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The pendulum should always be held in the right hand by placing the thumb and index finger together (touching) inside the circle above the chain of the pendulum. The circle should be free enough to allow the chain to move as the pendulum gyrates. Your arm must be free to swing with the pendulum motions. Don't hold your arm close to the body nor too high either. Don't rest your arm on a table - it must be free to move as the pendulum swings. The arm should be relaxed so energy can flow through to direct the movements. Never try to guide or maneuver the pendulum.
Hold your left hand out in front of you, palm up. Take the pendulum in your right hand and swing it back and forth, let it start over the thumb. The pendulum will only move back and forth - it will not change any from the back and forth motion because the thumb is neutral. Keep the pendulum about IV4 inch above the fingers.
Now try the next finger after the thumb (index finger). Let the pendulum swing back and forth at the end of the index finger which is a negative energy finger. After a few swings, the pendulum will gyrate in a negative, reverse, or counterclockwise orbit over the index finger. A
good memory aid is N N (Neutral thumb, Negative index). Move the pendulum over the middle finger (long finger). Let the pendulum gyrate back and forth several times. It will eventually go into a positive or clockwise swing. The middle, or long finger, is positive. Now use the third finger (ring finger), let the pendulum swing back and forth over this finger, and the pendulum will swing in a negative orbit because the third finger is negative. Put the pendulum over the little finger and let it go back and forth several times, and it will soon go into a positive orbit because the little finger is positive.
By using this method and spending several hours sitting and watching the pendulum change motions, you will find the pendulum will answer much faster. I have found this method the best for programming the subconscious mind into what you want from the pendulum. There are people who report back to me that they are very thrilled with this method of learning to use the pendulum. You will find that you can become very proficient in a much shorter time by this method than any other one I know.
The average person takes about three and one-half to four years to remember to deprogram the mind so the pendulum can give the correct answers. You must keep your mind in "neutral." You must make sure no "monkey thoughts" cross the mind. A monkey thought is something that, as you are using a pendulum, comes to your mind-such as, "I wonder if the cat was put out," or "Did I feed the birds?" or anything that enters the mind which shouldn't be there-that's called a monkey thought. Try to keep these thoughts out of your mind as you are using the pendulum because this will distort the pendulum and give a wrong answer. Keeping monkey thoughts from the mind, and the
mind more or less in a neutral position, "out of gear" of other thoughts, is the most difficult work of learning how to use the pendulum. Keep repeating what you want. Example: If looking for parasites, keep repeating parasites many times so that no "monkey thoughts" can enter.
When you start to use the pendulum, you will find the swing to be very, very small. Maybe one-fourth inch is all the swing will be. Don't become discouraged. As you progress and as the months go by, the pendulum will be stronger and will have a little larger swing. Don't believe that a large swing is indicative of being a professional, because it is not. If you keep your pendulum in a small swing, it is more under control, and your answers will come more rapidly and be more accurate. If you have not been using a pendulum very long and your swing becomes large, this is an indication that you could be helping it a little, and those who help it a little find they have more errors than those who do not let this happen. Keep the pendulum very close to the analysis board, over the black numbers and marks because this is where the correct answers are. If the swing becomes too large, stop the pendulum and start over.
You must determine what the pendulum swing means. Questions must be asked so the answers can be yes or no-because the pendulum can't talk. Therefore, you must phrase the question so it can be answered with a negative swing (no) or a positive swing (yes). If you believe you have the wrong answer, or cannot get an answer, rephrase the question asked. Maybe you have not phrased it in a way in which the pendulum can give you a yes or no answer.
Remember this: Try to rephrase the question if the pendulum doesn't seem to want to give you an answer.
Direction of Swings
Some of the books that have been written on the use of the pendulum will telTa-person how they can determine which way the pendulum should swing for them. This we will discard. W^rnust get rid of the myths and mystic part of the pendulum. Right is right-and wrong is wrong.
If the pendulum swings to the right or clockwise, this is yes or positive. When the pendulum swings to the left or counterclockwise, this means no or negative.
Food Testing X
It is possible to test many foods with a pendulum. When we get through with this course, you will find out what you really want from your foods. Just because the pendulum swings positive over food doesn't mean that the food is good or good for you. We will discuss this as we go along. As I watch some people use a pendulum, they will pick up a carrot, put the pendulum over it, and the pendulum will swing to the right indicating that the carrot is good, and they put it in their basket and take it home. It is foolish to do this because the product you have may be worthless to you or to anyone. What we want from food is energy and, therefore, you must know how to determine the energy level of a food, supplement, herb, or whatever you are testing. Not only would it be advantageous to you, but it would do your body good and give you energy.
