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HOMEWORK. Exercise 1. Pronounce these words using the transcription given below.

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Exercise 1. Pronounce these words using the transcription given below.

[′ɪndɔ:], [′kʌmfǝt], [ɪks′perɪmǝnt], [gǝ�l], [′ʃedju:l], [læk], [pǝ′sepʃǝn],

[′strætǝdʒɪ], [ɪs′tæblɪʃ]

Exercise 2. Pronounce the words observing the rules of reading.

incorporate, hasten, proceed, complain, raise, exquisite, notable,

accessories, secretary, arrival, wages, magazine

Exercise 3. Complete these sentences using the correct verb form.

1. He is going … paperwork.

a) to eliminate b) eliminate c) eliminating

2. Our customers are … about the low quality of the product.

a) complain b) complaining c) to complain

3. The Financial Officer …. several employees now.

a) receive b) receives c) is receiving

4. The Company … a new subsidiary in S. Petersburg next year.

a) is going to open b) is opening c) open

5. My colleague … to visit an international trade fair.

a) going b) goes c) is going

6. … they buying real estate in London?

a) Are b) Is c) Do


Exercise 4. Make these sentences interrogative using the question words in


1. My groupmate is going to change his job (what). 2. Our rivals are

losing their market share very quickly (how). 3. They are going to launch

a new product this year (when). 4. The Personnel Manager is waiting for

new employees (who). 5. We are trying to finish the work in time (what).

6. They are discussing an interesting idea now (what kind of).





Exercise 5. Translate the word combinations from English into Russian.

excessive paperwork, lack of money, departure lounge, the arrival of the

delegation, to change the time schedule, high-quality goods

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. В настоящий момент он ждет нас в зале отлетов. 2. Мы думаем

о прибытии делегации из Канады. 3. Мой сослуживец просит началь-

ника изменить его график работы. 4. Мы собираемся выпустить но-

вый продукт на рынок. 5. Я пытаюсь сконцентрироваться. 6. Наш

отдел работает над улучшением качества продукта.





Text 1


Exercise 1. Read the text about Joseph Juran.

My name is Joseph Juran. I am a Quality Manager. I am working with

Western Electric in Chicago. The factory is enormous. There are 40,000

workers in it. It is my office. It is morning. It is 8 o’clock. I am sitting at my

desk. It is noisy in the office but I am trying to concentrate. I am writing

a book about Quality Control. In fact I want to incorporate the human

aspect into quality management. It isn’t easy. Together with my team I am

going to eliminate excessive paperwork and hasten the arrival of supplies to

the factory.

Exercise 2. Match the words (1–6) with their translations (A–F).

1. quality manager A. контроль качества

2. quality control B. запасы, поставки

3. quality management C. человеческий фактор

4. human aspect D. управление качеством

5. team E. менеджер по качеству

6. supplies F. команда, бригада

Exercise 3. Find in the text the words which mean

1) unnecessary

2) accelerate, hurry

3) great

4) company, business, plant

5) liquidate, rule out

6) loud

Exercise 4. Say whether these sentences are true or false. Use the phrases:

That’s right. That’s correct. That’s true.



It’s false. It’s incorrect. It’s not true.

1. Joseph Juran is a product manager.

2. He is working for an American company.

3. His factory is small.

4. He is at work now.

5. He is busy.

6. There aren’t any employees near him.

7. His task isn’t easy.

8. He is going to rule out unnecessary paperwork.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions about the text.

1. What is Joseph’s job?

2. Where does he work?

3. How many workers are there in his company?

4. Where is he now?

5. Is it noisy in the office?

6. What is he doing now?

7. What is his book about?

8. What is he going to do?

Exercise 6. Read the dialogue. Reproduce the dialogue in pairs.

– Hi, Joseph. Are you working today?

– Yes, it is Friday. I usually begin my work at 8 o’clock.

– Is there much work to do?

– Yes, there is. I am very busy.

– What are you doing at the moment?

– I am working on my book.

– What is the book about?

– It is about Quality Management.

– Oh, it is very interesting.

– I am trying to incorporate the human aspect into Quality Control.

You know, I would like to eliminate excessive paperwork.

– Is it so important?

– Yes, it is. I want to hasten the arrival of supplies to the factory. I am

trying to understand how to do this.

Exercise 7. Work in pairs. Ask each other questions about Joseph Juran’s

work and his intentions.


Exercise 8. Translate the text about Joseph Juran from Russian into


Познакомьтесь, это — Джозеф Журан. Он работает на большом

заводе. Сейчас он в офисе. Он занят. Ему надо сделать важное дело.

Он старается сосредоточиться, потому что в офисе много людей и



очень шумно. Джозеф Журан работает над книгой. Ему бы хотелось

инкорпорировать человеческий фактор в управление качеством. Он

знает, что контроль качества — трудная задача. Он пытается ускорить

поступление поставок на завод и устранить чрезмерные рабочие на-

грузки. Это — его основная цель сейчас. Он также работает над со-

кращением объема бумажной работы.


Text 2


Exercise 1. Read the text about Jonathan Ive.

Look at Jonathan Ive. He comes from Chingford, London. But now he

lives in San Francisco. He knows industrial design. He has many technical

and drawing skills. His interests are very broad — from furniture and

jewellery to boats and cars and computers. His positive perception of the

Apple user experience is significant because he feels it is a departure from

the lack of creativity in computer design. Ive has his own laboratory with

an appointed design team. His most popular products are the iMac and

many other designs such as the iPod and the iPhone. He is working on

a new product now. He is not going to stop. He is going to proceed to

establish the firm’s leading position with a series of functionally clean,

aesthetically pleasing, and remarkably popular products.

Based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Ive


Exercise 2. Match the words (1–6) with their translations (A–F).

