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Any human being taking initiation with the name and mantra of the Supreme | Prapattis tasya kevalam | Na nameta smaren na ca | Mohena kurute yas tu | Sad ityetat prayujyate | Worship of Govinda is worship of all | Modaka - a confectioner | Karma trividham ucyate | From the sacrifice horses were born, and animals with two sets of teeth such as donkeys and mules. From the sacrifice, cows were born, and likewise goats and sheep. | Kajjala (collyrium) |

vidhinä puruñottamam

“O best of the twice-born! As long as there is life in the body one should enthusiastically worship Lord Puruñottama according to scriptural injunctions and with the best of mantras.”

prasädäya vai küryäni-

nityaà bhaktimatendritaù

tasyävaraëa püjäyäà

tridaçännärcchayet sudhéù

@“ One should always attentively do His service in order to get His mercy. TRANS.???

ananya çaraëo bhakto

näma mantreñu dékñitaù

kadä cin närcayed devän

gaëeçädéàs tu vaiñëavaù

“The devotee interested in pure devotion to the Lord, and initiated with Vaiñëava mantra should never worship Gaëeça and the other devatäs.

yatra yatra suräù püjyä

gaëeçädyas tu karmiëäm

viñëvarcane tatra tatra

vaiñëavänäà hi vaiñëaväù

“ Wherever the materialists prescribe worship of Gaëeça and the devatäs, the Vaiñëava should instead worship the pure devotees of Lord Viñëu”

viçvaksenaà sa sanakaà

sanätana mataù param

sananda sanat kumära

païcaitän püjayet tataù

“Thus instead of worshipping Gaëeça to remove material obstacles, the devotee should worship Viçvaksena and the four Kumäras to remove obstacles on the spiritual path.”

yasmin-navagrahä arcchyäs-

tatra kavyädayo nava

yatra yajanti vidhinä

dik-pälädéàstu karmiëaù

tatra prapüjayedetän

vidhià bhägavataà çukam

sadä-çivaà vainateyaà

näradaà kapilaà balim

tato bhägavataà bhéñmaà


ambaréñaàñ ca janakaà

mahäbhägavataà yamam

manuà sväyambhuvaà vyäs-

ädikaìca vaiñëavottamam

yuge yuge ca vikhyätän-

aparän vaiñëavänapi

“Whereas the materialist will worship the navagrahas (the nine demigods presiding over the nine planets), the devotee will worship Kavya Muni and the other navayogendras.

When the non devotees worship the deities of the directions (dikpälas), the devotees should worship Brahmä, the great devotee Çukhadeva, Sadä-Çiva, Garuòa, Närada, Kapila, Bali, the great Bhéñma, Prahläda, Hanumän, Ambaréña, the great Yama, Svayambhüva Manu, and the great Vaiñëava Vyäsa.This worship of Lord Viñëu and the Vaiñëavas is well known and has been performed age after age,”

harayarcchanai yaje-nityaà

na tu devän kadäcana

yatra mätågaëäh püjyäs-

tatra hyetäù prapüjayet

sadä bhagavaté paurëa-

mäsé padmästaraìgikä

gaìgä kalindatanayä

gopé candrävalé tathä

gäyatré tulasé väëé

påthivé gauç-ca vaiñëavé

çré yaçodä devahütiù

devaké rohiëémuthä

çré sétä draupadé kunté

aparä yä maharñayaù

rukmiëényädyas tathä cäñöa

mahiñya yäñ-ca tä api

“O great sages! Worship and sacrifice to Lord Hari is eternal, but the worship of the devas is not. Whenever others worship the mätågaëas, the Vaiñëavas instead worship Bhagavaté Paurëamäsé, Padmä, Antaraìgikä, Gaìgä, Yamunä, Candrävalé, Gäyatré, Tulasé, Sarasvaté, Påthivé, Vaiñëavé, Go, Yaçodä, Devahüti, Devaké, Rohiëé, Sétä, Draupadé, Kunté, Rukmiëé, and the other eight queens of the Lord.”


çrédämädén viñeçataù


gopälän paripüjayet

“The devotee of Lord Gopäla will also worship the cowherd friends of the Lord, in particular Çrédäma etc.”

