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D.1. Organisations and activities

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Call for Proposal EAC/A04/2014

University-enterprises cooperation in game industry in Ukraine / GameHub


(To be attached to the eForm)

Version 1 – 1.10.2014

PART D - Quality of the project team and the cooperation arrangements

D.1. Organisations and activities

This part must be completed separately by each organisation participating in the project (applicant and partners).

Partner number☒   P1
Organisation name & acronym University of Deusto -UDEUSTO
D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation
Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area covered by the project (limit 2000 characters).
The University of Deusto is a private and fully recognised university with 997 members of staff and more than 12,000 students. Academic excellence for the University of Deusto is reflected in its commitment to innovative methods of learning, particularly in the new methodology of competence-based learning (http://tuning.unideusto.org), own methodology of teaching, learning and assessment in a learner-based approach, and incorporation of new technologies as tool for a quality education with an emphasis in meaningful learning and efficiency. The University of Deusto is striving for internationalisation, without excluding other regions, and demonstrates a clear commitment to Europe and Latin America, having signed agreements with more than 200 universities. Approximately 1,300 students and 50 professors take part in mobility programmes. The entire University adopted the European credit system in 1994, and works to promote it and improve its quality. UDEUSTO was the first European university to extend the European credits to all its faculties. The Faculty of Engineering is also involved in intensive programmes, European modules and joint curricular designs at various levels, as they participate in cross-border activities, integrated languages, ODL and Leonardo programmes. The students can get the degree in the follow study programmes: Technical Engineering in Management Computer Systems; Industrial Technical Engineering, with a specialisation in Industrial Electronics, Technical Engineering in Telecommunications, with a specialisation in Telematics, Computer Engineering, Industrial Organisation Engineering, Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Computer Engineering + Industrial Organisation Engineering (Joint Degree). The members of Faculty are actively involved in leading and participating R&D projects granted by EU (H2020, Erasmus+, Erasmus Mundus, FP7, TEMPUS, LLP, ALFA) and nationally/internationally (NSF, DFB Innovation, Ministry of Education, Ministry Science and Innovation).
Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters).
The main role of the UDEUSTO is project management /coordination of all activities during project ensuring quality assurance of GameHub products and its deadline. Moreover, it will train UA HE teachers in course “Programming languages” and “gamification and social impact challenges”, and help in its implementation at UA HEI. Also UDEUSTO will undertake the following roles: WP1: supporting analysis of game SMEs in EU & conceptual design of game lab, organizing visiting study P7-P12 at UDeusto; WP2: Supporting UA HEI design GameHub concept and roadmap of its implementation; WP3: Preparing training on the topic of expertise; train P7-P12; WP4: Consulting P7-P12 in development of GameHub OER and organization of Pilot; WP5: Working with P4 on implementation of QC&M for validation of entire GameHub; WP6: Co-leader. Disseminating project results using different presentation channels; WP7: Designing sustainability and exploitation plan, work on template for agreement, supporting P7-P12 in accreditation action WP8: Leading WP8, Project management and financial control of GameHub overall; preparation interim and final report; organizing meetings
D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project Please add lines as necessary.
Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project.
Mariluz Guenaga Ass.Prof, PhD., Mariluz Guenaga is lecturer at the Computer Engineering department in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Deusto. She teaches undergraduate students in the area of programming. Her research interest is the use of technology to enhance the teaching and learning process with focus on Game-based Learning, Remote Experimentation and Learning Analytics. Mariluz is responsible of team management, as well as the strategic design and development of the scientific areas. The group is involved in several national and international projects (FP7, H2020, LLP, Erasmus+, Tempus), and Mariluz is directly participating in the development of the following European Projects: MAKEWORLD: 2014-1-ES01-KA201-004966; CLIPFLAIR: 519085-LLP-2011-ES-KA2MP. GOLAB: FP7-ICT-2011-8, Nr. 317601. NERELA: 543667-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPHES. She has wide experience in R&D projects, both in the scientific and technological aspects, as well as in the coordination and management. She has relevant contributions in national and international conferences in the fields of Technology Enhanced Learning, Engineering Education, Learning Technologies and related areas. She has published papers in conferences such as FIE-Frontiers in Education, EDUCON, TAEE, REV or EC-TEL. (1) Guenaga, M:L; Menchaca,I; Ortíz de Guinea, A; Dziabenko, O; García-Zubía, J; Salazar, M. Serious Games, Remote Laboratories and Augmented Reality to Develop and Assess Programming Skill s. Fuente: Frontiers in Gaming Simulation, 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8264, 2014, pp 29-36, Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-04954-0_4 (2) Bezanilla, M.J.,Arranz, S., Rayón, A., Rubio, I., Menchaca, I., Guenaga, M., Aguilar, E. (2014) A proposal for generic competence assessment in a serious game. New approaches in educational research. Vol. 3. No. 1. January 2014 pp 42-51 ISSN: 2254-7399 DOI: 10.7821/naer.3.1.42-51 (3) Guenaga, M; Menchaca, I; Ortiz de Guinea, A; Dziabenko, O; GarcíaZubía, J; & Salazar, M., SG4Edu-PS, Serious Games and Remote Laboratories to develop and assess programming skills. International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA) 2013 Conference. Estocolmo, Junio 2013
Andoni Eguíluz Andoni Eguíluz is lecturer of Computer Engineering Department., Faculty of Engineering, University of Deusto, since 1991. He teaches programming, compilers, multimedia, operating systems, human-computer interaction, accesibility. Founder and manager of gizer.net (2004-2010), company for development of social technology projects and inclusion technology. He was a leader and researcher on a number of software projects regarding accessibility, multimedia, web, graphical 3d interaction, graphical interfaces, compiling environments, compiler generators, etc. Actually he works at the projects related to education, multimedia, technology & innovation. (1) M:L. Guenaga, I. Mentxaka, S. Romero, A. Eguiluz, Digital Educational Objects for an Inclusive Learning: Survey and Guidelines for the Experience in Eskola 2.0, 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2012, Rome, Italy, July 4-6, 2012 (2) A.Paz, M:L. Guenaga,,A. EguiluzAcce-Play: accessibility in cinemas, Conference: Proc. of the 13th intern. conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs - Volume Part I
