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D. Bordetella pertussis

E. Mycobacterium kansassii

  1. All listed bacteria are members of normal microflora of oral cavity of mouth, except:

A. streptococci

B. actinomycetes

C. *gonococci

D. veilonella

E. fusobacteria

  1. An aspiration method is used for research of air microflora of ___

A. maternity hall

B. operating-room

C. manipulation room

D. *all are correct

E. drugstore

  1. Bacteriological examination of air is essential in which of following conditions?

A. Surgical operation theatre

B. Premises where pharmaceutical preparations are made

C. In hospital wards in which there is an outbreak of cross-infection

D. All are corect

E. *All are incorect

  1. Besides coliforms, which other bacteria can serve as indicator organism/s of fecal pollution of soil?

A. *Clostridium perfringens

B. Bacillus subtilis

C. Corynebacterium diphtheriae

D. Streptococcus viridans

E. All are correct

  1. Choose species of streptococci which have selected from mucus membrane of oral cavity often:

A. S. mitis

B. S. haemolyticus, S. mutans

C. S. sanguis, S. viridans

D. S. salivarius

E. *all are correct

  1. Choose among given microorganisms which occupy a skin:

A. Bacteroides, Vibrio, Spirillum

B. Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Pseudomonades

C. Clostridium, Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus roseus,

D. *Staphylococcus, Propionobacterium, Peptococcus

E. Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, Neisseria

  1. Choose among listed microorganisms which occupy soil:

A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Staphylococcus

B. *Nitrosomonas, Azotobacter, Actynomycetes

C. Bacteroides, Vibrio, Spirillum

D. Brucella, Bacillus anthracis, Clostridium

E. Salmonella, Shigella, Leptospira

  1. Choose among listed microorganisms which occupy water basins.

A. Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus viridans

B. Brucella, Bacillus anthracis, Clostridium

C. Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus pneumoniae

D. *Micrococcus roseus, Pseudomonas

E. Bacteroides, Vibrio, Spirillum

  1. Choose among the listed drugs eubiotics:

A. Bacteriocines

B. Antibiotics

C. *Bificol

D. Lysozim

E. interferon

  1. Choose among the microorganisms of a colon given the basic kinds:

A. *Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus

B. Staphylococci, streptococci, Proteus

C. Clostridium, peptococci, esherichia

D. Candida, spirochetes, micrococci

E. Diphtheroides, spirillum, fungi

  1. Choose an optimum medium for the isolation of streptococci from clinical material:


B. Yolk salt agar

C. Bile MPB


E. *Blood MPA

  1. Choose cocci which are members of normal oral microflora:

A. *S. salivarium, S. mutans|

B. S. pyogenes

C. S. haemolyticus

D. S. viridans

E. All at list

  1. Choose diseases which can be transmitted through air often?

A. AIDS, hepatitis B

B. dysentery, typhoid fever

C. tetanus, salmonelosis

D. *flu, measles, diphtheria

E. cholera

  1. Choose drugs which are used for treatment dysbacteriosis:

A. Penicillinum, Cephalosporinum

B. Antimicrobic serums and immunoglobulines

C. Vitamins and hormones

D. Lysozym and interferon

E. *Colibacterin, bifidobacterin

  1. Choose methods of research of microflora of air:

A. Membranes filters

B. Pasteur's

C. *Sedementative

D. Fortner's

E. Quantitative

  1. Choose the basic group of bacteria which lives on mucus membrane of oral cavity?

A. *streptococci

B. micrococci

C. neisseria

D. hemophilic microorganisms

E. enterobacteria

  1. Choose the method of air microflora research:

A. membrane filters

B. Paster’s

C. *Aspiration

D. Fortner’s

E. Quantitative

  1. Choose the third - fourth degrees of cleanliness of vaginal secret typically:

A. The subacidic pH, the low contents of glycogen, single Dodderlein’s lactic acid bacilli

B. The pH is 4.7, presence of lactic acid bacilli

C. The alkalescent pH, epitelial cells, single leukocytes

D. *The alkaline pH, staphyloco-and streptococci, leukocytes

E. The subacidic pH, presence of glucose, single lactic acid bacilli

  1. What microbe does demonstrate the unsuitability of this group of drugs in medical practice?

A. *Staphylococcus aureus

B. yeast

C. Saprophytic staphylococci

D. mold fungi

