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H.3 Consortium partners involved and resources required to complete the work package

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  1. A Complete the questions with one word only.
  2. A Read the text again quickly and complete sentences 1-6.
  3. A) Complete each gap with missing phrase from the box below
  4. A) Complete each gap with missing phrase from the box below.
  5. A) Complete the conversation with a phrase from the box
  6. A) Complete the table with personal and professional abilities. Use the list below. Give the reasons.
  7. A) Think of ONE noun to complete all of the following collocations

Indicative input of consortium staff - The total number of days per staff category should correspond with the information provided in the budget tables.

Work Package Ref.nr Partner nr Partner acronym Country Number of staff days[1]☒ Role and tasks in the work package
Category Category Category Category Total
PREPARATION P1 UDEUSTO ES           Supporting WP leader in organization of activities and performance of the tasks, monitoring the activity in-house; Analysis of game/creative SMEs in EU on competence profile, possible trainings and courses at UDeusto. Contributing in design of conceptual design of UA game lab, organizing together with P6 visiting study P7-P12 in Bilbao, training UA HEI faculty staff during this visit.
P2 AGH PL           Monitoring and discussing running activity in AGH-UST. Analysis and report on AGH-UST courses and curricula in topics of management and business development, e.g., “Entrepreneurship in ICT”, “building Start-ups”; study the existing regional / national game SMEs and opportunity for cooperation with UA game business sector; organizing visiting study P7-P12 at AGH-UST; preparing the training for it and train P7-P12 HEI faculty staff. Technical support of the training.
P3 FH J AT           Co-leader of WP1. Monitoring and discussing running activity in-house. Working together with WP leader on allocation tasks to the partners, support them in this action. Design questionnaires, specialists interviewing. Analysis and report on FH J courses and curriculum in game design and game-based learning; design didactical approach in GameHub training using WP outcomes; pedagogical, methodological concept of game laboratory, organizing visiting study P7-P12 at FHJ; preparing the training for it and train P7-P12 HEI faculty staff. Technical support of the training.
P4 Quality Austria AT           Monitoring and discussing preparation activity tasks in-house. Support in designing the interviews on gathering information. Building competence profiles (methodology) based on the provided analysis and collected interview.
P5 VWLABS ES           Gathering information concerning the task analysis; knowledge and skills needs at ICT and specially at game industries conducting the activities: design questionnaires, specialists interviewing using professional network, Contributing in develop competence profiles (methodology) as representatives of SME in game/creative industry;
P6 FD ES           Monitoring and discussing preparation activity tasks in-house. Gathering information concerning the task analysis; knowledge and skills needs at ICT and specially at game industries conducting the activities: design questionnaires, specialists interviewing using professional network. Analysis and report on existing EU training and study programmes; design didactical approach in GameHub training using WP outcomes; participating in didactical approach in GameHub building; pedagogical, methodological concept of game laboratory, organizing visiting study P7-P12 at UDeusto/FD; preparing the training for it and train P7-P12 HEI faculty staff. Technical support of the training.