Partner number☒   P2
Organisation name & acronym Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza im.Stanislawa Staszica w Krakowie – AGH-UST  
D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation
Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area covered by the project (limit 2000 characters).
AGH University of Science and Technology is one of the best and most renowned modern Polish universities. AGH UST is a leading Polish university in modern technologies, and belongs to a group of prestigious international educational centres. Teaching and research staff: 1 964 (full professors: 183; associate professors: 267; assistant professors: 1 141; assistants: 373 (including assistants with doctor's degree: 146) Research Subject Areas at AGH UST: Information Technologies, New Materials and Technologies, Environment and Climate Changes, Energy and its Resources, Mining, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Exact and Earth Sciences, Social-Economic Sciences and Humanities. The AGH UST has signed over 400 direct collaboration agreements with foreign partners. Each year, in collaboration with foreign partners, the university conducts approximately 200 research projects, including those covered by the EU Framework Programmes, Interreg, COST, EUREKA, SAVE, ALTENER, CULTURE 2000, DESY, and CERN. AGH UST also participates in many educational projects supported by programmes such as Erasmus LLP, Leonardo da Vinci, CEEPUS, TEMPUS, the Visegrad Fund, eTEN, and the European Social Fund. Currently, the university has approximately 200 agreements within the framework of the Erasmus LLP programme, which include the exchange of students and lecturers. The Faculty of Management for 40 years has been developing its activities in education, research, and consultancy. Collaboration with foreign educational institutions focuses on students’ and lecturers’ exchange programmes, as well as joint research projects. Main research areas at the Faculty of Management: entrepreneurship, management sciences, marketing, industrial management and engineering, applied informatics. Courses are conducted in computer laboratories, where students work with the up-to-date virtual tools for management.
Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters).
AGH-UST will be a source of the expertise in entrepreneurship and start-ups in digital business, including Game industry. They will train UA partners in this topic and support in implementation it in new OER and UA HE curriculum. Also AGH-UST will undertake the following roles in the project: WP1: Analysis and report on AGH-UST courses and curricula in topics of management and business development, e.g., “Entrepreneurship in ICT”, “building Start-ups”; organizing visiting study P7-P12 at AGH-UST WP2: Providing feedback on the GameHub concept and consulting on implementation roadmap; WP3: Co-leader; preparing training “Entrepreneurship in digital business sector”; producing handouts and art-materials for this training; train the university staff of P7-P12 on this topic; WP4: Supporting P7-P12 in preparation of the GameHub OER; WP5: participation in quality validation of GameHub concept, OER and Pilot organization WP6: Disseminating project on national/international levels using different presentation channels WP7: Supporting P7-P13 in development sustain exploitation strategy; signing an agreement project usage WP8: Project management and financial control of GameHub at university; submitting content and data for interim and final report; participating in meetings.
D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project Please add lines as necessary.
Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project.
Dominik Kowal PhD in Management, graduates two majors – Technical Physics and Management at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. Research worker at the Management Department of AGH, specialist in the scope of management of innovative projects and policy of commercialization of knowledge. Author of publications and research papers in the scope of academic and business entrepreneurship, management of company value and strategic management. Educator giving lectures and project classes, including Innovation for Entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurship, Introduction to Business (legal aspects, marketing and financial analysis, and methodology of preparing business models and business plans for innovative project). Employed, also, at the AGH-UST Centre for Transfer of Technologies. For three years now Member of Management Board in special purpose entity which supports the scientists in commercialization of research results and the creation of spin-off companies.
Bartlomiej Gawel Studied Management Science at the AGH University of Science and Technology and received M.S and then Ph.D in Mangement Science. At present, he works at the Department of Applied Computer Science in AGH University, as associate professor. His research is concerned with data science. He conducted many courses which cover aspects of digital marketing and analytics such as “Management in e-business”, “Digital Sevices” or “Web Application Architecture”. He is also active in digital industry. In 2008 he has been one of co-founders of Ateneo, a inbound marketing company specializing in SEO, Social Media, PCC and Analytics. Now, he is managing director of Ateneo, and cooperates with small and top-levels polish firms from constructing and clothing industry. From 2009-2012, he worked with IQ Partners, Polish start-up investment fund on construction of business plans and strategy evaluation of internet start-ups.
Katarzyna Gdowska Reserchers and teaching assistant at the Faculty of Management at the AGH-UST. Expert in the field of Operations Research and Management Science. Specializes in scheduling and planning problems, including project planning and managing problems. Develops optimization models for resource planning, transport and logistics. Teaches classes on computer-aided tools for project planning and project management. She has several years of experience in managing international projects such as Krakow Conference of Young Scientists (President of Organisational Committee), International Seminar on Management and Innovation (Leader), Student Exchange Programme between AGH-UST and NUST “MISiS” (Coordinator).
Katarzyna Klimkiewicz Associate professor at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, she’s graduated in Management Science and in 2013 done her PhD on Corporate Social Responsibility and Employer Branding. She has experience in providing trainings and workshops, Assessment and Development Centres and soft skills development sessions, as presentation skills, teamwork and people management. She works closely with business and public administration on strategic issues concerning competency based Human Resources Management.
Wojciech Kowalik Works as a research and teaching assistant at the AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management. He is a sociology graduate of the Faculty of Humanities at the AGH University of Science and Technology. Author of publications and research papers in the scope of culture management, sociology of ageing and socio-cultural aspects of the changes resulting from the development of communication and information technologies. He gives lectures on research methodology, sociology, employer branding performance measurement and organizational behaviour.


