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The groom should present to the bride upper and lower clothes, which are new and washed, which she should accept (and may put on).

Kajjala (collyrium) | A four-wick, a five-wick, a seven-wick lamp or something similar, should now be offered | Arccayen-mantra-ratnena | Patanti pitaras tasya | When the auspicious hour arrives, the ceremony should start with the reception of the groom. A cow should be tied in the North side of the room. | He should place the tips pointing North and sit on it. | The father should pour the water over their bound hands. | The cow is then released. | Asya______karmano (function) | Caru, having been prepared before the function, should be placed on the North side of the fire at this time. |

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  1. A Christmas Present
  2. A claim should be well organized with information in a logical order.
  3. A Decide which of these statements are true (T) or false (F).
  4. A four-wick, a five-wick, a seven-wick lamp or something similar, should now be offered
  6. A peninsula is a piece of land, which is almost completely surrounded by water, but is joined to a larger mass of land.
  7. A strait is a narrow passage of water between two areas of land, which is connecting two seas.

Presenting the lower cloth, the groom says:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

jagati chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

adho-vastra paridhäpane viniyogaù

oà yä akåntan avayan yä atanvata yäç ca devyo antän abhitaù atatantha

täs tvä devyo jarasä saàvyayanta äyüñmatédaà paridhatsva väsaù

“May the devatäs who cut, wove and stretched the cloth and sewed up the hems, clothe you with long life. O Woman, blessed with long life, put on the cloth.”

Presenting the upper cloth, he will say:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

triñöup chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

utaréya-vastra paridhäpane viniyogaù

oà pari dhatta dhatta väsasainäà çatäyuçià kåëuta dérgham äyuù

çataà ca jéva çaradaù suvarcä vasüni cärye vibhrajäsi jévan

“Bestow to her cloth, give her long life, a hundred years. Noble woman, live a hundred autumns, and while you live, bring spiritual wealth to your husband.”

· Sindhüra Däna:

He should put sindhüra on her forehead saying:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

anuñöup chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

sindhüra-däne viniyogaù

oà sindhor-iva prädhavane çüghanäso

väta praméyaù patayanti yahväù

ghåtasya dhärä aruño naù väjé

käñöha bhindan urmibhiù pinvamänaù

“Flashing like the sun, like streams of rushing water, strong and full of life the streams of ghee fall upon the fire. Like fast steeds carrying the offering, breaking through all obstacles, the ghee swells in waves, dissolving the wood.”

The groom should lead the bride to the fire and say:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

anuñöup chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

pratyuù kanyä-nayana jape viniyogaù

oà somo dadad gandharväya gandharvo dadad agnaye

rayià ca putraàç cädädagnirs mahyam atha imäm

“Soma gave you to Gandharva, Gandharva gave you to Agni. For the highest wealth and sons, Agni has given you to me.”

The groom should lead the bride to the mat on the West side of the fire so that her right foot touches the border of the kuça mat. He should make her say:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

dvipäjjagaté chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

kaöapäda-pravartane viniyogaù

oà pra me patiyänaù panthäù kalpatäà çivä ariñöa patilokaà gameyäm

“Let the path my husband treads be prepared for me. May I enter into his house in bliss and safety.”

· Ajya Homa (The grooms oblations for the bride’s welfare):

The bride should sit on the mat facing the fire on the groom’s right side. The groom should put ghee soaked wood into the fire without mantra, then perform Mahävyähåti Homa with ghee:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

gäyatré chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

mahävyährti home viniyogaù

oà bhür svähä - idam viñëave idam na mama

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

uñëik chandaù

çré acyuto devatä

mahävyährti home viniyogaù

oà bhuvaù svähä - idam acyutäya idam na mama

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

anuñöup chandaù

çré näräyaëo devatä

mahävyährti home viniyogaù

oà svaù svähä - idam näräyaëäya idam na mama

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

båhati chandaù

çré ananto devatä

mahävyährti home viniyogaù

oà bhür bhuvaù svaù svähä - idam anantäya idam na mama

She should then stand and while touching the right shoulder of the groom with her right hand, the groom should offer six oblations of ghee, saying:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

atijagaté chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

äjya home viniyogaù

oà viñëuù etu prathamo vai sarvebhyaù so ‘syai prajäà muïcätu måtyu päçät

tad ayam prabhuù acyutaù anumanyatäà yatheyaà stré pautraà aghaà na rodät

svähä - idam viñëave idam na mama

“Let Viñëu, go first amongst all beings, Let Him release the bride’s children from the ropes of death. May Lord Acyuta agree to this, so that this woman will never lament the death of a son.”