P7 DonNTU UA           Monitoring and discussing preparation activity tasks in-house. Accomplishing the analysis of ICT and digital GI at technology enhanced learning and service in Donetsk/ Zaporizhzhya region, UA, gathering information concerning the task analysis; knowledge and skills needs at ICT and specially at game industries conducting the activities: design questionnaires, specialists interviewing (at least 1 from each regional State Placement Service, 1 HEI & 2 IND authorities), Elaborating techno-pedagogical requirements on a game laboratory to design development guidance based on the results of WP1. Participating in visiting study ES, AT, PL. Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P8 PNU UA           Monitoring and discussing preparation activity tasks in-house. Leader of the WP, together with P1, P3 is responsible for allocation of tasks to the partners. Accomplishing the analysis of ICT and digital GI at technology enhanced learning and service in Ivano-Frankivsk region, UA, gathering information concerning the task analysis; knowledge and skills needs at ICT and specially at game industries conducting the activities: design questionnaires, specialists interviewing (at least 1 from each regional State Placement Service, 1 HEI & 2 IND authorities), Design didactical approach in GameHub training using outcomes; Developing competence profiles (methodology) based on the outcomes. Elaborating techno-pedagogical requirements on a game laboratory to design development guidance based on the results of WP1. Participating in visiting study ES, AT, PL. Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P9 KHTU UA           Monitoring and discussing preparation activity tasks in-house. Accomplishing the analysis of ICT and digital GI at technology enhanced learning and service in Kherson region, UA, gathering information concerning the task analysis; knowledge and skills needs at ICT and specially at game industries conducting the activities: design questionnaires, specialists interviewing (at least 1 from each regional State Placement Service, 1 HEI & 2 IND authorities), Design didactical approach in GameHub training using outcomes. Participating in visiting study ES, AT, PL. Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P10 KNUCA UA           Monitoring and discussing preparation activity tasks in-house. Accomplishing the analysis of ICT and digital GI at technology enhanced learning and service in Kyiv region, UA, gathering information concerning the task analysis; knowledge and skills needs at ICT and specially at game industries conducting the activities: design questionnaires, specialists interviewing (at least 1 from each regional State Placement Service, 1 HEI & 2 IND authorities), Elaborating techno-pedagogical requirements on a game laboratory to design development guidance based on the results of WP1. Participating in visiting study ES, AT, PL. Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P11 NTUKhPI UA           Monitoring and discussing preparation activity tasks in-house. Accomplishing the analysis of ICT and digital GI at technology enhanced learning and service in Kharkiv region, UA, gathering information concerning the task analysis; knowledge and skills needs at ICT and specially at game industries conducting the activities: design questionnaires, specialists interviewing (at least 1 from each regional State Placement Service, 1 HEI & 2 IND authorities), Design didactical approach in GameHub training using outcomes. Participating in visiting study ES, AT, PL. Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P12 ONPU UA           Monitoring and discussing preparation activity tasks in-house. Accomplishing the analysis of ICT and digital GI at technology enhanced learning and service in Odessa region, UA, gathering information concerning the task analysis; knowledge and skills needs at ICT and specially at game industries conducting the activities: design questionnaires, specialists interviewing (at least 1 from each regional State Placement Service, 1 HEI & 2 IND authorities), Elaborating techno-pedagogical requirements on a game laboratory to design development guidance based on the results of WP1. Participating in visiting study ES, AT, PL. Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P13 UAITP UA           Gathering information concerning the task analysis; knowledge and skills needs at ICT and especially at game industries conducting the activities: specialists interviewing using the professional network.
DEVELOPMENT P1 UDEUSTO ES           Monitoring as project coordinator all activities over development activity: WP2-WP4; WP2:Contributing into UA HEI design game lab at UA HEIs and GameHub concept and roadmap of its implementation; consulting organization and maintenance of scaffold. WP3: Preparing training on the topic of expertise; train P7-P12 in UA. Providing materials for the UA in-house training workshops. WP4: Consulting P7-P12 in development of GameHub OER and organization of Pilot.
P2 AGH PL           Monitoring and discussing development tasks in-house; co-leading WP3. WP2: Contributing in development of the GameHub concept and consulting on implementation roadmap, basing on the topic expertise. WP3: preparing training “Entrepreneurship in digital business sector”; producing handouts and art-materials for this training; train the university staff of P7-P12 on this topic; WP4: Supporting P7-P12 in preparation of the GameHub OER and running of Pilot;
P3 FH J AT           Monitoring and discussing development tasks in-house. WP2: Contributing in development of the GameHub concept and consulting on implementation roadmap, applying the topic expertise. WP3: preparing training “Gamification at HE”; producing handouts and art-materials for this training; train the university staff of P7-P12 on this topic; WP4: Supporting P7-P12 in preparation of the GameHub OER and running of Pilot;
P4 Quality Austria AT           Monitoring and discussing development tasks in-house. WP2: internal validating of GameHub concept; WP4: internal validating of Pilot. Supporting of organization external evaluation. Monitoring the quality assurance all developed outcomes and results in WP2-WP4.