Partner number☒   P3
Organisation name & acronym FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft M.B.H. – FH J
D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation
Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area covered by the project (limit 2000 characters).
FH JOANNEUM is a leading European university of applied sciences and set our standards to compete with the best universities in Europe. The University of Applied Sciences "FH JOANNEUM" offers about 40 Master, Bachelor and Diploma degree programs in the areas of Business & Technology, Information Engineering, Mobility, Social Services & Public Health and Media & Design for more than 3000 students. We offer our students a scientifically sound and practice-oriented university education in a range of degree programs with an interdisciplinary focus. We carry out research and development projects in close cooperation with local/regional and international partners from education and industry. Special emphasis is placed on strengthening interdisciplinary problem solving capabilities. We aim to take the lead both nationally and internationally by aligning our teaching activities to sustainability and the needs of society in combination with applied research and development. "ZML-Innovative Learning Scenarios" is a research and development institute of the University of Applied Sciences FH JOANNEUM that focuses its interests on the area of eLearning (Online Education and Training), as well as on the development of simulations and eContent. ZML believes in social constructivists’ theories of learning, and strives for regional, national and international co-operations with academic institutions and with the industry. It aims to facilitate learning that is social and situated in nature. The potential of the Social Web to facilitate innovative ways of learning is being exploited through research and development in the areas of game-based learning, eModeration, virtual Communities and ePortfolios.
Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters).
The main role of FH J is to provide the expertise in gamification of education. They will train UA partners in this topic and support in implementation it in new OER and UA HE curriculum. Also FH J will undertake the following roles in the project: WP1: Co-leader; analysis and report on FH J courses and curriculum in game design and game-based learning; design didactical approach in GameHub training using WP outcomes; pedagogical, methodological conceptual Design of game laboratory, organizing visiting study P7-P12 at FH J; WP2: Providing feedback on the GameHub concept and consulting on implementation roadmap; evaluation of GameHub; WP3: preparing training “Gamification at HE”; train the university staff of P7-P12 on this topic; WP4: Supporting P7-P12 in preparation of the GameHub OER; WP5: Feedback on quality validation of GameHub concept and OER WP6: Disseminating project results using different presentation channels WP7: Supporting P7-P13 in development sustain exploitation strategy; agreement for project usage WP8: Project management and financial control of GameHub at university; submitting content and data for interim and final report; participating in meetings.
D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project Please add lines as necessary.
Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project.
Jutta Pauschenwein Dr. Jutta Pauschenwein is head of the institute ZML-Innovative Learning Scenarios, and undertakes research activities in the areas of didactics in e-learning, e-moderation, virtual communication, open learning (MOOC), Gender (Mainstreaming) in e-learning, quality ensurance and evaluation. Example of recent publications in the area: Pauschenwein Jutta, Pernold Erika und Goldgruber Eva: Experiments with connectivism from a moderator’s point of view (2014). In Carlos Delgado Kloos (Ed) “Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2014 – Experience track” (p 277-281).
Anastasia Sfiri Anastasia Sfiri, MSc, BSc, works in research and development, project management and project coordination, training and consulting in the areas of Online Education and Training. Her competences include the virtual communication and collaboration for eLearning, the virtual Communities of Practice, Game-based Learning, the instructional design and development of eLearning scenarios, interaction design, usability design and evaluation for eLearning systems and products as well as for the incorporation of Gender Mainstreaming in eLearning. Example of recent publications in the area: Pauschenwein Jutta, Sfiri Anastasia, Eva Goldgruber (2013) „The Identification of the Potential of Game-based Learning in Vocational Education within the Context of the Project Play the Learning Game”. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), Vol 8, No 1


