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A four-wick, a five-wick, a seven-wick lamp or something similar, should now be offered

These four words are explained as follows; | Any human being taking initiation with the name and mantra of the Supreme | Prapattis tasya kevalam | Na nameta smaren na ca | Mohena kurute yas tu | Sad ityetat prayujyate | Worship of Govinda is worship of all | Modaka - a confectioner | Karma trividham ucyate | From the sacrifice horses were born, and animals with two sets of teeth such as donkeys and mules. From the sacrifice, cows were born, and likewise goats and sheep. |

Читайте также:
  1. A claim should be well organized with information in a logical order.
  2. A humorous drawing, often dealing with something in an amusing way
  3. According to some texts the juice from crushed banyan leaf sprouts should be poured into her right nostril to give her strength at this time.
  4. After each oblation the remaining drops of ghee in the sruva should be put in the waterpot.
  5. And combined the information. He suggested that they should combine
  6. Before he left, Hesham should have checked. a his room. b his flight. c his bag.

(in the same manner as the other items).

Sättvika Våddhi Çräddha

The performance of Nändé Mukha-Çräddha is not performed by Vaiñëavas as it is an offense to the holy name to worship the forefathers. Therefore, this ceremony is replaced by worship of the guru-paramparä and the offering of mahäprasädam (Sättvika Våddhi Çräddha).According to ones’ capacity, one should first offer gifts such as cloth and rice to Vaiñëavas and the brähmaëas, without hesitation, while meditating on the Lord and doing so only for His pleasure.

Then, one should perform vasudhärä and make marks on the wall with ghee. Then in the same place one should worship Mahä-Bhägavata Cediräja with mahäprasäda, water etc. (For the all the preliminary procedures see Appendix II)


Çréla Viçvanätha Cakravarti Öhäkura in his Mädhürya Kadambini describes three devotees as most magnaminous, Çréla Nityänanda Prabhu, Jaòa Bhärata and Cediräja Uparicara Vasu. The story of Uparicara Vasu, the great Vaiñëava king of Cedi, is described in the Çänti Parva of Mahäbhärata and in the Viñëu-Dharmottara Puräëa.

Uparicara was cursed by the åñis to go to Pätälaloka but even there he continued to worship Lord Näräyaëa.When the daityas saw him they attacked him with their weapons, but were unable to hurt him.Then they tried preaching atheistic philosophy to him, but to no avail. Finally, seeing the daityas determination, Cediräja Vasu bestowed his mercy upon them, converting them all into devotees. The demigods, seeing the condition of this exalted Vaiñëava, blessed him that while residing in Pätäla the pangs of hunger, thirst, weakness and distress would not affect him. He would drink the streaks of ghee called “vasudhärä” that brähmaëas offered to him with concentrated minds in sacrifice. Soon after, Lord Viñëu sent His carrier Garuòa to bring Cediräja Uparicara Vasu to Vaikuëöha.



On the day of the wedding, that devotee of Govinda who has accepted païca-saàskära initiation from a bona-fide guru, no matter which varëa he is from, should take his bath in the morning, perform his standard daily duties (such as sandhyä-vandana etc), and in a decorated maëòapa or temple of Viñëu, should sit on kuça and perform äcamana and viñëu-smaraëaà (by chanting the maìgaläcaraëa prayers).

He should establish a pot in a beautiful maëòala and put a copper plate on top. On the plate he should place a çälägräma and then procede to worship the çälägräma with the Puruña Sükta prayers. At a wedding or any other function, Lord Näräyaëa or His çälägräma form should always be worshipped. It is an offence to devotional service and to the holy name to worship Gaëeça and the other demigods such as the païca-devatäs, Sürya and the other planetary deities, Indra and the deities of the directions, Gauré and the mätrikas etc. Instead, the Vaiñëavas are worshipped. The evidence for this is in Padma Puräëa:

çuddha-sattvamayo viñëuù


näräyaëaù paraàbrahma

vipräëäà daivataà hariù

brahmaëyaù çrépatir-viñëur

väsudevo janärdanaù

brahmaëyaù puëòarékäkño

govindo harir-acyutaù

“Lord Viñëu is made of transcendental goodness, He is an ocean of auspicious qualities. He is Näräyaëa, the Parambrahma, He is the worshippable Deity of the brähmaëas. He is the Lord of Lakñmé, the Supreme Lord Viñëu, Janärdana, Väsudeva, Puëòarékäkña, Govinda, Hari and Acyuta.”

sa eva püjayo vipräëäà

netare puruña-ñabhäù

mohäd yaù püjayedanyaà

sa päñaëòé bhaved dhruvam

“O best of men! He is worshipped by the brähmaëas and no one else is to be worshipped. If someone worships other gods due to illusion, he becomes a päñaëòi.”

smaraëädeva kåñëasya

vimuktiù päpanäm api

tasya pädodakaà sevyaà

bhuktocchiñöaìca pävanam

“Those sinful people who meditate upon Lord Kåñëa attain liberation. They honour the water that has bathed His lotus feet and partake of His remnants.”

svargä-pavargadaà nånäà

brähmaëänäà viçeñataù

viñëor-niveditaà nityaà

devebhyo juhuyädvabiù

“They can attain the heavenly planets and become freed from the five kleças that trouble the living entities. That is why the Lord’s prasädam is especially honoured and eaten by the brähmaëas, who always offer the remnants of Lord Viñëu in the fire of sacrifice to the demigods.

pitåbhyaç-caiva tadadyät


yo na dadyädvarer bhuktaà

pitåëäà çräddha-karmaëi

“That person that offers the remnants of the Lord to his forefathers in the çräddha ceremony, recieves infinite rewards and endless gain.”

açnute pitaras-tasya

vinmütraà satataà dvijäù

tan-mad viñëoù prasäddo vai

sevitavyo dvijanmanä

“O brähmaëas! That person who performs çräddha but does not offer Viñëu-prasäda to his forefathers, condemns them to continuously eat stool and urine.”

itareçäà tu devänäà

nirmälyaà garhitäà bhavet

sakådeva hi yohaçnäti

brähmaëo jïäna-pürvataù

“Therefore, a brähmaëa must always honour the Lords’ remnants, otherwise if he takes the remnants of the demigods he becomes utterly condemned.”

nirmälyaà çaìkarädénäà

sa cäëòälo bhaved dhruvam


pacyate narakägninä

“If a brähmaëa knowingly partakes of the prasäda of Lord Çiva or any other deva even once, he certainly becomes a cäëòäla and burns in the fires of hell for one thousand koöi kalpas.”

nirmälyaà tu dvija-çreñöa

rudrädénäà divoikasäm



“O best of the twice-born! The remnants of the demigods such as Çiva etc, rakñasas, yakñas, and piñäcas are no different from meat and wine.”

tad brähmaëaina bhoktavyaà

devänäà bhuïjitaà haviù

tasmäd-anyaà parityajya

viñëum-eva sanätanam

“Therefore, the brähmaëas should not honour the remnants of the devas. Because Lord Viñëu is the only eternal Supreme Lord, all others should be rejected.”

püjayadvaà dvija-çreñöa


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