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Exercise 2.4. Experience. (noun)

Читайте также:
  1. Exercise 1
  2. Exercise 1
  3. Exercise 1
  4. Exercise 1
  5. Exercise 1
  6. Exercise 1
  7. Exercise 1

Translate into Russian paying special attention to the Russian equivalents of experience.

1. Our first garden was quite literally a postage stamp garden.... Not a big project, but we almost never weeded it, and we had enough produce for some enjoyable summer meals.... As we have gained experience, we have expanded to suit what we know we can handle. (Eames-Sheavly)

2. Watching the proud expression on my son's face when he handed me a perfect little zinnia is an experience I won't forget for a long time! (Eames-Sheavly)

3. Levkin opened the door and Otto fell in. He smelt like an old bar-parlour of stale drink and tobacco. I did not care to go on seeing my brother in this condition and it seemed kinder to him too to curtail the experience. "Take him away." (Murdoch)

4. If gardening is so terrific, why does the experience turn sour for some families? In most cases, it is because the parents, not the children, have expectations that far exceed what is practical or enjoyable. (Eames-Sheavly)

5. Had he been trying to attract my attention, haunting me in a desperate effort to seek my help? And what did he want? Peace? Succour? Or vengeance? All things seemed possible... My recent experiences had begun to open my mind, but it had not been until I had come here to Alton, read what I had read yesterday afternoon, and begun to uncover the truth about Conrad Vane that I had been fully convinced of things that lay out of sight, below the surface of the ordinary world. (Hill)

6.1 now do three or four hours of aerobics each week, and I swim at the RAC club two or three evenings a week, too. I certainly feel better. I thought I was fit before, but this is quite a different experience [RAC – Royal Automobile Club].

7. The next night, and nearly every night after that, the nightingale was there again. Beatrice Harrison could hardly believe what was happening: she was playing duets with a wild bird! It was an astonishing experience and she wished that she could share her pleasure with other people. (Alexander)



3.1. There is /there are; to be

Известно, что предложения в русском, английском и других языках, кроме формально-грамматического членения (по членам предложения), характеризуются коммуникативным или информационным членением, т. е. делятся на информационное ядро и данное (не строго говоря, «рему» и «тему»). Известно также, что элементы синтаксической и информационной структур не совпадают, но принято считать, что информационное ядро (сообщаемое) стремится занять место ближе к концу предложения. В английском бытийном предложении вводящее there позволяет переместить с позиции темы существительное-подлежащее с неопределенным артиклем, которое является информационным ядром, при этом имеет место инверсия подлежащего и сказуемого. Сказуемое в бытийном предложении обычно представлено глаголом to be, однако употребляются и такие глаголы, как exist, lie, stand, преимущественно в книжно-письменном стиле речи.

При переводе бытийных предложений глагол to be часто конкретизируется. Значению «положение в пространстве» соответствуют русские глаголы «стоять», «сидеть», «висеть», «лежать», «располагаться», «простираться» и т. п.: there were two flower-pots on the window-sill – на подоконнике стояли два горшка с цветами; there was a mirror in a gilt frame over the chest of drawers – над комодом висело зеркало в золоченой раме; there was a bearskin on the floor near the fireplace – на полу возле камина лежала медвежья шкура.

Если подлежащее выражено существительным, относящимся к тематической группе «звук», значение глагола to be передается глаголами «слышаться», «раздаться», «доноситься» и т. п.: there was a rustling among the dry leaves and a rabbit came out – послышался шорох сухих листьев, и появился кролик.

Сочетание глагола to be с существительными группы «запах» потребует использования русских глаголов «стоять», «доноситься», «чувствоваться», «ощущаться» и т. п.: there was a sharp smell of a bonfire – в воздухе стоял резкий запах костра.

В зависимости от контекста, возможности конкретизации to be очень велики. Иногда переводчики применяют трансформацию отглагольного существительного в глагол, т. е. замену именного сказуемого глагольным.


(1) There was one very spooky guy in the back of the canoe, with a mask on. He was the witch doctor. (Sal.)

А на корме этой лодки сидел очень страшный человек в маске. Это был их колдун. (Р.-К.)

(2) It was just light; there was a smell of grass. (Gals.)