Partner number☒   P4
Organisation name & acronym Quality Austria - Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbH - Quality Austria
D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation
Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area covered by the project (limit 2000 characters).
Quality Austria - Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbH was founded as a limited company for training, certification and evaluation in 2004. It stands for competence in the fields of quality, environmental and safety management and relating to the industry standards. The close relationship with IQNet, EOQ and EFQM enables the mutual exchange of global know-how. On a global scale, Quality Austria cooperates with around 100 member organizations in almost 50 countries in Eastern and South Eastern Europe, Northern Africa, Asia and South America. Quality Austria covers the three business areas of certification, evaluation and validation, provides training and individuals’ certification as well as information, expert knowledge and service. Quality Austria is a one-stop shop for comprehensive services. More than 500 trainers, auditors and assessors and technical experts combine know-how specific to standards and sectors with a significant focus on practical issues. This secures successful implementation within the organization.
Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters).
Quality Austria main duty is quality control and monitoring the GameHub project overall: management and production. Also Quality Austria will undertake the following roles in the project: WP1: support to gather information concerning the task analysis; knowledge and skills needs at ICT and specially at game industry, support in design questionnaires; develop competence profiles (methodology) based on WP outcomes; WP2: organizing external evaluation of GameHub; WP3: preparing the evaluation survey for the training provided by the EU partners; WP4: preparing evaluation questionnaires for the Pilots; WP5: Leader of QC&M. Inviting external evaluators, accepting their report; monitoring the conducting the P7-P12 QC&M internal reports; supporting in organizing CBHE coaching WP6: Disseminating project info on international level using institution communication channels WP7: Providing feedback on the P7-P13 sustain exploitation strategy; signing an agreement for usage project results WP8: Project management and financial control of GameHub in their organization; submitting content and data for interim and final report; participating in meetings.
D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project Please add lines as necessary.
Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project.
Anni Koubek Dr. Anni Koubek is leading expert in quality management systems. She acts as executive vice president for innovation with Quality Austria. She is active in national and international standardisation and works as acclaimed speaker as well as trainer and auditor in quality management. Anni Koubek has served as a head of a university of applied sciences, founded and led a research centre on e-learning and multimedia and worked as consultant in telecommunication. She was responsible for the development of the study programmes, the coordination of the research and development activities as well as for the evaluation of study courses and research. She was board member of the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences in Austria and coordinated research and development activities. She earned her PhD in theoretical particle physics and has worked in several different institutions on this subject (Hamburg, Trieste and Cambridge, UK). Mrs. Koubek worked as project coordinator in several European and national Programmes also making evaluation of training courses within these projects. Recent publications: 1. Anni Koubek, “Innovation and Quality Management in Networks” Proceedings der Baltic Nordic Excellence Conference 2012. 2. Anni Koubek, Thomas Szabo, “Revision ISO 9001 Joy or Sorrow?”, Q1 Magazin, Sciam Verlag 2/2014 (in German) 3. Anni Koubek, Wolfgang Pölz: “Integrated Management Systems”, Hanser, München 2014 (in German)
Barbara Stöhrmann Barbara Stöhrmann is responsible for European projects and international trainings within the company Quality Austria. She is strongly involved in designing the trainings and consults qualityaustria international partners regarding the trainings. Barbara Stöhrmann has received the master degree in Land and Water Management and Engineering at the University of Agricultural Sciences in Vienna. Furthermore she has qualification in environmental and quality management and occupational health and safety management and as safety engineer and also has worked as a consultant in this field for several years for Austrian, German and Romanian companies. The last 2 years she has participated in following European projects where she was among other tasks, also in charge for Quality Evaluation: 1. “ICoop: Industrial Cooperation and Creative Engineering Education based on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation”, project number 530278-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES, TEMPUS project 2. “Expanding the quality ‘spirit’ of VET (Q &VET)”, project number 527399-LLP-1-2012-1-SE-LEONARDO-LMP, Leonardo da Vinci project 2. “QUALIMED-Skills for Quality in Healthcare at European Level”, project number LLP-LdV-ToI-2012/RO/019, Leonardo da Vinci project.
Partner number☒   P5
Organisation name & acronym Fundación Virtualware Labs - VWLABS
D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation
Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area covered by the project (limit 2000 characters).
Virtualware Labs key activities are Training, Research and Development of innovative products and services based on digital games and graphical technologies. Virtualware Labs aims at becoming a catalyst for the creative industries of Spain and worldwide based on games creating an appropriate environment for education of qualified professionals and acting as consultant for strategic development of innovative technology products and services tailored to market requirements. The very last products of VWLABS are: INTERPLAY: Advanced Video Console adapted to the playful rehabilitation of children with neuromotor disorders; TACMON2: Development of a very low-cost Interactive Graphical Tactile Display as advanced user interface for visually impaired; REACT: Resilience, accessibility and sustainability for the historic city. Innovative ITC solutions for integrated urban heritage rehabilitation and management on an urban. ITEA2: Global standards among real (sensors, actuators, vision and rendering, social and welfare systems, banking, insurance, travel, real estate and many others) and virtual worlds (Second Life, World of Warcraft, IMVU, Google Earth…). Company offers training services and high-tech value-added products through their offices in the United Kingdom, Spain and Latin America as well as through the partners around the world.
Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters).
VWLabs will offer their SME’s expertise in field of digital game production, graphic technology, and marketing. Moreover, VWLabs will undertake the following roles: WP1: supporting the development of competence profile in game industry, interviewing their SME management; design questionnaires for management of ICT and digital game industry; support P! in organization of visiting study at UDeusto; WP2: providing feedback on the developed GameHub concept; WP3: training the P7-P12 university teacher on the topic “Digital games and its market promotion”; Consulting in WP4-6; WP7: Providing feedback on the P7-P13 sustain exploitation strategy; signing an agreement for usage project results WP8: Project management and financial control of GameHub in VWLabs; submitting content and data for interim and final report; participating in meetings.
D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project Please add lines as necessary.
Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project.
Jon Arambarri Dr. Jon Arambarri has a degree of Telecommunications Engineering, MBA Executive and finishing a PhD in Project Management. Nowadays Director of R&D Projects and Alliances at Virtualware. His research interests have moved from Telecommunication networks to ICT services – Multimedia, 3D Animation & Interactive Virtual Environments. He is a member of the Steering Board Committee of Nem (http://www.nem-initiative.org), the European Technology Platform where New Media Content and Networks meet. He has authored several scientific publications. He is an active participant in conferences and seminars about the strategic challenges to be covered by ICT. List of some publications are: 1. J. Baalsrud Hauge, S. Wiesner, R. Garcia Sanchez, P. Kyvsgaard Hansen, G. Fiucci, M. Rudnianski, J. Arambarri, Business models for Serious Games developers - transition from a product centric to a service centric approach., International Journal of Serious Games - Vol 1, No 1, 2014- ISSN:2384-8766 2. R.J.Garcia Hernandez, I. Barbancho Perez, L. J. Tardon Garcia, J. Arambarri, M.Magdics, M. Sbert, E-cecilia: implementation of a music game, Congreso de la Sociedad Española para las Ciencias del Videojuego - CoSeCiVi'14 - 2014 3. J. Arambarri Serious games, gamification and natural interaction in learning, Technology enhanced learning (TEL); Step into creative enterprises training needs EC-TEL 2014 - NINTH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING - Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities, Sept2014 4. J. Arambarri, I. de la Torre, M. López-Coronado, I. Álvarez, Investigating the Potential market of a Serious Game for Training of Alzheimer’s Caregivers in a Northern Spain region, International Journal of Serious Games Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014 - ISSN: 2384-8766.
Sergio Barrera He has B.Eng., Master Degree in Virtual Reality Technology, University of Deusto, Spain. He was Lecturer at the 2nd Edition of the Master in Virtual Reality at University of Deusto imparting some 3D Rendering modules classes. Cofounder of SBS company, from 2001 to 2004, he was in charge of Lead Programmer at SBS (Virtual Reality Company in Bilbao), developing a complete 3D engine. He is co-founder of Virtualware. Since 2004 he is the Chief Innovation Officer at Virtualware, in charge of R&D and innovation projects managing, taking part as main researcher in some R&D projects and establishing the technical guidelines of work in the Virtualware commercial projects. From 2006 to 2008 he complemented his activity acting as a teacher in the “Wales Bachelor of Science in Computing”, teaching “Advanced Operative Systems” and “Distributed Operative Systems” at San Luis Centre in Bilbao.


