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Essence and objective terms of development of specialization of agricultural enterprises

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Specialization of agricultural production and agrarian market are the processes that a rose up yet in antiquity as a result of division of labor bound and interdependent in a public production. A market stimulates demand and supply not in general, but in relation to concrete products and services. Specialization also determines a production and realization of product sufferer separate kinds. Thus, basic levers and methods of adjusting of both specialization and market relations, gather. Role and value of specialization in the increase of efficiency of production in the conditions of a agrarian trans for matins considerably grows as at the level of zone, region, administrative district, on enterprise that requires further perfection of development of this process in accordance with the action of economic laws and on the basis of the maximal use of naturally biological terms and resource potential.

Presence of the multi channel system of production distribution, passing to the market prices that is formed by correlation of demand and supplies, their instability and systematic during a year vibrations result in the artificial overstating or under stating of part of separate wares in the structure of commodity products that does impossible ability of the last to serve as the index of determination of level of specialization on the costs of realization. In the conditions of passing to the market relations for this purpose it is suggested to use the structure of commodity products in comparable prices.

The agrarian sector of economy of Ukraine is presently characterized to rolling up of specialization and concentration of production, as are salt potential possibilities of deepening of these processes for the acceleration of rates of development of agriculture and increase of his efficiency actually are not used. However exactly they together with technological, organizationally economic, social, ecological and other factors must provide the high competitiveness of products and due place her on the markets of food.

In the process of reformation of agrarian sphere, priority direction sere not certain in relation to maintenance all turned out in the past and adaptation of him to the terms of market economy that resulted in considerable losses and destruction created earlier economic potential. At the sometime, wherein during realization of this work productive and social in restructures, technologies of production and skilled potential, we restored, the market methods of ménage are inculcated, the accrued forming develop successfully, provided them economy growing.

During restructuring of collective a agricultural enterprises in the legal organization structures of different patterns of ownership and manage with a next association them in associations, consortia and business concerns on the basis of cooperation of the landed and property shares there are directions of specialization in them kept, and during the selection of the ground up agrarian forming in independent subjects of manage with division between them earth and property there is a process of despecializations of production.

In the conditions of economy both large-scale and small-scale production can successfully function in an agrarian sphere. Presently the last prevails in a country, as a more than half of gross products of agriculture is produced in the personal peasant and farmer economies. However, not diminishing them to the role, food safety of the state however, the specialized enterprises of all patterns of ownership and ménage will decide with the rational pattern of production and high level of competitiveness.

Small-scale enterprises must be specialized, to unite, to cooperate and integrated both for horizontal sand for vertical lines. Cooperative motion must develop thus, first of all, through creation of attendant and productive cooperative stores forming of that requires development of the scientifically reasonable system of mutual relations of participants of cooperation, including to the management, marketing, mechanism of distribution of incomes. In a prospect priority directions of cooperation of agricultural commodity producers will be: rationalization of organization of production, storage and production distribution; building of lines and workshops of small-yield is from her processing; material and technical supply and technological service; creation of the cooperative forming of higher order -associations, holding, business concerns, consortia and other large whole sale victuallers and wholesale consumer of industrial products, that is produced for the necessities of village, that will function on internal, and external.

At determination straight of specialization of farms it is necessary to take into account not only local naturally-economic terms and their territorial placing but also traditions that was folded here, professional preparation and personal interest of family members in development of that or other industry, labor intensiveness sand production of goods volumes, provision of resources and domestic employment in an economy, possibility of storage and supply of products to the markets of sale. For successful work of this category of enterprises state support is needed from the selection of favorable credits on the security earth and property, realization of projects of development of farming with participation of foreign investors and programs of technical help. It is needed to work out the scientific systems of conduct of agriculture for separate naturally-economic zones with the ground of intensive technologies of growing of agricultural cultures on small areas and maintenance of small groups of animals, application of small technique; to practice providing go farmers material and technical resources on leasing basis; to set the minimum fixed prices on mine-out by them products; to promote the level of, their skilled and in formatively-consultative scientific service.

Directions of specialization of agricultural enterprises of the investigated zone will be determined by efficiency of the use of earth, productive potential, labor resources and volume of income got on this basis, but substantial changes must test zonal, district, inter governmental and economic specializations through creation of the strictly specialized districts and natural habitats of production of food grain, sugar beets, backache products, beef, pork and milk. Thus the cattle breeding it is expedient to combine with sugar beet, and pig breeding and poultry farming with a grain-growing production. It is important, that deepening of specialization and cooperation provided the rational natural use and guard of environment.

Taking into account, that Podillya belongs to the least muddy districts, it is expedient to deepen his specialization on a production ecologically of clean products. In the marked region it follows to erect application of mineral fertilizers and pesticides to the minimum. The fertility-improving of soil share can be attained on the basis of increase of the use of organic, bacterial and mitotic fertilizers, expansion of areas of leguminous plants and long-term herbages.

