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Asya__karmano (function)

Modaka - a confectioner | Karma trividham ucyate | From the sacrifice horses were born, and animals with two sets of teeth such as donkeys and mules. From the sacrifice, cows were born, and likewise goats and sheep. | Kajjala (collyrium) | A four-wick, a five-wick, a seven-wick lamp or something similar, should now be offered | Arccayen-mantra-ratnena | Patanti pitaras tasya | When the auspicious hour arrives, the ceremony should start with the reception of the groom. A cow should be tied in the North side of the room. | He should place the tips pointing North and sit on it. | The father should pour the water over their bound hands. |

homa karmäëi kåtäkåtavekñana rüpa brahma tvena bhavantaà ahaà våne

“On this day of ______, in the month of ______, in the lunar fortnight of ______, on the lunar day of ______, on the occasion of ______, I choose you as brahma for supervising the proper execution of the rituals.”

The brahma replies:

“oà våto ’smi”

“I have been selected”

The groom says:

“oà yathä yatham brahma käma kuru”

“Please perform your activities in a befitting way”

The brahma should reply:

“oà yathä jïänaà karaväà”

“May I perform to the best of my abilities”

· The groom, taking the water vessel, should proceed to the South side of the fire and at a distance of one aratni (distance from elbow to tip of little finger) from the fire, sprinkle water towards the East, and over that he should place kuça grass with tips facing East.

· Then facing West with the strewn kuça in front of him, he should take one blade of that strewn kuça in the thumb and ring finger of the left hand and throw it in the Southwest direction, saying:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

gäyatré chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

tåëanirasane viniyogaù

oà nirasthaù parävasuù

“The depleter of fortune has been thrown away.”

· Facing North with the right foot pressing the left foot, the groom should sprinkle water on the strewn kuça and then seat the brahma on the kuça, facing him towards the North (in the case of a kuçamaya brahma, he should face the East). Touching water, he should say to the brahma:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

triñöup chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

vaiñëava-brahmo-pareçane viniyogaù

oà ä vasoù sadane séda

“Sit on this seat of wealth.”

The brahma replies:


“I sit.”

· The groom should offer the Brahma some mahäprasäda, candana, kum-kum, fruit, sweets, etc. to honor him. Retracing his steps to the East side of the fire he should sit.

· To nullify any mistakes during the sacrifice, the brahma says:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

gäyatré chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

ayaïjiya väg-vacanimita jape viniyogaù

oà idaà viñëuù vicakrame

tredhä nidadhe padaà

samudham asya pägàçule

“Viñëu has stridden here. He has placed three pure steps on this earth.”

· Caru Sthäpana (Placing the caru or cooked grains):

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The cow is then released.| Caru, having been prepared before the function, should be placed on the North side of the fire at this time.

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