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From the sacrifice horses were born, and animals with two sets of teeth such as donkeys and mules. From the sacrifice, cows were born, and likewise goats and sheep.

These four words are explained as follows; | Any human being taking initiation with the name and mantra of the Supreme | Prapattis tasya kevalam | Na nameta smaren na ca | Mohena kurute yas tu | Sad ityetat prayujyate | Worship of Govinda is worship of all | Modaka - a confectioner | A four-wick, a five-wick, a seven-wick lamp or something similar, should now be offered | Arccayen-mantra-ratnena |

Читайте также:
  2. Animals as Divine
  3. Animals As Inspiration
  4. Animals need help. Earth is in danger
  6. As far as … is concerned / regarding / with regard to / as for / of this sort / similar to / such as / similarly / likewise / in the same way / equally / correspondingly

12) In the mental sacrifice, when they divided up the Viräö Puruña, how many parts did they divide? What is stated about His face, His arms, His thighs and feet?

13) From the face came the brähmaëas. From the two arms the kñatriyas came into being. From the thighs of the Viräö Puruña came the vaiçyas and from His feet the çüdras were born.

14) The moon was born from His mind, the sun was born from His two eyes. From His mouth were born Indra and Agni, and from His breath Väyu was born.

15) From His navel came the antarikña (space between earth and heaven). From His head the heavens arose. From His feet the earth arose and from His ears arose the directions. In this way the worlds were created.

16) I know that great Viräö Puruña, effulgent as the sun, who stands beyond the darkness of the material creation. Having given all the living entities their forms and names, He directs their affairs.

17) Brahmä explained his realization to Indra. Indra, who knows all the living entities in all four directions, explained it to all others. One who knows the nature of the Viräö Puruña becomes immortal even in his life on earth. There is no other path to reach the goal of immortality.

18) In this way the devas conducted the mental sacrifice using the Viräö Puruña to manifest variety in the world. By that sacrifice, both the physical laws of nature and the first spiritual codes of conduct arose. The great souls by similar mental worship attain the place of immortality where the sädhyas and devas, the first worshippers, now dwell”.

· @Näräyaëa Upaniñad (put new version)

oà atha puruño ha vai näräyaëo ‘kämayata prajäù såjeyeti

näräyanät präëo jäyate

manaù sarvendriyäëi ca khaà väyur jyotir äpaù påthivé viçvasya dhäriëé näräyaëäd brahmä jäyate

näräyaëäd rudro jäyate

näräyaëäd indro jäyate

näräyaëäd prajäpatiù prajäyante

näräyaëäd dvädaçäditya rudrä vasavaù sarvaëi chandägàsi

näräyaëäd eva samutpadyante

näräyaëäd pravartante

näräyaëe praléyante

ya evaà veda

ity upaniñat(e) // 1 //

oà atha nityo näräyaëaù

brahmä näräyanaù

çivaç ca näräyaëaù

çakraç ca näräyaëaù

kälaç ca näräyaëaù

diçaç ca näräyaëaù

vidiçaç ca näräyaëaù

ürdhvaç ca näräyaëaù

adhaç ca näräyaëaù

antar bahiç ca näräyaëaù

näräyana evedag sarvaà

yad bhütaà yac ca bhavyam

niñkalaìko niraïjano nirvikalpo niräkhyataù

çuddho deva eko näräyaëaù

na dvitéyo ‘sti kaçcit(e)

sa viñëur eva bhavati sa viñëur eva bhavati

ya evaà veda

ity upaniñat(e) // 2 //

oà ity agre vyäharet(e)

nama iti paçcät(e)

näräyaëäyety upariñtat(e)