If you pick up a carrot or any product and there is one tenth of one percent energy, it will still swing to the
positive or to the right. What we must determine is: Will that food be good for us? Here is how this is done.
First, you want to determine the value of the food. Let's visualize or put into our mind a protractor which has 360 on it, with 0 at a point where 9 is on a clock, 90 at 12 on a clock, 180 at 3 o'clock, and 360 just below the 0 at the 9 on a clock.
When tested, if a food product (regardless of what it is) has a vibratory energy level below 90, this requires your body to use its own energy to process that food. Medical doctors conducted an experiment several years ago. Their energy levels were tabulated. They then ate food cooked with high heat (of course most of the energy was gone from it). After they ate the food, each hour their energy levels were checked and each hour their energy levels dropped--showing that when dead food or poor food with no energy is consumed by the body (if the food showed below 90 units of vibratory energy), the body must use its own energy to process it. If a person continues to consume food that contains less than 90 units of vibratory energy (which is on the alkaline side), then disease is more prevalent. A vibratory energy level of 120 to 180 represents a good building quality. If 180, that food will sustain life.
Food with a vibratory energy level above 180 will produce energy for the body, and 360 would indicate a balanced food. The range from 180 to 360 indicates higher nutritional value for restoring and healing the body-these are on the positive (alkaline) side.
Some food will show a level even higher than the 360 balanced energy (especially after being processed in
a Clorox solution, or being placed on the Polarity Unit.) The higher the reading, the more nutritional value the food has.
Figure 1 shows a protractor with degree markings and the corresponding numbers on a clock as a MEMORY AID. Notations for energy levels are also shown for easy reference.
![]() |
At 12 on a clock |
180 is |
Ois |
at 3 |
at 9 |
on a |
on a |
clock |
Below 90 requires your body energy to process any food. |
360 Balanced Food |
Sustains Life |
Figure 1. Protractor markings with corresponding numbers on a clock as a memory aid when ascertaining the energy level of foods, herbs, or food supplements. Energy level is the vibratory rate, not the measure of calorie/energy.
Food Examples
1. We pick up a carrot and imagine a protractor. We take the pendulum and put it over the product.
2. Start the pendulum moving back and forth with a very small swing (about one inch). You will find the pendulum will respond much faster than holding the pendulum still over food and letting it start out by itself.
3. Ask the question: Does this carrot have over 100 units of energy? If the pendulum swings to the reverse (backwards or counterclockwise), you know the food does not have 100 units of energy. This food would not be good for you, because we want 360 units of energy in our food. Now, let's carry this a little farther.
4. Putting the food on a polarity unit or soaking it in Clorox can change the energy level. Clorox must be the only product used. Do not, under any circumstances, use Purex or any other product - only the brand name Clorox.
5. Put this into your mind: If this carrot was put on the polarity unit or into a Clorox solution and soaked for 5 minutes, would the energy level be over 100? Let's assume that the pendulum still went into the negative swing. Therefore, this carrot would not be good to eat, because even by putting it on the polarity unit or soaking it in a Clorox solution, you could not energize the food any more. The reason much food is not good is because of the toxic effect that is in the food due to pesticides or insecticide poisoning, or it may have been grown in exceptionally poor soil.
6. If the carrot being tested has a low energy level due to the toxic pesticides in it, then when you ask the pendulum if the energy level would be above 100, the answer would be yes. If you put it on the polarity unit or soak it in
a Clorox solution and the energy went to 360, then the carrot would be good for you. By soaking it in the Clorox solution, you would remove the chemical factors (it should be rinsed the same length of time in fresh plain water to neutralize the Clorox) then the carrot would be fit to eat.
Now you begin to see what we are really wanting from the pendulum in order to improve your health and determine if the products you use and are taking home from the store will be of some value to you. It will amaze you to find the number of products which are absolutely worthless.
