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Exercise 1. Transcribe these words.
demand, launch, because, collaboration, marketing, transaction,
changes, almost, reliable, industrialist, project
Exercise 2. Pronounce the words observing the rules of reading.
new, charitable, initiative, target, strength, prestigious, numerous,
career, fashionable, emerge
Exercise 3. Write these sentences in the Future Simple making the
necessary changes.
1. We always compare these products. 2. It impacts the future of our
company. 3. New markets emerge every year. 4. The annual conference
takes place in Moscow this year. 5. We operate in different countries. 6. The
company invests only in profitable projects.
Exercise 4. Make these sentences interrogative using the question words
given in brackets.
1. Our new strategy will bring about great changes (what). 2. The
negotiation will take place at 10 o’clock on Monday (when). 3. The new
product will bring significant revenues (what kind of). 4. The new
accountant is going to introduce flexi time in the Department (where).
5. We are going to meet our clients in the company office (who). 6. They
are going to arrange a technical demonstration in August (what).
Exercise 5. Translate the form given in brackets from Russian into English.
1. The marketing Manager (расскажет) about the company plans for
the next year. 2. Our Department (собирается работать) overtime on
Saturday. 3. The secretary (выберет) the most beautiful and inexpensive
gifts. 4. We (собираемся показать) our collection at the exhibition next
month. 5. We (оставим) our personal things in the hall. 6. We (будем по-
лагаться) only on the most sophisticated machinery.
Exercise 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1. Конференция будет проходить в комнате переговоров. 2. Про-
ект будет выполняться в соответствии с договором. 3. Вы собираетесь
покупать новое оборудование? 4. Мы не будем сравнивать эти два
подхода. 5. Он укажет вам новые направления развития модельного
бизнеса. 6. Отдел имеет намерение ускорить весь процесс.
Text 1
Exercise 1. Read the text about the future of e-commerce. Pay attention
to the Future Simple forms.
The introduction of e-commerce will bring about a shift in consumer
behavior. The Internet will provide consumers with instant access to
information and will enable them to compare, shop and purchase items
anytime and anywhere. The increase in access to information will inform
consumers about companies, products, services, pricing and product
availability. Moreover, consumers will be aware of problems, recalls, and
scandals. All the above indicates that the landscape will change and the line
between online and offline shopping will blur. In addition, this change will
take effect more rapidly than expected and will impact tomorrow’s way of
doing business. Change will be particularly noticeable in certain categories
of consumer products.
Women will represent the majority of the online market, in which the
biggest opportunities will lay at affluent women and mom consumers.
95% of smartphone users will rely on mobile search. This is extremely
important as the smartphone will become the first screen in the coming
The key to success will be a personalized online shopping experience.
Companies will connect with consumers and offer personalized offers or
recommendations according to consumers’ characteristics. It will be
essential for them to develop innovative and interactive online shopping
models as well as understand consumer needs through customer data
Although the Internet will increase in importance, in 2020 there still
will be a place for physical stores.
Exercise 2. Match the words and word combinations (1–8) with their
translations (A–H).
1. e-commerce A. отозвание/отмена
2. shift B. сдвиг/изменение
3. consumer behavior C. интернет-магазины
4. instant access D. электронная торговля
5. product availability E. поведение потребителя
6. recall F. мгновенный доступ
7. online shopping G. поход по магазинам
8. offline shopping H. наличие товара
Exercise 3. Find in the text the words which mean
1) leading, progressive
2) quick
3) rich
4) individual
5) you can see it
6) conversational
Exercise 4. Say whether these sentences are true or false. Use the phrases:
That’s right. That’s correct. That’s true.
It’s false. It’s incorrect. It’s not true.
1. The introduction of e-commerce will lead to changes in consumer
2. The Internet will enable customers to buy items anytime and
3. There will be no difference between online and offline shopping in
the future.
4. There will be fewer women on the online market.
5. The biggest opportunities will lay at rich women and mom
6. Consumers will use smartphones for shopping.
7. Companies won’t try to understand their consumers.
8. The Internet shopping will be more popular in 2020.
Exercise 5. Answer the questions about the text.
1. What kind of shift will the introduction of e-commerce bring about?
2. How fast will the access to information be?
3. What will the Internet shops inform consumers about?
4. What will consumers be aware of?
5. Where will change be particularly noticeable?
6. What category of consumers will represent the majority of the online
7. How many smartphone users will rely on mobile search?
8. What will be essential for companies?
Exercise 6. Read the dialogue. Reproduce the dialogue in pairs.
– What role will e-commerce play in the future?
– I think its introduction will bring about a shift in consumer behavior.
– What do you mean?
– I mean that e-commerce will enable consumers to purchase things
anytime and anywhere. Can you imagine that?
– Oh, it is really fantastic. But who will inform consumers about new
products and services?
– E-commerce will give consumers direct access to all kinds of
– Does it mean that the line between online and offline shopping will
– Of course. Moreover, the change will take effect very rapidly.
– What categories of consumers will get the biggest opportunities?