E. Sarcina

  1. Disbacteriosis was develop after antibiotic therapy. What medicine does use in this case?

A. Bacteriophage.

B. Antibiotic

C. Interferon

D. *Eubiotic.

E. Vitamines.

  1. For pregnant bacterial disbacteriosis of vagina is diagnosed. What medicine does it follow to choose in this case?

A. Bacteriophage.

B. Antibiotic

C. Interferon

D. *Eubiotic.

E. Vitamines.

  1. For the first - second degrees of cleanliness of vaginal secret typically:

A. The alkaline pH, is not enough glicogen and glucose

B. *The pH is 4.7, presence of lactic acid bacilli

C. The alkalescent pH, leukocytes, staphylococci

D. The alkaline pH, staphylo-and streptococci, leukocytes

E. The alkaline pH, presence of proteins, single cocci

  1. For the third - fourth degrees of cleanliness of vaginal secret typically:

A. The subacidic pH, the low contents of glycogen, single Dodderlein’s lactic acid bacilli

B. The pH is 4.7, presence of lactic acid bacilli

C. The alkalescent pH, epitelial cells, single leukocytes

D. *The alkaline pH, staphyloco-and streptococci, leukocytes

E. The subacidic pH, presence of glucose, single lactic acid bacilli

  1. Frequently oral streptococci cause ______.

A. otitis of middle ear

B. sinusitis

C. pharyngites

D. pneumonia

E. *endocardites

  1. From which factors is composition of the microbes of the air depend?

A. mineral and organic suspensions,

B. on the temperature,

C. ainfall and humidity

D. locality,

E. *all are correct

  1. Gnotobiology is a science which studies:

A. Microflora of the person

B. Microflora of experimental animals

C. *Life of the microbe-free animals

D. Microflora of different parts of an organism

E. Influence of various factors on normal microflora

  1. How are microorganisms in air controlled?

A. Settle plate method

B. Fortner's

C. *Membrane's filters

D. Fortner’s

E. Drigalsky's

  1. How do bacteria get in air?

A. from soil, water

B. from people and animals

C. from food products

D. from plants

E. *all are correct

  1. In operation theatre for neurosurgery, bacterial count of air shoud not exseed:

A. per foot3

B. per foot3

C. per foot3

D. per foot3

E. *1 per foot3

  1. In operation theatres, bacterial count of air shoud not exseed:

A. per foot3

B. per foot3

C. *10 per foot3

D. per foot3

E. per foot3

  1. In presumptive coliform count of water, it is considered satisfactory if the count is:


B. *1-3

C. -10

D. -15

E. -20

  1. Name human pathogens that are transmissible in water:

A. Corynebacterium diphtheriae

B. Bacillus subtilis

C. Staphylococcus aureus

D. Staphylococcus epidermidis.

E. *Salmonella paratyphi

  1. Name the typical bacteria of soil:

A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Staphylococcus

B. Bacteroides, Vibrio, Spirillum

C. *Nitrosomonas, Azotobacter, Actynomycetes

D. Brucella, Bacillus anthracis, Clostridium

E. Salmonella, Shigella, Leptospira

  1. Name the typical bacteria of water:

A. Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus viridans

B. Brucella, Bacillus anthracis, Clostridium

C. Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus pneumoniae

D. *Micrococcus roseus, Pseudomonas

E. Bacteroides, Vibrio, Spirillum

  1. Sanitary - exponential microorganisms of soil are, EXEPT:

A. S. faecalis,

B. coli,

C. perfrіngens,

D. *tetanі;

E. termophylic bacteria

  1. Sanitary – indicative microorganisms of water are:

A. M. candіcans,

B. M. roseus,

C. *E. colі,

D. S. faecalіs;

E. C. perfrіngens

  1. Sanitary–indicative microorganisms of air are:

A. S. typhi

B. S. typhimurium,

C. *S. aureus,

D. S. epidermidis.

E. S. paratyphi

  1. The coli-titer of drinking water should be:

A. not less than 500 ml,

B. not less than 100 ml,

C. not less then 333 ml;

D. not more then 333 ml;

E. not less then 3 l.

  1. The general microbe amount in water is determined by:

A. *sowing of 1 ml of water into the cooled agar

B. sowing of 1 ml of water into MPB

C. membrane filters

D. all of answers are incorrect

E. sowing of 1 ml of water onto YSA

  1. The greatest amount of microbes (1 000000 per cm3) is found in the top layer of soil at a depth ____

A. -2 mm|

B. -5 cm

C. *10-15 cm

D. -5 m

E. -2 km

  1. The human microflora includes different biotopes with various species of microbes. Where are Doderlayn’s bacilli founded?

