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E.1. Why does the consortium wish to undertake this project?

Читайте также:
  1. E.2. Rationale for the setting-up of the consortium
  2. H.3 Consortium partners involved and resources required to complete the work package

Please outline the motivation behind your project, clearly identifying the specific needs or problem/s which it intends to solve. Explain how the project proposal fits within the development strategies of the Partner Countries involved and how it addresses the priorities defined at national / regional level. Also explain why this/these problem/s were selected instead of others. In particular, explain how the area of intervention has been explored to guarantee that the project is offering something new compared to the existing situation. Where applicable, explain any synergy with other EU initiatives should be highlighted (limit 5000 characters).

The GameHub project is committed to stimulate higher education in a development of students’ knowledge and skills for creation of a stable, vibrant and creative Ukrainian games development sector that could be competitive globally and recognized culturally. The world IT market is growing annually on 5-20% including game industry (GI) that brings €32.000 million per annum worldwide (2013). Forecasting, such figure will rise to €47.024 million in 2016. This outlook shows that industry of digital games allows at any country to develop a highly technological field and, therefore, gross domestic product without essential financial investments. According the 2014 TIGA's report 44 % of UK game companies were started up in the last two years. Today Dutch Game Garden (NL) provides support for over 45 startup game development studios. Spanish government recognizes video game sector as a cultural industry; these days over 200 Spanish SMEs work in GI. The development scene is expanding, and game studios based in European countries and worldwide are gaining confidence. This new wave employs new education policy and local, relevant business community to help the brightest graduate talent to maximize their potential. According politicians: the IT sector needs not “10 graduate engineers”, but “10 creative (problem solving) graduate engineers”. Animation Career Review reports that EU universities modify progressively their education policy, offered grades, courses and curriculum according the contemporary challenges and demands – each EU Technical university has at least one program devoted to the game design. Approx. 280 bachelor and master programs on game design are available at 385 USA colleges and universities (ESA report). The Computer Game Design (CGD) is one of most transformational areas of study in higher education today, where students study in a revolving-role team-based, and project-based new pedagogical environment. The CGD is becoming ubiquitous in our daily lives: from medical therapy, treatment, telemedicine, corporate and military training, crisis management, public policy, corporate management, and to education including all levels from primary till higher. Although Ukraine has solid educational system (ranked 43rd on HE according Global Competitiveness report 2013-2014), the available HE is traditional and conservative. The only one education institution in Ukraine – computer academy “ШАГ” (Step), which is out of HE sector, offers the game design as a certified professional education. The nature of the field needs from Ukrainian university developing new approach in their computer study: providing students with the solid technical knowledge and skills, at the same time enabling them to focus on the transversal components of computer game design. The Computer Game Design requires lectures that include computer science, physics, engineering, visual technology, music techniques, humanities, e.g., cognitive psychology, art study, and game design. The practical experience that enhances student post-graduation employability may come from the cooperation between the university and national game industry. The young UA GI has a lack of qualified employees describing mismatch of the competences, obtained at the university and demanded on the market. According A.Zagrebnaya - director of recruitment agency (Kiev), “the universities do not offer CGD at all … there is also lack of Flash, Python, and Android programmers”. Although Ukraine has legislation and strategies for university-business cooperation improvement, in many cases these strategies are not implemented. Often the subjects studied have no labor-market demand; or how it’s taught is out-of-date. At many cases students not obtain skills that IT-sector needs. Mismatches between employers´ needs and what universities offers lead to skill gaps and economic under-performance. Even more, game business sector is dissatisfied with sectoral continuing training services, which are either non-existent or highly insufficient (The Dealbook of Ukraine, 2014). Therefore, UA GI is seeking on the qualified employees, promising a numerous job vacancies, while the number of engineers-graduates with competence that fit to the game industry employee profile is almost zero. The purpose of this project is to build the bridge, to connect in mutually beneficial and viable cooperation university and game industry fostering human investment into the Ukrainian emerging ICT creative business sector. The project target group can be viewed as the large set of economic players: representatives of HEIs – faculty staff and students; and continuing education – applicants of unemployment centers, ATO veterans, and engineers, interested to work in the game development sector. For this target group we will promote the professional development in digital game as a part of ICT. During project we will produce: (1) competence profile of sector employees which will describe generic characteristics deemed important for successful performance of work at the junior, intermediate and senior professional levels in digital game sector; (2)game labs and teaching resources at n ew and innovative subject - will modernize the UA engineering education, encouraging voluntary convergence with European CGD developments in HE curricular, and enhancing relevance of HE for the UA labour market. (3) training of university teachers will improve the level of competences and skills in HEIs. The project results would affect Ukrainian educational and economic transformation promising highly-skilled and well-paid jobs for the graduates and next generations; the stronger integration of Ukraine into the global economy; wellbeing through online services: e-health, e-government, smart homes and cities, etc.

