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Варіант 6. Implementing global programs

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Implementing global programs

1. The successful global companies will be those who can achieve a balance between the local and the regional/global concerns. Pitfalls that handicap global programs and contribute to their suboptimal performance include market-related reasons, such as insufficient research and a tendency to overstandardize, as well as internal reasons such as inflexibility in planning and implementation.

2. Organizational resources have to be used as a reality check for any strategic choice. Industrial giants with deep pockets may be able to establish a presence in any market they wish, while more thinly capitalized companies may have to move cautiously. Human resources may also present a challenge for market expansion. A survey of multinational corporations revealed that good marketing managers, skilled technicians, and production managers were especially difficult to find. This difficulty grows when the search is for people with cross-cultural experience to run future regional operations.

3. At this stage it is imperative that the company assess its own readiness for the moves necessary as well as its readiness to face the competitive environment. In many cases this has meant painful decisions to focus on certain industries and leave others. For example, Nokia, the world’s second largest manufacturer of cellular phones, started its rise in the industry when a decision was made at the company in 1992 to focus on digital cellular phones and sell off dozens of other product lines. By focusing its efforts on this line, the company was able to bring new products to market quickly, build scale economies into its manufacturing, and concentrate on its customers thereby communicating a commitment to their needs.


I. Знайдіть у тексті та випишіть еквіваленти таких слів та словосполучень:

помилки, недостатні досліждення, негнучке планування, виклик, поширення/розвиток,

оцінювати, виробник, зосереджуватися (на)


Найдите в тексте и выпишите эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

ошибки, недостаточные исследования, негибкое планирование, вызов,

расширение/развитие, оценивать, производитель, сосредоточиться (на)


II. Перекладіть письмово абзац 3.

Переведите письменно абзац 3.


III. Випишіть з тексту речення з модальними дієсловами та перекладіть їх.

Выпишите из текста предложения с модальными глаголами и переведите их.


IV. Поставте 5 запитань до абзацу 2 та запишіть їх.

Поставьте 5 вопросов к абзацу 2 и запишите их.


V. Дайте письмові відповіді на запитання.

Письменно ответьте на вопросы.

  1. What global companies are regarded as successful?
  2. Do industrial giants and more thinly capitalized companies have equal opportunities to establish a presence in any market they wish?


Дата добавления: 2015-07-14; просмотров: 64 | Нарушение авторских прав

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