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Mohena kurute yas tu

These four words are explained as follows; | Any human being taking initiation with the name and mantra of the Supreme | Prapattis tasya kevalam | Worship of Govinda is worship of all | Modaka - a confectioner | Karma trividham ucyate | From the sacrifice horses were born, and animals with two sets of teeth such as donkeys and mules. From the sacrifice, cows were born, and likewise goats and sheep. | Kajjala (collyrium) | A four-wick, a five-wick, a seven-wick lamp or something similar, should now be offered | Arccayen-mantra-ratnena |

sadyaç cäëòälatäà vrajet

sadänya devatä-bhaktir

brähmaëänäà garéyasé

vidürayati vipratvaà

cäëòälatvaà prayacchati

“Even a learned and thoughtful brähmaëa should not worship demigods. If one worships demigods because of illusion, one falls down immediately to the stage of a cäëòäla or dog eater.

By worship of the demigods, a brähmaëa falls from the brähmaëical status to that of a cäëòäla.”

'brähmäëa' means one who knows the Brahmä-Gäyatré, which is instructed by the saintly Närada. The greatly fortunate brähmaëa understands that Viñëu is supreme. Therefore it is said that in Kali yuga, the brähmaëa who knows Viñëu is equal to Viñëu. The brähmaëa is the original Vaiñëava; there is no distinction between the Supreme Lord and the Vaiñëava. The word 'muni' means a thoughtful sage or one who knows truth and falsity. 'Jïané' means one who has the knowledge of reality, instead of false knowledge of eating, sleeping, mating and defending. Such a brähmaëa should not worship the demigods. If he does so, having lost his knowledge by the influence of material desire, he falls down to the level of a cäëòäla. This means that even in this life he becomes like a dog-eater, what to speak of his next life. Although it may seem praiseworthy, it actually destroys his good qualitites and places him on the stage of a dog eater. Therefore, except for serving Gäyatré (in order to worship the Lord) who is a personified great devotee of the Lord, one should not worship any of the devas.

Though a case of a brähmaëa was cited above, the same rule applies to all situated in varëa and äçrama. It is a great fault for anyone to worship demigods instead of Lord Viñëu, the Personality of Godhead. Thus in Skaìda Puräëa it is mentioned in the discussion of Brahmä and Närada:

väsudevaà paritjaya

yo 'nya-devam upäsate

tyaktvä måtaà sa müdhätmä

bhunkte hälähalaà viñam

“Whoever worships other demigods giving up Väsudeva is a fool and eats the deadly poison called hälähala, rejecting nectar.”

Any person in varëäçrama who rejects the worship of Väsudeva, residing in His Supreme abode, and worships demigods, is considered to have abandoned nectar and swallowed poison. He is a fool, completely ignorant, with unsteady mind. A foolish person who has forgotten Lord Väsudeva leaves the nectar of devotional service to the Lord which is liberation itself, the destroyer of the fetters of material life, and accepts the bondage of mundane life. He has to suffer good and bad activities and traverse the cycle of birth and death through 8,400,000 species of life which certainly destroys his original identity. He suffers greatly; therefore it is compared to poison.

This is supported by the following scriptural text: avaçyam eva bhoktavyaà kåtaà karma çubhäçubham - “A person must always enjoy or suffer according to the good or bad activities he has performed in this life.”

Similarly in Mahäbhärata and Harivaàsa it is stated:

yas tu viñëuà parityajya

mohäd anyam upäsate

sa hema-räçim utsåjya

päàçu-räçià jighåkñati

“One who worships anyone other than Kåñëa, being under illusion, is considered as having accepted a heap of ashes, while rejecting a pile of gold.”

Being bewildered by the Lord's external potency (mohät) any human being who rejects the all-pervading Supreme Master of the world, Viñëu, who is served by following in the footsteps of those who are in His full shelter, and instead serves demigods and demigodesses as the worshippable bestowers of his desires, accepts a heap of dust instead of a quantity of gold.

In contrast to this, one who has obtained the human form of life as a result of service to Lord Govinda in many previous lives, and has accepted name and mantra from a bona-fide spitiual master, avoids the adoration of the demigods by the body, speech and mind, and serves Lord Viñëu in devotion as his only master. He rejects completely the process of material bondage of birth and death in various species of life as a heap of sand and accepts service to Lord Govinda like a treasure of gold. The word 'jighåkñati' means to accept.Therefore the unalloyed devotees of Lord Govinda, in all activities accept what is real or 'sat' and reject what is false, considering the principles of bhagavata-dharma.

Meaning of “sat”

In this regard Lord Kåñëa explains to Arjuna in Bhagavad-Gétä 17.26,27:

sad-bhäve sädhu bhäve ca

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 60 | Нарушение авторских прав

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