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B. Hemolytic anemia

C. Good Pasture's syndrome

D. skin allergic test

E. *Serum sickness

377. Type of immunologic response in transplant rejection

A. Type I

B. Type II

C. Type III

D. TypeV

E. *Type IV

378. Allergic rhinitis is mediated by which class of antibody?

A. IgG.

B. IgM.

C. IgA.

D. All answers are correct

E. *IgE.

379. Anaphylactic reactions are mediated by which class of immunoglobulin?

A. IgM.

B. IgA.

C. IgD.

D. Antibodies of an any class

E. *IgE.

380. Hemolytic disease of the newborn occurs when an

A. Rh-positive mother carries an Rh-negative fetus.

B. AB mother carries an 0 fetus.

C. 0 mother carries an AB fetus

D. Any variant is correct.

E. *Rh-negative mother carries an Rh-positive fetus

381. Which is concerned with cell mediated immunity

A. B- Lymphocytes

B. T-Lymphocytes

C. Esoinophils

D. Neutrophyls

E. *Monocytes

382. Delayed tuberculin test response is due to

A. B lymphocytes

B. Monocytes

C. Histiocytes

D. Neutrophyls

E. *T Lymphocytes

383. Due to the deficiency of secretory IgA, infections occur predominantly in:

A. respiratory tract.

B. gastrointestinal tract.

C. urogenital tract.

D. No correct answer

E. *all answers are true

384. Thymic hypoplasia leads to:

A. humoral immunodeficiency.

B. complement deficiency.

C. No correct answer

D. Phagocyte Deficiencies

E. *cellular immunodeficiency.

A. X-linked agammaglobulinemia


C. ADA deficiency

D. Immunodeficiency of IgA

E. *DiGeorge syndrome

385. Patient has the Chidiak-Higashi Syndrome. What deficiency of immune system has this patient?

A. B cell defect.

B. Т cell defect.

C. both В and Т cell defects.

D. Complement deficiency.

E. *Phagocyte Deficiencies

386. Which is a live attenuated vaccine

A. Rabies

B. Hepatitis B

C. Cholera

D. Tick borne encephalitis


387. For prevent diseases caused by bacterial toxins it necessary uses

A. specific antibodies,

B. type of enzyme that destroys toxins,

C. IgM,

D. Bacteriophages

E. *toxoids,

388. The main component of all viruses is

A. the envelope

B. the polymerase

C. the icosahedral capsid

D. the lipid

E. *the nucleic acid

389. When an animal virus becomes integrated into the host's chromosome it is then called a

A. prophage

B. vegetative virus

C. temperate virus

D. temperate phage.

E. *provirus

  1. A cytoplasmic membrane is

A. a membrane that provides a selective barrier between the nucleus and the cell’s internal structures

B. *part of the cell envelope

C. a membrane that provides a barrier between the cell’s internal structures

D. a membrane that provides a selective barrier between the cell wall and the cell’s internal structures

E. None of the above

  1. A pili is:

A. A form of storage granule within the cell.

B. Is a long thin protein rod that is used for adhesion.

C. Generally composed of sugars.

D. *Is a long thin protein rod that is used for bacterial exchange of genetic material.

E. Always present on a cell that has the ability to form a capsule.

  1. After what sign of mycoplasma differ from bacteria:

A. by structure of the nucleosis

B. *by absence of cell wall

C. by intracellular parasite

D. by tinctorial properties

E. by structure of cytoplasmatic membrane

  1. All prokaryotes

A. produce endospores.

B. possess ribosomes identical to those of eukaryotes.

C. have inner and outer membranes.

D. *lack mitochondria.

E. have cell walls.

  1. Among these bacteria gram-positives there are all, EXCEPT FOR:

A. Staphylococci

B. *Meningococci

C. Streptococci

D. Clostridium botulini

E. Bacillus anthracis

  1. An important property of the cell envelope of acid-fast bacteria is:

A. *the abundance of mycolic acid in the cell wall

B. the presence of porins in the outer membrane

C. the lack of oxidative phosphorylation enzymes

D. the absence of a peptidoglycan layer

E. the accumulation of dipicolinic acid in the periplasmic space

  1. At staining by Gram’s method after flood slide with the iodine solution preparation is treated by:

A. Fuchsine

B. Washing with water

C. Crystal violet

D. *Alcohol

E. Sulphuric acid