oà ity ekäkñaram

nama iti dve akñare

näräyaëäyeti païcäkñaräëi

etad vai näräyaëasayästäkñaraà padam

yo ha vai näräyaëasyästäkñaraà padam adhyeti

anapabruvaù sarvam äyureti

vindate präjäpatyagà räyas poñaà gaupatyaà

tato ‘måtatvam açnute tato ’måtatva açnuta iti

ya evaà veda

ity upaniñat(e) // 3 //

oà pratyag änandaà brahma puruñaà praëava svarüpam

akära ukära makära iti

tänekadhä sametad oà iti

yam uktvä mucyate yogé

janma saàsära bandhanät(e)

oà namo näräyaëäyeti mantropäsakaù

vaikuëöha bhuvanaà gamiñyati

tad idaà puëòarékaà vijïäna ghanaà

tasmäd taòidäbha mätram

brahmaëyo devaképutro

brahmaëyo madhusüdanaù

brahmaëyo puëòarékäkño

brahmaëyo viñëur acyuteti

sarvabhütastham ekaà näräyaëam

käraëa rüpam akäraëam param brahma oà // 4 //

oà prätar adhéyäno rätrikåtaà päpaà näçayati

çäyam adéyäno divasa-kåtaà päpaà näçayati

mädhyähna dinam ädityäbhimukho ‘dhéyanaù

païca mahä pätakopapätakät pramucyate

sarva veda päräyaëa punyaà labhate

näräyaëa-säyujyam aväpnoti

näräyaëa-säyujyam aväpnoti

ya evaà veda

ity upaniñat(e) // 5 //

1) “Then the Supreme Lord Näräyaëa desired to create living entities. From Näräyaëa came the life airs; from Näräyaëa came the mind and all the senses; from Näräyaëa came the elements - ether, air, light, water and earth, which supports the universe. From Näräyaëa came Brahmä, Rudra, Indra, Prajäpati. From Näräyaëa came the twelve Ädityas, the twelve Rudras, the twelve Vasus, all the Vedic metres and all the devas. Everything came from Näräyaëa in the beginning and everything enters into Näräyaëa at the end.

2) Thus Näräyaëa is the eternal being. Brahmä, Çiva, Indra, time, the directions, the subdirections, up and down, inside and outside, are all pervaded by Näräyaëa. Näräyaëa is everything, past, present and future. Näräyaëa is the eternal pure effulgent Lord, without a second to compare. He is Viñëu, the Supreme Lord, says the Upaniñad.

3) One should place “oà” first, “namaù” second and “Näräyaëäya” at the end. “Oà” is one syllable, “namaù” is two syllables and “Näräyaëäya” is five syllables. Together they make the eight syllable Näräyaëa-mantra. One who knows this eight syllable Näräyaëa-mantra with purity in his heart attains all life, offspring, wealth, health and cows, and finally attains immortality. One who knows the Näräyaëa-mantra and Näräyaëa attains immortality, says the Upaniñad.

4) The syllable “oà” is directly the Supreme Lord full of bliss. Composed of three sounds “a”, “u” and “à”, the praëava becomes “oà”. The yogé who utters the praëava many times becomes free from the bondage of repeated material birth. One who worships the Lord with this mantra will certainly go to the transcendental realm of Vaikuëöha, which is a lotus full of consciousness shining effulgently. The transcendental Lord is known as the son of Devaké, as Madhusüdana, as Puëòarikäkña, as Viñëu and Acyuta. The one Näräyaëa is situated in all living entities. He is the cause of all causes, the supreme Brahman.

5) One who recites the mantra in the morning destroys the sins of the night. One who recites the mantra in the evening destroys the sins of the day. One who recites the mantra at noontime facing the sun is freed from all types of sins. That person attains the fruits of studying all the Vedas. He attains the world of Näräyaëa”.

