Читайте также:
Future Simple (affirmative, interrogative, negative)
will/going to
intensifying adverbs: extremely/particularly/truly
sentence adverbials: moreover/additionally/hence
Exercise 1. Study the Future Simple forms.
Exercise 2. Read the sentences in the Future Simple paying attention to
the verb forms. Translate them from English into Russian.
Model: We will open a new retailer shop. — Мы откроем новый магазин
розничной торговли.
1. We will hire a new Quality Manager. 2. He will eliminate excessive
paper work. 3. They will get significant results. 4. I will try to concentrate
on this important problem. 5. Our new manager will disseminate the
information about quality programmes. 6. Their Personnel Manager will
interrogate employees. 7. The company will invest in a new project. 8. They
will support charitable initiatives. 9. The manager from the R&D
Department will conduct this comprehensive research. 10. It will imply
great profits. 11. We will try to satisfy our target customer. 12. They will
analyze the strengths and weaknesses of a new project.
Exercise 3. Learn these adverbs of time. Read the following predictions
and translate them from English into Russian.
tomorrow — завтра
soon — скоро
next week/month/year — на следующей неделе/в следующем ме-
in two days/weeks/months/years — через два дня/две недели/два
1. It is important now. It will be important tomorrow. 2. It is profitable
to make bicycles. It will be profitable to make bicycles soon. 3. It is
prestigious to buy real estate today. It will be even more prestigious to buy
real estate next year. 4. There are numerous online shops today. There will
be many more online shops in the future. 5. There are some responsibilities
today. There will be more responsibilities tomorrow. 6. There is demand for
this product today. There will be no demand for this product in two years.
7. Our company will launch a new product next April. 8. We will employ
a new Product Manager next month. 9. They will explain the necessary
things to you. 10. I will fire him tomorrow because he doesn’t work well.
11. The service will be available next week. 12. We will try to eliminate
excessive paper work soon.
Exercise 4. Make these sentences in the Future Simple interrogative and
give short positive and negative answers.
Model: The CEO will come tomorrow. — Will the CEO come tomorrow?
Yes, he will. No, he won’t.
1. We will hire ten new employees next week. 2. Mr Collins will head
a new department. 3. Our competitors will launch a new PR campaign
tomorrow. 4. The company will offer inexpensive goods to their target
customer. 5. Our new manager will set an example to everybody. 6. We will
study all strengths and weaknesses of the programme next week. 7. She will
work in collaboration with the legal department. 8. The staff will stay after
work next Saturday. 9. We will have many more sophisticated entrepreneurs
in the future. 10. He will be a respected person in ten years. 11. The
Marketing Manager will meet our Chinese partners tomorrow. 12. They
will try to improve their packaging.
Exercise 5. Pronounce the new words and word combinations. Learn them.
bring about — вызывать/быть причиной, compare — сравнивать,
purchase — покупать, indicate — указывать, blur — делать неясным/
сглаживать, take effect — вступать в силу, impact — оказывать
влияние, rely — полагаться/надеяться на, connect — соединять,
emerge — появляться/возникать, result in — приводить к, be in line
with — делать в соответствии с/соотноситься, take place — происхо-
дить/иметь место, rise — увеличиваться, speed up — ускорять, operate
in — работать в, drive the future — управлять будущим, invest — вкла-
дывать/инвестировать в, take on big challenges — принимать вызов
Exercise 6. Compare the Future Simple Tense with the going to -
construction. Translate the sentences from English into
Russian. Remember that Future Simple denotes prediction/
promise while going to denotes intention.
Model: I will make a new plan tomorrow. — Я составлю новый план за-
I am going to make a new plan. — Я собираюсь/намереваюсь соста-
вить новый план.
1. Our new strategy will bring about great changes. 2. I am going to
compare these two opportunities. 3. The department will purchase new
equipment next year. 4. We are going to rely on your loyalty. 5. The success
of our new product will indicate our company growth. 6. The meeting will
take place at 5 o’clock on Thursday. 7. We are going to invest in this
profitable project. 8. This innovation will impact our productivity. 9. The
technical workers are going to speed up the assembly line. 10. The new
invention will connect business people in different countries. 11. The
managers are going to work in line with the instructions. 12. New markets
will emerge in the coming years.
Exercise 7. Translate the sentences. Note down the italicized adverb
intensifiers. Learn them.
truly — действительно/поистине, extremely — чрезвычайно/
крайне, particularly — особенно/в частности, almost — почти/едва не,
indeed — действительно/в самом деле
1. Longman Pearson is a truly influential international Publishing
Company. 2. He is a truly independent industrialist. 3. This is an extremely
difficult problem. 4. He is an extremely reliable partner. 5. Delegating
responsibilities is a particularly important skill for managers. 6. We
maintain a particularly high pay rate. 7. They will have almost equal
opportunities. 8. The shop is almost empty. 9. Such changes will indeed
take place in the global market. 10. It will indeed be a profitable
transaction. 11. This product line will connect almost all customers and
producers. 12. He will take on particularly big challenges.
Exercise 8. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying
attention to sentence adverbials.
Moreover — кроме того, вдобавок
In addition/additionally — к тому же, в придачу
Hence — следовательно, отсюда следует
1. Mr Brown is a good worker. Moreover, he is particularly reliable.
2. Our workers will work nights. In addition, they will sometimes work at
weekends. 3. He can speak fluent English. Hence he has greater
opportunities for career growth. 4. Mr Smith is a wealthy man. Moreover,
he is very influential. 5. He has got an apartment in a fashionable district.
In addition he has got a luxurious car. 6. People always recognize him.
Hence he is famous. 7. He is in accountancy. Hence he writes a lot of
reports. 8. Retailer shops will work on Saturday. Moreover, they will be
open on Sunday.
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