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Kajjala (collyrium)

These four words are explained as follows; | Any human being taking initiation with the name and mantra of the Supreme | Prapattis tasya kevalam | Na nameta smaren na ca | Mohena kurute yas tu | Sad ityetat prayujyate | Worship of Govinda is worship of all | Modaka - a confectioner | Karma trividham ucyate | Arccayen-mantra-ratnena |

oà samiddhvo-aïjan kådaram maténäà

ghåtaà agne madhumät pinvamänaù

väjé vahan väjinaà jätavedo devänäà

vakñi priyaà äsadhastham

oà anena aïjaneëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“This aïjana, the offering of ghee, a storehouse of intelligence and guidance, flaming, sweet and fragrant, is swelling in the fire. As a horse carries a rider, the fire carries our offering to the place of eternal pleasure. “

· Rocana

oà yujanti vradhnat aruñam caraëtaà

pari-tasthuñaù rocante rocanä divi

oà anena rocaneëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“Those who link themselves to the Supreme Lord, strong as a horse, bright like the sun travelling through the sky, shine in the same manner in the eternal sky.”

· White mustard seed

oà rakñohaëaà balagahanaà vaiñëavémidam ahaà taà balagamutkirämi

yaà me niñöyo yamamätyo nicakhänedam ahaà taà balagamutkirämi

yaà me samäno yamasamäno nicakhänedam ahaà taà balagamutkirämi

yaà me sabandhur yamasabandhur nicakhänedam ahaà tam balagamutkiräni

yaà me sajäto yamasajäto nicakhänotkåtyäà kirämi

oà anena siddharthena çubhädhiväsah astu

“O killer of demons, O voice of Viñëu that destoys evil spells, I now destroy any evil magic that any stranger or near-one has buried to do me harm; I now destroy any evil magic buried for me by anyone equal to me or unequal to me; I now destroy any evil charm that has been buried for me by any relative or non-relative; I cast out that magic spell.”

· Gold

oà hiraëya-garbhaù samavarta tägre

bhütasya jätaù patir-eka äsét

sa dädhära påthivéà dyäm utemäà

kasmai deväya haviñä vidhema

oà anena kaïcaneëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“To which Lord should we offer oblations in sacrifice? To He, that in the beginning created the golden womb, who from the beginning was the Supreme Lord of all creation and who held the earth and the heavenly planets firmly.

· Silver

oà rüpeëa vo rüpam-abhyägäà tutho vo viçvavedä vibhajatu åtasya-pathä pretacandra dakñinä vi svaù paçya vyantarikñaà yatasva sadasyaiù

oà anena rüpeëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“Through your beauty I have become beautiful; may the tuthä- priest, Viçvaveda, distribute you. Go forth, giving light, on the path of truth. Look favorably upon the heavenly planets and space. Unite with the priests who keep the yajïaçala.”

@FOOTNOTE on tutha priest

· Copper

oà asau yas tämro aruëa uta babhrüù sumaìgalaù ye cainagà rudrä abhito dikñu çritäù sahasraço ’vaiñägà heòa imahe

oà anena tämreëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“The Lord bright like the sun, copper red, all auspcious, also called Rudra, resides in all directions, and expands a thousand fold like the rays of the sun. We approach you to remove our impurities.”

@FOOTNOTE: The thousand headed Puruña manifests the three characteristics of Viñëu, the maintainer, Hiraëya Garbha, the creator and Çiva, the destroyer. All these potencies are manifested from Him, though the demigods Brahmä and Çiva are designated the position to work under the direction of the Lord. Here the Supreme Lord is being addressed in His aspect of Çiva (auspiciousness), as in this mood, He can remove our misconceptions due to false ego. The poetic language of the Vedas is written as such, so that those whose faith is firm in the modes of passion and ignorance will think these descriptions are referring to the demigods. While in actuality, the Vedas only speak of the Supreme Lord and His activities, manifested through His incarnations, devotees and unlimited potencies.

· Ghee Lamp

oà mano jütiù juñatäà

äjyasya båhaspatiù yajïaà

imaà tanotu ariñöaà yajïagà imaà dadhätu viçve deväsa iha mädayantäà

oà pratiñöha

oà anena dépeëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“Let the alert mind enjoy the ghee. Let the Lord start the sacrifice. Let the Lord bestow a sacrifice free from fault. Let the lords of the universe and sacrificer, enjoy here. Please may you all be present here.”