Let's take an apple for another example. If you try to get the energy level from an apple, many times (especially if they are taken from a grocery store) the energy level will be about 35. Most apples will have arsenic poisoning in them. Even though some producers now say they have not used arsenic for several years, the apples will still come up with an arsenic reading. This is due to the many years arsenic had been used as a poison, and it is now saturated in the soil. That apple will no doubt have arsenic in it as long as the soil is on this earth, unless something is done to nullify the deadly poison which is in the ground. The apple tree is still taking the poison into its sap and putting it into the apple.
1. As you pick up this apple in the grocery store, put the pendulum over the apple and start the pendulum swinging back and forth.
2. Then ask: Does this have over 100 units of energy? (The reason I am using this figure is because we want over 100 units of energy.) Usually, the pendulum will swing no if it is an apple purchased from the grocery store.
If you raise your own apples and they don't have pesticides of some type on them, then they may have a reading much higher than 100. But we are going to use the apple from the grocery store as an example. Usually it will indicate no.
3. You can then ask: Is it over 50? Many times the pendulum will say no.
4. Then you go down the scale, and we usually come to around 35 and the pendulum will start swinging back and forth (neutral swing) which indicates that it is right on target In other words, 35 is the answer.
5. Then you ask: If this apple was put on the polarity unit or in a Clorox solution for 5 minutes, will the energy level be increased? Most of the time, the pendulum will swing to a positive, indicating that if this is done, the energy level will be increased.
6. Then you ask: Will the energy level be above 200? If the pendulum swings to the positive (clockwise), it shows that the energy level could be raised that high.
7. Will the energy level then be raised to 360 or above? Many times the pendulum will swing to the positive again, indicating that the apple will have an energy level of 360 or more after it had been put on the polarity unit or immersed in the Clorox solution then rinsed, and the arsenic or lead, or both, neutralized. This will then be good food to eat because you have eliminated the item which caused the low energy rate in this apple.
8. To carry the experiment further, put the apple on the polarity unit or immerse it in a Clorox solution, rinse in plain water, then see how much energy it has. You will find that there is a lot of food (especially fruits) on the market that can have the energy levels raised to a good 360 bal-
anced energy or above by just using the polarity unit or a Clorox rinse to take out the poisons which cause its low reading. You are now becoming aware of how to use a pendulum to your best advantage.
Food Supplements Example
Other items may also be checked, such as food supplements. For example, Vitamin C from a health food store.
1. Pick up the bottle of Vitamin C and hold the pendulum over the Vitamin C bottle. Now you are getting the reading from the Vitamin C and not the bottle, remember that you are getting this type of reading.
2. Then ask: Does this Vitamin C have over 360 units of energy? Many times you will find it will tell you no.
3. Then ask: Does it have over 200 units of energy? Many times it will tell you no, it does not.
4. Does it have over 100 units of energy? Many times it will tell you no.
5. Sometimes there has to be a reason for this energy level to be below 100. The government of the United States says if you put in about 20% pure food, then 80% or 75% synthetic, you can call it "organic." This "inorganic" product or this inorganic food which is added to the good food brings the energy level down, making it an unbalanced energy food. You put this product back on the shelf because there is nothing you can do to bring the energy level back because it was unbalanced from the beginning.
In many of the foods put out by different companies, you will find some that will have an exceptionally high reading. You can use your pendulum to make the
choice as to which product you want to use. Be sure that when you go to check the food at a health food store that the energy level is 360 or higher. We can't blame the health food stores for this, because they are only taking the word of the salesman that the product is good, and they believe him. We cast no reflection on the health food store or the owner that is buying inferior quality products unbeknownst to him. I think that each health food store operator should get a pendulum and check out products that they purchase from other companies. Then they can discontinue buying those products found to be low in energy. You may find, for instance, one company may have four or five products which are not as good as another company's same kind, and vice versa. In this way, you can determine which product would be the best for you or for anyone. This is where you use the pendulum to determine whether something is good for you or not. Something that is under 360 and unbalanced should not be put into the human body.
How Many Supplements
Some supplements are in capsules, others are tablets. How do you determine what you need per day? You will find most people are taking too many supplements. They are wasting a lot of money. The pendulum can become advantageous in preventing this if used properly. If it is found that the product you are using is good, and it has 360 balanced energy, it takes very few days before your energy becomes balanced. Once an energy in your body is balanced in that particular supplement, it does not require much to keep it in balance. So let's assume you are going to use some Vitamin E.