A. on mucus of GT

B. on mucus of stomach.

C. on mucus of upper respiratory tract

D. on a skin.

E. *on mucus of vagine

  1. The resident microflora of large intestine of man include ________:

A. peptococci, streptococi

B. *bifidobacteria, bacteroides, clostridia.

C. vibrio, chlamidia

D. spirochetes, staphylococci

E. enterococci, viruses.

  1. The sanitary - bacteriological investigation of water includes _________

A. determination of total number of microbes in 1 ml of water,

B. determination of a coli-index or coli-titer,

C. detection of pathogenic microbes, their toxins

D. Е. соli bacteriophages

E. *All are correct

  1. The term “disbacteriosis” means ___

A. Reduction of quantity of the anaerobic bacteria of the colon.

B. Infringements of balance between microbes of the small intestine and the colon.

C. *Quantitative and qualitative infringements of balance between microbic populations in structure of microflora

D. Increases of quantityof pathogenic microorganisms at surfaces of a skin

E. Condition of microflora of the experimental animal, caused by intervention of the experimenter

  1. What anaerobic microorganisms do prevail in human intestinal microflora?

A. Fusobacteria

B. Clostridia

C. *Bacteroides

D. Laktobacteria

E. Enterococcci

  1. What antagonist microorganisms do prevail in human intestinal microflora?

A. Fusobacteria

B. Clostridia

C. *Bifidobacteria

D. Spirillum

E. Enterococcci

  1. What bacteria are a sanitary-indicative microorganisms of water?

A. *collibacillus

B. streptococcus

C. staphylococcus

D. diphtheroid

E. mycobacterium

  1. What diseases are transmitted by air often?

A. gas anaerobic infection

B. hepatitis A

C. *scarlet fever, flu

D. candidosis, mycosis

E. dysentery

  1. What diseases can be transferred through water more often?

A. Tuberculosis, tetanus

B. *Typhoid fever, dysentery, hepatites A

C. Anthrax, plagues, tularemia

D. Flu, measles, diphtherias

E. Botulism, gas gangren infections, tetanus

  1. What diseases should bacteroides cause?

A. appendicitis,

B. septicaemia of different aetiology,

C. postoperative infectious complications in the peritoneal cavity,

D. inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract,

E. *all are correct

  1. What from the listed microorganisms can exist long time in soil?

A. Typhoid fever and dysentery

B. Tuberculosis and diphtheria

C. Virus hepatites A and B

D. Hemophylus influenzea and streptococus pneumonias

E. *Anthrax and a botulism

  1. What human pathogens are found in air?

A. *flu virus, measles virus|

B. clostridia

C. pox virus, varicella-zoster virus

D. hepatitis A virus

E. enterovirus, rotavirus

  1. What human pathogens are found in soil?

A. Lactobacteria

B. Bifidumbacteria

C. Thermophylic bacteria

D. Candida spp.

E. *Clostridia

  1. What human pathogens are found in water?

A. *collibacillus

B. streptococcus

C. staphylococcus

D. diphtheroid

E. mycobacterium

  1. What index is used for the sanitary-hygenic estimation of soil?

A. titre of enterobacteria

B. titres of enterococci and С. perfringens

C. titre of thermophylic bacteria

D. *all are correct

E. all are incorrect

  1. What is ratio between aerobic and anaerobic microflora of the human intestinal microbiocenesis in normal?



C. *1:100



  1. What is the colonization resistance?

A. *The ability of members of the normal flora to limit the growth of pathogenes

B. Ability of the microbes given biotope to be distributed to other sites of an organism

C. Resistance of the microbes of biotope to action of an antibacterial drugs

D. Invariance of the quantitative and qualitative characteristic of the microbes of biotope

E. Influence of the microbes of the separate biotope on a line located biotopes

  1. What medicine are used for treatment of disbacteriosis?

A. Bacteriocines

B. Antibiotics

C. *Bificol

D. Lysozim

E. Interferon

  1. What microbes can cause formation of teeth pigment spots?