Partner number☒   P6
Organisation name & acronym Foundation of Deusto - FD
D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation
Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area covered by the project (limit 2000 characters).
Foundation of Deusto was created in 2005 aiming strengthening research at, and bringing the innovation into the Faculty of Engineering, University of Deusto. Because of this primarily mission there is a close mutually beneficial cooperation and partnership between these two entities. FD plays a key role in developing cutting edge technology and have a strong focus on service to the society offering the innovative products, training for the schools, industry, and families (parents + children). Presently FD has carried out more than national and international 400 R&D and innovation projects with established and strengthened collaborative partnership with over 300 companies and 40 research groups worldwide. The strategic core ideas are structured in six key activities: the development of research excellence activities with both knowledge transfer and exploitation; the implementation of a research and professional development plan; the dissemination and recognition of our activities, the quality of our infrastructure and equipment; the internationalization of our research and transfer. Foundation of Deusto conducts research mainly in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), with a special focus on areas such as the Internet, Computational Intelligence, Energy and the Environment, Health and Quality of Life, Mobility and Logistics, and Learning/Education, providing tools for education such as serious games, interactive platform, creative tools, as well as training for university/school teachers for implementation of the contemporary technology in education approach, e.g., gamification, expertise in usability and user experiences for the learning tools, remote laboratories and virtual instrumentations, game lab.
Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters).
The main role of the FD is to train UA university teachers in course “Usability and user experience (UX) in game design” and “gamification and social impact challenges”, and help in its implementation. Also FD will undertake the following roles: WP1: supporting analysis of game SMEs in EU, technical conceptual Design of game laboratory, support P1 in organizing visiting study P7-P12 at UDeusto; WP2: Co-leader. Designing and contributing into GameHub concept and roadmap of its implementation; WP3: Preparing training on the topic of expertise; train P7-P12 university staff on usability and UX in game design; WP4: Contributing as co-leader in development of GameHub OER and organization of Pilot; WP5: Working with P4 on implementation of QC&M for validation of GameHub concept and OER; WP6: Disseminating project results using different presentation channels WP7: Leading WP7, designing sustainability and exploitation plan, providing template for agreement, supporting P7-P12 in accreditation action WP8: Project management and financial control of GameHub at FD; submitting content and data for interim and final report; participating in meetings.
D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project Please add lines as necessary.
Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project.
Olga Dziabenko M.Sc.O. Dziabenko is a project manager and researcher of DeustoTech Learning group, Foundation of Deusto. Her research skills and interests include e-courses' architecture and innovative e-learning scenarios, including game-based learning. Olga has influenced several European projects: ICoop (530278), NeReLa (543667), Go-Lab (317601), OLAREX (518987), e-Pragmatic (510586), UniGame (101288), SIG-GLUE (2003-4704), and international: SNOW (UofT,CA), Stretch (UofT,CA), as a coordinator, project manager, researcher, instructional designer, and developer of online learning tools. She has broad international experience been working at FH J (AT); OISE, University of Toronto (CA), and FD (ES). Olga received M.Sc. in Physics (1987) from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (RU). (1) Guenaga, M:L; Menchaca,I; Ortíz de Guinea, A; Dziabenko, O; García-Zubía, J; Salazar, M. Serious Games, Remote Laboratories and Augmented Reality to Develop and Assess Programming Skill s. Fuente: Frontiers in Gaming Simulation, 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8264, 2014, pp 29-36, Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-04954-0_4 (2) Guenaga, M; Menchaca, I; Ortiz de Guinea, A; Dziabenko, O; GarcíaZubía, J; & Salazar, M., SG4Edu-PS, Serious Games and Remote Laboratories to develop and assess programming skills. International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA) 2013 Conference. Estocolmo, Junio 2013 (3) O.Dziabenko, J. García-Zubia, Remote Experiments and Online Games: how to merge them?, iJEP, Vol1, N1(2011) (4) M.Pivec, O.Dziabenko, Game-Based Learning in Universities and Lifelong Learning: "UniGame: Social Skills and Knowledge Training" Game Concept, JUCS, V 10, Iss.1,2004,DOI:10.3217/jucs-010-01-0014
Iratxe Menchaca Sierra Iratxe has Degree in Education, University of Deusto, specializing in Management and Innovation of schools and new technologies applied to education. He also has a Masters in E-Learning and Knowledge Management (2014). He is currently a pedagogical advisor at DeustoTech Learning, Foundation Deusto, in instructional design and learning objects developed in education innovative projects. Her research interests are new technologies for improving learning, learning analytics, competency assessment and integration of games and mobile devices in learning environments. (1) Guenaga, M:L; Menchaca,I; Ortíz de Guinea, A; Dziabenko, O; García-Zubía, J; Salazar, M. Serious Games, Remote Laboratories and Augmented Reality to Develop and Assess Programming Skills. Fuente: Frontiers in Gaming Simulation, 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8264, 2014, pp 29-36, Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-04954-0_4 (2) Bezanilla, M.J.,Arranz, S., Rayón, A., Rubio, I., Menchaca, I., Guenaga, M., Aguilar, E. (2014) A proposal for generic competence assessment in a serious game. New approaches in educational research. Vol. 3. No. 1. January 2014 pp 42-51 ISSN: 2254-7399 DOI: 10.7821/naer.3.1.42-51 (3) Guenaga, M; Menchaca, I; Ortiz de Guinea, A; Dziabenko, O; GarcíaZubía, J; & Salazar, M., SG4Edu-PS, Serious Games and Remote Laboratories to develop and assess programming skills. International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA) 2013 Conference. Estocolmo, Junio 2013