1. The energy level is maybe 360 or even as high as 700 or 1,000 units of vibratory energy, indicating a good product.
2. Hold the pendulum over the Vitamin E and start the pendulum swinging in a back and forth (neutral) motion. Ask the question: How many Vitamin E should I take per day from this bottle? The reason you can ask it this way is that some Vitamin E may have 100 international units (IU) indicating the potency, and some may have 200 IU and some may be higher. We are having a shortage of Vitamin E, and some of the very high potencies contain a synthetic which decreases the vibratory energy rate. This is another reason why the pendulum should be used before buying Vitamin E.
3. After you ask how many per day, start counting-very slowly-in order for the pendulum to give a yes or no answer for each number. Start with a back and forth motion, and ask: One? Give the pendulum a chance to answer, especially if you are new at the game. For those who have done this a long time, the pendulum responds very rapidly and the answer comes quickly. For those who are learning, as the pendulum oscillates back and forth, give it time to go into the proper swing, yes or no. One? Wait for the answer. Two? Very slowly-you may require two or maybe only one. Now if you do this over each one of your supplements, Vitamin E, A, C, and so on, you will be amazed at the amount of money you will save by learning how to use a pendulum efficiendy and not wasting expensive food supplements. (It is shocking to find the number of people consuming vast amounts of vitamins which they cancel out by using tobacco, coffee, and other things which will be discussed a little later.)
4. Then ask: Taking two capsules per day, how
many days will it take to balance my energy level of Vita
min E to 360? Start counting: One? Two? It may tell you to
take two per day for five days.
5. On the sixth day (or whatever time was indicated that you need to balance the energy level of Vitamin E in the body), you will then ask the pendulum (as you hold it over the Vitamin E): Do I need any Vitamin E today? The pendulum may swing to a negative or reverse, telling you that you do not need any today-so, don't take any.
6. Tomorrow, you can do the same thing. You can hold the pendulum over the bottle and ask the same question: Do I need any Vitamin E today? It may swing to the positive, indicating that you do.
7. Then ask: How many capsules should I take today? One? Two? The answer may not be the same number per day as the previous reading before the lapse of time when none was needed-so always ask and wait for the answer for each time period for that particular vitamin.
Why Fewer Supplements
You will find food supplements do a good job if you are someone who is health-minded and does not use any of the following: tobacco in any form, coffee or decaffeinated coffee, tea, carbonated drinks such as cokes or root beer, alcoholic beverages, chocolate, or commercially made ice cream. If any of these are consumed, food supplements do very little good for the body. The reason for the change? Research has shown that when any of these are being used in any amount (even a taste), the glands go down to about 5% of their normal functioning rate within just a couple of
minutes. This in turn can only allow the body to use the good things you consume at that same 5% level. It takes about 18 hours, after the use of any of the above mentioned items, before the body can neutralize their effects and again fully utilize the supplements or herbs being taken. This is why you might get a different answer once you have discontinued the use of these poisons to your body. It only takes one taste, you do not have to drink a full cup of coffee, to have this happen to you. One taste or one drop under the tongue will lower the functioning of the glands and the level of potassium for 18 hours.
Another thing that has been added to the list of products to not use is the negative ion machine. Of the five brands tested, all five did exactly the same thing to the glands in the same length of time as the coffee, tea, and other things on the list mentioned. (It is suggested that you read Using Energy To Heal to get a complete breakdown on this subject.) Perhaps man cannot duplicate God's negative ions in nature which are beneficial. (Latest research shows that if magnets are applied properly negative ion machines can be used.)
Projection *
The next portion of this book will give you one of the most fantastic and truly amazing ways of analyzing and correcting health problems. In my search, I have found nothing that could equal it. Some of my students tell me about the same thing in their own words. One student was having a particular problem during one of my classes. So we did an analysis, found the problem, made the correction, and later she wrote to me that "at first there was astonishment and amazement, then a tremendous respect for this incredible change that took place within minutes." No doubt many readers of this book will have similar experiences as they become proficient in this area.
