Short term impact
| Target groups/potential beneficiaries
| Quantitative indicators
| Qualitative indicators
Implemented competence profile
| University students, GI SMEs, developers of learning/teaching modules
| 6 UA HEIs will accept the competence profile in development of education resources
| Monitoring tool of actual knowledge/skills needs of ICT/game & creative sectors
Settled game lab
| Faculty staff, students, enterprises
| 6 university’s game lab
| The top-notch game/creative software, testing devises and user experience evaluation equipment will improve programming, creative development skills of students, bring practical/creative approach in education
Established GameHub facilities
| Faculty staff, students, administration and management, enterprises
| 6 University’s GameHubs
| Training, consulting, technical scaffold for university-enterprises cooperation
Developed GameHub resources (OER)
| Faculty staff, students, administration and management of universities,
Instructors and clients of training services,
ATO veterans
| 18 learning modules (3 in each university)
| The developed education resources for new subject CGD, with new approach – gamification in education, incorporated into existing courses; offered to the local/regional training services.
New content, teaching resources, integrated into education process (Pilot)
| Faculty staff, students, administration and management of universities,
Instructors and clients of training services,
ATO veterans
| 180 university teachers, 500 students,
150 veterans ATO
| New ICT competence (gamification) developed by teachers; increased employability of university’s graduates,
Improved self-sustainability and quality of life of ATO veterans
International conference on Game Design in Ukraine
| Faculty staff, students, administration and management of universities,
Instructors and clients of training services,
ATO veterans, UA digital/creative/game business
| 100 conference participants
| Introducing the project outputs and results to broad professional community
Long term impact
| Target groups/potential beneficiaries
| Quantitative indicators
| Qualitative indicators
Integration CDG updating the existing syllabi
| Teaching staff, university students
| 6 UA universities updated syllabi using the game lab
| Efficient case study for
the UA HEI and other training institutions
Annual design new and updating existing courses basing on the competence profiles
| Students, enterprises
| 6 training programme consist of 18 learning modules
| Effective usage of GameHub facilities
Individual Bachelor/Master Theses; Final individual and/or collaborative projects, practical work
| Students, trainees (ATO veterans, unemployed people), enterprises,
| Each participated students, trainees should design at least one practical work using the GameHub facilities
| Initiate creative project, education games, and ideas for startups. Such activity envisages the possible collaborative EU-UA students work
Designed education micro-games
| Students, trainees (ATO veterans, unemployed people), enterprises, users of these micro-games
| At least two micro-games will be designed in each UA university using GameHub facilities
| Innovative teaching/learning resources, prepared graduates for industry job