Please describe briefly how your project proposal was prepared (e.g., capitalising on previous experiences, based on achieved outcomes in former projects, following previous cooperation amongst the consortium members, etc.) (limit 1000 characters).

GameHub proposal benefits from the great impact of all members of consortium: both institutions and involved key staff, which will contribute their experience and competence into the successful realization of the project. This experience composes of: -running study programmes, courses and prepared learning materials in HEIs; -research at EU and national project on development serious games and creative application allowing improving quality of life in society; -actions focused on the building university-industry cooperation, HEIs in-house internships; -performed trainings designed for adults, VET and industry employees. Although GameHub is not developed upon one specific project, the effective usage of results from various activities where consortium members led/participated will be applied enhancing -the quality of GameHub content, e.g., learning materials and its presentation (B./M. degree study in UDeusto, FH J, AGH-UST); -structure of University’s GameHubs - using know-how of BizkaiLab – entity of UDeusto and FD; -its methodological part - instrument for monitoring knowledge/skills demands (ICoop-Tempus). Some of them are presented below.

If your proposal is based on the results of one or more previous projects / networks, please provide precise references to this / these project(s) / network(s) in the table below.

Reference number☒ 2014-1-ES01-KA201-004966
Project dates (year started and completed) Sept2014 -Aug2016 Programme or initiative Erasmus+ KA2-201
Title of the project MakeWorld: learning Science through Computational Thinking
Coordinating organisation University of Deusto
Website http:///www.makeworld.eu (in construction)
Password / login if necessary for website  
Please summarise the project outcomes and describe (a) how the new proposal seeks to build on them and, (b) how ownership / copyright issues are to be dealt with (limit 1000 characters).
MakeWorld: learning Science through Computational Thinking project has been funded by the European Comission with an Erasmus Plus grant, within the KA2-Strategic Partnership-School Education program. The project aims at developing a powerful and high-quality micro-games to develop and assess STEM and ICT competencies, as well as a dashboard to monitor student’s progress and behavior. With this project gamification in education will be developed, allowing students to use OER create from scratch characters, worlds and stories. Students can be authors of open educational resources, encouraging an active participation in their learning and promoting their creativity. Students, with available learning resources, will become protagonists of their learning, and will manage the resources at their disposal. The pedagogical approach can be used in WP3,4.
Reference number☒  
Project dates (year started and completed) Jan-Dec 2012 Programme or initiative Bizkailab Programme
Title of the project Serious Games for Education
Coordinating organisation University of Deusto
Website http://sg4edu.deusto.es/ (inactive)
Password / login if necessary for website  
Please summarise the project outcomes and describe (a) how the new proposal seeks to build on them and, (b) how ownership / copyright issues are to be dealt with (limit 1000 characters).
The aim of this game, supported by the regional government of Biscay, is to develop and assess generic competences oriented to improve the employability of students. In particular, the game includes activities related to “problem solving” and “entrepreneurship” competences. A multidisciplinary team formed by researcher from the groups Innova, DeustoTech Computing and the Leisure Studies Institute, coordinated by DeustoTech Learning, have contributed with their expertise in pedagogy, gaming and technologies to develop a prototype that shows the possibilities of serious games in competence training and assessment. The methodology developed during this project will be adapted to the GameHub purposes. The results of the project were published in several journals and conferences, e.g., Guenaga, M:L; Menchaca,I; Ortíz de Guinea, A; Dziabenko, O; García-Zubía, J; Salazar, M. Serious Games, Remote Laboratories and Augmented Reality to Develop and Assess Programming Skill s. Fuente: Frontiers in Gaming Simulation, 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8264, 2014, pp 29-36, Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-04954-0_4
Reference number☒ 530278-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES
Project dates (year started and completed) 2012-2015 Programme or initiative TEMPUS IV
Title of the project ICoop: Industrial Cooperation and Creative Engineering Education based on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation
Coordinating organisation Ilmenau University of Technology
Website http://www.ico-op.eu/
Password / login if necessary for website  
Please summarise the project outcomes and describe (a) how the new proposal seeks to build on them and, (b) how ownership / copyright issues are to be dealt with (limit 1000 characters).