A. *Porfyromonas, Prevotella

B. Streptococcus, Veillonella

C. Fusobacterium, Treponema

D. Peptostreptococcus, Leptotrichia

E. Treponema, Veillonella

  1. What microorganism is considered major contributor to caries?

A. Fusobacterium

B. Staphylococcus

C. Bacteroides

D. *Streptococcus

E. Treponema

  1. What microorganisms are not members of normal flora of Digestive system?

A. Lactobacillus

B. Clostridium

C. Bacteroides

D. Fusobacterium

E. *Treponema

  1. What microorganisms are prevail in oral microflora?

A. mycoplasma

B. fungi

C. *bacteria

D. chlamydia

E. viruses

  1. What microorganisms do cause teeth demineralization?

A. *streptococci

B. staphylococci

C. leptotrichia

D. veilonella

E. actinomycetes

  1. What microorganisms is it possible to find in a throat in a norm?

A. gamma-hemolytic streptococci.

B. Coagulase-negative staphylococci.

C. Haemophilus haemolyticus.

D. Neisseria

E. *All are correct.

  1. What normal kinds of microorganisms are found in soil?

A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Staphylococcus

B. Bacteroides, Vibrio, Spirillum

C. *Nitrosomonas, Azotobacter, Actynomycetes

D. Brucella, Bacillus anthracis, Clostridium

E. Salmonella, Shigella, Leptospira

  1. What of following are considered to be an indicator organism for air polution.

A. Neisseria, Streptococcus haemolyticus

B. Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens

C. *Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus haemolyticus

D. Sarcina luteae, Actynomycetes

E. Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus pneumoniae

  1. What of following is considered to be an indicator organism for fecal contamination in water.

A. S. viridans,

B. *E. coli,

C. C. albicans,

D. C. tetanі;

E. termophylic bacteria

  1. What part of respiratory system is essentially sterile?

A. lower respiratory system

B. *the bronchial tubes

C. the throat

D. upper respiratory system

E. oral cavity

  1. What physiological value of normal microflora of human?

A. Stimulates secretory activity of a gastroenteric path

B. Raises a vascular tone and stimulates work of secretory system

C. Stimulates all kinds of a metabolism, immunity, synthesizes a number of vitamins

D. Synthesizes a number of antimicrobic substances, influences synthesis of hormones

E. C and D are true.

  1. What soils do contain richest of microflora?

A. sandy

B. clayey podsol

C. *arable

D. forest

E. loose sand

  1. What species of microorganisms are not member of nasal mucus obligate microflora?

A. Staphylococcus saprophyticus

B. Streptococcus viridans

C. *Streptococcus pyogenes

D. Nonpathogenic Nesseria

E. Staphylococcus epidermidis

  1. What species of microorganisms can cause infectious endocarditis?

A. Staphylococcus epidermidis.

B. Candida spp.

C. *Streptococcus viridans.

D. E. coli.

E. S. mutans

  1. What viral diseases can transmite by water often?

A. flu, measles

B. herpes-, adenoinfections

C. pox

D. hepatitis C

E. *enteroviruss, rotaviruses

  1. What viruses do often occur in water?

A. flu virus, measles virus|

B. rabies virus, herpes virus

C. pox virus, varicella-zoster virus

D. *hepatitis A virus

E. enterovirus, rotavirus

  1. Which drugs are used for treatment dysbacteriosis?

A. Penicillinum, Cephalosporinum

B. Antimicrobic serums and immunoglobulines

C. Vitamins and hormones

D. Lysozym and interferon

E. *Colibacterin, bifidobacterin

  1. Which eubiotic is used for the correction of disbacteriosis of oral microflora?

A. *aerococci

B. bifidobacteria

C. lactobacilli

D. peptostreptococci

E. escherihii

  1. Which microorganisms are occupy a skin:

A. Bacteroides, Vibrio, Spirillum

B. Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Pseudomonades

C. Clostridium, Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus roseus,

D. *Staphylococcus, Propionobacterium, Peptococcus

E. Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, Neisseria

  1. Which of following is/are soil bacteria?