Было уже светло; пахло влажной травой. (Лорие)

(3)There was little sentimentality about the Forsytes. (Gals.)

Члены этой семьи не отличались сентиментальностью. (Лорие)

(4) Bluebells carpeted the ground there; among the larchtrees there was mystery – the air, as it were, composed of that romantic quality. (Gals.)

Ковром устилали землю голубые колокольчики, лиственницы дышали тайной – казалось, самый воздух был проникнут ею. (Лорие)


Exercise 3.1. There is /there are, to be

Translate into Russian paying attention to the word order and to the equivalents of the verb to be.

1. I looked out of the window. The back garden was surprisingly large. It was bordered by a privet hedge and there was a big apple-tree at the far end. (Braine)

2. Thomas's face, poised and wrinkled up with thought, had a whimsical almost sentimental gentleness. There are some faces which cannot be "read" without a key. (Murdoch)

3. There has been a town of Totnes since at least the tenth century. It is built on a hill, with the remains of a castle built soon after the Norman Conquest near the top, and the River Dart at the bottom. (Utin)

4. Red Rock is a struggling little place. Also straggling. A long road leads down to the sea, running straight across the sandhills because there are no trees and nothing to turn aside for, and along this road there are a few houses, some in clusters as if afraid of the loneliness... (Wain)

5. Edward walked in. He was in the corridor of a flat, with various closed doors and very little light. There was a rather unpleasant dusty sweetish smell which could have been old cosmetics or some kind of dry rot. (Murdoch)

6. There was a brief silence and then the Mother Superior, assuming a lighter manner, smiled. (Maugham)

7. She smiled and there was a hint of malice in her grave eyes. (Maugham)

8. There was a soft sighing sound as of something deflating and a faint sound like running water. Then there was a stifled cry, or whimper. (Murdoch)

9. There was a honey-brown woven rug beside the double bed, about the head of which hung a frilled canopy... (Murdoch)



3.2. Конструкция used + to + infinitive

Конструкция used + to-infinitive употребляется для обозначения привычного действия или состояния в прошлом и подразумевает, что данная практика, обычай или положение вещей больше не существует. Этот смысл передается на русский язык с помощью наречий «обычно», «когда-то», «раньше», а также выражения «иметь обыкновение». В некоторых случаях бывает достаточным употребить смысловой глагол в форме прошедшего времени несовершенного вида.


(1) "I used to go racing with your father," George was saying... (Gals.)

Я когда-то хаживал на скачки с вашим отцом, – сказал Джордж... (Лорие)

(2) He's in Hollywood... He's got a lot of dough, now. He didn't use to. He used to be just a regular writer, when he was home. (Sal.)

Он живет в Голливуде... Денег у него теперь куча. Не то, что раньше. Раньше, когда он жил дома, он был настоящим писателем. (Р.-К.)

(3) Ijust mean that I used to think about old Spencer quite a lot... (Sal.)

Просто я хочу сказать, что я много думал про старика Спенсера... (Р.-К.)


Exercise 3.2. Used + to + infinitive

Translate into Russian noting the various possibilities of translating the phrases with used to.

1.... she had opened The Times which lent itself still to a more leisurely perusal. Not that The Times was what it used to be. The maddening thing about The Times was that you could not find anything any more. (Christie)

2. I was often in trouble. My love of animals was so intense that I used to lure our neighbors' pets into our garden and there held a sort of zoological court. (Denis)

3. I used to think you married Thomas for security and status because he was an older man and to get even with Chloe. Now I see you married him for his power. (Murdoch)

4. When it comes to stereotypes, Switzerland is not what it used to be. The trains still run on time, but the post has just gone over to two rates, two speeds, neither of them as reliable as in "the good old days".

5. – It was probably him. He's the cause of all the trouble!

– You used to like him, you used to admire him.

– I still do. (Murdoch)

6. I live in the country. A very small place halfway between Loomouth and Market Basing....It used to be a very pretty old-world village but of course like everything else, it is becoming what they call developed nowadays. (Christie)

7. And he had a villa at Richmond, overlooking the river, with trellises of red roses; and Mademoiselle used to pick one every morning and stick it in his button-hole. (Woolf)



Дата добавления: 2015-07-10; просмотров: 649 | Нарушение авторских прав

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