Empower university-enterprises partnerships in Armenia, Georgia, and Ukraine by modernizing engineering education based on remote engineering and virtual instrumentation enhanced with transversal knowledge and competences at universities; and offering contemporary methods of the vocational education and training for adults in enterprises. The methodology developed during ICoop project will be adapted by GameHub, e.g.: - identification and monitoring of demand for knowledge and skills in Electronic and Mechatronic industry; - partnerships between academia and enterprises by offering internship programs and up-to-date industry training programs.
Reference number☒ PHC-20-2014- 643442
Project dates (year started and completed) 2014-2017 Programme or initiative H2020-PHC
Title of the project INdependent LIving support Functions for the Elderly
Coordinating organisation Universidad Politecnica Madrid (UPM) - Spain
Website http:// (under construction)
Password / login if necessary for website  
Please summarise the project outcomes and describe (a) how the new proposal seeks to build on them and, (b) how ownership / copyright issues are to be dealt with (limit 1000 characters).
IN LIFE aims to prolong and support independent living for elderly with cognitive impairments, through interoperable, open, personalised and seamless ICT services (including Serious Games) that support home activities, communication, health maintenance, travel, mobility and socialization, with novel, scalable and viable business models, based on feedback from large-scale, multicountry pilots. The outcomes of this project will be used in the training how to teach to design Serious Games (WP3;WP4)
Reference number☒ ICT-2013.8.1.
Project dates (year started and completed) 2013-2016 Programme or initiative FP7
Title of the project Collaborative CrEative design PlaTform
Coordinating organisation Intrasoft (Greece)
Website http://www.concept-fp7.eu/functionality-scenario-1.html
Password / login if necessary for website  
Please summarise the project outcomes and describe (a) how the new proposal seeks to build on them and, (b) how ownership / copyright issues are to be dealt with (limit 1000 characters).
Implementation of a semantically driven and visually advanced collaboration framework to be integrated into future synchronous/asynchronous collaborative design environments, dedicated to assist professional industrial designers when distributed during the early stages of the design process and in collaboration/communication with their clients. The results and methodology of the project will be used in WP3,WP4, the usage of creative environment for the instructional design in engineering.
Reference number☒ 2011-1-ES1-LEO05-35968
Project dates (year started and completed) 2011-2013 Programme or initiative LLP - LdV Transfer of Innovation Action
Title of the project Play the Learning Game
Coordinating organisation FETE-UGT-PV
Website http://www.learningame.org/info/
Password / login if necessary for website  
Please summarise the project outcomes and describe (a) how the new proposal seeks to build on them and, (b) how ownership / copyright issues are to be dealt with (limit 1000 characters).
The "Play The learning Game" project intends to further exploit and transfer the results of the The Learning Game project financed in the framework of the Socrates Comenius Programme, involving teachers and trainers in a training initiative focusing on the innovative and effective use of Multimedia and Videogames for educational purposes, through the updating, expanding and testing of the "Learning Game Portal". The results will be used for development of WP4
Reference number☒ 2011-1-PT1-LEO05-08600
Project dates (year started and completed) 2011 - 2013 Programme or initiative LLP/LdV/TOI
Title of the project Game-based Research in Education and Action Training
Coordinating organisation APG Portuguese Association for Human Resources Technicians and Managers
Website http://projectgreat.org/ (inactive)
Password / login if necessary for website  
Please summarise the project outcomes and describe (a) how the new proposal seeks to build on them and, (b) how ownership / copyright issues are to be dealt with (limit 1000 characters).
The GREAT project aims: • to transfer innovative methodologies in learning and training • to enable trainers and teachers and training provider representatives • to improve their work performance • to do this by enhancing their creativity and innovation through game-based learning. The previous Engage Learning Project (www.engagelearning.eu)created an European Games-Based Learning (GBL) Portal using a combination of Web 2.0 technologies (forums, wikis, blogs, podcasts, webspaces) for the purpose. GREAT AIM is to improve documented methodologies in training and higher education by introducing in the teaching-learning process game based learning (serious games) providing innovative and adoptable tools for the assessment of training needs and guidelines for the implementation of vocational training programmes. The results will be applied in the design of WP4.
Reference number☒ 2013 LLP/LDV/TOI/2013/IRL-508
Project dates (year started and completed) 2013-present Programme or initiative LLP/LdV/TOI