Phenomenon of Projection
Projection, or broadcasting as it is called, is one of the most fascinating things we do in radiesthesia. To explain how it works would be almost an impossibility. Although there are many ideas of how it works, I still don't believe there is anyone who can truly explain the exact way it works. Scientists could not prove it because there is no way they can prove it. As an example: How does prayer work? There is no one yet in this world who can describe and explain just exactly how prayer works. We know it works because of the many testimonies throughout the centuries showing that this communication with God works. There is no way to prove it-we just know that it works. So when people ask me, "Do you expect me to believe something you can't explain? Can you expect me to believe something when you can't tell me how it works?" The only
thing I can tell them is, "If you can tell me how prayer works, then I can tell you how this works." Broadcasting has been used over the centuries although it was not called broadcasting. One case was cited where a battle was being fought with swords, and one fellow was badly wounded. His "runner" took some blood from him and laid it on his sword, then took it to the "healer" who put on a "potion." The fellow's pain was gone until he removed the potion from the sword. Then the runner returned to the healer and asked that the potion be put back on the sword because his master was in pain. Now this would be called broadcasting. They didn't know how it worked, just as we don't know today, but they could tell by the results that it worked. We know that it works because of the many reports we get back from people that we have broadcast and the almost unbelievable manner in which they have felt their health return, sometimes almost instantaneously.
My intent is to give instruction on a number of ways in which you can broadcast We once thought it required quite a large magnet to broadcast, but we found that a 20 pound pull magnet can do just as good a job as larger ones and can broadcast around the world. There is no distance too great for broadcasting to work, even with two small one-ounce magnets. My personal belief is that the magnet we use puts the energy into the ether, and then it is carried on with its own power. I could be wrong, but this is my belief.
One advantage of using projection, you cannot hurt the person receiving the projection. The body only takes into it what it needs and then stops the projection from sending any more of the correction into the body. So it is almost an impossibility to hurt anyone with a projection.
Vibratory Rates
In the area of radiesthesia when you are learning to analyze, always keep in mind that you are working with vibrations. Everything gives off a certain vibratory rate-whether it is a rock, a piece of metal, a human being, a disease, a bacterial infection, or whatever-it has its own rate of energy which it emanates. These vibrations are what you measure. When you have a person you are working with (yourself or someone else) and you find a stress factor in the kidney, for instance, and you determine that the bacteria count is high in that area, you then go through the different factors such as infection, disease, virus, flu, etc., to find out why the vibratory rate is not normal. You are not working in the field of medicine, you are working with energy vibrations. Now in order to eliminate a problem (for instance, infection), you must find a product which will counteract or nullify this vibration-so you put different products on the analysis board (gentian violet, iodine, listerine, lysol, or homeopathic formulas) until you come up with something that indicates by a positive swing (with the pendulum over the witness area) that you have found the product or thing that will cancel the vibratory rate of the infection or whatever you have found. Nothing can live out of its vibratory rate. As an example, you live in an area where the temperature runs from 0 to 90 degrees. If you were taken to the North Pole where it is 100° below 0, you would not survive in that harsh environment. When you cancel out the vibratory rate of any disease, infection, flu, or whatever, you are changing the vibratory rate of whatever is wrong and by doing this you cancel what is causing the problem. This is not in the field of medicine-all you are doing is working with vibrations. So when the pendulum is used in picking
up these vibrations and transmitting them to you, it is your job to analyze and figure out what these vibratory rates mean. This is just a small spectrum of what can be expected with the analysis board and the pendulum.
Cause of a Problem
You are going to be using a process of analyzing that most other methods don't go into, and that is, finding the REASON or the CAUSE of the problem. Most methods today, whether it is iridology, medical profession, or any other way that I know of, doesn't find the cause. If you are going to correct a problem, you should find the cause - why this certain thing is happening in the body - why this stress factor. Once you have found why the stress exists, the method of correction is very simple and easy, and usually very inexpensive. Eliminate the cause and you can eliminate the problem.
A common cause of many problems is radiation and metallics. There is probably no other equipment that can determine and find what you can find by using the analyzing board and the pendulum, because there are so many different radiations. With this method you can determine the product(s) needed to eliminate the radiation or the metallics and thus alleviate much pain and suffering. This is the reason you can make many corrections and you do not use medicine to correct it. Change the vibratory rate of the problem, and the problem does not exist
I have developed most of the products that are being used in this area. All products are designed and balanced with energy. Most products are high in energy which makes correction in the body much faster than almost any other product on the market. Each product is designed to
perform a specific function, and does a very good job in the area for which it was designed. In most cases, once you have found and pinpointed the problem, it can be corrected with a product developed by myself. Not only do you have available, I believe, the best products money can buy, but you also have the best method to find the problems people have. These products can be effectively used and the ills of a person can be diminished or in many cases eliminated.
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