P5 VWLABS ES           Monitoring and discussing development tasks in-house. WP2: contributing in development of game lab concept; WP3: preparing training “Digital games and its market promotion”; producing handouts and art-materials for this training; train the university staff of P7-P12 on this topic; WP4: consulting in preparation of education resources.
P6 FD ES           Monitoring and discussing development tasks in-house. Co-leading WP2&4. Together with WP leader and coordinator is responsible for allocation partners’ tasks in these WPs. WP2: contributing in development of game lab concept; design the list of equipment and software; prepared the workplan of game lab implementation. Support in initiation of scaffold; WP3: preparing training “Gamification in school education”, “usability and user experiences in game design”; producing handouts and art-materials for this training; train the university staff of P7-P12 on this topic; WP4: Contributing in development of learning resources, micro-games; and Pilot organization: invitation the target groups, certification, plan of implementation. Technical staff will support game lab development in P7-P12.
P7 DonNTU UA           Monitoring and discussing development tasks in-house. WP2: developing game lab in –house; establishing the in-house GameHub infrastructure, settle regional GameHub scaffold; WP3: designing in-house training group; participating in EU trainings, organize 4 in-house workshops; writing report on the training evaluation; WP4: Design education resources at least 3 learning modules, including micro-games; organizing and performing the in-house Pilot; 80 students should be involved and 25 refugees and ATO veterans. The technical staff will deploy the game lab and guarantee it stable work during the pilot Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P8 PNU UA           Monitoring and discussing development tasks in-house. WP2: developing game lab in –house; establishing the in-house GameHub infrastructure, settle regional GameHub scaffold; WP3: designing in-house training group; participating in EU trainings, organize 4 in-house workshops; writing report on the training evaluation; WP4: Design education resources at least 3 learning modules, including micro-games; organizing and performing the in-house Pilot; 85 students should be involved and 25 refugees and ATO veterans The technical staff will deploy the game lab and guarantee it stable work during the pilot Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P9 KHTU UA           Monitoring and discussing development tasks in-house. WP2: developing game lab in –house; establishing the in-house GameHub infrastructure, settle regional GameHub scaffold; WP3: designing in-house training group; participating in EU trainings, organize 4 in-house workshops; writing report on the training evaluation; WP4: Design education resources at least 3 learning modules, including micro-games; organizing and performing the in-house Pilot; 85 students should be involved and 25 refugees and ATO veterans The technical staff will deploy the game lab and guarantee it stable work during the pilot Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P10 KNUCA UA           Monitoring and discussing development tasks in-house. As leader of WP2 allocates the tasks role to the project partners. WP2: leader of the WP, developing game lab in –house; establishing the in-house GameHub infrastructure, settle regional GameHub scaffold and merging the regional scaffold in national one; WP3: designing in-house training group; participating in EU trainings, organize 4 in-house workshops; writing report on the training evaluation; WP4: Design education resources at least 3 learning modules, including micro-games; organizing and performing the in-house Pilot; 85 students should be involved and 25 refugees and ATO veterans The technical staff will deploy the game lab and guarantee it stable work during the pilot Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P11 NTUKhPI UA           Monitoring and discussing development tasks in-house. As leader of WP4 allocates the tasks role to the project partners. WP2: developing game lab in –house; establishing the in-house GameHub infrastructure, settle regional GameHub scaffold; WP3: designing in-house training group; participating in EU trainings, organize 4 in-house workshops; writing report on the training evaluation; WP4: Leading of this WP. Developing the plan of pilot implementation, design catalogue of available GameHub resources and teaching/learning modules; providing with P4 the evaluation questionnaires to target groups, collecting the reports of P7-P12 on the pilot implementation quality assessment. Design education resources at least 3 learning modules, including micro-games; organizing and performing the in-house Pilot; 85 students should be involved and 25 refugees and ATO veterans The technical staff will deploy the game lab and guarantee it stable work during the pilot Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P12 