Title of the project Green Games in Tourism / Hospitality [GGTH]
Coordinating organisation Cork Institute of Technology, EI
Website http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=11576
Password / login if necessary for website  
Please summarise the project outcomes and describe (a) how the new proposal seeks to build on them and, (b) how ownership / copyright issues are to be dealt with (limit 1000 characters).
The central aim of the Green Games project is to develop an online digital game and game-based-learning-methodology, along with associated guidelines and training for learners, for the understanding and implementation of knowledge, skills, strategies, tools and regulations related to food and water waste and energy management within the Tourism and Hospitality sector, in addition to advocating attitudinal change and endorsement of relevant environmental values. The project will develop a digital game, along with associated guidelines, good practice guides and training material to innovate and support improvements for students, vocational teachers and others within VET systems and practices in the tourism and hospitality sector – specifically in the areas of food and water waste management and energy management. The primary project result will be a game, aimed at delivery of the afore-mentioned skills and knowledge through a Game-Based-Learning methodology, which will serve concurrently as a tool for teaching, simulation, practice and assessment. The experience got during the project will be employed in WP3, WP4.
Reference number☒  
Project dates (year started and completed) From 2014 - present Programme or initiative Study programme
Title of the project Bachelor’s degree study full-time programme and Bachelor’s degree study part-time programme; Field of study: Management
Coordinating organisation AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management
Website http://www.zarz.agh.edu.pl/English/Course_Information/Full_time_programmes/Full_time_programmes.asp?ID=Courses
Password / login if necessary for website  
Please summarise the project outcomes and describe (a) how the new proposal seeks to build on them and, (b) how ownership / copyright issues are to be dealt with (limit 1000 characters).
The “Enterpreneurship Module” offered for this study programme consists of following courses: (1) Introduction to enterpreneurship (2) Team management (3) Development of critical and creative thinking (4) Developing business model for your enterprise (5) Busines plan In these courses students are being familiarised with basic issues on entrepreneurship, and they obtain essential knowledge and skills for starting their own businesses. This learning module will be adapted and used as a good example for the UA P7-P12 (WP3;WP4)
Reference number☒  
Project dates (year started and completed) From 2012 - present Programme or initiative Study programme
Title of the project Master’s degree study full-time programme and Bachelor’s degree study part-time programme; Field of study: Management; Major: Business Management
Coordinating organisation AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management
Website http://www.zarz.agh.edu.pl/English/Course_Information/Full_time_programmes/Full_time_programmes.asp?ID=Courses
Password / login if necessary for website  
Please summarise the project outcomes and describe (a) how the new proposal seeks to build on them and, (b) how ownership / copyright issues are to be dealt with (limit 1000 characters).
During Machelor’s degree study in the field of Management at the Faculty of Management students who take Business Management as their major learn how to conduct main activities in business administration. The students are familiarized with public commercial law – issues related to starting and conducting an enterprise. The student is prepared to work in financial department or to work as a manager since during studies the student acquires knowledge and skills which make him/her an efficatious manager. What is more, the student gains inderdisciplinar knowledge which is useful for effective communication, conducting negotiations or conflict management. Thanks to abilities in fields of team working, building project teams, strategy creating conducting, risk analysis and market research and development and innovation management an absolvent is able to adjust to the market flexibly. This learning module will be adapted or used as an example for the UA P7-P12 (WP3;WP4)

Please copy and paste tables as necessary.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 178 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: II EQUIPMENT AND PLAY | D.1. Organisations and activities | F.1. Aims and objectives | F.2. Project activities and Methodology | F.3. Budget and cost effectiveness | F.4. Quality control and Monitoring | G.1. Expected impact of the project | Overview of short and long term impact indicators | G.2. Dissemination and exploitation strategy | LOGICAL FRAMEWORK MATRIX – LFM |
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D.2.1 - Project management| E.2. Rationale for the setting-up of the consortium

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