In a certain period it is expedient to develop the economies specialized on the production of milk with a population 800-1200 cows, meat of cattle with the concentration of animals on before growing and fattening 2,7-3 thousand chairmen and pork 3-8 thousand chair men and with specific gravity in commodity products on the comparable costs of milk according to 45-60 percents, beef - 55-70 and pork are 50-60 percents. In relation to grain crops, then most distribution agricultural enterprises that provide gross collection them with in the limits of 5-10 thousand tons and sugar beets -from 7 to 15 thousand tons must get. Thus part of grain in general commodity mass must present from 30 to 60, and sugar raw material – from45 to 60 percent.

On the basis of ground of possible production of agricultural goods volumes on the nearest and remote prospects, populations counted on a minimum and complete necessity in food stuffs, directions of specialization of agricultural enterprises of forest-steppe zone are worked out. In particular, there is a decline in the structure of commodity products of specific gravity of plant-grower industries and increase of stock-raising. Thus part of grain-crops will diminish in her, and milk and beef - will grow. Thus, it is possible to forecast, that in a prospect to the extent of increase of population of cows and sapling/pl of cattle and increase of their productivity the cattle breeding will take the leading place in general commodity mass, and direction of their specialization is transformed from grain the cattle breeding and sugar beets in a beet grain-growing-grower.

Among major factors that determine further development and deepening of specialization of agrarian production, there is a human capital. For this reason the decision of socio-economic problems of rural development, creation of necessary living and cultural conditions of life to the workers of village, realization of the program of revival of rural territories, increase of professional and qualifying levels of labor potential of agrarian sphere must be come a near-term task.

Deepening of specialization and concentrations of agricultural production needs taking into account of the state and prospects of development of international division of labor, aspiration of foreign economic activity of our country on including of her in to the world and European agrarian organizations, studies and inputs of experience of countries of Central and East Europe in relation to realization of agrarian reform with bringing in of foreign investors.

It is necessary to renew the study of problem of specialization and concentration of agricultural production in research establishments and higher educational establishments of Ukraine and work out corresponding recommendations in relation to wide introduction of the marked processes in the accrued economic structures, orienting them on the strictly specialized organization of production.

An agro industrial production it is impossible to show out of the crisis state with out clearly certain directions and stages of his development. Therefore at state level it is needed to work out and carryout implementation of the National program of his revival and related to him other industries of national economy, that must define the integral system of the measures, sent to stabilizing of agrarian sphere, proceeding in the production volumes attained in 80th and only after it, are strategic tasks of remote prospect.

The economic form of division of labor is specialization. Division of labor, that comes true between enterprises and industries, sometimes it is very difficult to take into account. There are unforeseen disproportions between the links of the specialized production. In one enterprises and regions there are surpluses of the specialized products that creates the problem of their realization, and the sharp lack of stuff details and knots is tested in other that restrains development of production.

Specialization of agricultural production is organically connected with his placing. They are the forms of public division of labor and are in permanent inter communication. Placing characterizes the quantitative side of public division of labor and specifies, what types of products, in what size and on what areas produced on that or other territory(in area of, district).

Specialization removes the quality side of public division of labor and specifies, the production of which one types of products prevails on this territory. It is an effective for more organization of agriculture that gives an opportunity to concentrate the production of certain types of products of step separate territories and enterprises and to get, due to it, the best results of economic activity.

Among determinations of specialization and her forms most successful from our point of views such: specialization is prevailing development of one or a few industries in the production of commodity goods in separate enterprises, districts, areas, regions. Specialization is a process appropriate, much plan that depending on natural, economic and organizational factors developed in different directions, as a result there were her different forms that represent that or other feature of her use.

Economic efficiency of the specialized enterprises is condition by that she assists application of new technique, front-rank technological processes, most perfect methods of organization of production, the best use of equipment, forming of the state of highly skilled workers.

Economic efficiency of specialization of production can be defined by comparison of indexes of labor intensiveness and prime price of the wares made on the specialized and un specialized enterprises.

In connection with it determination of optimal size of enterprise as bases becomes substantial problem forest abolishment of level of his specialization.

Thus, specialization is the form of public division of labor. Moreover, specialization is an effective form of organization of agriculture that gives an opportunity to concentrate the production of certain types of products on separate territories and enterprises.

Specialization of agriculture is a difficult process that develops in various forms. Depending on an object to specialization, distinguish such her three forms:

1) Territorial specialization – prevailing production of those or other types of agricultural produce is on certain territory.

2) Specializations of agrarian enterprises are a prevailing production in them of corresponding type of products, for that are the most favorable naturally economic terms.

3) Inwardly economic specialization is further development of specialization of enterprise by the separation of productions and separate types of products or him the technological stages on separate inwardly economic subdivisions - brigades, farms, detachments, links, cooperative stores.

