GameHub consortium consists of thirteen partners with required expertise as well as business and education links. The team demonstrates a dynamic and strong fusion of nine HEIs – three from EU (ES,AT, PL) and six from Ukraine, two foundations providing training/research in development of serious games and gamification fields, NGO Quality Austria expert in certification, validation products and training, and Association of IT professionals (UA).
Partners have been selected according to their knowledge, experience and competence. The expertise of EU partners cover entire range as well as all levels of required knowledge and skills in the field - from programming (Python, Java) (P1,P6), through implementation (gamification) (P3,P5,P6) to digital startups (P2) and product marketing (P5). P4 is leader of QC&M as it has extensive expertise in validation of products and providing international training, certification of persons and qualification certification programs. The participation of P7-P12 is significant to integrate new methodologies, educational courses, to define requirements and improve the results with different perspectives and realities in different parts Ukraine. UA HEIs have been selected using three criteria:
(1) capability to establish the university-enterprises cooperation in CGD in their regions,
(2) diversity of the target geographical area (south-east, south, south-west, central, north and north-west), and
(3) involvement in EU, e.g., Tempus action, during last years.
P13 offers strong link to the IT professional community including young Ukrainian game sector.
All partners also have wide experience in international projects (Erasmus+(P1,P6), H2020(P1,P5), Tempus(P1-P13), FP5-7 (P1,2,3,5,6), etc.) that guarantees an appropriate development of the project. A key factor of consortium accomplishment is the previous experience of partners working together: each partner in the project has worked successfully with at least one of other partner. E.g., recently P1,P4,P8,P11,P13 take part in ICoop (530278), P2, P7-P12 in various Tempus projects (2007-2013), P1,P5,P6; and P2,P4 in numerous national projects, and so on. Their complementary profiles ensure a proper contribution in project tasks and allocation of WP leaderships among GameHub members.
P1 - project grantholder will coordinate the action applying extensive experience as project beneficiary and partner in various initiatives funded by EU. Because the primary target audience of the project are Ukrainian students, faculty staff of HEIs, SMEs and unemployment centres, the UA partners relying upon their competence will lead the PREPARATION “Analysis ICT/GI” (P8); DEVELOPMENT “GameHub Infrastructure” (P10), “Faculty Staff training” (P12) and “OER and Pilot” (P11); and DISSEMINATION (P9) work. The P1, P4 and P6 will run project management, quality assurance and exploitation/sustainability work as presented.
Therefore, the GameHub can be described as partnership of HEIs, and research/training organizations employed in relevant field combining rich knowledge and experience of numerous ongoing and successfully completed international and national projects. The consortium employes established contacts and networks, guarantying successful implementation of all project goals, good cost-benefit ratio, efficient dissemination of results, and project sustainability.