Partner number☒   P7
Organisation name & acronym State Institution of Higher Education Donetsk National Technical University - DonNTU
D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation
Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area covered by the project (limit 2000 characters).
Donetsk National Technical University - founded in 1921 is the largest technical university in Eastern Ukraine. DonNTU consists of 18 institutes and faculties including 98 academic departments, has about 27 000 students, and over 1500 teaching staff members – 129 of them hold Dr.Sc. degree and over 700 – the Ph.D. degree. DonNTU has more than 70 agreements with the universities all over the world. The well-known people, leaders of the largest industrial companies and political boards, engineering elite of Ukraine that have graduated from DonNTU call the University the most prestigious higher education establishment of Donbass. Computer Science and Technologies Faculty (CS&T) has 45 years history, 150 academics work at the faculty. There are about 1600 undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students in Computer Engineering, Software Engineering and Mathematical simulations for economics. CS&T faculty is a leading IT education and R&D institution of Ukraine. Academics and researchers of the faculty have developed many successful projects for companies, enterprises and institutions of Ukraine and European countries in image synthesis systems for aviation, parallel and distributed real time simulation systems, image recognizing and graphics data mining.
Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters).
The main role of DonNTU is an implementation of GameHub: infrastructure, OER, integration into DonNTU curriculum and trainings, and building cooperation with local ICT/game enterprises. WP1: analysis on existing in game design at DonNTU courses and curriculum; participating at 3 visiting study at P1-P3; WP2: Developing GameHub concept at DonNTU and its implementation; create game lab WP3: Participating in 5 EU trainings; offering 4 internal workshops for own teachers WP4: Developing OER (3 learning modules) based on competence profile; delivering pilot of OER and game lab to target groups WP5: Internal evaluation of GameHub concept, training materials and Pilot WP6: Disseminating project outputs/results on national level using different presentation channels WP7: Co-leader. Designing sustainability and exploitation plan; accreditation of GameHub at DonNTU; signing an agreement for usage project results WP8: Project management and financial control of GameHub at DonNTU; submitting content and data for interim and final report; participating in meetings
D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project Please add lines as necessary.
Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project.
Yevgen Bashkov Prof. Dr. Y. Bashkov got his Doctoral degree in Computer Science, Institute for Modeling in Energy Engineering of National Academy of Science of Ukraine (1995). The research areas are the real time computer graphics, virtual reality, the computer image generators, the simulation system, the high performance distributed computing systems of common and special purpose. He is the author of 5 books, more than 100 scientific papers and more than 25 patents. Some of publications are: 1. E. Bashkov, D. Paukov. “Derivation of Mesh for Visualization and Modeling Objects of Complex Shape”, Journal of Automation and Information Sciences”, Vol 39, Num 12, 2007.- p.60-70 2. E. Bashkov, S. Zori. Computer System Architecture for Terrain Visual Simulation in Real Time. - Frontiers in Simulation. Simulationstechnik, 17. Symposium in Magdeburg, Sept. 2003: SCS-Europe BVBA (ISBN 3-936150-27-3), Magdeburg, Germany, 2003.- p. 519-524.
Sergey Zory Ph.D. S.Zory is Associated Professor at DonNTU(1997). The research area is Computer graphics & vision, Virtual reality systems, specialized parallel computer systems. He is an author of one methodology book and more than 50 scientific papers. Some of the papers are: 1. Bashkov E., Zori S., Suvorova I. Modern Methods of Environment Visual Simulation.- Simulationstechnik, 14. Symposium in Hamburg, Sept. 2000: SCS-Europe BVBA, Ghent, Belgium, 2000.- p. 509-514 2. Evgeniy A. Bashkov, Sergey A. Zori Visual Simulation of an Earth Surface by Fast Horizon Computation Algorithm. – Simulation und Visualisierung 2001: Institut fur Simulation und Graphik, Magdeburg, Deutchland, 2001.- p. 203–215
Natalya Kostukova PhD. N.Kostukova is Associated Professor and her research area is content- based color image retrieval and image processing. She is an author of more than 40 scientific papers:   Bashkov, E.A., Kostyukova, N.S. To the estimation of image retrieval effectiveness using 2D-color histograms. Journal of Automation and Information Sciences. Vol 38 Num 11, 2006, p. 74-80