– I think, affluent women and young mothers will.
– Will companies offer personalized offers?
– Yes, sure, because companies will develop interactive online
shopping models.
– Will there be physical stores?
– Of course.
Exercise 7. Work in pairs. Ask each other questions about the advantages
of online shopping.
Exercise 8. Translate the text about the future of online shopping from
Russian into English.
В будущем электронная коммерция будет играть более суще-
ственную роль. Она даст возможность покупателю осуществлять по-
купку товара в любом месте и в любое время. Это будет очень удоб-
ный вид торговли, поскольку покупателям не придется посещать
много магазинов, чтобы найти нужный товар. Покупатель будет
иметь прямой доступ к информации о товаре в сети Интернет. Он-
лайн шопинг будет развиваться и совершенствоваться. Разные кате-
гории покупателей получат более широкие возможности для шо-
пинга. Компании будут изучать предпочтения своих потребителей и
будут делать индивидуальные предложения, например, состоятель-
ным женщинам и молодым матерям. Электронная торговля — это
наше будущее, но это не значит, что больше не будет магазинов роз-
ничной торговли.
Text 2
Exercise 1. Read the text about the consumer spending growth in emerging
It is not surprising that 70 million new consumers will enter the global
middle class. Each year a great majority will come from emerging
markets. It will result in a substantial rise of consumer spending in these
markets. This is in line with the anticipation that a disproportionate share
of global growth of consumer spending will indeed take place in emerging
Additionally, besides the fact that the workforce is young and growing
in emerging markets, the amount of women that become educated will rise
rapidly as well. In many of the BRICS countries girl and boy enrollments
of primary and secondary schools are almost equal. This development will
speed up the increase in female labor participation. Currently, on average
39% of the labor force of the emerging countries is female, hence this trend
will increase the amount of two-income households and result in an
increase of discretionary income and consumer spending.
Exercise 2. Match the words (1–6) with their translations (A–F).
1. emerging market A. трудовые ресурсы
2. consumer spending B. страны БРИКС (Бразилия, Россия,
Индия, Китай, ЮАР)
3. workforce C. прием, зачисление
4. BRICS countries D. потребительские расходы
5. enrollment E. семья, домашнее хозяйство
6. household F. формирующийся рынок
Exercise 3. Find in the text the adjectives which mean
1) big, great
2) worldwide
3) informed, read
4) the same
5) women’s
6) optional
Exercise 4. Say whether these sentences are true or false. Use the phrases:
That’s right. That’s correct. That’s true.
It’s false. It’s incorrect. It’s not true.
1. 50 million new consumers will enter the global middle class in the
2. The majority of new consumers will come from growing markets.
3. There will be a great rise in consumer spending soon.
4. The amount of educated women will go down rapidly.
5. The equal number of boys and girls in schools will speed up the
increase in women’s labor participation.
6. The number of two-income households will go up in the emerging
markets in the next decade.
Exercise 5. Answer the questions about the text.
1. How many consumers will enter the global middle class?
2. What percentage of consumers will come to the middle class from
emerging markets?
3. Will this tendency result in a substantial rise of consumer spending in
these markets?
4. Is the workforce in emerging markets young and growing?
5. What kind of development will speed up the increase in female labor
6. What is discretionary income? Why will it rise?
Exercise 6. Read the dialogue. Reproduce the dialogue in pairs.
– What are you going to do tonight?
– I am going to analyze the emerging markets. You know they will play
a great role in the global economy soon.
– What is an emerging market?
– Oh, it is very simple. Emerging markets or emerging economies are
nations in which social or business activity is in the process of rapid growth
and industrialization.
– Can you give examples of emerging economies?
– Sure. They are China, Brazil, Russia, India, Mexico, Indonesia, and
– Yes, I know about the BRICS countries. The labour force of these
countries is increasing.
– That’s right. As a result the consumer spending in these countries will
rise too. I am going to write a report on this.
– It is a very interesting topic. I hope you will write a good report.
Exercise 7. Work in pairs. Ask each other questions about the consumer
spending growth in Russia.
Exercise 8. Translate the text about the BRICS countries from Russian into
БРИКС (англ. BRICS) — группа из пяти быстроразвивающихся
стран: Бразилия, Россия, Индия, Китай, Южно-Африканская Рес-
публика. За счет роста этих экономик во многом будет обеспечи-
ваться будущий рост мировой экономики. К 2050 году эти пять стран
могут стать доминирующими экономическими системами. Китай и
Индия будут доминирующими глобальными поставщиками товаров
промышленного назначения и услуг, а Бразилия и Россия станут до-
минирующими поставщиками сырья.
Text 3
Exercise 1. Read the text about the Coca-Cola Company.
The Coca-Cola Company is a truly global company, and it operates in
over 200 countries around the world. The Coca-Cola employees make
a difference everywhere they work. If one wants a career that can take him/
her places, they’ll like what they find at The Coca-Cola Company. The
Company will invest in the people and the technologies that will power the
company for years to come.
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