ONPU UA           Monitoring and discussing development tasks in-house. As leader of WP3 allocates the tasks role to the project partners. WP2: developing game lab in –house; establishing the in-house GameHub infrastructure, settle regional GameHub scaffold; WP3: leader of the WP, collecting the list of training groups from all partners; designing in-house training group; participating in EU trainings, organize 4 in-house workshops; writing report on the training evaluation;; providing template for the report and collecting reports from EU partners; WP4: Design education resources at least 3 learning modules, including micro-games; organizing and performing the in-house Pilot; 85 students should be involved and 25 refugees and ATO veterans The technical staff will deploy the game lab and guarantee it stable work during the pilot Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P13 UAITP UA           Disseminating information about Pilot using the professional network, supporting members of the association in participation in training. Providing feedback on developed learning modules. Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
QUALITY PLAN P1 UDEUSTO ES           Monitoring and supporting the WP leader in organization quality assurance and evaluation action during the project; project management in-house. Working with P4 on implementation of QC&M for validation of entire GameHub, supporting in organization of external evaluation, as well as internal the GameHub outcomes and products. Together with P4 organizing the CBHE coaching.
P2 AGH PL           Participation in quality validation of GameHub concept, OER and Pilot organization.  
P3 FH J AT           Participation in quality validation of GameHub OER
P4 Quality Austria AT           Leading the WP, also its duty to allocate together with P1 the tasks responsibility to the project partners. Establishing the QC&M consortium group. Internal quality control on regular basis; Inviting 2 external experts for assess the GameHub concept and pre-pilot test on accuracy developed education resources to the project objectives. Establishing evaluation questionnaires on the pilot for 2 target groups: students and external trainees; Supporting in organization CBHE coaching; Writing the final report and collecting info from the partners for it.
P5 VWLABS ES           Participation in quality validation of GameHub concept, OER and Pilot organization from view point of enterprises
P6 FD ES           Participation in quality validation of GameHub concept, OER and Pilot organization during the external evaluation of these products. Providing feedback to P7-P12.
P7 DonNTU UA           Monitoring and discussing quality assurance and evaluation action tasks in-house. Participating in external evaluation, organize the quality assessment of the pilot for target groups, writing the report for it; Performing the regular internal evaluation of the GameHub products and activities. Producing the final QC&M report and providing it to the WP leader. The administrative staff will support the collecting questionnaires.
P8 PNU UA           Monitoring and discussing quality assurance and evaluation action tasks in-house. Co-leader of the WP and will support the P4 in organization of the activity involving P7-P12. Participating in external evaluation, organize the quality assessment of the pilot for target groups, writing the report for it; Performing the regular internal evaluation of the GameHub products and activities. Producing the final QC&M report and providing it to the WP leader. The administrative staff will support the collecting questionnaires.
P9 KHTU UA           Monitoring and discussing quality assurance and evaluation action tasks in-house. Participating in external evaluation, organize the quality assessment of the pilot for target groups, writing the report for it; Performing the regular internal evaluation of the GameHub products and activities. Producing the final QC&M report and providing it to the WP leader. The administrative staff will support the collecting questionnaires.
P10 KNUCA UA           Monitoring and discussing quality assurance and evaluation action tasks in-house. Participating in external evaluation, organize the quality assessment of the pilot for target groups, writing the report for it; Performing the regular internal evaluation of the GameHub products and activities. Producing the final QC&M report and providing it to the WP leader. The administrative staff will support the collecting questionnaires.
P11 NTUKhPI UA           Monitoring and discussing quality assurance and evaluation action tasks in-house. Participating in external evaluation, organize the quality assessment of the pilot for target groups, writing the report for it; Performing the regular internal evaluation of the GameHub products and activities. Producing the final QC&M report and providing it to the WP leader. The administrative staff will support the collecting questionnaires.