A. Bacillus subtilis

B. Enterobacer aerogenes

C. Bacillus mycoides

D. *All are correct

E. All are incorrect

  1. Which of following is/are water-born pathogens?

A. Hepatitis A virus

B. Vibrio cholerae

C. Entamoeba histolytica

D. *All are correct

E. All are incorrect

  1. Which of following organisms can serve as indicator/s of fecal pollution of drinking water?

A. *Escherihia coli

B. Bacillus subtilis

C. Corynebacterium diphtheriae

D. Streptococcus viridans

E. Influenza virus

  1. Which of following organisms can serve as indicator/s of fecal pollution of soil?

A. *Escherihia coli

B. Bacillus subtilis

C. Corynebacterium diphtheriae

D. Streptococcus viridans

E. Influenza virus

  1. Which of the following host proteins is the first to rise to high titer, in response to viral infection?

A. Immunoglobulin

B. Complement

C. *Interferon

D. Anti-idiotype antibody

E. Interleukin 1

  1. Which of the following infects oropharynx, but not the intestine because the virus is sensitive to low pH?

A. Coxsackievirus A

B. Coxsackievirus B

C. Enterovirus 72

D. Poliovirus

E. *Rhinovirus

  1. Who did consider some species of intestinal bacteria to be harmful, causing chronic intoxications?

A. *Metchnikoff

B. Pasteur

C. Koch

D. Erlich

E. Fleming

  1. All the following bacteria are considered to be an indicator organism for fecal contamination in soil, exept:

A. S. faecalis,

B. E. coli,

C. C. perfrіngens,

D. *C. albicans;

E. termophylic bacteria

  1. Besides coliforms, which other bacteria can serve as indicator organism/s of fecal pollution of water?

A. *Clostridium perfringens

B. Bacillus subtilis

C. Corynebacterium diphtheriae

D. Streptococcus viridans

E. All are correct

  1. Choose a method of research of amount of bacteria of group of an E. coli in water.

A. Sedementative

B. Fortner's

C. *Membrane's filters

D. Fortner’s

E. Drigalsky's

  1. How the causative agents of influenza, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria can be transmitted through the air?

A. together with droplets of mucus and sputum,

B. during sneezing,

C. during coughing,

D. during talking.

E. *all are correct

  1. On the membrane filter after through it have filtered 2 l waters, 4 grey and 6 red colonies have grown. Calculate a coli - subtypes and coli- index. Choose the true answer.

A. and 20

B. and 8

C. and 4

D. *330 and 3

E. and 2

  1. What from the given parameters of the common microbic number of air in operational answer sanitary specifications?

A. Before operation 1800, after operation - 4200, single staphylococci

B. *Before operation 500, after operation - 950, staphylococci are absent

C. Before operation 1000, after operation - 1500,staphylococci are absent

D. Before operation 500, after operation - 1000, single staphylococci

E. Before operation 500, after operation - 2000, staphylococci are absent

  1. What groups of microorganisms were taken into account at determination of microbial number of air in an operating-room?

A. Bacteria and viruses are causative agents of infections of respiratory tract.

B. *All of bacteria which grew on a medium.

C. Staphylococci and hemolytic streptococci.

D. Causative agents of hospital infections.

E. All pathogenic bacteria.

  1. Which species of microbes in the intestine are the vitamins essential for the human body (B1, B2, B12, K) produce?

A. Staphylococcus epidermidis.

B. Candida spp.

C. Streptococcus viridans.

D. *Escherihia coli.

E. Streptococcus mutans


  1. A large numbers of medicina plant with mosaic leaf colorin have been found on plantations. What is microorganism cause such damage of plants?

A. *phytopathogenic viruses

B. phytopathogenic bacteria

C. is highly toxic substances

D. microscopic tisks

E. nematodes

  1. According to the requirements of State Pharmacopeya such substances as: for eye, for parenteral using must be sterile. Which of following methods is used to control their sterility?