  1. Bacterial genus/genera of medical importance which produce endospores is/are:.

A. *Bacillus.

B. Bacterium.

C. Corynebacterium

D. Mycobacterium

E. Micrococcus

  1. Bacterial genus/genera of medical importance which produce endospores is/are:

A. *Bacillus.

B. Bacterium.

C. Corynebacterium

D. Mycobacterium

E. Micrococcus

  1. Capsules to the bacteria are needed for:

A. survival in an external environment

B. *defence from fagocytosis

C. toxins production

D. antibodies production

E. spore production

  1. Cell wall of gram-negative bacteria contains all, except:

A. thin monolayer peptidiglycan

B. lipoproteins

C. lipopolysaccharides

D. *polilayer peptidoglycan

E. outer membrane

  1. Choose among listed what is correct regarding Gram positive cells

A. have a second, outer membrane that helps retain the crystal violet stain.

B. *have multiple layers of peptidoglycan that help retain the crystal violet stain.

C. have a thick capsule that traps the crystal violet stain.

D. have a periplasmic space that traps the crystal violet.

E. have monolayers of peptidoglycan

  1. Choose among listed what is true regarding Gram positive cells

A. have a second, outer membrane that helps retain the crystal violet stain.

B. have monolayers of peptidoglycan.

C. have a thick capsule that traps the crystal violet stain.

D. have a periplasmic space that traps the crystal violet.

E. *have multiple layers of peptidoglycan

  1. Choose from following gram-positive bacteria.

A. Salmonella and Shigella

B. *Micrococcus and Tetracoccus

C. Vibrio and Spirocheta

D. Borrelia and Leptospira

E. Neisseria and Treponema

  1. Choose method of staining of bacterial spores:

A. Staining by mеthylene blue

B. *Staining by Auesko’s method

C. Staining by Ziehl-Neelsen’s method

D. Staining by Gram method

E. Staining by crystal violet

  1. Choose rod-shaped bacteria:

A. *Clostridium

B. Meningococcus

C. Vibrio

D. Borrelia

E. Sarcina

  1. Each of the following statements concerning peptidoglycan is correct EXCEPT:

A. It has a backbone composed of alternating units of muramic acid and acetylglucosamine

B. Cross-links between the tetrapeptides involve D-alanine

C. *It is thinner in gram-positive than in gram-negative cells

D. It can be degraded by lysozyme

E. It has tetramers of aminoacids

  1. Each of the following statements concerning bacterial spores is correct EXCEPT:

A. *Their survival ability is based on their enhanced metabolic activity

B. They are formed by gram-positive rods

C. They can be killed by being heated to 121 °C for 15 minutes

D. They contain much less water than bacterial cells

E. They are formed by some gram-positive cocci

  1. Each of the following statements concerning bacterial spores is correct EXEPT:

A. *Their survival ability is based on their enhanced metabolic activity

B. They are formed by gram-positive rods

C. They can be killed by being heated to 120 C? for 15 minutes

D. They contain much less water than bacterial cells

E. No correct answer

  1. Each of the following statements concerning the Gram stain is correct EXCEPT:

A. Escherichia coli stains pink because it has a thin peptidoglycan layer

B. Streptococcus pyogenes stains blue be cause it has a thick peptidoglycan layer

C. *Mycobacterium tuberculosis stains blue because it has a thick lipid layer

D. Mycoplasma pneumoniae isn't visible in the Gram stain because it doesn't have a cell wall

E. Salmonella typhi stains pink because it has a thin peptidoglycan layer

  1. Each of the following statements concerning the Gram stain is correct EXCEPT:

A. Escherichia coli stains pink because it has a thin peptidoglycan layer

B. Streptococcus pyogenes stains blue because it has a thick peptidoglycan layer

C. *Mycobacterium tuberculosis stains blue because it has a thick lipid layer

D. Mycoplasma pncumoniae isn't visible in the Gram stain because it doesn't have a cell wall

E. No true answer

  1. Each of the following statements concerning the surface structures of bacteria is correct EXCEPT:

A. Pili mediate the interaction of bacteria with mucosal epithelium

B. Polysaccharide capsules retard phagocytosis