P12 ONPU UA           Monitoring and discussing quality assurance and evaluation action tasks in-house. Participating in external evaluation, organize the quality assessment of the pilot for target groups, writing the report for it; Performing the regular internal evaluation of the GameHub products and activities. Producing the final QC&M report and providing it to the WP leader. The administrative staff will support the collecting questionnaires.
P13 UAITP UA           Supporting the project quality control& monitoring in UAITP.
DISSEMINATION & EXPLOITATION P1 UDEUSTO ES           Monitoring and supporting the WP6 &WP7 leaders in running the Dissemination and Exploitation; allocation tasks to other partners; project management in-house. Co-leader of WP6, will contribute and support in design and maintenance of website, creating promotion materials logo, leaflets and roll-ups; WP6: Disseminating project results using different presentation channels: institution and professional networks, international and national conferences; printing papers. Organizing together with P9,P10,P13 in the project international conference on Game Design in Ukraine; WP7: Contributing in designing sustainability and exploitation plan, template for agreement; supporting P7-P12 in accreditation action
P2 AGH PL           Monitoring and discussing dissemination and exploitation tasks in-house: WP6: Disseminating project on national/international levels using different presentation channels: university website, bulletin, professional networks, international and national conferences; printing papers Participating in the project international conference on Game Design in Ukraine; WP7: Supporting P7-P13 in development sustain exploitation strategy; signing an agreement on project products usage.
P3 FH J AT           Monitoring and discussing dissemination and exploitation tasks in-house: WP6: Disseminating project on national/international levels using different presentation channels: university website, bulletin, professional networks, international and national conferences; printing papers. Participating in the project international conference on Game Design in Ukraine; WP7: Supporting P7-P13 in development sustain exploitation strategy; signing an agreement on project products usage.
P4 Quality Austria AT           Monitoring and discussing dissemination and exploitation tasks in-house: WP6: Disseminating project on national/international levels using different presentation channels, e.g., professional networks. Participating in the project international conference on Game Design in Ukraine; WP7: Supporting P7-P13 in development sustain exploitation strategy; signing an agreement on project products usage.
P5 VWLABS ES           Monitoring and discussing dissemination and exploitation tasks in-house: WP6: Disseminating project on national/international levels using different presentation channels, e.g., professional networks. Participating in the project international conference on Game Design in Ukraine; WP7: Supporting P7-P13 in development sustain exploitation strategy; signing an agreement on project products usage.
P6 FD ES           Leading of the WP7.Together with P1, P9 will delegate the tasks responsibility to the partners. Monitoring and discussing dissemination and exploitation tasks in-house. WP6: Disseminating project on national/international levels using different presentation channels: organization website, bulletin, professional networks, international and national conferences; printing papers. Participating in the project international conference on Game Design in Ukraine; WP7: Elaborating the sustainability and exploitation plan, updating it at least once in year; developing the accreditation activity in P7-P12; developing the agreement on use of project resources.
P7 DonNTU UA           Co-leading the WP7. Monitoring and discussing dissemination and exploitation tasks in-house. WP6: Disseminating project on national/international levels using different presentation channels: organization website, bulletin, professional networks, international and national conferences; printing papers. 3 info days & public appearance; 1 dissemination workshop; 1 roundtable, 1 job fair per year should be organized; Providing reports on the events to WP leader. Participating in the project international conference on Game Design in Ukraine; WP7: contributing in sustainability & exploitation plan; accreditation the GameHub on institution/regional level; sign the agreement on the use of the project products. Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P8 PNU UA           Monitoring and discussing dissemination and exploitation tasks in-house. WP6: Disseminating project on national/international levels using different presentation channels: organization website, bulletin, professional networks, international and national conferences; printing papers. 3 info days & public appearance; 1 dissemination workshop; 1 roundtable, 1 job fair per year should be organized; Providing reports on the events to WP leader. Participating in the project international conference on Game Design in Ukraine; WP7: contributing in sustainability & exploitation plan; accreditation the GameHub on institution/regional level; sign the agreement on the use of the project products.