Partner number☒   P8
Organisation name & acronym Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University - PNU
D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation
Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area covered by the project (limit 2000 characters).
The Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University is the first university in the Western Ukraine of classic type. For a short period of time of its existence university has grown into the leading center of science, culture and education of Prycarpathia. The University consists of 14 educational institutes and faculties, 36 scientific establishments (research, scientific and educational institutions, centers, laboratories, among them joint research laboratory on tape physics of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with the status "national acquisition", botanic garden, scientific library), 3 colleges and 3 educational and consulting centres. 86 Doctors of Sciences, Professors, more than 500 PhD and Associate Professors teach more than 16000 students at the university. In terms of extension of globalization and integration processes the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University has acquired great experience in cooperation with cultural centres in Europe, Asia and the USA in joint research activity, improvement of the scientific process, usage of progressive technology, conduction of conferences, symposiums, scientific and pedagogical personnel training. The university has signed more than 70 agreements on cooperation with foreign higher educational establishments. The Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics will participate in the project. The areas of research includes development of analytic, theoretical and methodical basis of construction of computer components and systems on the bit basis directed towards info technology; introduction of modern informational technology in educational process of secondary and higher institutions; probable and statistical methods of research; methodical aspects of teaching of mathematical disciplines; theoretical and methodological basis of elaboration of automated systems of transition and control of knowledge; problems of computer modelling.
Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters).
The main role of PNU is an implementation of GameHub: infrastructure, OER, integration into PNU curriculum and trainings, and building cooperation with local ICT/game enterprises. WP1: Leader. Designing questionnaires for analysis, study on existing at PNU curriculum on game design; participating at 3 visiting study at P1-P3; WP2: Developing GameHub concept and its implementation at PNU; create game lab; WP3: participating in 5 EU trainings; offering 4 internal workshops for own teachers; WP4: developing OER (3 learning modules) based on competence profile; delivering pilot of OER and game lab to target groups; WP5: Internal evaluation of GameHub concept, training materials and Pilot; WP6: Disseminating project outputs/results on national level using different presentation channels; WP7: Planning sustainability and exploitation activity; accreditation of GameHub at PNU; signing an agreement for usage project results; WP8: Project management and financial control of GameHub at PNU; submitting content and data for interim and final report; participating in meetings.
D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project Please add lines as necessary.
Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project.
Ihor Tsependa Prof. Dr, I. Tsependa is the rector of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. His expertise includes: - Management of international educational projects; - Management of projects devoted to the retraining of specialists - Management of the development of international relations; - Management of educational process at the University. He has over 60 research publications.
Lyubov Zinyuk Senior project development specialist. Her expertise includes: - Coordination of international educational, including TEMPUS, projects as well as ECTS implementation; - Organization of professional internships for the teaching staff; professional practical trainings for students; and different seminars and conferences; - Building new cooperation with HEI.
Volodymyr Pylypiv Prof. Dr., V. Pylypiv is Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. His research interest is in the fields of mathematical and physical modeling of the properties of the surface layers, modifications of structural and magnetic properties of the surface layers, radiation defect formation and relaxation processes in the surface layers. He has over 80 publications.
Igor Lazarowych Ass. Prof, PhD, I. Lazarowych has a practical experience in the development and implementation software and hardware of automated data collection systems and systems of technological processes control. He has over 40 publications.