1. drawing skills A. продолжать

2. positive perception B. укрепить, упрочить

3. a departure from C. навыки рисования/черчения

4. lack of creativity D. позитивное восприятие

5. to proceed E. отсутствие креативности

6. to establish F. отход от чего-либо

Exercise 3. Find in the text the words which mean

1) wide

2) great, important

3) personal

4) head

5) nice, good

6) most, very

7) fixed

8) different, varied

Exercise 4. Say whether these sentences are true or false. Use the phrases:

That’s right. That’s correct. That’s true.




It’s false. It’s incorrect. It’s not true.

1. Jonathan Ive comes from Greater London.

2. His interests are varied.

3. His positive perception of the Apple user is a departure from the lack

of creativity in computer design.

4. He hasn’t got a laboratory of his own.

5. His most popular product is iMac.

6. He is working on a more sophisticated product now.

7. He is going to make the position of his firm more powerful.

8. He is going to create aesthetically pleasant and remarkably popular


Exercise 5. Answer the questions about the text.

1. Where does Jonathan Ive come from?

2. Where does he live now?

3. What kind of skills has he got?

4. What are his interests?

5. Why is his positive perception of the Apple user experience


6. Has Jonathan Ive got an appointed design team?

7. What are his most popular designs?

8. What is he working on now?

9. Is he going to stop?

10. What is he going to do?

Exercise 6. Read the dialogue. Reproduce the dialogue in pairs.

– Have you got the iMac or iPod?

– Yes, I have. Why are you asking me about it?

– Do you know who the designer is? It is Jonathan Ive.

– I think the inventor is Steve Jobs.

– You are not right. It is Jonathan Ive from Apple where Steve Jobs is

the CEO.

– Oh, I see.

– Do you like the product?

– Yes, I do. It is very sophisticated. I can use it for my educational

needs. I like such devices. I hope Jonathan Ive is going to invent a new

model soon.

– You are right. He is working on it now. He thinks quality and

creativity are the most important things for a designer.

Exercise 7. Work in pairs. Ask each other questions about Jonathan Ive’s

ideas and ambitions.




Exercise 8. Translate the text about Jonathan Ive’s inventions from Russian

into English.

Джонатан Айв — англо-американский дизайнер. Сейчас он рабо-

тает в компании Apple в отделе промышленного дизайна. Он — глав-

ный разработчик iMac. Он создатель самого легкого и самого тонкого

ноутбука 2003 года. Он умеет делать многое. Он может проектировать

мебель, ювелирные украшения, лодки, автомобили и компьютеры.

Он — очень современный и творческий человек. Его позитивное

восприятие пользователей компании Apple играет важную роль.

У него своя собственная лаборатория и команда. Он работает много

и эффективно. Сейчас он разрабатывает новый усовершенство-

ванный продукт, и он не собирается останавливаться на достигнутом.


Text 3


Exercise 1. Read the text about problems with personnel.

I am a team leader. My name is Oleg. I have a lot of responsibilities. My

days are hectic. Now I am in my office. I am speaking with my employees.

They are complaining about the overwork. They are not happy with their

wages. I am trying to comfort them and explain that the company is going

to change their time schedule and to raise their pay. I am always honest with

them and they believe me.

Exercise 2. Match the words (1–8) with their translations (A–H).

1. responsibility A. график работы

2. employee B. служащий, работник

3. overwork C. руководитель группы

4. wage D. объяснять

5. time schedule E. обязанность

6. team leader F. заработная плата

7. complain G. сверхурочная работа

8. explain H. жаловаться

Exercise 3. Find in the text the words which mean

1) busy

2) moral, ethical

3) increase

4) trust

5) give money for work

6) calm down

Exercise 4. Say whether these sentences are true or false. Use the phrases:

That’s right. That’s correct. That’s true.




It’s false. It’s incorrect. It’s not true.

1. Oleg is the head in the team.

2. His days aren’t busy.

3. He isn’t at work now.

4. He is talking to his workers.

5. The employees aren’t happy with their work.

6. The company is going to change the workers’ time schedule and to

raise their pay.

7. Oleg is a moral person.

8. The workers trust him.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions about the text.

1. Has Oleg got a lot of responsibilities?

2. Are his days hectic?

3. Where is he now?

4. What is he doing?

5. What are his employees complaining about now?

6. Are they happy with their wages?

7. What is the team leader trying to do now?

8. What is the company going to do?

9. Do the employees believe their leader?

10. Is he an honest person?

Exercise 6. Read the dialogue. Reproduce the dialogue in pairs.

– Hello, is it 683 42 17? Can I speak to Oleg, please?

– Speaking.

– Oh, hello, Oleg. This is Steve. Where are you at the moment?

– I am in my office and I am very busy.

– Really? What are you doing?

– You know, my employees are complaining.

– What are they complaining about? Are they displeased with you?

– No, they are complaining about overwork and low wages?

– What are you going to do?

– I am going to speak to my manager. I am going to explain to him that

my subordinates are nervous. I am going to try to help them. I know they

trust me.

– You are right. You can help them and you must help them.

Exercise 7. Work in pairs. Ask each other questions about Oleg’s problems.


Exercise 8. Translate the text about Oleg from Russian into English.

Олег — руководитель группы. Он работает в крупной компании в

Москве. Он — умный и талантливый руководитель. Но сейчас у него

проблемы. Его работники недовольны. Они нервничают. Им не нра-



вится их рабочий график и перегрузки. Они жалуются на низкую

заработную плату. Олег пытается помочь своим сотрудникам. Он

собирается просить свое руководство изменить график работы и по-

высить заработную плату. Он знает, что рабочие доверяют ему по-

тому, что он — честный человек.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-13; просмотров: 126 | Нарушение авторских прав

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