P9 KHTU UA           Leading of the WP6. Together with P1 will delegate the tasks responsibility to the partners. Monitoring and discussing dissemination and exploitation tasks in-house. WP6: Developing the disseminating instruments, designing and maintaining the website, Disseminating project on national/international levels using different presentation channels: organization website, bulletin, professional networks, international and national conferences; printing papers. 3 info days & public appearance; 1 dissemination workshop; 1 roundtable, 1 job fair per year should be organized; Organizing the project international conference on Game Design in Ukraine; Collecting the reports on all partners’ events. WP7: contributing in sustainability & exploitation plan; accreditation the GameHub on institution/regional level; sign the agreement on the use of the project products. Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P10 KNUCA UA           Monitoring and discussing dissemination and exploitation tasks in-house WP6: Disseminating project on national/international levels using different presentation channels: organization website, bulletin, professional networks, international and national conferences; printing papers. 3 info days & public appearance; 1 dissemination workshop; 1 roundtable, 1 job fair per year should be organized; Providing reports on the events to WP leader. Organizing together with P1,P9 &P13 in the project international conference on Game Design in Ukraine; WP7: contributing in sustainability & exploitation plan; accreditation the GameHub on institution/regional level; sign the agreement on the use of the project products. Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P11 NTUKhPI UA           Monitoring and discussing dissemination and exploitation tasks in-house WP6: Disseminating project on national/international levels using different presentation channels: organization website, bulletin, professional networks, international and national conferences; printing papers. 3 info days & public appearance; 1 dissemination workshop; 1 roundtable, 1 job fair per year should be organized; Providing reports on the events to WP leader. Participating in the project international conference on Game Design in Ukraine; WP7: contributing in sustainability & exploitation plan; accreditation the GameHub on institution/regional level; sign the agreement on the use of the project products. Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P12 ONPU UA           Monitoring and discussing dissemination and exploitation tasks in-house. WP6: Disseminating project on national/international levels using different presentation channels: organization website, bulletin, professional networks, international and national conferences; printing papers. 3 info days & public appearance; 1 dissemination workshop; 1 roundtable, 1 job fair per year should be organized; Providing reports on the events to WP leader. Participating in the project international conference on Game Design in Ukraine; WP7: contributing in sustainability & exploitation plan; accreditation the GameHub on institution/regional level; sign the agreement on the use of the project products. Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
P13 UAITP UA           Monitoring and discussing dissemination and exploitation tasks in-house. WP6: Disseminating project on national/international levels using different presentation channels, e.g., professional networks. Support in organization the project international conference on Game Design in Ukraine; WP7: Supporting P7-P12 in development sustain exploitation strategy; signing an agreement on project products usage. Administrative staff duty will be paperwork to support the WP activities.
MANAGEMENT P1 UDEUSTO ES           The leader of WP – Management. Project management and financial control of GameHub overall; preparation interim and final report; organizing meetings; be a host organization for Kick-off meeting, because of this the technical support is needed. The creating and organization of signature for consortium agreement, design eHandbook and project management portal. Writing minutes for all f2f and online meetings. Daily support of consortium, reducing risks and solving problems if they will appear. The technical staff duty is to ensure stable work during kick-off and online meetings. The massive administration work required involvement of the administrative staff.
P2 AGH PL           Project management and financial control in-house; contribution in interim and final report; participating in meetings. Providing technical report on the performed work. The signature for consortium agreement in-house. Substantial administration work required involvement of the administrative staff.
P3 FH J AT           Project management and financial control in-house; contribution in interim and final report; participating in meetings. Providing technical report on the performed work. The signature for consortium agreement in-house. Substantial administration work required involvement of the administrative staff.
