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Grammar and vocabulary

Читайте также:
  1. Active Vocabulary
  2. Active Vocabulary.
  3. Exercise 11. Work in pairs. Study the Vocabulary below and then translate Text 10
  4. Exercise 12. Work in pairs. Study the Vocabulary below and then translate Text 9
  5. Exercise 13. Work in pairs. Study the Vocabulary below and then translate Text 10
  7. Grammar and vocabulary

· Present Continuous (affirmative, interrogative, negative)

· going to

· noun collocations

Exercise 1. Pronounce the new verbs consulting a dictionary. Learn them.

concentrate — концентрироваться, incorporate — включать/ объ-

единять, try — пытаться/стараться, eliminate — исключать/устранять,

hasten — спешить/ускорять, appoint — назначать, proceed — продол-

жать/переходить, establish — создавать/укреплять, speak — говорить/

разговаривать, complain — жаловаться, comfort — утешать/успокаи-

вать, explain — объяснять, raise — поднимать/повышать/увеличивать

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences paying attention to the new verbs.

1. I have got a task. I must concentrate. 2. I want to incorporate quality

into my project. 3. Try to eliminate the defects. 4. Hasten the pace. 5. Let’s

appoint a new director. 6. We can’t proceed now. The manager is not in the

office. 7. He always complains. 8. The employee is nervous. We must

comfort him. 9. It is difficult. Can you explain it? 10. He hastens to raise

her salary.

Exercise 3. Note down the forms of the verb ‘to work’ in the Present

Continuous. The Present Continuous denotes an action in

progress. Translate the sentences from English into Russian

paying attention to the Present Continuous Tense.



1. I am looking at him now. 2. You are showing a time log to me. 3. He

is buying an expensive car. 4. She is telling him an interesting story. 5. We



affirmative Interrogative negative
Iam working am I working? I’m.not.working.
Youare working are you working? Youaren’t working.
Heis working Is he working? Heisn’t working.
Sheis.working Is she working? Sheisn’t.working.
Itis.working Is it working? Itisn’t working.
Weare working are we working? Wearen’t.working.
Youare working are you working? Youaren’t.working.
Theyare working are they working? Theyaren’t working.




are removing old files. 6. They are building an exquisite palace. 7. The

manager is talking with the staff. 8. The secretary is sending a fax to our

customers. 9. I am doing a comprehensive analysis of the product. 10. He

is creating a notable product. 11. I am trying to concentrate. 12. The drivers

are complaining to the Transport Manager.

Exercise 4. Make the following sentences interrogative using the model.

Translate the questions from English into Russian.

Model: You are working for a big company. — are you work ing for a big

company? (Вы в данный момент/сейчас/в настоящее время работаете

в крупной компании?)

1. I am speaking to a famous person. 2. He is making a bad mistake.

3. They are producing inexpensive furniture. 4. She is swimming in an

indoor pool. 5. He is receiving an important person in his office now.

6. They are asking difficult questions. 7. We are beginning a new project

today. 8. They are going to an exhibition at the moment. 9. She is doing

a boring task today. 10. He is buying real estate in France. 11. We are

comforting an unhappy entrepreneur. 12. The Director is appointing a new


Exercise 5. Answer these questions in the positive or negative. Use the


Model: Are you working now? — Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

1. Are you making an experiment now? 2. Is your groupmate asking

a question now? 3. Is your family watching TV now? 4. Are your friends

changing clothes now? 5. Is your department receiving a guest? 6. Is your

teacher giving an example now? 7. Are you working on an assembly line

today? 8. Are you choosing accessories for your car? 9. Are you saying good

bye? 10. Are you speaking to your dean at the moment? 11. Are you looking

at your friends? 12. Is your teacher explaining your goals to you?

Exercise 6. Make up sentences (affirmative, interrogative, negative) using

the following words.

1. You, where, going, now, are?

2. At, am, moment, the, working, not, I.

3. The, sending, our, report, is, to, secretary, a, partners.

4. He, chairs, designing, laboratory, sophisticated, is, his, in.

5. They, are, new, where, a, building, house?

6. Well, the, not, secretary, is, working.

7. Now, product, doing, what, worker, the, is?

8. Looking, time log, at, why, the, transport, is, manager, our?

9. Your, incorporating, a, product, new, you, are, model, into, line?

10. Department, are, a, they, new, establishing.




Exercise 7. Pronounce these nouns and noun phrases consulting

a dictionary. Memorize them.

time schedule — график работы, paperwork — работа с документа-

цией, overwork — сверхурочная работа/перегрузка, quality — качество,

creativity — креативность/творческие способности, lack — отсутствие/

нехватка, perception — восприятие/ощущение, arrival — прибытие/

приезд, departure — отправление/отклонение, wage — заработная плата

Exercise 8. Translate the word-combinations with the new words.

a busy time schedule, a lot of paperwork, to eliminate overwork, quality

control, to develop creativity, lack of time, positive perception, the arrival

of supplies, a departure from the time schedule, low wages

Exercise 9. Memorize the structure ‘going to’ — собираться/намере-

ваться что-то делать. Translate the following sentences.



Model: I am going to attend this seminar. — Я собираюсь посетить этот


1. I am going to sell my apartment in St. Petersburg. 2. Are you going to

work on Saturday? 3. He is going to meet his Chinese customer in the hall.

4. The secretary is going to send them a fax on Monday morning. 5. We are

going to promote their new brand at the fair. 6. They aren’t going to

complain to their Director. 7. I’m not going to change the time schedule.

8. Are they going to eliminate overwork? 9. We are going to wait for the

arrival of supplies. 10. He is going to set an example to his employees.

Exercise 10. Compare the use of the Present Continuous and ‘going to’.

Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1. I am studying hard. I am going to enter the University. 2. He is

reading a magazine about the international trade fair. He is going to attend

it. 3. The accountant is writing a report. She is going to show it to the

Director. 4. The employees are complaining about the overwork. We are

going to change the time schedule. 5. Our customers are coming from Italy.



affirmative Interrogative negative
Iam.going.to work am Igoing.to work? I’m.not.going.to.work
Youare.going.to work are yougoing.to work? Youaren’t.going.to work
Heis.going.to work Is hegoing.to work? Heisn’t.going.to work
Sheis.going.to work Is shegoing.to work? Sheisn’t.going.to work
Itis.going.to work Is itgoing.to work? Itisn’t.going.to work
Weare.going.to work are wegoing.to work? Wearen’t.going.to work
Youare.going.to work are yougoing.to work? Youaren’t.going.to work
Theyare.going.to work are theygoing.to work? Theyaren’t.going.to work




We are going to meet them at the airport near the information panel.

6. They are doing a comprehensive analysis of their strategies. They are

going to proceed with this work. 7. We are working on a new PR campaign.

We are going to use more sophisticated methods. 8. Mr Korobov is selling

his real estate in France. He is going to buy a new house in England. 9. He

isn’t doing his work very well. We are going to move him to a different

department.10. We are trying to find new partners. We are going to establish

collaboration with our Spanish friends.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-13; просмотров: 152 | Нарушение авторских прав

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