C. Both gram-negative rods and cocci have lipopolysaccharide ("endotoxin") in their cell wall

D. *Bacterial flagella are nonantigenic in humans because they closely resemble human flagella in chemical composition

E. None of the above

  1. Fimbriae

A. *attach bacteria to various surfaces.

B. cause bacteria move through fluids.

C. sense changes in nutrient concentration.

D. are pathways for the secretion of exoenzymes.

E. cause diseases

  1. Gram positive cells

A. have a second, outer membrane that helps retain the crystal violet stain.

B. *have multiple layers of peptidoglycan that help retain the crystal violet stain.

C. have a thick capsule that traps the crystal violet stain.

D. have inclusions that traps crystal violet stain.

E. have monolayer of peptidoglycan that traps crystal violet stain

  1. Gram positive cells

A. have thick, homogeneous cell walls.

B. *have large amounts of teichoic acids.

C. do not have an outer membrane.

D. do not have LPS

E. all of the above are true.

  1. Indicate gram-negative bacteria.

A. *Neisseria and Treponema

B. Salmonella and Shigella

C. Vibrio and Spirocheta

D. Correct all

E. No correct answer

  1. Indicate gram-positive bacteria.

A. *Streptococcus

B. Vibrio

C. Borrelia

D. Neisseria

E. Salmonella

  1. Indicate gram-positive bacteria.

A. Neisseria and Treponema

B. Vibrio and Spirocheta

C. Borrelia and Leptospira

D. Salmonella and Shigella

E. *Bacillus and Clostridium

  1. Living, unstained cells and organisms can be observed best using

A. fluorescent microscopy

B. transmission electron microscopy

C. *phase contrast microscopy

D. Scan. Electron microscopy

E. light microscopy

  1. Mark rod-shaped bacteria:

A. Sarcina

B. Spirilla

C. *Mycobacterium

D. Streptococcus

E. Neisseria

  1. Mesosomes of bacteria are analogous to:

A. *mitochondria of eukaryotes.

B. lysosomes of eukaryotes.

C. Golgi apparatus of eukaryotes.

D. polyribosomes of eukaryotes

E. none of the above.

  1. Morphological classification of rod-shaped bacteria:

A. monobacilli and monobacteria

B. diplobacteria and diplobacilli

C. streptobacteria and streptobacilli

D. *Correct all

E. No correct answer

  1. Morpholohgical classification of spherical bacteria:

A. monococci and diplococci

B. streptococci and staphylococci

C. tetracocci and sarcina

D. *Correct all

E. No correct answer

  1. Plasmids are important to the genetics of many bacteria. This is because

A. they are inherited from one generation to the next.

B. they may carry genes that give their host a selective advantage.

C. they can render bacteria drug-resistant.

D. *all of the above.

E. none of the above

  1. Plasmids are important to the genetics of many bacteria. This is because

A. they are inherited from one generation to the next.

B. they may carry genes that give their host a selective advantage.

C. they can render bacteria drug-resistant.

D. they may carry genes that code sugarlytic enzymes

E. *all of the above.

  1. Polyphosphate inclusion bodies

A. protect bacteria from excessive drying.

B. *supply of nutritives and energy

C. turn reddish brown when stained with iodine.

D. are composed of polymers of glucose.

E. no correct answer

  1. Resistance of bacteria to acid depends from present in cytoplasm

A. lipopolysaccharides

B. *oxyacid, fatty acid

C. acetylglucosamine

D. diaminopimelic acid

E. poliphosphates

  1. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is best used to study

A. small internal cell structures.

B. *surface morphology.

C. cytoplasma

D. nucleoid

E. all of the above.

  1. Show diplococci:

A. Vibrio

B. Treponema

C. *Neisseria

D. Borrelia

E. Clostridium

  1. Some bacteria are considered pleomorphic. This means:

A. they are shaped like bent rods.

B. they have a corkscrew shape.

C. *they do not have just one shape.

D. they are not either bacilli or cocci.

E. they are not either vibrio or spirochete

  1. Spherical bacteria arranged in a chain are known as

A. spirochetes

B. bacilli

C. staphylococci.

D. streptobacilli

E. *streptococci

  1. Syphilis is caused by which of the following?