P4 Quality Austria AT           Project management and financial control in-house; contribution in interim and final report; participating in meetings. Providing technical report on the performed work. The signature for consortium agreement in-house. Substantial administration work required involvement of the administrative staff.
P5 VWLABS ES           Project management and financial control in-house; contribution in interim and final report; participating in meetings. Providing technical report on the performed work. The signature for consortium agreement in-house. Substantial administration work required involvement of the administrative staff.
P6 FD ES           Project management and financial control in-house; contribution in interim and final report; participating in meetings. Providing technical report on the performed work. The signature for consortium agreement in-house. Substantial administration work required involvement of the administrative staff.
P7 DonNTU UA           Project management and financial control in-house; contribution in interim and final report; participating in meetings. Providing technical report on the performed work. The signature for consortium agreement in-house. Substantial administration work required involvement of the administrative staff.
P8 PNU UA           Project management and financial control in-house; contribution in interim and final report; participating in meetings. Providing technical report on the performed work. The signature for consortium agreement in-house. Substantial administration work required involvement of the administrative staff.
P9 KHTU UA           Project management and financial control in-house; contribution in interim and final report; participating in meetings. Providing technical report on the performed work. The signature for consortium agreement in-house. Substantial administration work required involvement of the administrative staff.
P10 KNUCA UA           Project management and financial control in-house; contribution in interim and final report; participating in meetings. Together with P1 organizing the meeting after 3rd year of the project. Providing technical report on the performed work. The signature for consortium agreement in-house. Substantial administration work required involvement of the administrative staff.
P11 NTUKhPI UA           Project management and financial control in-house; contribution in interim and final report; participating in meetings. Together with P1 organizing the meeting after 2nd year of the project. Providing technical report on the performed work. The signature for consortium agreement in-house. Substantial administration work required involvement of the administrative staff.
P12 ONPU UA           Project management and financial control in-house; contribution in interim and final report; participating in meetings. Together with P1 organizing the meeting after 1st year of the project, combine it with external evaluation. Providing technical report on the performed work. The signature for consortium agreement in-house. Substantial administration work required involvement of the administrative staff.
P13 UAITP UA           Project management and financial control in-house; contribution in interim and final report; participating in meetings. Providing technical report on the performed work. The signature for consortium agreement in-house. Substantial administration work required involvement of the administrative staff.

Please insert rows as necessary

Subcontracting of tasks to external bodies should be very occasional. The specific competences and particular expertise needed to reach the project objectives should be found in the consortium and should determine its composition. Subcontracting is intended for specific, time-bound, project-related tasks which cannot be performed by the Consortium members themselves.

Tasks that will be subcontracted:

Work Package Ref.nr Partner responsible for sub-contracting (Acronym) Country Number of days (where appropriate) Brief description of task☒
WP2,WP5 UDeusto, Quality Austria ES, AT   External evaluation of the GameHub concept. Performing by external evaluator a report on the improvement of developed outputs. Quality Austria (P5) is responsible for content part: invitation of the expert, his/her profile, discussion and acceptation of the report, etc.; UDeusto (P1) is responsible for financial component
WP4,WP5 UDeusto, Quality Austria ES,AT   External validation and coaching the P7-P12 for coming Pilot organization. The assessment will be done for all target groups: students, and professional development for unemployment people and ATO veterans. Recommendations for improvement of Pilot maintenance will be done inform of report. Report will be delivered by external evaluator. Quality Austria (P5) is responsible for content part: invitation of expert, profile of expert, discussion and acceptation of the report, etc.; UDeusto (P1) is responsible for financial component
WP5 UDeusto ES - The CBHE/Tempus project coordinators and experts will be invited for organization of training and consultation during the CBHE coaching event. This budget will cover travel costs and costs of stay.  
WP6 UDeusto ES   Conference keynotes: Two experts in field will be invited to present the contemporary trends in Game development and Game industry
WP6 UDeusto ES   The professional illustrator will be subcontracted for the graphic presentation of website: including wireframes, images, css, and html5, as well as usability and accessibility testing.
