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He should throw ghee-soaked wood into the fire silently.

Acchidrena pavitrena | The groom should present to the bride upper and lower clothes, which are new and washed, which she should accept (and may put on). | The pair should circumambulate the fire, with the wife in front. | He should perform Udicya Karma. | After each oblation the remaining drops of ghee in the sruva should be put in the waterpot. | Idam haraye idam na mama | He should offer ghee-soaked wood into the fire without mantra. | You are the worshippable absolute truth and the source of all pleasurable experience. Being strong, You break the opposition of the foes. | Then they should unite. | According to some texts the juice from crushed banyan leaf sprouts should be poured into her right nostril to give her strength at this time. |

Читайте также:
  1. A claim should be well organized with information in a logical order.
  2. A four-wick, a five-wick, a seven-wick lamp or something similar, should now be offered
  3. According to some texts the juice from crushed banyan leaf sprouts should be poured into her right nostril to give her strength at this time.
  4. After each oblation the remaining drops of ghee in the sruva should be put in the waterpot.
  5. And combined the information. He suggested that they should combine
  6. And finishing his disastrous journey by throwing himself so
  7. Before he left, Hesham should have checked. a his room. b his flight. c his bag.

He should perform Vyasta Samasta Mahävyähåti Homa:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

gäyatré chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

vyasta samasta mahävyährti home viniyogaù

oà bhür svähä - idam viñëave idam na mama

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

uñëik chandaù

çré acyuto devatä

vyasta samasta mahävyährti home viniyogaù

oà bhuvaù svähä - idam acyutäya idam na mama

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

anuñöup chandaù

çré näräyaëo devatä

vyasta samasta mahävyährti home viniyogaù

oà svaù svähä - idam näräyaëäya idam na mama

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

båhati chandaù

çré ananto devatä

vyasta samasta mahävyährti home viniyogaù

oà bhür bhuvaù svaù svähä - idam anantäya idam na mama

He should offer ghee, Viñëu caraëämåta and prasädam into the fire saying:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

paìktiù chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

çoñyanté home viniyogaù

oà viñëo

yä tiraçcé nipadyate

ahaà vidharané iti

täà ghåtasya dhärayä

yaje saàrädhaném ahaà

saàrädhanyai devyai deñöryai

idaà tvat prasädämåtaà svähä

“O Viñëu, I worship with streams of ghee the Lord’s consort, who is pleased by our worship and who brings forth the child. I offer this nectarean prasädam to the merciful consort of the Lord.”

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

anuñöup chandaù

çré vipaçcin-mahä-viñëuù devatä

çoñyanté home viniyogaù

oà vipaçcit mahäviñëuù puccham abharat

tat dhätä punaù äharat

pare ehi tvaà vipaçcit mahäviñëuù

pumän ayaà janiñyate (name of future child).däsa çarma

näma svähä

“Lord, perform this sacred rite in the future. My son, named.........., will be born.”

@footnote: It is mentioned in småti that the name given at this time is a secret name only known to the parents, as a matter of protection for the child. The official name is given at the time of the Näma Käraëa saàskära.

He should them perform Vyasta Samasta Mahävyähåti Homa and should throw wood into the fire without mantra.

He should perform Ñäöyäyana Homa, Vämadevya Gäëam and the other rites of Udicya Karma. He should give dakñiëä to the initiated Vaiñëavas and brähmaëas.

This is the Çoñyanté Homa according to the followers of the Säma Veda.

Jäta Karma

(Ceremony at Birth):


Jäta karma is performed immediately upon the birth of the child, within the sutika gåha. This ceremony is also called medha janana, a ceremony to produce intelligence in the child.

When the child emerges from the womb the covering should be removed and the child should be cleaned. The father should say:

mä näbhià kåntata stanyaï ca mä datta

“Do not cut the umbilical cord. Do not give the breast milk.”

The father should bathe, and then recite prayers to guru paramparä and viñëu smaraëam(see the maìgaläcaraëa at the beginning of the book).

A brahmacäri, young girl, pregnant mother,Vaiñëava scholar or initiated Vaiñëava should, on a washed stone slab, grind rice and barely into a powder using an unused stone. The father should take the powder using the thumb and ring finger of his right hand, saying:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

anuñöup chandaù

çré ananto devatä

bréhiyavacürëena jihvä-märjjane viniyogaù

oà iyaà äjïä idaà annaà idaà äyuù idaà ghåtam

“Here is the order. Here is rice (sustenance). Here is long life. Here is ghee.”

He should place the powder and some ghee on the tongue of the newborn child, using a golden spoon, saying:


Ghee is used because, according to Äyurveda it produces beauty, memory, intellect, talent, lustre, strong semen and long life.

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

anuñöup chandaù

çré mädhava-hari-vämanäcyutänantä devatäù

kumärasya sarpiù präçane viniyogaù

oà medhäà te mädhava vämanau

medhäà hariù dadhätu

medhäà te acyutänantau

ädhattäà puñkara srajau svähä

“May Mädhava, Vämana, and Hari give you intelligence. May Acyuta and Ananta, wearing lotus garlands, bestow intelligence to you.”

He should give ghee again saying:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

gäyatré chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

kumärasya sarpiù präçane viniyogaù

oà sadasi ati priyaà kåñëasya kämyaà sanià medhäà ayäsiñam svähä

“At this place I have attained the most precious boon, intelligence for understanding Kåñëa.”

He should give permission to cut the cord by saying:

näbhià kåntata stanyaï ca datta

“Cut the cord, give milk.”

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 78 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Sesame, urad and rice should be cooked together and ghee should be poured over it.| The child should be named on the tenth, twelfth, hundred and first day, or one full year from his birth.

mybiblioteka.su - 2015-2025 год. (0.01 сек.)