A. Helicobacter pylori

B. Proteus mirabilis

C. *Treponema pallidum

D. Serratia marcesans

E. Treponema Vincentii

  1. The 70S procaryotic ribosomes consist of

A. two 40S subunits.

B. *a 50S and a 30S subunit.

C. a 40S and a 30S subunit.

D. a 50S and a 20S subunit.

E. a 30S and 70S subunit.

  1. The bacteria of what family have a capsule constantly?

A. shigella

B. salmonella

C. *klebsiella

D. brucella

E. shigella

  1. The bacterial capsule is:

A. A form of storage granule within the cell.

B. a long thin protein rod that is used for attachment.

C. *A coating on the exterior of many cells.

D. a long thin protein rod that is used for bacterial exchange of genetic material.

E. Always present on a cell that has the ability to form a capsule.

  1. The cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria is composed primarily of

A. chitin.

B. cellulose,

C. starch.

D. protein.

E. *peptidoglycan.

  1. The construction and use of the compound microscope is attributed to:

A. *Antony van Leeuwenhoek.

B. Louis Pasteur.

C. Robert Koch.

D. Ferdinand Cohn.

E. Paul Ehrlich.

  1. The cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria is important in each of the following aspects EXCEPT:

A. exocytosis of proteins

B. cell wall synthesis

C. *location of lipopolysaccharide

D. oxidative phosphorylation and electron transport

E. active transport of nutrients

  1. The first person to see bacteria did his work mostly in what century?

A. th

B. th

C. th

D. *18th

E. th

  1. The first techniques of sterilization were introduced by:

A. *Louis Pasteur.

B. Robert Koch.

C. Ferdinand Cohn.

D. John Needham.

E. Gerhardt Domagk.

  1. The form of coffee corn is had:

A. staphylococcus and streptococcus

B. pneumococcus and monococcus

C. *meningococcus and gonococcus

D. peptococcus and peptostreptococcus

E. tetracoccus and sarcina

  1. The fourth stage of making of a staining smear is:

A. Fixation

B. Washing

C. *Staining

D. Drying

E. Preparation of smear

  1. The LPS or lipopolysaccharide found in Gram-negative bacteria IS NOT composed of:

A. *peptidoglycan

B. lipid A

C. core polysaccharide

D. O-antigen

E. any of the above

  1. The major function of the cell membrane is:

A. To keep water from entering the cell, which causes it to burst.

B. To bind lipids in the hydrophobic inner layer.

C. To trap energy so the cell can use it for the functions of life.

D. *To protect the internal components of a cell from the chaos outside of a cell.

E. No correct answer

  1. The most important role of the prokaryotic cell wall is to

A. *maintain the shape of the cell.

B. protect the cell from osmotic pressures.

C. prevent ions from diffusing away from the cell.

D. block the effects of antibiotics like penicillin.

E. protect cell from oxygen

  1. The significance of the plasma membrane is that

A. *it selectively allows some molecules to pass into the organism

B. it prevents movement of molecules out of the organism

C. it is the site of protein synthesis

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

  1. The substage condenser

A. changes the wavelength of the light reaching the specimen

B. *focuses light on the specimen

C. decreases the amount of light reaching the specimen

D. eluminate the specimen

E. magnificates size of specimen

  1. The third stage of making of a staining smear is:

A. *Fixation

B. Washing

C. Staining

D. Drying

E. Preparation of smear

  1. Typical drumstick appearance of bacilli is observed in:

A. Clostridium perfringens.

B. *C. tetani.

C. Cl. botulinum.

D. C. histolyticum.

E. C. difficilae

  1. What are plasmides of bacteria?

A. circular DNA in nucleoid

B. *circular DNA in a cytoplasm

C. circular DNA in a shell

D. fragments DNA in volutin granules

E. circular RNA in cytoplasm

  1. What color has mycobacterim tuberculosis after staining by Ziehl-Neelsen technique

A. blue

B. violet

C. *red

D. brown

E. green

  1. What is a microorganism?

A. *A microorganism is a small organism that takes in and breaks down food for energy and nutrients, excretes unused food as waste, and is capable of reproduction.