WP6 UDeusto ES   Website domain registration and hosting, the main company in Spain http://www.arsys.es/ will be subcontracted
WP6 UDeusto ES   The professional illustrator will be subcontracted for the design the promotional materials of the project: logo, leaflets in 2 languages (EN &UA), roll-up in 2 languages (EN &UA), notepads
WP6 UDeusto ES   Producing/printing leaflets by Garcinuño Comunicación Gráfica http://imprentagarcinuno.es/ (500copies in EN)
WP6 UDeusto ES   Producing Roll-up (1 item) in EN
WP6 AGH UST PL   Producing Roll-up (1 item) in EN
WP6 FH J AT   Producing Roll-up (1 item) in EN
WP6 DonNTU UA   Producing Roll-up (1 item) in UA, Printing leaflets 100 items (UA)
WP6 PNU UA   Producing Roll-up (1 item) in UA, Printing leaflets 100 items (UA)
WP6 KNTU UA   Producing Roll-up (1 item) in UA, Printing leaflets 100 items (UA)
WP6 KNUCA UA   Producing Roll-up (1 item) in UA, Printing leaflets 100 items (UA)
WP6 NTU”KhPI” UA   Producing Roll-up (1 item) in UA, Printing leaflets 100 items (UA)
WP6 ONPU UA   Producing Roll-up (1 item) in UA, Printing leaflets 100 items (UA)
WP6 UAITP UA   Printing leaflets 100 items (UA)
WP6 KNUCA UA   Producing conference programme, conference notepads, pens, memory sticks, folders, bags and T-shirts (100 items)
WP6 FD ES   The graphic illustrator will be subcontracted for visual design of materials for final conference (logo of conference, t-shirts, folders, programme)
WP6 DonNTU UA   Production of promotion materials for info-days and job fairs (500 copies)
WP6 PNU UA   Production of promotion materials for info-days and job fairs (500 copies)
WP6 KNTU UA   Production of promotion materials for info-days and job fairs (500 copies)
WP6 KNUCA UA   Production of promotion materials for info-days and job fairs (500 copies)
WP6 NTU”KhPI” UA   Production of promotion materials for info-days and job fairs (500 copies)
WP6 ONPU UA   Production of promotion materials for info-days and job fairs (500 copies)
WP6 KNTU UA   eBook registration ISSN
WP4 UDeusto ES   Proofreading the handouts and producing the artwork for trainings
WP4 AGH UST PL   Proofreading the handouts and producing the artwork for trainings
WP4 FH J AT   Proofreading the handouts and producing the artwork for trainings
WP4 DonNTU UA   Production of materials for training of unemployment people and veterans ATO (200copies)
WP4 PNU UA   Production of materials for training of unemployment people and veterans ATO (200copies)
WP4 KNTU UA   Production of materials for training of unemployment people and veterans ATO (200copies)
WP4 KNUCA UA   Production of materials for training of unemployment people and veterans ATO (200copies)
WP4 NTU”KhPI” UA   Production of materials for training of unemployment people and veterans ATO (200copies)
WP4 ONPU UA   Production of materials for training of unemployment people and veterans ATO (200copies)
WP8 UDeusto ES   Fees for bank transfers and exchange commission
WP8 UDeusto ES   According of EACEA guide the audit firm in Spain will be subcontracted to do an audit of final financial project report. The audit report should be provided

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Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 168 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: G.2. Dissemination and exploitation strategy | LOGICAL FRAMEWORK MATRIX – LFM | H.1. Description of work packages, outcomes and activities | Deliverables/results/outcomes | Deliverables/results/outcomes | Останній день реєстрації – 15 травня п’ятниця, до 24 год. Для нових колективів – 10 травня. | Dance crew танцюють під свою фонограму. |
<== предыдущая страница | следующая страница ==>
H.2. Explanation of work package expenditures| PART J - OTHER EU grants

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