On technological principle, the productions of goods distinguish branch and in warily branch specialization.

4) Branch specialization is such specialization at that certain industry functions in an enterprise on principle of there served cycle of production.

Inwardly branch specialization means separated of production within the limits of the same industry.

All forms of specialization closely constrained inter an dare in permanent development. Further development of specialization of agricultural production, translation of him on industrial basis is one of major ways of acceleration of rates of his intensification. To it the achievements of pig breeding economies, poultry factories, economies testify from fattening of cattle et al, productive activity of that is sent to repressing development of main industry.

The result of deepening of specialization is development of different forms of cooperation and integration. In practice of agricultural production in a modern period, it is possible to distinguish three types of integration: horizontal, vertical and mixed.

Horizontal integration is characterize by combining effort of agricultural enterprises for the joint production of certain goods or implementation of works of one having a special purpose setting (travelling building, land-reclamation of earth and other)

Vertical integration consists in combining effort of economies and enterprises of different industries for realization to circulation of commodity products, which unites her production, purveyance, transporting, industrial processing and realization.

The mixed integration appears in the association of enterprises of different industries, between that there is not technical and technological connection from a production and realization of products(production of building materials in agricultural enterprises, creation of auxiliary enterprises from the production of agricultural goods in composition industrial enterprises or associations).

Horizontal integration comes true within the limits of industry of agriculture and that is why branch character has inwardly; the vertical and mixed decide the question of inter-branch character. The example of horizontal integration is creation between economic enterprises and associations (from the production of goods of stock-raising, plant-grower and other); vertical is organization of the different agro industrial forming (agro industrial combines, agrarian firms, agro industrial associations and others like that).

Naturalandclimatic,economic,biologicalfactorsinfluenceonplacingandspecializationofagriculturalproduction. One of major there is a natural and climatic factor. The types of soils, temperature condition, amount of precipitations, more substantial in all influence on placing of agricultural cultures and specialization of production.

Before deepening of specialization of enterprises, a competition induces between agricultural commodity producers that considerably increases in the conditions of the market saturated by food. In the end, every enterprise is concentrated on the production of those types of products that are competitive and provide him economic existence as a legal entity.

The important factor of placing and specialization is a presence of markets of agricultural production distribution. It is advantageous to increase the production of those types of products; there is permanent demand on that, enterprises. Moreover, vice versa, frequent problems with the sale of certain types of products result in abandonment of enterprises from their production.

Provision of labor resources, their qualification quite often influences as a restrictive factor for development of certain industries of agricultural production, and first those that are labor intensive at the present level of mechanization of productive processes. In the conditions of Ukraine a vegetable-growing, watermelon, flax cultivation, gardening, production of sugar beets, belong to such industries.

Specialization of agricultural enterprises is determined taking into account the scientifically reasonable placing of agriculture on territory of country. At establishment to specialization of economies, consider first by implementation of contractual obligations on the sale of agricultural foods. On specialization of production, the complex of economic and natural factors influences in agricultural enterprises. Among them one of basic there are demand and standard of prices on an agricultural produce, that can considerably stimulate the production of those or other types of products or restrain expansion of certain industries.

Development and placing of industry belong to the economic factors to specialization. From one side, the increase of cities, development of industrial centers, require the increase of production of agricultural goods, and from the second – scientific and technical progress strengthens the material and technical base of agricultural production.

It is therefore necessary to provide the high rates of development of industry, especially industries, which supply to agriculture a technique, electric power, chemistry, assist further intensification of production in agricultural enterprises and others like that. The increase of producing of tractors, combines, cars, different agricultural machines assists the increase of level fund of equipped of economies.

The important factor of perfection of specialization of agricultural production is development of his mechanization and electrification that assists creation of highly mechanized and electrified enterprises, farms and complexes.

The economic factor of specialization of agriculture is also his chemistry. Fertilizer of soils and use of facilities of defense of plants - the constituents of the scientifically reasonable system of agriculture, deepening of specialization of agricultural production and increase of his efficiency are important.

For specialization of agricultural production a large value is had transport, transport terms. Without a transport, it is impossible to decide the question of placing of products, change in specialization, delivery of products from other districts and other. If production of certain type of products cost together with charges on delivery in this district higher from charges on the production of her in other district, then better not to leave her, but produce in place.

The important factor of specialization of agricultural production is material well-being of him by labor resources. It touches those types of products, the production of that yetis mechanized not enough, but the expenses of direct labor on unit of products are large.

An important role development of specialization is play by natural factors, in particular, quality of soils, amount of precipitations, temperature condition and others like that. In practice of agricultural production there are difficult cooperation and inter conditionality of economic and natural factors that affect his specialization. Through large territory of Ukraine, variety of economic and ground-climatic terms the differentiated going is needed near specialization of production in separate zones, districts and agricultural enterprises.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 197 | Нарушение авторских прав

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