oà svasti no govindaù

svasti no ‘cyutänantau

svasti no väsudevo viñëur dadhätu

svasti no näräyaëo naro vai

svasti naù padmanäbhaù puruñottamo dadhätu

svasti no viçvakseno viçveçvaraù

svasti no håñékeço harir dadhätu

svasti no vainateyo hariù

svasti no ‘njanäsuto hanür bhägavato dadhätu

svasti svasti sumaìgalaikeço mahän

çré kåñëaù saccidänanda ghanaù

sarveçvareçvaro dadhätu

“May Lord Govinda, Acyuta, Ananta Çeña, Väsudeva and Lord Viñëu bestow auspiciousness upon us. May Nara-Näräyaëa, Padmanäbha and Puruñottama bestow auspiciousness upon us. May Viçvaksena, the Lord of the universe, Håñikeça and Lord Hari bestow auspiciousness upon us. May Garuòa and the son of Aïjanä, who is the great devotee of Lord Räma, Hanumän, bestow auspiciousness upon us. May the great and only Lord of auspiciousness, Çré Kåñëa, who is like a transcendental cloud full of eternity, knowledge, and bliss and who is the Lord of all the demigods, bestow upon us all prosperity and auspiciousness.” (Kåñëopaniñad)

karotu svasti me kåñëa

sarva lokeçvareçvaraù

kärçnadayaç-ca kürvantu

svasti me loka-pävanaù

“May Kåñëa, the Lord of all Lords of the universe, and his followers, the deliverers of the fallen, bestow auspiciousness on me.” (Sanmohana Tantra)

kåñëo mamaiva sarvatra

svasti küryät çréyä samam

tathaiva ca sadä kärçniù

sarva vighna vinäçanaù

“May Kåñëa, the destroyer of all obstacles and his followers bestow auspiciousness and prosperity to me at all times and places.” (Viñëu Yämala Saàhitä)

atasé-kusumopameya käntir-yamunä-kula kadamba mülavarté

navagopa vadhü viläsaçälé vitanotu no maìgaläni

“May Kåñëa, who has a complexion like the atasi flower, who is situated under the kadamba tree on the bank of the Yamunä River, who is skillful at pastimes with the wives of the cowherds of Våndävana, bestow auspiciousness on us.” (Viñëu Rahasya)

kåñëaù karotu kalyänaà


kälindé jala kallola

kolähala kutühalaù

“May Kåñëa, who sports with great noise in the waves of the Yamunä river, and who, like a lion, killed the elephant Kaàsa, bestow auspiciousness on me.” (Näradéya Puräëa)

mädhavo mädhavo väci

mädhavo mädhavo hådi

smaranti mädhavaù sarve

sarva käryeñu mädhavam

“The devotees always remember the Lord. The name “Mädhava” is constantly on their tongues and constantly in their minds, and permeates all of their activities.” (Närasiàha Puräëa)

läbhas teñäà jayas teñäà

kutas teñäà paräbhavaù


hådaya-stho janärdanaù

“For those who have Janärdana, whose complexion is that of a blue lotus, within their hearts, there is all gain and victory and no defeat in any enterprise.” (Päëòava Gétä)

maìgalaà bhagavän viñëur

maìgalaà madhusüdanaù

maìgalaà håñikeço ‘yaà

maìgaläyatano hariù


kåñëasya smaranäd-dhareù

sarva vighnäni naçyanti

maìgalaà syän-na saàsayaù

“The Supreme Lord, Viñëu is all auspicious. Madhusüdana is all auspicious. Håñékeça is all auspicious. Hari is the abode of all auspiciousness. Simply by saying the name of Viñëu or by remembering Kåñëa all obstacles are destroyed and all auspiciousness comes. This is certain.” (Båhad Viñëu Puräëa)

satyaà kaliyuga vipra

çré harer näma maìgalaà

paraà svastyayanaà nånäà

nästy-eva gatir anyathä

“Oh brähmaëa, chanting of the holy name is the auspicious process in Kali Yuga. It is the highest auspiciousness for mankind. There is no other way.” (Padma Puräëa)

puëòarékäkña govinda

mädhavädéàç ca yaù smaret

tasya syan-maìgalaà sarva-

karmädau vighna-näçanaà

“He who remembers all the forms of the Lord such as Puëòarikäkña, Govinda and Mädhava, will attain all auspiciousness and destruction of all obstacles in all his activities.” (Viñëu Dharmottara)

maìgaläyatanaà kåñëaà

govindaà garuòa-dhvajam

mädhavaà puëòarékäkñaà

viñëuà näräyaëaà harià

väsudevaà jagannäthaà

acyutaà madhusüdanam

tathä mukundänantädén

yaù smaret prathamaà sudhéù

kartä sarvatra sutaräà

maìgalänanta karmaëaù

“The intelligent man who first remembers the various forms of the Lord and his pastimes before performing his activities, will attain infinite auspiciousness in all that he does.” (Rudra Yämala)