B. A microorganism is a small organism that causes diseases only in plants.

C. A microorganism is a small organism that causes diseases only in animals.

D. A microorganism is a term that refers to a cell.

E. No correct answer

  1. What is a pathogenic microorganism?

A. A microorganism that multiplies

B. A microorganism that grows in a host

C. A microorganism that is small

D. *A disease-causing microorganism

E. No correct answer

  1. What is a smear?

A. A smear is a preparation process in which a specimen is spread on a slide.

B. A smear is a preparation process in which a specimen is dyed.

C. A smear is a process in which a specimen is moved beneath a microscope.

D. *A smear is a process used to identify a specimen.

E. No correct answer

  1. What is NOT a characteristic of prokaryotic organisms?

A. the presence of a cell membrane

B. *the presence of a nuclear membrane

C. +ACI-naked+ACI- DNA molecule

D. the presence of cytoplasm

E. No correct answer

  1. What is the function of an illuminator?

A. To control the temperature of the specimen

B. To keep the specimen moist

C. *An illuminator is the light source used to observe a specimen under a microscope

D. To keep the specimen dry

E. No correct answer

  1. What is the purpose of bacterial endospores?

A. Allow the bacterium to make hundreds of "seeds" to spread on the wind.

B. Help the bacterium to differentiate into faster growing stages of bacteria.

C. Allow the bacterium to survive the absence of oxygen.

D. *Allow the bacterium to survive the bad condition (drying,lack of nutrition).

E. All of the above.

  1. What is unique about the Mycoplasma bacterial group?

A. *they lack cell walls

B. they lack a cell membrane

C. they have organelles

D. they are prokaryotes

E. they have ribosome

  1. What microbes do belong to coccal forms?

A. Escherichia coli

B. *Staphylococcus aureus

C. Mycobacterium tuberculosis

D. Yersinia pestis

E. None of above

  1. What microbes do belong to coccal forms?

A. Salmonella

B. Leptospira

C. Yersinia

D. Clostridia

E. *Streptococcus

  1. What microbes do belong to coccal forms?

A. Bordetella

B. Treponema

C. *Micrococcus

D. Vibrio

E. Shigella

  1. What microbes do belong to coccal forms?

A. *Neisseria

B. Borrelia

C. Corynebacteria

D. Proteus

E. Spirilla

  1. What microbes do belong to spiral forms?

A. Neisseria

B. *Borrelia

C. Corynebacteria

D. Proteus

E. Sarcina

  1. What microbes do belong to spiral forms?

A. Bordetella

B. *Treponema

C. Micrococcus

D. Sarcina

E. Shigella

  1. What microbes do belong to spiral forms?

A. Salmonella

B. *Leptospira

C. Yersinia

D. Clostridia

E. Streptococcus

  1. What microbes do belong to spiral forms?

A. Bordetella

B. Clostridia

C. Micrococcus

D. *Vibrio

E. Shigella

  1. What morphological structure is responsible for bacterial motility?

A. Pilli

B. Fimbria

C. *Flagella

D. Capsule


  1. What shape is not peculiar for bacteria:

A. round or oval

B. rod or stick

C. *icosaedral

D. spiral

E. No correct answer

  1. When bacteria have cluster of flagella at one or both sides, the arrangement is known as:

A. monotrichous.

B. *lophotrichous.

C. amphitrichous.

D. peritrichous.

E. bitrichous

  1. When would you use a wet mount?

A. A wet mount is used to observe a dead specimen under a micro-scope.

B. *A wet mount is used to observe a live specimen under a microscope.

C. A wet mount is used to observe an inorganic specimen under a microscope.

D. A wet mount is the first step in preparing a specimen.

E. A wet mount is the last step in preparing a specimen

  1. Which from following microorganisms does contain sterols in the cytoplasmic membrane?

A. *Mycoplasma.

B. Bacillus.

C. Clostridium.

D. Proteus.

E. Ricketsia

  1. Which of following are gram-negative bacteria?

A. Clostridium botulinum

B. Bacillus anthracis

C. *Neisseria meningitidis

D. Micrococcus luteus

E. Staphylococcus epidermidis