çré kåñëäpäsakastva tad-

arcchane sarva-karmaëi

lalitädyäù sahacaréù

sa sakhé-raìgiëé yutäù

“In every function, the devotee of Ñré Kåñëa will worship Lord Kåñëa and His dearest sakhés, such as Lalitä etc.”

püjayedvidhinä kärsëo

yato vaiñëava-daivataù

nänyän kadärcidvibudhä-

nupadeväàç ca çuddhabuddhéù

“The devotee of Çré Kåñëa, with great intelligence, should worship these Vaiñëavas according to the proper scriptural rules and should never worship the primary or secondary demigods.”

vaiñëavänäìñ käryäëäà

kriyaiñä sättviké yathaù

na räjasé na tämasé


“These rituals that are performed by the devotees are very wonderful because they are in the mode of goodness. They are not in the modes of passion and ignorance unlike the so-called religious books of the atheists (demigod worshippers).”

Also in the Padma Puräëa, the sage Bhågu says to the Lord-

aho rüpam aho çélam-

aho çästir-aho dayä

aho sunirmalä kñantir-

aho sattvaà guëä hareù

“O Hari, Your form, nature, chastisement, mercy, purity, tolerance, munificent qualities are all wonderful.”

naisargikaà çubhaà sattvaà

tavaiva guëaväridhe

nänyeñäà vidyate kiïcit

sarveñäà tridivoikasäm

“O ocean of good qualities, Your nature is auspicious and transcendental. When You are in the midst of all the demigods, they become insignificant.”

brahmaëyaç ca çaraëyañ ca

tvameva puruñottama

brähmaëänäà tvameveço

nänyaù püjaù suraù kvacit

“O Puruñottama! You are the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Shelter, the Lord of the brähmaëas. One should never worship any other god at any time.”

yeharcchayanti suränanyän

tväà vinä puruñottamam

te päñaëòa-tvamäpannäù


“O Puruñottama! If someone neglects Your worship and instead worships another deity, that person becomes a cäëòäla and is deemed as most abominable in all the worlds.”

vipräëäà vedavidyñäà

tvamevejyo janärdana

nänyaù kaçcit suräëäntaà


“O Janärdana! Those brähmaëas well versed in the scriptures worship You. Nobody should worship the multitudes of demigods.”

açuddha brahma-rudrädyä


tvaà çuddha-sattva-guëavän


“Other demigods such as Brahmä and Rudra are not completely pure and are tainted by the modes of passion and ignorance. However, You are made up of pure goodness and therefore the brähmaëas worship You.”

tvat pädasalilaà sevyaà

pitåëäïca divoikasäm

sarveñäà bhüsuräëäà ca

muktidaà kalmañäpaham

“By taking the water that has bathed Your lotus feet, all the sins of the pitås, demigods and brähmaëas can be destroyed and they can achieve liberation.

tvad-bhuktocchiñöa çeñam vai

pitåëäà ca divoikasäm

bhüsuräëäà ca sevyaà syät

nänyeñätaà tu kadäcana

“Your remnants are accepted even by the pitås, demigods and brähmaëas, but the remnants of other persons should not be taken.”

itareñäà tu devänäà

annaà puñpaà jalädikaà

aspåçyaà tu bhavet sarvaà

nirmälyaà surayä samam

“Things such as rice, flowers, water and other items that are offered to the demigods should not be touched.”

tasmädaiva brähmaëo nityaà

püjayitvä sanätanam

ta térthaà bhuktamannaïca

bhaje tairäniçaà budhaù

“Therefore, a knowledgable brähmaëa always worships the Eternal Lord and respects His mahäprasäda and the transcendental water that has bathed His feet.”

nänya-devaà nirékñeta

brähmaëo na ca püjayet

nänya prasädaà bhuïjéta

nänya-däyatanaà viçet

“A brähmaëa should not look at the deities of the demigods neither should he worship them. He should not partake of their remnants, nor should he enter their temples.”

taddadäti hi yo vipra

pitåëäm çräddha-karmaëi

tad bhuktam annaà térthaïca

tat sarvaà viphalaà bhavet

“That brähmaëa that honours the forefathers by performing çräddha rites, and who eats the remnants of the devas and drinks the water that has washed their feet, accrues no merit whatsoever.”

kalpa-koöi sahasräëi

kalpa-koöi çatäni ca

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A four-wick, a five-wick, a seven-wick lamp or something similar, should now be offered| Patanti pitaras tasya

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