Adhiväsa is usually performed on the night preceding the saàskära proper along with the äcamana, Viñëu Smaraëam, Svasti Väcanam, Ghaöa Sthäpaëa, etc. (see Appendix II). If this cannot be done at that time, it should be performed on the morning of the ceremony, before the Sättvika Våddhi Çräddha. The auspicious articles used in the Adhiväsa are earth, stone, paddy, dürva, flowers, fruit, yoghurt, ghee, svastika, sindhüra, conch, kajjal, gorocana, white mustard seeds, gold, silver, copper, lamp, mirror, fragrant oil, tumeric, cloth, thread, cämara and candana. One should offer prayers while showing all the articles together, and then offer an ärati.

@FOOTNOTE: While saying the appropriate mantra, touch each item to the ghaöa (see Appendix II) which has been installed and worshipped (or if the Deity is present, first touch to His lotus feet and then to the pot), then to the earth, and finally to the heads of the beneficiaries of the rite (e.g. bride and groom if the saàskära is a marriage). After presenting all the items, gather them together on a tray and present them before the (the Deity), the pot and the beneficiaries.

· Earth from the Gaìgä

oà bhür-asi bhümirasy aditir asi

viçvadhäya viçvasya bhuvanasya dhatré

påthivéà yaccha påthivéà drgàha påthivéà mä hiàséù

oà anayä gaìgä-måttikyä çubhädhiväsaù astu

“You are the earth, the supporter of the worlds, the supporter of the universe, sustaining everything. Control the earth, make the earth firm, do not harm the earth.”

· Gandha (sandalwood paste)

oà gandha-dväräà durädharñäà nitya puñöäà karéñiném

éçvarégà sarvabhütänäà tväm ihopahvaye çriyam

oà anena gandheëa çubädhiväsaù astu

“By gandha you become protected, continually nourished. Abounding in purity, wealth, beauty and prosperity, I call you here.”

Note: gandha may be mixed with other fragrances like musk, äguru, saffron, camphor, etc.

· Stone

oà pra-parvatasya våñabhasya påñöhän nävaç-caraëti svasi-ca iyänäù

tä avavåtan na dharä gudaktä ahià budhnyam anu réyamänä

viñëor-vikramanam asi viñëor vikräntam asi viñëo kräntam asi

oà anayä çéläya çubhädhiväsaù astu

“The streams of water pour spontaneously from the mountain-like hump of the bull. They stream downwards flowing onwards, after Ahibudhnya. You are the lifting of Viñëu’s foot, you are the movement of Viñëu’s foot, you are Viñëu’s step.

@Footnote on ahibudhnya

· Rice paddy

oà dhänyam-asi dhinuhi devän

@ dhinuhi yajïaà dhinuhi yajïapatià CHANGE!!!

dhinuhi mäà yajïanyam

oà anena dhänyeëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“You are grain. Please the Lord, please the sacrifice and the performer of sacrifice. Bring happiness to me as I conduct this sacrifice.”

· Dürva grass

oà käëòät käëòät prarohanté puruñaù puruñaspari

evä no dürve pratanu sahasreëa çatena ca

oà anayä dürväya çubädhiväsaù astu

“Piece by piece, joint by joint, dürva grass, you manifest offspring. Give us offspring, a hundred, a thousand.”