A. *membrane filtration

B. paper disk

C. dilutions

D. diffusion into agar

E. Two phase fermentation

  1. Antibiotic resistance to which of the following is caused by a by-pass mechanism (an alternative dihydrofolate reductase)?

A. Erythromycin

B. *Trimethoprim

C. Tetracycline

D. Ciprofloxacin

E. All are correct

  1. Beta-lactamase production is a common mechanism of resistance to penicillin in which of the following organisms?

A. Group A streptococci

B. *Neisseria gonorrhoeae

C. Both

D. Neither

E. Neisseria spp.

  1. Each of the following statements concerning the mechanisms of resistance to antimicrobial drugs is correct EXCEPT:

A. R factors are plasmids that carry the genes for enzymes which modify one or more drugs

B. Resistance to some drugs is due to a chromosomal mutation that alters the receptor for the drug

C. Resistance to some drugs is due to transposon genes that code for enzymes which inactivate the drugs

D. *Resistance genes from bacterial chromosome are rarely transferred by transduction

E. No correct answer

  1. One of the first step in the process of many infections is adherence of bacteria to mucous membranes. The bacterial structure that mediates adherence is the

A. *Pilus

B. Peptidoglycan

C. Flagellum

D. Endotoxin

E. Exotoxin

  1. Resistance to which of the following has been shown to result from enzymatic inactivation of the antibiotic by the bacteria?

A. *chloramphenicol

B. sulfonamides

C. ciprofloxacin

D. trimethoprim

E. ofloxacin

  1. Resistance to which of the following is caused by a "by-pass" mechanism (that is, the synthesis of an alternative target site)?

A. gentamicin

B. rifampin

C. *vancomycin

D. ciprofloxacin

E. ofloxacin

  1. Select the ONE lettered option that MOST closely associated with inhibition of protein synthesis by binding to the 30S ribosomal subunit

A. Penicillins

B. *Aminoglycosides

C. Chloramphenicol

D. Rifampin

E. Sulfonamides

  1. Some bacteria can cause generalized infection due to ability to split host tissue and spread from the site of entry. Choose from the list invasion factors of a pathogen:

A. Endotoxins

B. *Virulent enzymes

C. Adhesins

D. Exotoxins

E. Antiphagocytic factors

  1. The first stage of any infection is adhesion of the pathogen to host cells. All from following are adhesion factors EXCEPT:

A. Peptidoglycan

B. Pili

C. Flagella

D. Lipopolysaccharide in the cell envelope

E. *Capsule

  1. The proportion of antibiotic resistant bacteria has increased along with the widespread use of antibiotics. This is due to the fact that antibiotics:

A. are unstable in vivo.

B. *act as agents of selection for resistant organisms.

C. are mainly bacteriostatic in vivo.

D. are powerful mutagens.

E. All are correct

  1. A primary immune response in an adult human requires approximately how much time to produce detectable antibody levels in the blood?

A. hours

B. days

C. *1 week

D. weeks

E. month

  1. AT helper lymphocyte recognizes an antigen presented by an antigen-presenting-cell (APC) if the antigen is associated with:

A. HLA class I antigen.

B. Surface immunoglobulin.

C. *HLA class II antigen.

D. CD 8 antigen.

E. All of the above.

  1. Membrane bound Ig is just one part of a complex known as the B cell receptor complex.Additional accessory proteins are termed:

A. *Ig? and Ig?

B. CD4 and CD8

C. Ca and Cb

D. CD3 and TcR

E. Cq and Cr

  1. Which immunoglobulin has no known function, but is present on the surface of B lymphocytes? It may function as an antigen receptor.

A. IgG

B. IgM

C. IgE

D. IgA

E. *IgD

  1. Which immunoglobulin is the predominant antibody in the secondary immune response? It has four subclasses.

A. *IgG

B. IgM

C. IgE

D. IgA

E. IgD

  1. Which of the following is the immunoglobulin that is initially seen on the primary immune response? It is present as a monomer on B cell surfaces but as a pentamer in serum.

A. IgG

B. *IgM

C. IgE

D. IgA

E. IgD

  1. Which of the following tests is used extensively to detect microbial antigens rapidly (5 min or less)? Inert particles are sensitized with either antigen or antibody.

A. *Latex agglutination (LA)

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