· Mirror

oà kåñëo vai sac-cid-änanda-ghanaù

kåñëa ädi puruñaù

kåñëaù puruñottamaù

kåñëo hä u karmädi mülaà

kåñëaù saha sarvai-käryaù

kåñëa käçaà kåd-ädéçä mukha-prabhu-püjyaù

kåñëo nädis-tasmin-ajändäntar bähye

yam-maïgalaà tal-labhate kåté

oà anena darpeëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“Lord Kåñëa is the color of a new rain-cloud, therefore He is compared to a transcendental cloud full of eternity, bliss and cognizance. He is the original and supreme person. He is the origin of all activities and the one and only Lord of all. He is the worshipful Lord of the best of demigods, the controller of Brahmä, Viñëu and Çiva. Kåñëa is without any beginning. Whatever auspiciousness is found within or beyond this universe the devotee obtains in Kåñëa alone.”

· Fragrant oil

oà tad viñëoù paramaà padaà

sadä paçyanti sürayaù

divéva cakñur ätatam

oà anena sugandhi-taileëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“The devotees continually see the Supreme abode of Viñëu, who like the sun in the sky, spreads His influence and blessings everywhere.”

· Tumeric

oà viñëoù vikramaëaà asi viñëoù vikräntaà asi

viñëoù kräntam-asi viñëoù kräntaà-asi

yujyantyasya kämya hariù

vipakñasärathe çono ghåñëuù na vähasä

oà anena haridåyeëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“You are the three steps of Viñëu. Golden hued, as fleet as birds, carriers of the man who endeavours, the horses yoked to the chariot of the sun.”

· Cloth

oà yuvä suväsäù parivétaù ägät

sa u çreyän bhavati jäyaàänaù

taà déräsaù kavaya unnayanti

sädhyä manasä devayantaù

oà anena vastreëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“He comes well clothed and youthful with sacred thread. Being twice born he is the best and most attractive. The wise men, desiring the Lord, meditating on him within their minds, are raised up to knowledge.”


A thread dyed in tumeric and sindhüra should be tied around the wrist of the groom nine times by a Vaiñëava brähmaëa. A married women with children should tie a thread around the brides’ wrist seven times. While tying they should chant the following mantras:

oà suträëäà påthivéà dyäà anehasaà suçarmäëaà aditi supraëétaà devo näraà

surindräà anägasaà asmaratéà äruhe mäsma syaye

oà tad viñëoù paramaà padaà

sadä paçyanti sürayaù

divéva cakñur ätatam

oà kåñëo vai sac-cid-änanda-ghanaù

kåñëa ädi puruñaù

kåñëaù puruñottamaù

kåñëo hä u karmädi mülaà

kåñëaù saha sarvai-käryaù

kåñëa käçaà kåd-ädéçä mukha-prabhu-püjyaù

kåñëo nädis-tasmin-ajändäntar bähye

yam-maïgalaà tal-labhate kåté

@FOOT NOTE: For a man, the thread is tied on the right wrist, for a woman, on the left. As the right side of a man’s body is considered auspicious, while for the woman, the left.

This procedure of tying the threads to the wrists of the beneficieries is also applicable in other saàskäras whenever the Adhiväsa is performed.

· Cämara

oà väto vä mano vä gandharväù saptaviàçatiù

te agre ’çvamayuïjaste asmiïjavamädadhuù

oà anena cämareëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“The wind, the mind, the all knowing gandharva, the twenty seven constellations, all gather before You and offer homage unto You.”

· Sandal wood

oà kaù asi katamaù asi kasmai tvä käya tvä

suçloka sumaìgala satya räjan

oà anena cämareëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“You are the Supreme Lord. You are one without a second. You are the object of all offerings and the instrument of all activities. You are the Supreme ruler, the most famous, the most auspicious and pure.”

Note: A piece of sandal wood, not paste, is to be shown.

· All Items

All the items should be gathered together on a tray and offered:

oà pratipan asi pratipade tvä

anupadasy anupade tvä

sampadasi sampade tvä

tejo’si tejase tvä

“You are the beginning. I approach You to commence this rite. You are the activity in progress. For continuing the activity I approach You. You are the completion of the activity. For success I approach You.”

The tray of articles should be given (to the yajamäna)to touch.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 64 | Нарушение авторских прав

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From the sacrifice horses were born, and animals with two sets of teeth such as donkeys and mules. From the sacrifice, cows were born, and likewise goats and sheep.| A four-wick, a five-wick, a seven-wick lamp or something similar, should now be offered

mybiblioteka.su - 2015-2025 год. (0.017 сек.)