Partner number☒   P9
Organisation name & acronym Kherson National Technical University - KNTU
D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation
Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area covered by the project (limit 2000 characters).
Kherson National Technical University is the modern powerful educational and scientifically methodical complex, one of the key high education institutions of the South region of Ukraine. The total amount of university employees is 881 persons. There are 55 doctors of science, professors, 218 doctors of philosophy, associate professors, and 11 academicians and members-correspondents of particular branch academies of science in the University staff. The total amount of students is about 4000 persons. KNTU took a part in realization of international educational projects. In two projects, that were carried out by international consortiums in the frame of TEMPUS TACIS program, KNTU was the projects coordinator. The first project (JEP 26239 – 2005) "ECDL for Ukrainian administrators", was devoted to application of the achievements of European Computer Driving License (ECDL) into training system for authority employees. Built educational infrastructure has been giving the possibility to train high scale authority administrators in ICT. The second project (JEP-27247-2006) «ICT based learning and personal development services for students» was devoted to building of educational environment based on common information technologies of three Kherson universities for students and teaching staff. KNTU held annual seminars on programming in the gaming industry. The conducted workshops addressed the following topical issues: theoretical and applied mathematical problems of computer games, key features of different gaming platforms, and using the programming languages for computer games. The "Software Engineering" bachelor and master degree programs includes the disciplines where students learn to create the models with complex details (high-polygonal models) for movies, computer and video games, and to develop the mobile gaming applications using the java programming language and the Android mobile platform.
Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters).
The main role of KNTU is an implementation of GameHub: infrastructure, OER, integration into KNTU curriculum and trainings, and building cooperation with national ICT/game enterprises. WP1: Analysis on existing KNTU curriculum on game design; participating at 3 visiting study at P1-P3; WP2: Developing GameHub concept and its implementation at KNTU; create game lab; WP3: participating in 5EU trainings; offering 4 internal workshops for KNTU teachers; WP4: developing KNTU OER (3 learning modules) based on competence profile; delivering pilot of OER and game lab to target groups; WP5: Internal evaluation of GameHub concept, OER and Pilot; WP6: Leader. Designing dissemination and promotion strategy, scenario for info days and roundtables, plan for dissemination workshops and job fairs, disseminating of project outputs/results on national level using different presentation channels, maintaining project website, WP7: Planning future exploitation activity; accreditation of GameHub at KNTU; agreement for usage project results; WP8: Project management and financial control of GameHub at KNTU; submitting content and data for interim and final report; participating in meetings.
D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project Please add lines as necessary.
Name of staff member Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related to the domain of the project.
Khodakov Victor E. Prof. Dr V. Khodakov has skills and experience in development the adaptive user interface models and relative information technology. Publications: 1.Khodakov V.E., Veselovska G.V., Veselovskiy V.M. Computer graphics: tutorial – Kherson: Oldi-Plus. – 2004. – 584 p. (in Russian) 2.Khodakov V.E., Khodakov D.V., Adaptive user interface: building problems – Informatsionno-izmeritelnye sistemy. – 2003. – 11. – P. 12-19 (in Russian) 3. Khodakov V.E.,, Velichko Yu.I. Adaptation components of user interface. – Vestnik KhNTU. – 2011. – 2. - p. 276-283 (in Russian)
Sherstjuk Vladimir G. Prof. Dr. Sherstjuk V.G. has skills and experience in development the artificial intelligence models and methods with application to user’s support. Publications: 1. Sherstjuk V.G. Case-scenario model of simulator training intelligent system. – Artificial intelligence. – 2013. – 4. – P. 488-500. (in Russian) 2. Sherstjuk V.G., Kozub N.А. Intelligent maritime training systems based on scenario-case approach // Proc. of the IX Int. Conf. “Strategy of Quality in Industry and Education”: Int. Scient. Journal Acta Universitatis Pontica Euxinus: special issue. – Varna Technical University, Bulgaria, 2013. – Vol.3. – Pp.546-548. 3. Bardachov J.N., Litvinenko V.I., Bidyuk P.I., Sherstjuk V.G., A.A. Fefelov. Combining Clonal Selection Algorithm and Gene Expression Programming for time series prediction / // IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications 5-7 September 2005, Sofia, Bulgaria, p.p.133-138.
Lyashenko Elena N. Ass.Prof., PhD Lyashenko E. N. has skills and experience in development the mobile gaming applications using the java programming language and the Android mobile platform. Publications: 1. Lyashenko E.N. Application of GIS technology at the development of mobile navigation Android- applications / The Problems of Information Technologies.- 2011. – 2. – P. 165 - 170. (in Russian) 2. Lyashenko E.N. Development of a client-server application forest fire monitoring region for mobile devices based on the Android operating system/ The Problems of Information Technologies.- 2011. – 1. – P. 65-68 (in Russian). 3. Lyashenko E.N. Development of Web-based geographic information system of forestry for mobile / Vestnik KhNTU. - 2013. - 1. - P. (in Russian)


Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 159 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: E.1. Why does the consortium wish to undertake this project? | E.2. Rationale for the setting-up of the consortium | F.1. Aims and objectives | F.2. Project activities and Methodology | F.3. Budget and cost effectiveness | F.4. Quality control and Monitoring | G.1. Expected impact of the project | Overview of short and long term impact indicators | G.2. Dissemination and exploitation strategy | LOGICAL FRAMEWORK MATRIX – LFM |
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