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

atijagaté chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

äjya home viniyogaù

oà imäà kåñëaù träyatäà gärhapatyaù prajäà-asyai jaradañöim kånotu

açunyopahasta jévatam astu mätä pautraà änandaà abhivivudhyatäà iyaà

svähä - idam kåñëäya idam na mama

“May Kåñëa protect her in household life. May He give her children until old age. May she live without absence of children at her breast. May she be a mother, knowing the bliss of raising children.”

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

çakvaré chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

äjya home viniyogaù

oà hariù te påñöhaà rakñatu viñëuù üru nara näräyaëau

stanadvayaàte puträn çré kåñëäbhirakñat-väväsasaù -

paridhänäd anantaù asya avatärä-bhirakñantu paçcät

svähä - idam haraye idam na mama

“May Hari protect your back and Viñëu, your thighs. May Nara-Näräyaëa protect your two breasts, and may Kåñëa protect your sons until they wear cloth. May Ananta and all His avatäras protect you from behind.”

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

atijagaté chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

äjya home viniyogaù

oà mä te gåheñu niçi ghoña utthäd-anyatra tvat rudratyaù saàviçantu

mä tvaà rudaté ur- ä vadhiñöhä jévapatné pati-loke viräja paçyanté prajäà -


svähä - idam kåñëäya idam na mama

“May lamentation not arise in your house at night. Let weeping women enter other houses. May you not be weeping, striking your breasts in sorrow. May you be glorious, living as a partner in your husband’s house seeing children, maintaining nobility of body and mind.”

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

upaviñöäd båhaté chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

äjya home viniyogaù

oà aprajasyaà pautra-marttyaà päpmänam utavai aghaà

çirñnaù srajaà ivonmucya dviñadbhyaù prati-muïcämi päçaà

svähä - idam kåñëäya idam na mama

“I free myself from the noose of great sins causing absence of offspring and death of sons. Discarding this garland from the head, I fling it to the enemies of righteous life.”

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

uñëik chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

äjya home viniyogaù

oà paraitu måtyuù amåtaà mägäd -vaivasvato no abhayaà kåëotu

paraà måtyo anuparehi panthäà yatra no anya itaro devayänät

cakñuñmate çåëvate te bravémi mä naù prajäà rériño mota vérän

svähä - idam kåsnäya idam na mama

“May death go elsewhere and may immortality come to me. May Vaivasvata remove all cause of fear. Go, death, upon some distant path, not on the path of saintly men. Death, do not harm my valiant children. I say this to you, who can see and hear.”

· Vyasta Samasta Mahävyhåti Homa:

The groom should offer four oblations of ghee:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

gäyatré chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

vyasta samasta mahävyährti home viniyogaù

oà bhür svähä - idam viñëave idam na mama

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

uñëik chandaù

çré acyuto devatä

vyasta samasta mahävyährti home viniyogaù

oà bhuvaù svähä - idam acyutäya idam na mama

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

anuñöup chandaù

çré näräyaëo devatä

vyasta samasta mahävyährti home viniyogaù

oà svaù svähä - idam näräyaëäya idam na mama

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

båhati chandaù

çré ananto devatä

vyasta samasta mahävyährti home viniyogaù

oà bhür bhuvaù svaù svähä - idam anantäya idam na mama

· Läja Homa and Açmäkrämaëa (oblations of popped rice and mounting the stone):

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Acchidrena pavitrena| The pair should circumambulate the fire, with the wife in front.

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