retailer store C. потребительские товары

4. optical mouse D. табло

5. packaging E. разработчик продукта

6. wireless speaker F. оптическая мышь

7. information panel G. упаковка

8. windmill H. ветряная мельница

Exercise 3. Find in the text the words which mean

1) famous

2) special, great

3) inside

4) cheap

5) new, latest

6) important

7) well-known

8) more or less




Exercise 4. Say whether these sentences are true or false. Use the phrases:

That’s right. That’s correct. That’s true.

It’s false. It’s incorrect. It’s not true.

1. Philippe Patrick Starck is a famous French product designer.

2. He designs only mass produced consumer goods.

3. He can create inexpensive product designs for large French retailer


4. He can’t design the interior of Eurostar trains or the information

panels for the streets of Paris.

5. His most popular designs are wireless speakers for the iPod and

iPhone known as the Zikmu Parrot.

6. Now Starck is under an exclusive contract with a British designer Sir

Jonathan Paul “Jony” Ive.

7. He designs hotels at Beverly Hills.

8. He must also create a design for windmills.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions about the text.

1. Where does Philippe Patrick Starck come from?

2. Is he a popular product designer?

3. What does he design?

4. Are his designs cheap or expensive?

5. What do his most recent notable designs include?

6. Are his wireless speakers for the iPod and iPhone very popular?

7. What contract is Starck under now?

8. What must he design for Nazarian?

Exercise 6. Read the dialogue. Reproduce the dialogue in pairs.

– Do you know Philippe Patrick Starck?

– Yes, I do. He is an American product designer.

– No, he isn’t. He is a French product designer. But his home town is

New York. His designs range from toothbrushes, chairs and new packaging

for a beer company to yachts and houses.

– That’s right. His wireless speakers for the iPod and iPhone known as

the Zikmu Parrot are very popular. I would like to have them.

– You can’t buy them. They are very expensive.

– Yes, I know. He designs things for wealthy people. In fact, he designs

exquisite things.

– What else can he design?

– Well, he can design the interior of Eurostar trains and the street

information panels.

– Great.

– Who does he work with now?

– He works with the nightclub mogul Sam Nazarian.




– What must he do for him?

– He must design his new hotel brand in Los Angeles at Beverly Hills.

– Oh, it is very interesting.

Exercise 7. Work in pairs. Ask each other questions about Philippe Patrick

Starck’s projects.


Exercise 8. Translate the text about Philippe Patrick Starck from Russian

into English.

Филипп Патрик Старк — знаменитый французский дизайнер. Он

проектирует как сравнительно дешевые изделия, так и очень дорогие.

Вы можете купить его изделия в магазинах розничной торговли в

Нью-Йорке. Но он более популярен среди состоятельных людей. Он

может проектировать изысканные зубные щетки, стулья и даже дома.

Он также может создавать интерьеры для очень дорогих поездов,

информационные табло. Вы можете видеть эти информационные

табло напротив известных музеев Парижа. У него много целей и пла-

нов на будущее. Сейчас Старк должен сотрудничать с очень влия-

тельным человеком, который владеет сетью отелей в Лос-Анджелесе

на Беверли Хилс. Старк — очень уважаемый человек.


Text 3


Exercise 1. Read the text about a brand manager.

The work of a brand manager is difficult. His /her duties are varied.

They must increase the popularity of brands among target customers,

conduct an in-depth consumer analysis which determines the image/

demand of a brand. They must also attend trade fairs, exhibitions and

conferences. They must promote brands, analyze competitors and identify

their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

Brand managers must have good sales and marketing skills. They receive

a job if they can work effectively and can lead a brand’s PR campaign.

Exercise 2. Match the words (1–8) with their translations (A-H).

1. threat A. угроза, риск

2. target customer B. конкурент

3. consumer C. спрос

4. demand D. целевой покупатель

5. strength E. сила, преимущество

6. competitor F. слабость, недостаток

7. weakness G. возможность

8. opportunity H. потребитель




Exercise 3. Find in the text the words which mean

1) different

2) all-round

3) productively

4) lead

5) choose

6) find

7) experience

8) a model

Exercise 4. Say whether these sentences are true or false. Use the phrases:

That’s right. That’s correct. That’s true.

It’s false. It’s incorrect. It’s not true.

1. The work of a brand manager is easy.

2. A brand manager’s duties are different.

3. Brand managers must ensure that brands are more popular with their

target customer.

4. The all-round consumer analysis must determine the image/demand

of a brand.

5. Brand managers mustn’t attend trade fairs, exhibitions or


6. Brand managers can identify the Strengths, Weaknesses,

Opportunities and Threats of their brands.

7. Brand managers must have experience in marketing.

8. Brand managers must know how to lead a brand’s PR campaign.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions about the text.

1. Is the work of a brand manager easy or difficult?

2. Must brand managers increase the popularity of brands among target


3. How can they determine the image/demand of a brand?

4. What must they attend?

5. Why must brand managers attend trade fairs, exhibitions and


6. Must they lead a brand’s PR campaign?

7. What kind of skills must brand managers have?

8. What kind of people can work as brand managers?

Exercise 6. Read the dialogue. Reproduce the dialogue in pairs.

– Jack, I want to be a brand manager.

– Oh, it is a difficult job, Steve. You must have good skills.

– What skills must I have?

– You must have experience in sales and marketing.




– What does the work of a brand manager include?

– Well, brand managers must know how to increase the popularity of

brands among target customers, analyze competitors and identify

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of their projects.

– I can make a brand popular with the customers, but I can’t work with


– Well, it isn’t easy. You must study hard.

Exercise 7. Work in pairs. Ask each other questions about a brand

manager’s responsibilities. Can you work as a brand manager?


Exercise 8. Translate the text about a brand manager’s job from Russian

into English.

Работа бренд-менеджера нелегкая. Она важная и уважаемая. У

бренд-менеджера много обязанностей. Он занят каждый день. Он

должен ходить на выставки, ярмарки и конференции. Он должен

работать с потребителями и конкурентами. Он должен проводить

анализ достоинств, недостатков, возможностей и рисков своих про-

ектов. Он не может делать ошибки. Он должен быть умным и


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