  1. Which of the following bacteria don’t contain cell wall?

A. Klebsiella

B. *Mycoplasma

C. Ricketsia

D. Slaphylococcus.

E. Treponema.

  1. Which of the following does NOT apply to plasmids?

A. *They are essential to growth of the cell.

B. They are composed of DNA.

C. They multiply independently of the chromosome.

D. They may pass from cell to cell in recombinations.

E. They may be included into chromosome

  1. Which of the following is not true about bacterial flagella?

A. Most of their length consists of a hollow, rigid protein tube.

B. They are constructed largely of a single protein called flagellin.

C. *They spin like wheels, either clockwise or counterclockwise.

D. They use cytoplasmic ATP as their primary energy source.

E. All of the above.

  1. Which of the following materials is NOT a bacterial storage granule:

A. Sulfur

B. Glycogen

C. Phosphorous

D. *Ribosomes

E. Volutin

  1. Which of the following statements is most correct about the differential Gram stain?

A. Crystal violet differentially stains Gram positive cells.

B. Gram's iodine differentially stains Gram positive cells.

C. *Etanol differentially destains Gram negative cells.

D. Saffron red differentially stains Gram negative cells.

E. Etanol fixes Gram negative cells

  1. Which of the following structures is unique to prokaryotic organisms?

A. mitochondria

B. ribosomes

C. cell wall

D. *peptidoglycan cell wall

E. cell membrane

  1. Which property does mycoplasma differ from bacteria most of all?

A. by structure of the nucleoid

B. *by absence of cell wall

C. by intracellular parasite

D. by tinctorial properties

E. by structure of cytoplasmatic membrane

  1. Which with these substances can damage bacteria cell wall:

A. sulphonamides

B. *lysozyme

C. interferone

D. alcohol

E. streptomycin


  1. Who did coin the term vaccine?

A. Edward Jenner.

B. Kitasato.

C. Ehrlich.

D. *Louis Pasteur,

E. Robert Koch.

  1. Who did discovere bacillus of tuberculosis?

A. Hansen.

B. Loeffler.

C. *Robert Koch.

D. Bruce.

E. Pasteur

  1. Who did introduce the method of vaccination to prevent smallpox?

A. Louis Pasteur.

B. *Edward Jenner.

C. Paul Ehrlich.

D. John Hunter.

E. Antony van Leeuwenhoek.

  1. Why bacteria are prokaryotic organism?

A. A bacterium is a multicell organism that has a distinct nucleus.

B. A bacterium is a one-cell organism that has a distinct nucleus.

C. A bacterium is a multicell organism that does not have a distinct nucleus.

D. *A bacterium is a one-cell organism that does not have a distinct nucleus

E. No correct answer

  1. ______ is probably the most important characteristic for classification of viruses in eucaryotes.

A. Host preference

B. Morphology

C. Physical nature of virion constituents

D. *Chemical nature of virion constituents

E. Genetic relatedness

  1. A/an _______ is specifically able to have a long-term relationship with the host known as lysogeny.

A. *Temperate virus

B. Adsorbed virus

C. Virion

D. RNA phage

E. DNA phage

  1. According to the source of energy there are such bacteria:

A. *chemotrophs and phototrophs

B. lithotrophs and organotrophs

C. chemotrophs and heterotrophs

D. autotrophs and chemotrophs

E. autotrophs and heterotrophs

  1. According to the types of bacterial respiration such groups of bacteria may exist:

A. obligate aerobes

B. obligate anaerobes

C. facultative anaerobes

D. capneic

E. *all answers are correct

  1. All nutrient media are elective, EXCEPT:

A. Mueller’s medium

B. Roux’s medium

C. Leffler’s medium

D. % alkaline peptone water

E. *blood MPA

  1. All of bacteria belong to obligate aerobes, EXCEPT:

A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis

B. Yersinia pestis

C. Micrococcus spp.

D. *Clostridium tetani

E. Vibrio cholerae

  1. All of the following viral genomes are replicated in the cytoplasm EXCEPT:

A. poxviruses

B. reoviruses

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