· Flowers

oà çréç-ca te lakñméç ca patnyav

aho rätre pärçve

nakñaträëi rüpam açvinau vyättam

iñëanniñäëämuà ma iñäëa

sarvalokaà ma iñäëa

oà anena puñpeëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“Piety and prosperity are Your consorts. Day and night are Your sides. The stars are Your form. The heaven and earth are Your open mouth. Bestow what we desire. Bestow the goal in this world. Bestow the highest goal. “

· Fruit

oà yäù phalinér yä aphalä apuñpä yäçca puñpinéù

båhaspati-prasütä-stä no muïcantvägà-hasaù

oà anena phaleëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“May that power that produces the fruit, that makes the flower bloom, which arises through the mantras and through the Lord of mantra, free us from all difficulties.”

· Yoghurt

oà dadhikrävëo akäriñaà jiñëor açvasya väjinaù

surabhi no mukhä karat pra näyügàñi täriñat(e)

oà anena dadhna çubhädhiväsaù astu

“I offer myself unto the Lord who gave Himself to the gopés of Vraja in exchange for yoghurt; the killer of the horse-demon, who is swift, who gives fragrance to the face, let Him increase our life span.”

· Ghee

oà ghåtavaté bhüvanänäà abhi çriyorvé påthvé

madhudughe supeçasä dyäva påthivé varuëasya

dharmanä viçkabhite ajare bhüri retasä

oà anena ghåteëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“The broad earth flows with ghee, which is sweet smelling, beautiful and brings prosperity to the worlds. The heavens and earth, through the law of the just Lord are abounding in unlimited seed in all places.”

· Svastikaà

oà svasti no govindaù

svasti no ’cyutänantau

svasti no väsudevo viñnur dadhätu

svasti no näräyaëo naro vai

svasti naù padmanäbhaù puruñottamo dadhätu

svasti no viçvakseno viçveçvaraù

svasti no håñikeço harir dadhätu

svasti no vainateyo hariù

svasti no ’njanäsuto hanur bhägavato dadhätu

svasti svasti sumaìgalai keço mahän

çré kåñëaù saccidänanda ghanaù sarveçvareçvaro dadhätu

“May Govinda, Acyuta, Ananta, Väsudeva and Viñëu, give us auspiciousness; may Nara-Näräyaëa, Padmanäbha and Puruñottama give us auspiciousness; may Viçvaksena, the Lord of the world, Håñikeça and Hari give us auspiciousness; may Garuòa and the great devotee Hanumän, son of Anjanä, give us auspiciousness; may the great auspicious Lord Kåñëa, who is like a transcendental rain cloud full of eternity, knowledge and bliss, give all prosperity and auspiciousness.”

oà svasti na indro våddha çraväù

svasti naù püña viçvavedäù

svasti nas tarkñyo ariñöanemiù

svasti no båhaspatir dadhätu

oà anena svastikeëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“May Indra, who hears much praise, give us auspiciousness; may the sun god, who knows all things, give us auspiciousness; may Garuòa, with unblemished weapons, give us auspiciousness; may Båhaspati, give us auspiciousness.”

Note: A silver svastika or a svastika drawn in kum-kum on a silver plate is used.

· Sindhüra

oà sindhoriva prädhvane çüghanäso

vätapramiyaù patayanti yahväù ghåtasya

dhärä aruño na väjé käñöhä

bhindan nürmibhiù pinvamänaù

oà anena sindhüreëa çubhädhiväsaù astu

“Flashing like the sun, like streams of rushing water, strong and full of life the streams of ghee fall upon the fire. Like fast steeds carrying the offering, breaking through all obstacles, the ghee swells in waves, dissolving the wood.”

· Conch

oà pratiçrutkäyä artanaà ghoñäya bahüvädinaà

anantäya mükaà çabdäya äòamvaräghätaà

mahase vénävädaà kroçäya tüëavadhäà

aparasparäya çaìkhadhvaà baläya vanam- pato

vanyäya dävapam

oà anena çaìkheëa çubhädhiväsaù astu


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