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Acchidrena pavitrena

From the sacrifice horses were born, and animals with two sets of teeth such as donkeys and mules. From the sacrifice, cows were born, and likewise goats and sheep. | Kajjala (collyrium) | A four-wick, a five-wick, a seven-wick lamp or something similar, should now be offered | Arccayen-mantra-ratnena | Patanti pitaras tasya | When the auspicious hour arrives, the ceremony should start with the reception of the groom. A cow should be tied in the North side of the room. | He should place the tips pointing North and sit on it. | The father should pour the water over their bound hands. | The cow is then released. | Asya______karmano (function) |

vasoù süryasya raçmibhiù svähä

“May Savita purify you with this faultless kuça, with these rays from the sun.”

· He should then offer two more oblations of ghee into the fire in the same way without mantra.

· Holding the kuças in his left hand, he should sprinkle water on them and then using the right hand, throw them into the fire.

· He should sprinkle the vessel of ghee with water and then lower it into the North part of the fire three times, and then lay it on strewn kuça grass.

· Sruva Saàskära (purifying the spoon):

The sruva should be made from khadira, paläça or udumbara wood, and of a length of one “aratni“ (distance from elbow to tip of little finger). He should purify the sruva by sprinkling it with water, then by lowering it into the North part of the fire three times.

· Udakäïjaliseka (taking blessings for performing the sacrifice):

Keeping his right knee on the earth and his left knee raised, he should pour water from his cupped hands from West to East on the South side of the fire, saying:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

gäyatré chandaù

çré ananto devatä

udakäïjaliseke viniyogaù

oà ananta anumanyasva

“Please allow this rite, Ananta.”

· He should pour on the West side from South to North, saying:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

gäyatré chandaù

çré acyuto devatä

udakäïjaliseke viniyogaù

oà acyuta anumanyasva

“Please allow this rite, Acyuta.”

· He should pour on the North side from West to East saying:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

gäyatré chandaù

çré viñëuù devatä

udakäïjaliseke viniyogaù

oà sarasvaty anumanyasva

“Please allow this rite, Sarasvaté.”

· Agni paryukñana (sprinkling water around the fire):

He should sprinkle water around the fire in clockwise direction:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

gäyatré chandaù

çré aniruddho devatä

agni-paryukñane viniyogaù

oà prabho aniruddha prasuva yajïaà

pra suva yajïapatià bhagäya

pätä sarva bhüta sthaù

ketapuù ketaà naù punätu

vägéçaù väcaà naù svadatu

“Oh Aniruddha, bring forth the sacrifice, bring forth the Lord of the sacrifice for good fortune. You are situated everywhere. Purifier of desires, purify our desires. May the Lord of words relish our prayers.”

· Virupäkña Japa (prayer to the Lord as Virupäkña):

Raising his right knee from the ground, he should hold fruit, flowers, rice and kuça between his fists, the right fist being above and the left fist being below. He should recite the following:

oà prajäpatiù viñëu åñiù

gäyatré chandaù

rudra-rüpo viñëuù devatä

çré mahäbhägavata virupäkña jape viniyogaù

oà bhür bhuvaù svaù

oà mahäntaà virupäkñaà tväà ätmanä prapadye,

bhägavata virupäkño ’si dantänjiù tasya te çäyyä parne,

gåhaà antarikñe vimitaà hiraëmayaà /

tad devänäà hådayäni ayasmae kumbhe ’nthaù sannihitäni täni /

balabåc ca balasäc ca raksato ‘pramané animiñat(e) /

tat satyaà yatte dvädaça puträù,

te tvä saàvatsare saàvatsare käma prena yajïena yäjayitvä

punaù brahma acaryam upayanti /

taà deveçu brähmano ’si, ahaà manuñyeñu, brahmaëo vai

brähmanam upadhävati, upa tvä dhävämi,

japantaà mä mä pratijäpiù,

juhvantaà mä mä prati hauñéù,

kurvantaà mä mä pratikarñéù

tväà prapadye / tvayä prasüta

idam karma kariñyämi,

tan me rädhyatäà

tam me samådhyatäà,

tan me upapadyatäm /

samudro mä viçvavyacäù / brahma anujänätu,

tutho mä viçvavedäù / brahma aëaù putro anujänätu,

svätro mä pracetäù / maiträ varuëo anujänätu,

tasmai virupäkñäya dantänjaye, samudräya

viçvavyacase, tuthäya viçvavedase, sväträya

pracetase saasräkñäya brahmaëaù puträya

parama bhägavatottamäya namaù /

“I surrender with body, mind and soul to the great, beautiful Personality of Godhead, manifested as Agni, possessed of unlimited eyes and flashing teeth, whose resting place is under a paläça tree, whose golden abode flashes in the sky like lightening, who is accompanied by all the devatäs, who are situated in the metal kumbha. Being full of strength, attentive and unblinking, You watch for demons.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 61 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Caru, having been prepared before the function, should be placed on the North side of the fire at this time.| The groom should present to the bride upper and lower clothes, which are new and washed, which she should accept (and may put on).

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